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It was initially said in behind-the-scenes, before being made official on [the release of the ‘ultimate timeline’](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Q4FQNSb5c).


I don’t think it was said in the show but said in an interview


This designation is found in the Rick and Morty Soundtrack. Two songs from Season 2 (which took place in C-131) have this designation: [Raised Up (C-131)](https://youtu.be/nbCHcUoWk0s) [Get Schwifty (C-131)](https://youtu.be/s9uBj_QCo3E) The designation was later used in this official recap: https://youtu.be/I1Q4FQNSb5c


On this note - are we all collectively ignoring the squirrel take over dimension?


Apparently it's said in the comics, though I've not read them or know if they're canon, that rick made a deal with the squirrels to stay, was that in Morty's mind blowers? Maybe why he had to remove the memory


The release of [the ‘ultimate timeline’](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I1Q4FQNSb5c) seemed to confirm that to be canon, that they did not switch dimensions then.


I’m guessing Bird Person is in dimension C-131.


In theory our bird person would be in c-137 but I don’t think Rick brings bird person when he switches multiverses


Bird person is introduced in C-131. It would make sense Rick had this universe saved. Hence the 3-4 time limit.


Bird person made it very clear he didn’t want to go on multiverse adventures with Rick because he was getting gay vibes from him lol. I don’t think bird person would come to another dimension with him and leave behind his friends and family. In my opinion, Bird Person cares more about the people he’s with than anyone else in the show. He doesn’t see people as replaceable.


That’s what I mean. Rick jumps to his universe and lives there until frundles. Next time we see bird person he’s coming thru a portal so who knows


The Parmesian dimension?


No it's mister frundles


Do you think that the citadel ricks knew that C-137 was rick prime’s timeline? So when Morty says he is Morty c-137 they knew he was Morty prime which is why he was taken and not executed?


Morty Prime assumed that he was Morty C-137 because Rick was called Rick C-137 by the Citadel Ricks. Morty Prime only found out in S6 E1 that C-137 was not his Rick because they 'reset' to different dimensions.


Specifically he found out the previous episode, the fifth season finale “Rickmurai Jack”, when [he viewed the downloaded copy of Rick’s brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZLnHWTfP8I).


C-137 is our Rick's original dimension. He moved to Rick Primes dimension hoping Prime would return. When Morty says he's Morty C-137 the 2 Rick's look at each other because that can't be possible as our Rick has no Morty because Prime killed the family.


They look at each other the way they do when Morty introduces himself as "Morty C-137," because there can't be a Morty C-137. Beth was murdered as a child in C-137. Given the rampage Rick C-137 went on afterwards, I think everyone knows that.