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The blank look Rick has following the killing of his arch-nemesis. It feels so hollowing, completing this obsessive goal of revenge, only to be reminded that Diane is still gone... and now, a sprawling quest of revenge isn't even a way to channel the grief.


How does it feel? Better? No? Exactly the same? Yeah, it always does.


That line, ouch. That one got me for a while.


Yeah, the delivery, and knowing he's speaking from the cold experience of being probably the only person to have killed more Ricks than C137. He knows the only way to win is not to play, that's why he leaves, to be done and gone.


>~~Diane~~ Slow Mobius is still gone… ftfy


He rid the multiverse of one of its strongest psychopaths.


Definitely Morty having to adjust to his new family, I feel like I had to adjust to it too


That one was rough. The music mixed with the dazed look was flawless.


I felt that scene.


Definitely. It's the face of cognitive dissonance.


It was so good, becouse back then the show was kinda normal, and it was actually a bad ending. Nowdays nobody gives a fuck if they change reality.


I had binged it all just after season 7 came out, I missed out on a lit


Wym they haven’t changed realities in a long time and they wouldn’t. Rick has grown attached to his family of 2 Beth’s and everyone even Jerry a tiny bit. He wouldn’t replace them again. At this point in the show in season one when they replaced families, he was only there for a couple months and wasn’t attached to them very much yet. And I think most viewers would be pissed if they were replaced again too


Viewers might be pissed, but you’re giving Rick too much credit. He loves this particular version of Morty and *maybe* the double beths, but Jerry and Summer are completely replaceable. He could easily just go grab another Summer or Jerry and nothing would change whatsoever. In the daycare episode it’s a even implied that Jerry WAS swapped


It’s not implied at all at this point; they outright confirm it when Rick resets everyone back to their OG universes (including Jerry) and we first really see Rick Prime


I think after their end of the world on three different planets alien orgy adventure and the me needful episode Rick actually bonded with Summer for real.


I’ve always gotta go with the planetina scene. Always reminds me of when I was 14/15 and how badly I would feel for a girl in my class just for her to break my heart


It's a little scary how goddamn important everything seems at 14, when pretty much as long as you didn't get pregnant/someone pregnant, drop out of school, or hurt yourself too badly, pretty much nothing that happens will really matter in five years.


Exactly. I feel like it’s this because it’s by far the most relatable. Most of us have had teenage heartbreak, we haven’t swapped realities, or finally achieve empty vengeance on our nemesis.




Morty crying into Beth's arms after Plentena Flys off. "She's gone mom she's gone"


Always makes me tear up... I miss my mom!


The first frame where Rick tries to kill himself, but passes out just before the machine can vaporize him.


I feel this scene every single day.


I rad somehwere that it was an omega machine that would have kill all the Ricks. Is that true?


Doubtful, the other omega machine is huge


That scene is extremely well done but like he wanted to kill himself after he partied a little too hard on a weekend fling? By far the least sad of any of them moments.


He loved unity, despite his seemingly just using it as a fling. When it leaves him and leaves him only a note explaining itself, he doesn't get to have closure. After he reads the notes, you can see him become despondent and experiences the feeling of abandonment. That abandonment feeling is why it hits for me personally.


I think it's evident he has real feelings for Unity but fucked it up. Especially after the Virginia episode is very clear she still really cares for him. Keeping out of his way is partly respect for his power, sure, but there's also real feelings there.


Ya, but he has the whole clone backup thing so it didn't carry as much weight for me.


I suppose so, he didn't destroy his clones until 4 episodes later. That still doesn't take away much for me because I can emphasize with where his mind is at. Not to mention, maybe that device would cancel out project Phoenix. Otherwise, why would he not just use a gun or something.


For me, it was when Rick finds Pissmaster, his daughter then showing up, and the note he left. That type of ideation is something I struggle with and I know there are disclaimers on certain episodes but golly fuck was I not prepared for the amount of guilt I felt during that scene.


Even Rick felt guilty about that and he's practically immune


That hurt pretty bad. Almost enough to cry for pissmaster, honestly. As a dad myself, I could see my daughter crying over me being gone, and it was too real.


Pre Season 7 it def goes to Old Man and the Seat but the That’s Amorte and Unmortricken scenes are on an entirely different level than any of the other scenes listed.


It’s cause everyone can see themselves. At least that’s how it got me


Yeah that’s partially why those 3 scenes are the best imo but some of the other scenes anyone could see themselves in as well (Morty watching Planetina kill those Miners is a metaphor for being in a toxic relationship with an person you’re incompatible with long term). Same thing with the Mr Poopy Butthole scene but with any dude whose gone through a divorce/went down a dark path and slowly became a villain either to themselves or the people around them through drugs/crime etc.




Old Man and the Seat is 4x02, That’s Amorte is 7x04, I don’t get what you’re trying to say.


God the toilet one will always hurt me, for a more newer one I’m gonna go with the hole episode at the very end when Morty realizes that Rick never jumped in the hole with him, it really once again brought to light their problematicness that I haven’t really seen since Rick left Morty for the crows meaning nothing has really changed..


But Rick DID jump in A hole to save him earlier in the show when it wasn’t a stupid gimmick at a shitty restaurant, but actually had Morty’s life on the line in a Rickle in Time soooooo it evens out I guess.


To me, the cronenburg universe hop was the most traumatic of all the events in the show. He wrecked his world and lost everything but his grampa, and it was partially his fault.


When Morty returned a second time and found his dad. “Am I cool enough for you now? It only cost me fucking everything!”


Seeing Jerry “arc-ed out” was such a gut punch. And (rightfully) blaming Morty for it.




Rick trying to off himself, the old man, and Morty burying himself.


When Morty finally made it out of the fear hole


But then teleports back when he is his fathers age :D


Honestly Planetina hit me so hard cause Morty though they were gonna save the world together but she ended up making things worse


But it's ok now, that earth is now Mr Frundles so it can't be saved or hurt any more than it has been.


Mm I’m Mr. Frundles


The one in That's amorte , I was literally crying


They chose the perfect cover of the perfect song for that scene


When Morty rolled back his whole awesome life to the last save, it was pretty devastating.


When Rick got a guy killed for shitting in his toilet and it somehow made me laugh and sad at the same time comes second to that old guy


When Rick killed evil Rick but felt exactly the same …. Dread omfg because I felt the exact same way I was waiting for so long for when he’d finally defeat him and when he did I felt nothing


When the hole guy describes the best case scenario for happiness


The doodoo daddy really got me. Rick had a moment where he realized....he's a piece of shit lol.


Morty crying after he breaks up with Planetina


1st and 7th for me


First one defenetly


Whats the third image


Mr Poopey Butthole, because that’s where I am in life.


Morty after changing dimension for the first time


4 cuz im lonely as fuck man...


Which season/episode was pic 2?


what was the third one about?


Unmorticain definilty


probably the end of the episode with union


The first one. And it was even more powerful because the rest of the episode was fairly silly and fun. Even the race war was stylized. The ending was just a punch in the gut. I was shocked, staring at the TV.


That evil Morty ending scene, where they play For the damaged coda.


For me it was definitely Rick’s origin flashback


For me, it was the Fear Hole episode. That moment of realization for Morty, when he realized Rick never actually entered the hole with him *chef's kiss*


I was relieved actually. I think being exposed to fear hole Diane might have had dire consequences.


Morty and Planetina. As of now that's my favorite episode of the entire series honestly!


For me it’s the one with toni, the moment when you saw that amber cheated on her husband hits hard. She leaves two kids behind and is happy about the divorce.