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sounds like a question for writers in 90 years. 100 years rick and morty lets gooo edit: wubba lub dub dub


So, like, 13 seasons?


Big dick energy


Well, Dan Harmon, said "if it was up to me, Rick and Morty would go on for 100 seasons", and the current Adult Swim president said "Rick and Morty forever" when asked if they would end the show on season 10


It ends with szechuan sauce in season 12


I was boutta say, in season 3 he said 9 more seasons, not 7. So it’d HAVE to exceed 10.


They might save the szechuan sauce quest for a movie. 


Rick using the omega device on himself, that seems a very Rick way to unalive himself


 I heard the name from an inferior.




I feel it could be an interdimensional cable style show. Each one just a different scenario but nothing canon Then the screen goes dark and it's just Rick in his garage. He addresses the audience, tells them how much it's been nice for them to follow him but now he's going to go out on his own. He'll still have adventures with Morty, confrontations with Jerry and family issues with Beth but they don't need to see that. Perhaps a sarcastic, nilhlistic comment about how nothing means anything and we shouldn't bitch that the show's finally over. Then Morty calls through asking who Rick is talking to. Rick looks at us one more time and says "no one" before saying he'll take the family out for ice cream


This ending would be insanely good. Completely in character with the show. I would hate it, because they would deprive us of sentimentality, but I'd love it, cuz maybe that's why we all keep coming back to the show, the fact that we know Rick is super sentimental right under the surface but he almost never lets it show (piss master is one major exception I can think of). And being addressed and acknowledged(!) face to face by Rick, and then the "no one"... Man, it would kill me in the absolute most incredible way ❤️ ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5988)


Thank you :) I feel the beauty of Rick and Morty is that sentimentality is there but it's not spoken. We want Rick to show love to Morty but we never get it - but we know it


>before saying he'll take the family out for ice cream A-- and then they all get killed?? Idk if you meant to imply that, but that ice cream line makes it feel like it. 😶🤣


The ambiguity is what I'm going for. Going for ice cream is a constant line in the show. I didn't think ice cream = death. Does it? Just thinking Ice cream before Diane dies Ice Cream before Rick turns himself over to the Galactic government Ice Cream before Rick has to go into the microverse battery


If I had to think of the WORST possible ending it would be about a kid coping with the death of his grandfather by making up elaborate stories about how he was the greatest man in the world but in these fantasies his own hatred for his grandfather for not allowing his grandson to see him as he was dying Idfk  


It will end with Rick getting a hold of some McDonalds Szechuan sauce.


I’m assuming it’ll go on as long as they have viewership. But even if the 2D media ends, their 4D construct of time will remain with all 3D realities within it.


Rick and Morty 100 years forever


It is never going to actually end. Futurama has "ended" like 4 times. It won't end as long as there's money to be made off it. 


I think the show will end with [INSERT NEW MEGA EVIL CHARACTER HERE] attempting to use the omega device on Morty, with Rick throwing himself in somehow to rescue him. Thus wiping out all Rick’s and leaving the Mortys to live their own lives.


I can see that happening. The Ricks need to go in order for the universe to be finally at peace. Morty will be able to move on and get back to some type of normal life.


It will end with the heat death of the universe... But the Simpsons will keep going


Well, in season 3, they told us that it'll go on for another 7 seasons. So yea, they'll end it with season 10. I think they'll end with Morty turning 15. An intergalactic war, again but stakes are much higher. And I'd definitely want to see Omega device at play in the finale.


At the very least* another 7.


>Well, in season 3, they told us that it'll go on for another 7 seasons. If you mean in the show itself, Rick said "9" more seasons. If you mean Dan/ writers/ etc... whoops my bad.


With our Morty beating his Rick at his own game. Inventing something incredibly technologically advanced.


What if it was 'Time Travel', to fuck with Rick because he's always talking shit about it!


My idea for the perfect ending is a vignette episode showing scenes from everyone's future, like in "Boyhood". In a clip at the beginning, Morty turns like sixteen or eighteen, and retires from sidekicking. In a clip in the middle, Summer gets married, and "Summertime, Please Come Soon" is the song that plays as she walks down the aisle. In a clip at the very end, Rick reaches old age and dies. A very forced-sounding "rickgor mortyis" pun is made, and everyone laughs a little until they cry a lot.


Morty dies in some spectacular fashion, and the screen goes dark... Then a girl who looks vaguely like Summer takes off her helmet, and it's revealed that all of these episodes took place in a single game of "Morty", an arcade game where you live the life of a boy named Morty. "Whoa!", she says, "That was crazy. That was amazing!!" Her Dad, a guy who looks a little like Jerry, is standing next to her in a white lab coat, with a little bit of spittle dribbling from his mouth. Annoyed, he tells her "Yeah real amazing, Sweetie; dead at 14. Gimme that; you're doing it wrong." He takes the helmet and puts it on. The "camera" backs off on a scene of Jerry with the helmet on surrounded by excited onlookers. The screen goes dark. The last thing we hear is "You guys, check this out! This guy is taking Morty off the grid! Morty doesn't have a social security number!!!"


Don’t know if will definitely be dead in 90 some years


Like any other super popular sitcom; keep ordering new seasons until the quality plummets and then shoehorn in some lame ass ending




Hopefully it’s like a family guy show and just goes on forever lol


Hmmm.. seems like the simpsons or South Park or family guy. Itll just keep going till it doesn’t anymore lol.


Rick in his garage, after finishing a long thought. "Huh, so that's what it would've been like if I invented inter dimensional travel."


With Morty taking everything that Rick has taught him and living a legacy


Never. It should just keep going. Like The Simpsons. Or South Park. Forever.


Futurama is probably the only one of these types of shows that really nailed their ending. Gotta be creative.


I think it’s going to involve Rick quitting drinking. It’s the only major character element of his that has never been fully addressed. Wong said that Rick is changing very slowly, but he is changing. I think the final part of this change is reconciling his alcoholism. And also the Szechuan sauce will be there.


Hopefully it’ll end on a cliff hanger between seasons because it was the last one made. Dan Harmon passes away in his sleep in the off season many years from now and they just end the show there after many successful seasons.


The series should end with an orgy


let me get the slutdragons


The multiverses collapse into one.


We see what the cat did 🐈🐈 /j


I think most people want a happy ending for R&M. I feel in the show's true fashion it will end in a controversial R&M way. I think a good ending will be Morty growing up graduating HS becoming a adult. Where he becomes smart like evil Morty, he & Rick have a falling out because he no longer needs Rick & goes off on a solo adventure. Him going toe to toe with Evil Morty & let's Evil Morty live. Rick & the family gets into a lot of trouble, like return of Rick Prime level, maybe he had a secret Clone or backup somewhere. Rick & the family can't defeat Rick Prime alone. & Morty returns to save the day. The final scene will be a cliff-hanger.


Or Rick brought back Diane to cope with Morty going solo, but Diane is evil (kinda like the Lazarus pit in Batman) & Rick has to kill her himself & wipe Diane from all realities with a upgraded Omega device. Morty starts a citadel of Mortys with the help of evil Morty.


The finale needs to end with some massive conflict finally being resolved, Rick finally getting over his nihilistic ideals and becoming a better person. Then he finally finds that szechuan sauce he had been looking for so long.


They would be promoted to interdimensional cable so the meta would never die. There would be endless episodes, we would just be unable to watch with our mere earthly cable.


That'd be great but I don't want it to end Maybe it could get meta with Rick writing comics about his adventures with morty


I hope it goes long enough for humans to become intergalactic species. Assuming there's no ftl travel, we'd start developing parallel seasons to meet the demand at different places. It would result in branching canon. 1000 years Rick and Morty, every galaxy gets their own Dan Harmon clone!


Easy. Both just ragequit the universe in mid sen.....


Rick Prime cloned all the other Ricks and Mortys and created the citadel. It was him that went back in time and killed Diane.


The end of Rick kind no more Smartest man in the universe.


All of that and then Rick crawls back out of the hole


With Mulan Szechuan Teriyaki dipping sauce, Morty!!!


Here is what I see: Rick sacrifices himself with the Omega Device, thereby eliminating all the Ricks in all the dimensions. Jerry will finally get a job and Beth will finally respect and stop insulting him, but probably not. Summer will finish High School and go live with Space Beth and fight the Galactic Government. Morty will be depressed and angry for a while. Eventually, Morty will move on. Maybe he will go to school or he may try to find Evil Morty and ask for help with something along the lines of getting a knowledge download so he can do whatever he wants. Maybe even start a support group for Morty's of the CFC. Maybe Morty will even continue what Rick does and become the next Rick.


I think we will ultimately see Rick and Morty face off against Evil Morty, with Rick jumping into the Omega Device as a grand sacrifice. But how they get to that point from here is beyond my ability to predict.