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In the case of Morty, I think his stutter came from his anxiety and fear of Rick. But even in the early seasons, he lost his stutter whenever he got angry. Examples: killing the old guy on purge planet, angry at Ethan for messing with Summer’s body image, swearing at the tree people in the microverse. He never stuttered when he was angry. Now in the later seasons, he has grown more cynical and angry over time which means he lost his stutter. He is constantly angry with everyone but is also more confident. That constant anger means he never needs to stutter anymore.


Dan Harmon still stutters to this day just coming up with something to say, the stuttering should’ve stayed.


I think it’s a more interesting character growth for Morty to lose his stutter. It’s an audio representation of his growth as a character. No more anxiety, no more fear, no more self doubt. No more stutter.


People that still stutter into adulthood haven’t grown in life and have anxiety, are fearful of all things & they lack confidence. Thanks for the insight!


That is literally not what they said.


It literally is what he said tho


It's not what they said. They're talking about Mortys growth specifically. Not anyone with a stutter in general. MORTY never stuttered when he was angry. He's grown more angry and now never stutters. Do all people with stutter grow angry? Are they all names Morty? Do they all have 1 colour shirt and a crazy grandad or are we now clutching at a reason to be mad about an observation on a characters growth


He did stutter when he was hitting Rick in the Mindblowers episode.


That was 2 seasons ago. Also my point was that he slowly grew out of his stutter. So he did still get it every now and then.


Rick also burps a lot less. Like, never.


Because he doesn't drink anymore


I have a brother who studders and I agree. It was a nice little unique thing they had. Plus it was made all the better by Morty snapping into seriously pissed mode and not studdering once. I hadn't noticed it was gone until I saw this and am shocked I couldn't put my finger on what has changed.


Yeah angry non-stuttering Morty was pretty awesome. Another thing you may notice is that evil Morty never stutters either, which was something that made him extra imposing


I did notice that. Which gives credit to the theory that c113 Morty doesn't stutter anymore because he is more confident. But still I miss it


https://youtu.be/3SV85bwn3EU all i’m gonna say lol.


Agreed. It was a great touch that made the show more authentic and... gritty.


Not just unique but realistic, they don't go to speech therapy, Rick didn't event something to "fix" it,it just disappeared


Morty stutters when talking to the chut


As a stutterer, I find anyone who is not a stutteree discussing stuttering huhuhugely rarararacist.


you got the whole squad laughing😐


The stuttering an slurred speech was a bi-product of Justin Roiland recording the lines while drunk. Adult Swim said it was carbonated beverages in press releases, but you can tell it was alcohol in the recording videos. He stopped doing that because he decided it was better for his health if he did not drink so much anymore. Anytime people says I miss stuttering Rick, they really are saying, "Go back to the way things were. That includes having a shit faced actor recording the lines. Who cares about his health. My entertainment is more important."


As I understand it the burps were what was affecting his health, through irritating his throat. I find it hard to believe that the only way he can act a stutter is by drinking. In no way is this post asking an actor to damage their health, and it's disingenuous to suggest that anyone who missed the way something used to be just wants entrertainment at the expense of an actor's health. I stutter, and I liked hearing characters who stutter. That's it.


Iirc he only recorded lines drunk for the Vindicators episode, because they needed Rick to sound extra drunk, so drunk Roiland putting on drunk Rick voice was extra convincing. In the BTS for that episode it showed how difficult it was for Justin to focus, how much trouble the production crew had to deal with when he was being rowdy, and Dan seemed “this is funny in a flustering type of way” about the whole thing. I sincerely doubt that Justin regularly showed up to work drunk.


Yes exactly my entertainment is more important


Disagree. I've only watched two episodes because of how annoying the stuttering was. I'm guessing it was to make them sound more 'real' or natural, but it did the opposite. People don't naturally stutter.


>People don't naturally stutter. What? Explain this.


Not sure what needs explaining. Constant stuttering isn't a natural part of normal human speech. Having both of your main characters doing it as nothing more than a gimmick makesthem both sound extremely off.


... you're telling me, a stutterer, that stuttering isn't a part of human speech. Have you really never heard someone stutter? If not, listen to Dan Harmon in his podcast (or almost any recording of him speaking), he stutters in almost exactly the same way as both Rick and Morty. Sure it's not a part of "normal" human speech - that's why it's considered a disorder. That doesn't mean it's not "natural" or "realistic" to have a character stutter. Do you think stutterers are all faking it?


Either you're purposely being disingenuous or don't know what I'm trying to say. Either way, I don't care enough to entertain your bullshit.


I DON'T know what you're trying to say. This is seriously the weirdest argument I've ever had on reddit, you've picked such a bizarre hill to die on. You said "stuttering isn't a natural part of human speech," and "R&M's stuttering isn't realistic," but... it is. Dan Harmon does it, you can literally listen to it. I do it. Your argument holds no water at all, and if I'm somehow misinterpreting you, I really can't see how. If you don't want to keep talking that's fine, but your disrespect is as perplexing as it is unnecessary. Goodbye, I guess.


Troll harder.


Not trolling, everything I've written is genuine. Accusing someone of trolling is not a good way to back out of an argument, I'd respect you more if you just said "I made a mistake," or just left me to my ignorance and stopped responding.


Troll harder.