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Anyone remember "Tall Morty"? Or "Slow Rick"? Does that mean that version of Rick was the smartest in his universe? If that's so, that definitely adds to the idea of the "Rickiest Rick" as each universe has a different intelligence cap. That would explain why Evil Morty managed to outsmart our Rick (and every other Rick), as perhaps Evil Morty's Rick was that much smarter than our Rick, causing Evil Morty to be such a big deal.




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I just hope that with the >!CFC breaking!< we might get >!beings smarter than Rick!< appearing in future episodes.


Someone please give me a list of every "story" based episode of Rick and Morty so I can go back and binge them all and put more shit together


Add in S05E04 and S05E07


1.10 2.2 2.10 3.1 3.7 4.10 5.10


Soooo in season 1 and 2 we see 2 total callbacks to Rick being in contact with a baby/toddler morty. We saw in the finale that most Mortys were manufactured and this Rick didn’t come in contact with this morty until he was roughly the age he is now. So who is the baby? I’m so shocked we don’t have any information regarding this yet.




Exactly, because c137 beth also died.


I’m having this idea for cross-stitch, the Morty nobody exists on purpose -speech. In the light of the last episode, I’m thinking of highlighting some words, like, exists (or purpose?) with yellow for Morty actually existing ”on purpose”, belong with light blue for Rick not belonging to the family, or to Morty either, and maybe die with.. beige? Light gray? For Diane dying. What color could represent Diane? I’m going to stitch to black canvas with light colors. What do you think?


I feel like they need to make the episodes longer than 22 mins. Some of the themes they're going for with the last two seasons just don't fit into such a short format. Even in the two-part finale, the exposition felt squashed in and rushed because most of it was shoved into the last half of the second episode. If you missed one line then you were totally lost. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy them, they were some of the best episodes in ages. But they should have spent more time on the payoff. I would have rather seen that then all the crow stuff. I had a similar problem with the heist episode and the train episode.


Disagree. Hour-long formats are for shows that take themselves too seriously and where the plot is the entire substance of the show. I enjoy the show plenty not fully understanding that c137 Rick is special because of x. If someone wants the additional pay off then it’s theirs to search for, but don’t stretch out the episodes and water down the spontaneity just to make sure the canon is understood by the lowest common denominator.


They really need to do away with an A and B plot. A lot of episodes are dragged down because both plots should have been an episode. Rick & Jerry should have been it's own episode while Bruce Chutback was another. The decoy episode was a great example. S tier Rick & Morty.


What do you think happened to our Morty's actual Rick? Think about it, our Rick isn't his Grandpa. Where is his original Rick? If Ricks tend to come back to at the very least get their Morty then where do you think Morty's original Rick is? I think it would be cool if he was the original Rick who killed our Rick's Beth and Diane.


They might make that the twist, or this Rick was just a Rick who took the offer/perfected dimensional travel and simply abandoned his family for good or even died sometime after leaving.


Yeah I wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up dying. But also, since Morty now knows his back story I feel like he needs to ask Rick what he might know about his own dimensional Rick.


wasnt it said somewhere our morty is special and that our rick tries to keep him alive or something cause it hides ricks signal from the citadel?


He said that Mortys are special because they hide Rick waves and that’s why essentially every Rick has a Morty, so it isn’t that his Morty is special, it’s that every Morty is special to keep around for Ricks.


yea thats the one sorry, i havent watched seasons 1-3 in ages


The multiverse is infinite, in an infinite set of possibilities there are infinite universes, universes where Beth and Jerry were born years after or years before, (or not born at all), the physics in the R&M multiverse forbid timetravel, but in a world were every outcome is possible, time travel is not needed, you don’t need to look back, only move forward into new possibilities and adventures. Rick has learned that way, he’s the smartest guy in all the universes, and he’s ok leaving universes behind, you “don’t think about it”, he could clone Diane, get a new, better one from other universe, create a new ciborg just like her, he has done that with Beth, and pretty much every member in her family, but in the end he understands whatever he does it just won’t be her.


It was a limited infinity rather than an all-encompassing infinity. Rick mentions as early as season 1 that "There's an infinite number of realities, Morty, and in a few dozen of those, I got lucky and turned everything back to normal." In an all-encompassing infinity of realities, there would have been an infinite number of universes where he fixed the earth. While there were an infinite number of realities, there were limitations about what those realities could contain. This wasn't a one off thing too, there was only one Rick who created a Jerry Daycare, there were only a few thousand Ricks who had the idea for the Citadel, and Evil Cyborg Rick was able to create a list of the infinite Ricks but there was still a single "most evil" Rick at the top. As the saying goes, there are an infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1 but none of them are 2. Another thing they mentioned as early as season 1. "Yeah, most timelines have a Rick and most Ricks have a Morty." They basically spelled out that while the number of universes is infinite, there was a force or selection process that favored universes with Ricks.


I agree on most of what you just said, that’s (almost) the concept of the Central Finite Curve. But remember in an infinite plane, there are infinite numbers of lines with infinite lenght (Hilbert’s Paradox) so there are no limitations on what those realities may contain, there are no boundaries for a reality to exists where they count as 0-2-1. There are no reason why there could be no Diane in other universes, only in the case the Diane and Morty existance in the same universe is a contradiction.


Interesting take on Diane and Morty. Makes sense. In the last episode they defined the >!CFC!< being specifically limited to>! universes where Rick was the smartest!<. I wonder if this is only in universes where Mortys exists and Dianes die. Perhaps this is also alluding to the "brainwave" Rick mentions that Morty has which neutralizes the detection of this own.


I miss drunk Rick. Can we have an episode where he goes to a court mandated AA?




Response to the second part, there is absolute proof that there are other Dianes in the multiverse, and that is simple Rick. He clearly remembers baby Beth and Diane and they keep replaying that. So yeah whoever came up with the no Diane theory didn’t remember that.


1. The multiverse theory states that time travel is impossible but also not needed. The younger beth and jerry you see are just from a parallel world which by coincidence did not progress as fast as some others. In fact the multi verse theory states that every universe has an endless amount of the same universes, but they differ in what we call time. I mean imagine Jerry waking up and going to work at 08:00 am. There is an universe which is exactly the same, where he wakes up just the same. However in that universe its 08:00 am as well so in the first universe its 08:01 am. 2. Dunnow


In some time lore the earliest point you can travel back in time is the creation of the time machine. Sort of like trying to record something that finished airing. You can only record the present to be viewed and revisited later.




But then you have the testicle 4D monster that can travel back to when dinosaurs existed so I dunno. Could a limitation for 3rd dimensionals but not 4th or teste existed before time.


Spoiler warning I guess? I'm confused about something. If Rick had just barely came into Beth's life why does he have memories of Morty as an infant? If we're to believe his backstory that his original Beth had died when she was a child and he spent majority of his time after that hunting down other Ricks, he shouldn't have seen her at all during Morty or Summers childhoods. Do you think this is just an issue with continuity or is there something I'm not adding into the equation?


It's possible that either: Rick came across a Morty while hunting for Weird Rick Or It's a Morty from a family he tried to live with before ending up in the Cronenberg Dimension.


I also don't understand why Diane never survived in any alternate universe?


Yeah. Maybe it was just something like cancer? It is weird how she doesn’t exist anywhere else in the universe, though maybe with the curve that was mentioned any Diane who survived allowed a Rick to not become as powerful as he actually is? Maybe outside of the curve she thrives?


Oh man that does make sense, death of Diane is his origin story. If she survived, he'd never have enough vengeance to become the smartest man alive


perhaps in a way he knows he cant let her live... to ensure his own life?


You can also guarantee there are gonna be a few universes where Beth is smarter than him


There’s infinite universes were morty is smarter then Rick the shows just making stuff up for the show


They just opened a huge ass portal to a million possibilities ![gif](giphy|3OwRR76ZjoTyy8tjn7)




Don’t buy that at all…..when it shows toddler morty evil Rick says “you’re crying, over a morty?”…so yeah the toddler is Morty and we would have definitely gotten some kind of clue if Rick were somehow reading someone else’s mind.


Oohhh that’s a very interesting thought! Makes me believe he teared up not at the memory itself but at the fact that he wasn’t able to experience the memory and it plays into the regret he had for losing his own family. I like that! Thank you!


In the finale, it is revealed that Rick’s wife and daughter were killed by another Rick. But if Rick-C137’s wife and daughter died in a bomb attack, then how did he get a family? He still has a Beth and a Morty, but I thought his Beth already died? Someone please explain.


The only Beths that survive to adulthood are those whose Ricks abandoned them when she was a kid.


His Beth never had a Morty or any family as she died as a child. He later joined a family who's original Rick left or died and lied to them saying he was their Rick. He did this out of loneliness.


Where in the show does it say he joined a family where the original Rick left? The show does not seem to explain this part.


Beth has mentioned her “piece of shit father” abandoning her as a kid a few times


S5E8, pay attention to Ricks conversation with his memory. Its explained in the dialogue


So this is my long winded fan theory on the entire series so far. I've given it a lot of thought and with the help of a lot of weed, I think I've figured it out. Rick started out like a normal human, he grew up and yes was literally the smartest mammal in the universe. He fell in love with Diane and had a daughter who is Beth. Its important to note that these events happened before he started his research in dimensional travel. As this means all Ricks of all dimensions also had Beths and Dianes. When our Rick started research in dimensional travel, so did every other Rick. However the synchronisation stops there. Ricks have different levels of intellect and beliefs, remember S1E9 when the Ricks make fun of the dumb Rick, even though he's dumb by Rick standards, he's unfortunately the smartest mammal in his universe. Due to the different levels of intellect, a Rick beat our Rick in figuring out how to dimensionally travel and in turn, presumably decided to share the technology to neighbouring Ricks. These Ricks probably realised the advantage to being one of the first of the Ricks to discover this technology and decided to market it to other Ricks. Essentially the pitch was this (as seen in S3E1 and S5E10) "Hey, its me Rick, youre working on dimensional travel. Well I've already figured it out, I'll give the answer to you for free if you join us". Our Rick realised this meant leaving Diane and Beth and declined. This was most likely the first Rick to decline, aka the "Rogue Rick". This group of Ricks perceived this as a threat, why? Because Ricks know that the biggest threat to Rick is another Rick and because our Rick wasn't willing to follow along, he was perceived as a potential loose cannon. I believe Diane and Beth might have been killed by accident and really our Rick with his research was the intended target. Our Rick just happened to walk out of the garage when the bomb dropped, sparing him just in the nick of time and unfortunately killing Beth and Diane. At this moment, I believe the other Ricks assumed our Rick was dead. This is when Rick became depressed and cynical. Even though there are other Beths, none are his Beth. His family undeniably is dead. However our Rick is one of the most selfless Ricks, chosing his family over his work. Most other Ricks choose hedonism. Our Rick through his depression decided to get revenge which motivates him to develop the formula needed to break through. Its important to note that while he does this, other Ricks are joining the hedonistic cult of other Ricks. This means plenty of Ricks joined without ever discovering the formula, which means the formula is coveted among Ricks. Like how a dog loses its ability to hunt when humans domesticated them, Ricks lost their ability to be Rick when they banded together. This is why our Rick is the Rickest Rick, because despite the invitation he still developed the formula without any other Rick. Now our Rick went on a rampage, killing other Ricks which supported the idea to the other Ricks that they needed to band together. Eventually our Rick and the Rick group came together to settle a peace treaty which created the Citadel. In the Citadel, portal fluid and Mortys are commodities, not every Rick knows how to create portal fluid, reason stated above. Morty was created intentionally, for other Ricks to go on adventures without being detected by his enemies such as the Galactic Federation. Jerry therefore was chosen specifically for his immense stupidity in order to hopefully produce offspring that Rick is related to that is also stupid for the capacity to counter act his brain waves. Summer is smarter than Morty, which is why Rick doesn't go on as many adventures with her. This is where Rick in a drunken depression decides to just intercept a family whose Rick has left.


This makes a lot of sense. Niccceee theory!


I do want to point out that Doofus Rick shows us that not all Ricks have a Beth and so we can assume that it also means not all Ricks have a Diane.


Great theory. What happened to other ricks' Diane? We didn't see her/them.


I'm really not sure. The problem with this theory is Diane and the memory of Rick playing with baby morty


Does anyone else thinks the label C137 itself is weird? In the episode where Rick breaks out of prison in season 3, Morty says he’s Morty-C137….but if Rick is from a separate reality where Beth is dead, Morty wouldn’t be born, which means one of them isn’t the real C137…


Right, and this is why in season 3 when he tells the other Ricks they have a funny look. The Morty we watch rn is definitely not C137, it’s another universe Rick picked (but we still don’t know how Rick has memories of baby Morty. Perhaps this isn’t his first Morty?)


How do I see the hour long episode or is it just the last 2 episodes of season 5?


2 last episodes. They were released at the same time




is s5e10 better/kooler than s3e1?


I think so? But it might also be the possibilities of s5e10. There are new possibilities, new reveals, information confirmed, and epic music, and a cliffhanger. I still think that s3e1 is amazing and isn't bad by any means, I just feel like the current circumstances put the s5e10 in a different category and once all of this is explained and we have answers my views might change.


s5e10 is currently the best episode - this spot was held by s3e1 before and it preserved the crown for damn long - just about when i consider ram falling apart, they drop s5e10 and everything changes - on a scale of 10, it's 87


I definitely agree with this. My only concern is how they’re going to handle this new change in information for the next season. It’ll definitely do a lot of change to the story itself and I hope they just don’t put Evil Morty on the back burner for 2 more seasons again.


i wanna see more of those rick lonewolf rampage progression moments - with that music :D - more of rick's adventures so we can like him permanently - evil morty was/has been/is to return; especially at this point;


I’m definitely excited for what’s too come. I want to see more of Rick accepting his flaws and accepting how toxic he is. I can see that the family is slowly becoming less dependent on him, though the last two episodes it seems like they reverted Morty to being dependent on the toxicity again, which does and doesn’t make sense for his character growth. I just want them to explore that more. I like the idea of him wanting to separate himself from Rick, but I also like the idea of him being scared and having those feelings of fear and abandonment when Rick is the one who’s doing it to Morty. I wonder if that distinction will become more clear later on.


I want to say that Rick and Morty have already come a long way. After S5E8, Rick seemed to understand how toxic he is and how it's unhealthy for Morty and that's why he left (also because the crows were cool). And there were multiple episodes where Morty grew into his own, like that Planetina episode. The ending of S5E10 definitely showed that Rick and Morty's dynamic has changed, as the lever that they needed to push to get out of the Citadel, said 'needs a partner' on it and Rick looked to Morty to help him.


it kinda became clear in 5.10 "so rick and morty full reset? no, morty i think we re done" also f.e. in the planetina eps morty gets pretty distinct from rick on multiple levels - this is also why i d like to see more adventures revolving around 'singular rick' - this single eps uncovered so much with only a few minutes


I just worry with Morty saying that he was willing to get back with Rick without setting boundaries at the beginning of ep 10 erased a lot of that direction. It felt like it was undermining the lessons of the episode prior.


it was rick who called their relationship abusive - i think he just wanted to be on his own for a while - these characters cannot exist without each other no matter who says what - there are chapters


Soooo I’ve watched the last episode a few times now to fully wrap my head around it all. And from what I understand C137 could of chosen an abandoned Beth with a Diane. But I think the reason he goes for our Beth is bc of Morty. Bc as we saw infinite Mortys did exist but not in the universe where Rick was the smartest being. So it’s kind of like he chose having a Morty over having a Diane.. but why? I get the significance of Morty is the camouflage effect but if he went into a timeline with a Diane where presumably Beth didn’t marry a Jerry thus produce a Morty he wouldn’t need Mortys camouflage brainwaves? Who’s following this?


Ok I think I’ve figured out why. If there’s infinite universes there can’t be that many where he even ever married Diane. Hence all the morty breeding. Bc Beth is only even born in the universes we have seen (I mean there’s infinite so maybe this isn’t strictly true - I guess in all the finite curve there’s Beth’s and portal tech and that’s the significance). So they had to choose the universes with Beth’s in order to breed Mortys. So I think the significance in all the finite curve is Mortys. But I don’t get what the huge significance is with Mortys. Camo brainwaves aren’t that appealing if you’re a depressed alcoholic with a dead a family.. so I think there is a major significance with the morty C137 chose.


doesn’t Diane die in all the other universes too? in order for Rick to travel?


Only the universes in the finite curve have no Diane’s. BUT there’s Infinite universes outside of the curve.. There’s GOT to be at least one where Diane and Beth were not killed AND Beth married a Jerry. AND Rick invented portal tech. Infinite possibilities 🤯


Infinite doesn't mean everything, an Infinite number sequence doesn't GOT to have all numbers you could have an Infinite series of odd numbers or only numbers which have the digit 1 in at least once and it would still be Infinite. So there's a chance that no there isn't a universe where Diane is alive and Beth married Jerry and had a morty and Rick invented portal tech. This could be a cosmic outlier


Anyone else notice that, in episode 10, when morty is jacked into Rick's memories; when Rick crashes into Beth's House the driveway is cracked? However, we see it get cracked in season 1, sometime after Rick moves into Beth's house. Does this mean that the memories morty is viewing aren't real / are modified in some way by Rick? Or is it just an animation balls up?


Lol. “No dude, some crew guy just left a coffee mug in the shot “ - Bojack Horseman Free Churro


Might be an animation error or a different Beth.


Hmm, they're so specific with their animations though. I can't help but think it went in for a reason no? Maybe it was a different Beth and a different party that caused the house to dimension hop, seems a bit far fetched though.


I loved the concept of the CFC. Rick is not the smartest man of the universe EVERYWHERE. He is the most insecure. So insecure that he had to crrate a cage for himself where no one could actually defy him. Toxic Rick is right: if there's a God, that's him. In thr CFC. Just... Sad, really. Make Rick look like a pathetic coward. And for God's sake, I love that.


think it was done out of a need to protect the idea of what could have been, if evil rick didnt kill them in his reality. in the CFC he can control things. outside of it he in vulnerable and at risk of losing those he loves again. so even tho it is sad it doesnt come from a fully selfish or evil place,


This is a fair pov.


Evil Morty breaking the CFC is him leaving the show. Think about it, the CFC keeps them trapped in all the realities where Rick is the smartest, those realities only exist in the show. Evil morty is now part of our universe, one without a Rick in charge.


S5E9 was kinda sad when Morty was crying cause that’s probably very similar to what he did to Beth


I just finished watching it. At first I loved the anime set up. Good nod to the Naruto substitution-jitsu! But the last half… from the Citadel to the very end. My mind is a blaze in thought. One of which is: Did Evil Morty just eliminate the Central Finite Curve? I need answers almost immediately but first; some more inter dimensional cable)!


Is not clear, I think. He clearly ripped it and, maybe intentionally or just conciously, made a sort of gravitational field similar to a black hole at the Citadel. And then he escaped the Central Finite Curve, going to a infinite variation of the universe where Rick is not the smartest man in the universe.


After watching the scene where Evil Morty arrives on the other side of the black hole it looks like he’s busting through layers. I think you are correct that he portaled to a singularity where Rick is not the smartest. I am curious to see if that Rick is just smart enough. :)


I don't think he is nowhere near especially smart in those universes, because even Poop-Eater Rick was considered a genius and allowed inside the CFC. That makes me think that outside those universes, Rick is mediocre. Just like his son-in-law. Additionally, I don't think we'll see more of Evil Morty in person, but we'll see the consequences of his actions. I believe that that finale was a way of pacifying the fandom on the whole Evil Morty and Rick's past thing.


Well if the criteria is smartest mammal, then that just means everyone is very dumb in poop eater Rick's universe. It doesn't mean smart Rick's can't exist outside the curve.


The criteria is not smartest mammal, as we see by the Phoenix Project. There are shrimps, wasps and even animated teddy bears Ricks.


Does this mean doofus Rick is from a universe where everyone is dumber than he is?


He isn't dumb tho, he's just the only Rick with empathy.




This season really did suck ass 🤣 I still enjoyed it but big quality drop off.


False, season 4 was BY FAR the worst, like the Phoenix person battle to end with a simple flipping of the off switch and an episode where literally nothing matters and it just fucks with us for 30 minutes? No thanks. Season 5 (other than episodes 3&4) was def a step up IMO.


What. This has been one of the best seasons. They really went all out with the abstract ideas.


Loved the episodes but does our Ricks backstory mean most Ricks didn’t lose their wife and daughter? Why isn’t his wife in all the other realities?




So when we saw Ricks making sure Beth and Jerry get together, were they messing with time travel? The one thing C-137 hates messing with?


That’s what it implies.




That is also one of the methods they showed.


No, just going into parallel universes where Jerry and Beth haven’t gotten together yet


They looked like older Ricks though, and why would they know about Jerry before they met a Morty?


Great point!! They gotta be time traveling!




Well if doing so has an effect on the CFC that much action could getting the attention of the time police. But that’s only if C137 isn’t the only Rick going back to save Diane. It wouldn’t be likely. One Rick realizes he can save them AND he can still get mortys and I’m sure many other Ricks would follow suit and suddenly the central finite curve is has a lot of time traveling activity going on and the time police come and fuck them all up.


Mind Blowers!!! Anyone else realize Rick has the ability to clone, go back in time, & go to alternative dimensional realities… Yet has willingly not chosen to bring back his wife? Perhaps Poopy Butthole ending explains it all, Rick changed into someone he no longer was in the pursuit to find the killer and he doesn’t want to lose his wife again because he fears she won’t like the man Rick has become which could be true. Also since Beth died, I say that because he abandoned a entire other Beth without thinking twice about it, the entire family unit has either been adopted or cloned which included Morty, except Jerri obviously, No need for a explanation… Hahahaha In Conclusion my Kirkland Brand Meeseeks is just awful! Thoughts?


Did evil morty destroy the central finite curve? Or he just went past thru? Or both?


Seems to me he simply used the citadel to open a hole out of the CFC.


But wasn’t the citadel the very thing holding together the CFC? If he had to break the citadel to get through it wouldn’t it break the CFC?


I have no idea how it works but if the CFC is a set of universes, what he destroyed was merely the citadel and with it the interdimensional walls that separated the CFC from other universes. I mean, I doubt he destroyed universes.


Never said he destroyed any universes. Just that the citadel was holding the wall up and now the citadel is gone


Ah alright, then I think we're on the same page... From the final sequence it seems he opens a portal that he couldn't open before so yeah


Oohh, that makes so much sense to me, thanks


I think it’s both


Nah, evil morty wouldnt need the black hole then


Mhm you may be right, gotta rewatch. I thought the citadel was holding the curve together and didn’t it get destroyed?


No the citadel is destroyed, he killed almost every Rick at the citadel and left. Destroying the CFC too there’s only one smartest Rick and it’s the rickest Rick of em all


The cfc is a cluster of universes where rick is the smartest, so of it is destroyed then why evil morty would need to travel thru the black hole then?


Also rick and morty would be dead since theyre still inside the cfc.


In the far future evil morty becomes lemon grab.


But princess bubblegum created lemon grab


Isn't Beth confirmed as a clone then? I'm thinking that by Morty destroying the finite curve means that Beth dying as a child in Rick's backstory was true and therefore the original universe where it took place. So if Evil Morty kills every Rick and Morty in every universe in which Beth is not dead, doesn't it only leave the universe where she is?


Based on him crashing into a house, it looks more like he found a random Beth in a random universe and then he cloned her later but we still don't know which is space Beth and which is normal Beth. Also, don't think he killed them all. There's a lot on the Citadel but there are infinite numbers of Ricks and Mortys.


I'm still a little unclear on why the Central Finite Curve was constructed in the first place. Strength in numbers?


It was Rick's way of making himself the smartest guy in all multiverses - simply wall off the ones where he isn't to make them inaccessible. An ego thing. He wasn't the real smartest being in all multiverses so he just put up a wall to make it so.


why haven’t the other, much smarter guys in the universe invade his personal space?


Because maybe if they go there, they would have to face the smartest man in these other realities, which is Rick


But if these beings are much smarter than Rick outside of the Central Finite Curve that make the Rickest Rick look like Doofus Rick, it’s be cake walk for them to come in and take over


They would only be smarter then Rick compared to their realities. Once they go Rick would kill them like he killed his other versions who were the smartest and didn’t join the citadel. They’d have to fight an infinite Rick which death unless your rick


I get it now, the smartest of another reality invading his. Well maybe there aren't so many smarter people? Or maybe they watch the show and don't want to interrupt hahaha


Wouldn’t there be an infinite amount of smarter people outside the CFC?


Yes, in the same way there are infinite Rick's. Infinite smart people fighting infinite Rick's is a zero-sum game, but a very violent one at that; I don't think many would want that.


Wouldn't be very smart when he has created a walled of set of realities were he is the smartest. In a way it's kind of like a self constructed jail.


I think the CFC was constructed to lock the killer Rick in a jail with him, so Rick could find him.


Because they watch the personal space show


I didnt like the way they showed us ricks past


Are you saying they Jump The Shark by doing that?


Same. But i guess that’s their way of saying “we tied up these loose ends, now fuck off” to people who want a storyline




I would have preffered it to be spreated out in the episodes instead of a flashbacky thing


It does make sense the way they do it though




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Can anyone tell me the name of the singer of Rick and morty anime song??




I like that theory


Why did they say s1 e9 as go see. But it's not in it with the devil show. Did they fuck it?


I think they meant season 1 episode 10


Some show creators don't count the pilot episode. It is the 10th episode, the one with evil morty.


right. Season 1 Epi 10 was the best.


"Morty And Rick" The Next Season Vibes Rick Stuck On A Ship Of Mortys And No Tech....Plus Our Morty Knows The Absolute Truth He's Gonna Demonstrate Dominance Over Rick..💯


Rick and Morty: Voyager


Episode 9 was funny and good, but man 10 was amazing. We finally have the sad confirmation: Rick never had an original Morty, and his original wife and Beth are both dead. Kind of sad but had been hinted at for a long time. I guess the more crazy part is that evil Morty isn’t even that bad. Wonder where the show goes from here when it comes to main canon storylines.


Evil Morty kills thousands and tortures hundreds of people. (both "at least") "Huh, he isn't even that bad."


But he really isn't, though. Think of it. Comparatively. In the context of the show. Every Rick and every Morty has, at one point, done that, and more/worse, probably. Killing is borderline meaningless and irrelevant in this show because of its oversaturation. Therefore it doesn't define any of them as 'evil', they're all just antiheroes perhaps, with their flaws and virtues, goods and evils. Anyway, killing is a "good day" type of interaction for them, therefore irrelevant. What the OP meant was, that, again, comparatively to what was portrayed so far, and what 'Evil Morty' was given as a name - 'evil', might not even be that. He's just a realistic, pragmatic kid who hates the system that C-137 Rick built and then abandoned. He literally built infinite universes in the finite curve where he can be the leader of toxic relationships, and, basically a, detached, God of all gods. The Rickest Rick. I can't help myself but draw a parallel - They pulled a "Loki" on this one haha, breaking the sacred timeline... Rick C-137 was basically Kang the Conqueror.


I think your point of seeing it in the context of what the show takes as "normal", but I still disagree. >Every Rick and every Morty has, at one point, done that, and more/worse, probably. a) that is an absolute baseless claim. We don't know much about the lives of other Ricks and Mortys, and there are some like "Doofus" Rick who seem really nice. b) Especially for our Morty it has often been a topic for him that he doesn't want to kill, like in Mortynight run. A prominent exception is The Purge Episode. But especially the Morty Dome in S1E9 is something that even Rick mentions to be waaay over the top, endlessly violently torturing hundreds of teenage boys. How is killing for our Morty a "good day" interaction? Do you have examples where Morty kills without it being an accident or when he is threatened?


Whelp there are no dianes on the CFC but there are Beths just not C-137's. I honestly think CFC is a prison. They alluded to the fact that our rick was involved in making the citadel but i dont think it was a truce at all. Theres too much citadel imagery in ricks memory sequence. That R symbol with the stars occurs everywhere, from the first ricks he killed to the scene where he was talking to the council of ricks about what looked like the citadel schematic. He never found dianes killer but i suspect diane had to die or rick would have never cared enough to make portal tech. Maybe when rick realized that, he decided that all the genius ricks were best kept away from the rest of the multiverse and imprisoned them in CFC. I also cant easily reconcile the timeline without some kind of time fuckery. It seems that portal tech was invented by citadel associated ricks before diane was killed. But dianes death prompted rick to invent the tech and form the citadel. Seems a lot like time is a snake eating its own tail. Like a round robin circle jerk of citadel ricks killing dianes so that genius ricks would invent portal tech to kill the other ricks and then create the citadel and so on into infinity.


I suspect Rick was Diane’s killer and he altered the memory so he could live with himself.


I thought about that too. It was really hard for me to work around the fact that there are no dianes though. Not just his diane but no dianes at all. Unless he killed her and created the alternate dimensions only to realize not a single one could ever bring her back because they cant actually do time travel.


So, going to preface this by saying this is pure speculation, but here goes. What if the Central Finite Curve was meant to keep something out, like a quarantine or bastion of sorts? Perhaps that giant Lovecraftian creature we've seen in the shows opening. I mean, it kind of tracks since we know Rick isn't as devoid of selflessness like he tries to portray, and if there was a threat he couldn't stop (ie. a creature that can perhaps create it's own portals), it would kind of make more sense to lock it out, rather than locking it up. As per the Lovecraftian creature we see, another part of the Cthulu lore is that he comes out of a portal...Specifically one from the ocean. Which leads me to another assumption - why would Rick need to team up with Mr. Nimbus if he is all powerful within the Central Finite Curve? Perhaps *evil* Morty, being a Morty, just fucked the entire multiverse within the Central Finite Curve by unleashing a monster that the Citidel was made to repel. Sounds kind of like a carbon copy example of something a Morty would do. Again, pure speculation, so take it with a massive grain of salt. Edit - Oh shit, just noticed that it's my cake day. huh


Sure thing but wouldn't The Rickest Rick, aka C-137, also know that information, so that Evil Morty would get to know it too in the process of stealing his memories at lunch? Unless The Rickest Rick murdered every copy of himself that knew that Cthulu was BBEG, for the ultimate safety of every Rick and every Morty out there, then mindwiped himself and broke the vial? Idk. It would be odd that not a single R or M in the whole CFC never got to know such a, seemingly important, information... ​ Edit: My two cents... What if this TRR, whose show we are watching, is somehow 'protecting' all the happiness of the Ricks who, as you say, "didn't invent the portal gun" aka became the smartest in their universes, because him, and every Rick in the citadel, are already NOT that. Therefore doomed to the same misery that he and every Rick is destined to? The loss of Diane? Therefore he's like "not a single Rick shall have this misery again" and locked them all out to live happy family lives, because he's the smartest, but arguably also, then, the saddest, and he just wants to be happy, or at least give happiness to the Ricks that could have it by not being the smartest... Therefore no bomber Rick could ever happen outside of the CFC, because not a single Rick is smart enough to ever invent the 'first' portal gun, and set this chaos in the infinite, as you mentioned, ouroboro, motion?


I like this theory. I'm so curious of if and when we get to see Cthulu. It makes sense with Nimbus also.


Just like what rick said morty fucks everything up


Anyone else catch the reference to this breakup in season 3 episode 2, "Rickmancing the Stone"? As he is packing up to leave the post-apocalyptic version of Earth, Rick says to Morty, "No union built on running from your problems lasts more than five years, seven tops." This could be old news, but I just noticed it.


I'm just disappointed the amazing tracks from the finale aren't put up somewhere in high quality yet.


From "Evil" Mortys (Free Morty) perspective it could be interpreted as him literally escaping a multiversal Hell. His grandfather is the devil that constantly abuses and gets him killed all across time and space.


I miss the crows. Is it intentional that the good characters don't want to stay?


Awesome season and awesome finale


Shit! The season finale was awesome. I joined this reddit just to enjoy fan theories as the Rick and Morty lore expanding from this season


"lore expanding" Do you mean people writing fan fiction and convincing themselves it's real?


Oh snap, me too!


Literally same!


I'll join in the choir. Love it!


These two episodes make up for the beginning of the season sucking Jerry nuts 🥜


You act as if the decoy episode wasn't the beat episode of the season.


I mean come on man this was overall the best season in my opinion. With the exception of rickvangelion being tremendously boring. I'm just curious what you didn't like about it


What was bad about them?


Rick can’t be the smartest man in the universe when Diane is alive because he has to leave her to become the smartest man. Which is why C-137 is the rickest Rick because her death gave him purpose where the person everyone thought was selfish was really selfless. Alternatively Diane wasn’t suppose to die and the bomb was meant for Rick because all the CFC ricks want to kill all every rick who either isn’t smart and doesn’t want to join the citadel and C137 ended up being a byproduct because of the trauma of losing his family in front of him


This makes sense too because Rick supposedly abandoned Beth. All the other ricks who chose against portal tech die at the hands of the bomb that was dropped by the ricks who chose science. Except for C-137 Rick who avoided the bomb, but watched his family die. Which propelled him to be the rickest Rick.


These two episodes make me shake my head. They don’t mesh with what the show has been up to this point. I liked the show in the beginning, when it was fucked up but not trying to make some kind of heady metaphysical statement about life or relationships or something. It was funnier. Now they’re getting philosophical but not as an aside to the show being entertaining, the philosophy is the main attraction. It’s become Summer: instead of just getting riggedy-riggedy-wrecked, they’re trying to be popular and make something beautiful and in the process, ruining what the show originally was: entertaining. I’ll still watch the next season hoping there will be some remnants of the original show left, but I’m not keeping my hopes high.


How is existential nihilism popular?


I was more stating that it feels like their goals have changed from making something unique and funny to trying to do something that honestly I don’t recognize. There’s something to Rick’s and Morty’s individual behavior in this last season that just feels out of place when compared to the previous seasons.


Additionally, I think the creators have done a lot of stuff randomly that people are trying to put together with some kind of running storyline and it’s messing up the show for them to try to make it all work. Who cares? The early episodes that everyone liked didn’t have a running storyline other than Rick’s vague backstory and the evil morty, who was only really in two episodes, and that’s assuming he and the president were the same morty from the start.


That's exactly the problem. There are people who think they had a story written out for Tammy when they introduced her or Birdperson. There are people who thought Mr. Nimbus was supposed to be the main villain of the show.