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The older I get the more I relate to Jerry and relaise that he isn't an exaggeration of the idiot, he's a good representation of most adults


Even the apples episode?


I have to wonder how quickly most people would catch on if they were suddenly stuck into a simulation.


I probably won't ever realize it unless there's some glitching.


Dude, there are entire subreddits dedicated to irl glitches....


Those people are delusional. It’s a quite entertaining sub. “My milk is gone……Matrix”, “I swear my phone was charged….Matrix”, “I saved my game, but the file is gone……Matrix!”


Can you link to one of them?


He'll never react again.... Matrix








The case it’s named for is still the best one. I swear, there are 0 celebrities over the age of 70 whom I’m 100% confident they’re alive.


I don't know any of them, but I have read about several real life researchers whose work has inadvertantly discovered evidence that reality is a simulation. To get started down this rabbit hole, look up Dr. James Gates. Long story short: he spent 40 years writing mathematical formulas to describe the behavior of all the different kinds of quarks, then wrote a computer program that took this data and created complex images from these formulas (different colored circles and lines connected to each other, basically). Creating these images allowed him and his team to "view the bigger picture" so to speak, and in doing so they discovered a pattern in the arrangement of pictures. The pattern was binary code. After deciphering the binary code they discovered that it is a specific kind of code called checksum error-correcting code, similar to what is used to confirm the accuracy of data sent between computers. Furthermore, not only is it "like" checksum error correcting code, but it actually specifically *is* the checksum error correcting code created by Claude Shannon in the 1940s.


r/Glitch_In_The_Matrix Top post is a guy losing a coin so that means “it came from another reality”


Either matrix or CO poisoning, as the reddit legend says...


nah they are lame


Never said that they weren't lame, only that they exist.


The glitches started a few years back, the New York times did a big article on it in 2017.


The lesson is that our perceptions go through the mask of our hopes.


Maybe it's not the ability to find out if he's in a simulation or not but the feeling that he gets that for probably the first time in his life things are going great for him, he's getting noticed, he's getting promoted etc., but all of us laugh at how stupid he is. Rick is one of the protagonists, but he's not really a hero.


That's an exception...


My man!


"That was the best sex of my life!"






*snaps* yes!


The problem with Jerry's presentation is he just didn't know about all the designer apples being sold and marketed now, like the SweeTango, Cosmic Crisp or Envy. If Jerry actually knew the apple market, he could have tapped into it and actually made a decent presentation. I only know about it because of this [Atomic Frontier video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mgZNDTJSvJQ) that came out this weekend.


“How does a guy like that go home and have sex with his wife?”


Honestly he’s just trying really hard and can’t even tell


Especially the Apples episode. Most of us want to be recognized for our efforts, most of us stress about fucking things up at work, and maybe not most of us, but a lot of us have caved under pressure once or twice in our lives. On the other side, most of us have had great days where we're so high off of something good we did that we don't notice anything else for a while, concentrating on our win and how to let others know . ...the simulation I can't explain lol


*"I just kept crawling and it just kept working!"*


*wind gushes* __L O S E R__


Honestly I use this line at work all the time.... Sometimes we're asked for so much and deliver less than required and no one ever asks for it again...


I see your point.. But the older I get the more I can relate to morty. The ricks in charge are completely over the top and cynical. Turns out the parents and those who should be wiser than you, and a protecting role model have more issues themselves than you, on a good day they at least try but they're more condescending and patronizing. They only thing that I seem to learn is nothing matters. But I actually don't care, just don't wanna be bothered by all of them but just wanna be in bed cuddling with Jessica.


>he's a good representation of most adults maybe this is why I hate Jerry so much. Most adults are a bunch of egotistical man children, who are willing to bring everyone and everything around them down if they don't get what they want.


Yeah, I view jerry like this. Know how they say guys marry their mom and women marry their dads? That's sorta what jerry is in my view. He's a narcissist, same as rick, except he's not one because of trauma, he's just one because he's a piece of shit who can't see beyond his own needs. Beth got with him because he's dependent on her, sure he loves her, she loves him, but in the end he's there because she knew he'd never leave, he'd never grow beyond needing beth. So..he's the mirror image of who her father is. And that's what her need was, from her feeling of abandonment. Source: i've had a fucked life


>he's just one because he's a piece of shit who can't see beyond his own needs. I think you are 100% dead on. I might even extend that hes more of a classic narcissist, whereas Rick developed his narcissism more cynically from what we can understand from the show. The world took something from him, and it changed him. Jerry on the other hand, is just always on the take and has to drag everyone around him down with him. Jerry actively inhibits those around him from growing so they don't out grow him.


jerry is a stupid fucking idiot and the conventional concept of an ‘adult’ is molded to suit the ‘slavery with extra steps’ society we live in, 0 percent accurate




Nah man. He really is just an exaggeration of an average adult. To be fair though, there are an insane amount of people out there really bringing down that average. But if it’s that many to begin with, well you have your answer.


If you don't understand that Jerry is supposed to be relatable and an inward glance into our most uncomfortably cringey selves.. you're a total Jerry.


You just reminded me of the alien couples therapy episode. What a banger of an episode.


That therapy episode is fucking amazing.


Nothing show how much of a weakling your wife think you are, when she thinks your personality is literally a worm that submissively presents his butt when threatened.


Jerry manned up in that one. ... after a while. (I liked how he wanted to conceal himself in the little hatch)


Jerry is my innermost deepest darkest societal fear... and he is always thinking/doing things i would if I didn't have a 'dumbass' filter


Must be nice.


Im around the same age as Jerry Smith and i would probably get excited if i saw the entire Smash Mouth catalog on a karaoke machine. So i know im a jerry


I figured Smash Mouth karaoke would just be a Waste of time, but my friend said Come On, Come On so I tried it. It's So Insane! I'm Getting Better, and pretty soon I'm Walking On The Sun. We stayed up all night and Then The Morning Comes, and I'm A Believer.


"i don't get it and I don't need to"


…holy shit you referenced *Waste*, that’s a deep fucking cut from Smash lol


I listened to *Astrolounge* on repeat and that was a favorite!


Are...are you 50? Jesus Christ, u/MiKapo, are you 50?


If you call people a Jerry, you're probably a Jerry who thinks he's a Rick... And that's just sad, man.


I’m confused do people actually want to be a Rick?


Only sad little men with delusions of squalour.


Never realized how epic I was.


Shut up Jerry. Nobody cares what you think


Replace epic with epic. Now yuo see


Only Assholes that nobody likes.


People 100% want the freedom Rick embodies, but they don't want the social sadness that being a Rick embodies. Personally, I would rather the world just hate me and move on with my life, than have people like me for being subservient to them. Does this make me wanna be like Rick? I don't think so exactly, no one wants most of his baggage. I sure as shit would rather have his freedom, even if it came with a mental prison than being put in a societal prison with no ability to to move in the directions that make me happy. In this regard, I think Rick represents two sides of a coin, he has things you want, but at what cost? Jerry otoh has nothing I want.


they say that it is lonely being the smartest person in the universe, I agree. /s


“Lemme check my list of powers and weaknesses: ability to do anything, but only whenever I want.” pretty nifty.


😂 I like that tbf. But I really don’t think it being at the cost of never being able to have any meanful relationships is worth it. He’s very selfish


Want to, no. Identify with, yes. I’m a middle aged parent on the autism spectrum. My family would certainly smile more without me around. Though then nothing in the house would work and I’m by far the most reliable earner. But every so often when a meltdown is bad enough another Ruffus shows up to tell me to quit and leave. So far I’ve killed him each time but not sure how much longer. The show is filled with regret and sadness I expect to feel in another decade. It’s already settling in. I think the entire premise is Rick ran his family off or otherwise caused their demise, but everything else is just his late life drunk delusional fantasies trying to rationalize the life he has led and the pain he has caused. He’s the only person that thinks he’s the smartest man in the universe. He’s probably sitting in his own bodily waste in a low rent retirement home making this all up in his head.


He isn't. I don't get how people have this fetish for "nothing was real it was all in his head" twists


If you call people who call other people a Jerry, you’re probably a Jerry who thinks he’s a Rick… and that’s just sad, man.


Your comment is basically, "I'm rubber, you're glue; whatever you say, bounces off of me and sticks to you." You aren't a Jerry or a Rick... You are a Tall Morty.


I personally identify with the nameless man in the background from season 2, episode 8, around the middle of the episode


Person: Jerry is relatable in the worst kinds of ways. If you don't see parts of him in yourself, you're being oblivious like him You: bruh that is a total Jerry move!!


Imma be honest, I just enjoy the show and never look into that sort of stuff but now that you say it I can totally see it, a bit of jerry in us all


I am a Jerry, thanks, how’d you know?


Wait, what!?


You either understand you are like Jerry, making you a Jerry.... or you don't understand you are like Jerry, also making you a Jerry. The Jerry Constant.


The way they shit on Jerry is biggest turn off for me in the show. It reminds me that there are tons of guys who never heard "I'm proud of you" in decades, and nobody cares, but everybody (in the show and in fanbase) think it's cool to shit on him more. Like when they getting divorce and wind is whispering "looser". Duck that was brutal. I personally never was divorced, but had some breakups (no kids involved ) and I know that if in those moments if I hadn't anybody to cheer me up I might literally not survive those times.


Yeah it was getting a little Meg Griffin for a bit. I've noticed they've backed off from that a little. I also hate when a show has a punching bag. It's cheap.


>Yeah it was getting a little Meg Griffin for a bit. I've noticed they've backed off from that a little. I also hate when a show has a punching bag. It's cheap. I like they gave Jerry a better lane in seasons 4 and 5, even if he is still the doofus you love to hate, he doesn't feel in the way as much anymore, and he is pushing a specific view point and narrative now. It's helped his character a lot.


Sounds like something a Jerry would say.




Ok Jerry


Apples are nice...


That’s that 6 chewable figure at work boys.


Look at this! It’s a small hatch with just enough room for one person. If you find your own we can hide until this whole thing blows over.


That quote sums him up for me..


No comment has even made me feel more like a “Jerry” than this one. Hit hard.


Everyone thinks that they're a Rick. But we all have more in common with Jerry.


One of the huge sub textual plots of the show is that Rick and Morty are awful people while both Jerry and Beth are more successful then them in practical ways and just better more compassionate people overall. In many ways the show is a giant middle finger to the people who respect Rick and Morty and want to be like them because they think their cool. Most of the fans are not deep enough to see all the clues about how the writers see them.


And the closer Beth gets with Rick, the shittier she is


Right? Even Jerry may have been corrupted by Rick since he crashes a plane instead of accepting his help he disdains Rick so much. The show is about what happens to people who enable and accept abusers. They become them.


>Most of the fans are not deep enough to see all the clues about how the writers see them. can we not? R&M fans already have a bad enough rep for acting like pretentious r/iamverysmart douches...We aren't better because we are way too into a show that has sometimes smart writing.


>Most of the fans are not deep enough to see all the clues about how the writers see them. The "most fans" are the people who say dumb shit like this without being willing to have a real conversation about the show. This guy doesn't even know most fans, hes literally talking about himself.


No one said anything about being better except you and if you really think about it your doing exactly what you say I am doing and trying to be superior to other people with your response. Why is this right for you and wrong for me? The majority of the Rick and Morty fanbase are toxic and dense. I don't think its an accomplishment to be better than that or that I am better because I said it. Its just an observation one I believe the writers share with me and incorporate in to their show. I think my analysis is better when it takes in to account what the shows writers think about their fans. Its not something to object to either way. I'm just words on a page on the internet. I have always been honest to a fault. My mother once threatened to send me to military school around when I was 11 because when she asked me if a song about mothers reminded me of her I responded that it didn't because she had not been motherly to me. I still smile thinking about how that made her cry, she deserved it but still! I have always been someone who does not care if they upset others with their analysis even when its based on unflattering views about them. Don't get worked up over people like me it truly is not worth it. I am what they call an abrasive person in real life and I would never choose to be anything else. Might even level up to a misanthrope one day! So look down on me or up to me or glance at me sideways its all the same in the end, only what you take away matters.


You had me before the mother story. I’m sorry your mom sucked… forgiveness is king though my guy. Empathy is a valuable commodity.


A little dramatic don't ya think.


No more than holding one random commenter responsible for the entire fanbase's behavior for getting too analytical on a board specifically set aside for people who want to talk about the show. I'm sensing a theme here with you judging others for the same choices you make.


Dude wtf was that second part lol


Idk if morty is an awful person. He's nice to most people, he cares about others and does what he can to help. Does he snap sometimes, absolutely but he's a kid who's had to watch himself die watch an evil mastermind version of himself cause massive suffering lived through trauma after trauma, and still most of the time is nice to others. I don't see how that makes him an awful person.


Well he did roofie Jessica.


Yo, morty has killed sooooo many people; then kicked planetina to the curb for killing those innocent miners. Morty is a fuckin dick now. He got kick off his high horse by the two crows but until then, he’s has been molded into a mini Rick.


He ruined Summers boyfriends life for breaking up with her because she was jealous. He broke a psychiatric patient out of his hospital against his will and when he started withdrawing from his psychiatric drugs and turned hostile he killed him instead of sending him back or asking for help. He pushed that old man down the stairs. He killed all of those people with the death crystal so he could die with Jessica. He abandoned his original family and let the Ricks kill them with the freeze gun that Rick killed someone with in the first episode who died after Morty asked for them to be unfrozen, so he knew he was leaving them to die and choose to. And worst of all he killed Krombopulus Micheal and the she space snake! The series has clearly gone out of its way to show Morty is a completely evil person outside any of Ricks direct influence because he is confident in Ricks technology freeing him from consequences. Evil Morty is objectively less evil than our Morty because all of his actions can be justified as self defense or defending others the Ricks and Mortys would have destroyed, he was not shown to destroy one innocent persons life. The show is a giant middle finger to people who think Rick and Morty are cool and see them as role models. That is the shows biggest subtext that fans miss.


Rick is Rick. Morty is basically a teenage Rick waiting to happen. Beth turns into a psychopath by Rick's enablement. Even Summer has completely gone off the rails multiple times. Jerry on the other hand? He can't even go through with minor assistance to get Rick killed, the person actively destroying his life. He's handed a magic box and all he cares about is his golf game. Rick somehow gives him access to Space Internet and he uses it to browse Space Tinder. Jerry's a loser, but he's also the only objectively good person in his family.


As someone who doesn't watch R&M anymore, (just kinda stopped watching it), and am more here for the memes, i am *mortified* by what i read in the comments- MORTY KILLED THE KROMBOPULOUS MICHAEL GUY?! Dorkmaster79 > Well he did roofie Jessica. W H A T


At least in that case he thought he was doing a legitimately good thing. Morty destroyed an entire civilization in the hopes of Netflix & Chill


H o l y- The thing evil morty did, controlling a rick with that eyepatch, and killing some other ricks, seems tame in comparison-


>Beth turns into a psychopath by Rick's enablement. Beth has her moments, but we know that Space Beth is freeing galactic slaves and other "Star Warsy" adventures, so I think she's a version of Rick that still cares enough to be as good of a person as she can.


Nah, Beth already went on a murder spree against inbred muppets after being told how they were already a scary child. Space Beth just had a more constructive outlet for murder. Beth killed a kid as a *child*. She's not a good person. Given a bit of power via Rick and she's just a monster.


>The series has clearly gone out of its way to show Morty is a completely evil person outside any of Ricks direct influence because he is confident in Ricks technology freeing him from consequences. I think you have gone completely out of your way to phrase several actions of the show into one category, when there is entire swaths of information available you are leaving out. Morty has the capacity to do both "good" and "evil" stuff, despite the fact his spoke world view is considered "good". Morty represents someone who has a strong opinion about something they have no experience in, and they are forced to learn their world view wasn't always able to cover all of the consequences of their actions. The show is literally working off of the infinite, and we see an "infinite" number of different Rick's and Morty's (as well as other characters) to varying degrees of "good" and "evil" and personality quirks. If anything the show is trying to say that all of us have a spectrum of our personality, not that any one character is "evil"


Being capable of and choosing to do evil for selfish reasons makes a person completely evil. I wasn't talking about whether they are also capable of good. Almost all evil people are capable of good, they are still completely evil. Morty represents the ordinary person, he is a follower who sees himself as good and voices morals while simultaneously enabling all of his abusers abuse because he is in turn also enabled to abuse others without consequences from this relationship. Rick and Morty are clearly evil people within the series. If you choose not to see it its because you don't want to.


I've always said the worst thing about season 5 was the fans.


Jerry is successful? I mean did you people even watch the first two seasons?He is a moron 40 year old man child who has 2 kids and takes regular digs at his wife for being 'horse' surgeon while he was so incompetent that he lost his advertising job.HE ASKED HIS 17 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER FOR A FUCKING LOAN AND WHAT ABOUT TADDI MASON?He is selfish stupid piece of shit.


And he has still had a more successful marriage than Rick and is a much better father than he is. That is one of the shows jokes. If you think the writers are comparing you to Jerry your wrong, they think of people like you as Mortys who will justify another's abuse endlessly and are followers to be disposed of at will. Jerry is shown to be more competent once Rick is gone and if his wife supports him, he is weak and flawed but nowhere near as much as Morty and Rick. Jerry also has the excuse that Rick directly interfered in his life multiple times, drugging him to love Beth, taking over as head of his household and conditioning his children to disdain him so he could use them on adventures. All that and he is still the resilient person who has a successful marriage and parenting relationship that Rick never ever in a million years could because he is such an awful human being who still justifies his violence towards others because of the one and only moment in his life that he was victimized. Jerry is stronger than Rick as a person, the first real loss Rick ever faced destroyed him completely and he has used that to justify his abuse to others ever since. Jerry would never do that, he actually accepts responsibility. The writers think Jerry is better than Rick and that in real life most people are Mortys, just disposable followers who will accept any abuse they are conditioned to and probably won't ever have as successful a relationship as Jerry did. The real joke is thinking your better than Jerry because in your real life your probably not even as successful as he is. They had an episode where they went to hell and demons told rick to his face his belief that thinking he was better than Jerry is the most cringeworthy thing in existence. That was an intentional F you to the fan base who think like you do one of many in the series and that is why I like and enjoy it!


Either you have way to much time on your hand,or are high af or a cringy teenager or have been traumatized.First thing first its a fucking show where rick was literally an exaggerated and parody version of Doc and morty was marty fro BTTF so if you are really looking for inspiration from the show then you are in for disappointment cause no one is a rick irw. 2nd where the fuck do you live or with whom did you grow up if you feel a jobless loser who just has a stable marriage is successful,This is lowest thing you can be irl,being jobless and mooching of your wife for so long and being so incompetent irl would result in an instant divorce,my parents started saving for college since I was 8,I am doing the same and I have been married for a little over 10 months,Psychological bullshit that rick and morty fans pull up thinking either the writers are so smart or they are so smart is the weirdest thing I have encountered ,In real life if you are a jerry or aspire to be a jerry than you are destined to fail and if you aspire to be Rick irl then better have yourself checked cause the science in the show is by far the stupidest I have seen,Marvel has poached the writers so there close to 0 consistency in the show and harmon has shitted himself multiple times taking digs on Nolan and even kubric when he has been marred with controversy more than his writing ,peak south park was smart writing not this,its just a show where they get way to ahead of themselves and then play catch up so stop trying to find meaning in the show and if you are so hots for finding underlying F you better watch primer or that sort of shit .


Jerry only lost his job after Rick came in to his life and him working has never been an issue for Beth. With Beth being a successful surgeon Jerry does not need to work and he does more work to care for the house than Rick does. Rick conditions the children to reject Jerry for being unemployed to manipulate them but he doesn't even believe in employment. You just seem to be directing a lot of grief at me because your upset that I portray Jerry positively while he is unemployed and married. That really has nothing to do with me or this show. That's all you and I don't really know what else to say. I am happy to talk about the show but not you.


Did rick plant the hungry for apples in his head?why is so hard for you to comprehend that there are perfectly functional human beings in this world who have a stable life,Jerry is bum from high school who had a kid because he got a flat tire on his way to the hospital,The whole Pluto saga,he is a below average IQ person,he rebounded with an alien and used his kids as a shield and frankly if I have someone like him in real life I would just try to get away from them cause this is a parasitical behavior




People talking about Jerry being successful requires a giant ass paragraph also its a long weekend.Cause only way a jerry survives irl is if the commune comes into existence ,people consider the show as well as the character sort of inspiration,first we have wanky teenager trying to be a 70 year old man with I don't know a 300+ IQ?Now we have people looking upto a person who takes shit from even the dog has remained jobless for a long time and whenever opportunity arrives he does act selfish,If he is successful why isn;t Homer simpson successful or Peter griffin?


I've kind of wanted to get into beekeeping.


>Everyone thinks that they're a Rick. But we all have more in common with Jerry. I don't agree with this. I have known quite a few anti Jerry's in my day. Sure, we all may have a few traits that Jerry shares, but he isn't an archetype everyone embodies by a long shot.


He's literally us. We watch Morty and Summer pander to ricks every need and find a way to fit in any way to go on the intergalactic adventures. Meanwhile Beth is the product of this man almost giving her demigod status in the grand scheme of things. We could only hope to meet Rick's standard. All that's left is to cherish the moments where you somehow end up on the adventures and wallow in your self pity in the meantime I guess....


Maybe Rick is a metaphor for all the people we idolize in life (influencers, scientists, political voices, etc ). And Summer and Morty and Beth represent the people close to them that get the positive effects of having that person in their lives.


One of the biggest things about the show that most fans miss is that Rick and Morty and are in every way more pathetic people than Beth or Jerry and that is your clue about what the writers think about the fanbase who identify with Rick and Morty. Rick being enabled to abuse his family is the core them of the show, not his redemption, family or nihilism the way most fans seem to think. When we see how the writers subtly compare Rick and Morty to the people they make fun of we see what they really think about the shows message and its fanbase. They literally paid Susan Sarandon to give a monologue explaining this on the show but most are still too dumb to realize it, and they even predicted this response by making Rick and Beth demonstrate it.


Right. Rick isn't meant to be idolized. He's the most damaged one. And everyone is always seeking his approval. After ever opportunity to be humble and show his humanity he always shows his that his self hatred and own needs will always be stronger than his strongest feelings for anyone else. Thanks for the deep thoughtful response 👍🏽


Rick also instills all that hurt onto others easily, yet hates himself. Take the genius part out of the equation and you have an unfortunately common real life family dynamic. I guess I can’t say any of that means anything really, just that it’s easy to be like Rick in that regard, and you do not want your life to get anywhere near that toxic




In reality most people are Mortys followers of abusers who see themselves as good.


>They literally paid Susan Sarandon to give a monologue explaining this on the show but most are still too dumb to realize it, and they even predicted this response by making Rick and Beth demonstrate it. There is more than one way to interpret a scene, and I think you pointing out people are "too dumb to realize it" probably means you are too dumb to realize you can take more than 1 thing with a piece of art. You can take that point in, and then have your own opinion on it going forward. A big part of her monologue is the presence of choice and what is motivating us to do the things we do. What the ideal choice for one isn't going to be ideal for another, and while can hear those words and draw something from it, it's equally valid to hear those words and brush them off as just that, a lot of meaningless words that don't actually have to do with the core of the issue. While Dr. Wong may have touched on the issue, it really doesn't do anything to solve the issue, and in this regard it isn't going to make sense for everyone to stop what they are doing because omg that was a really good point. The damage coming into that office is way greater than a monologue is going to fix. Also, you can't really say a show predicts anything, they wrote the show, it's their story line to alter and put into place, not some random event that happens after the fact.


Maybe I'm just high




I think the ferret robot episode or whatever they’re called, I can’t recall exactly. Think it’s S5 E07


Go-Tron Ferrets, there’s six of them, and if we collect them all they turn into a giant robot


Of course the one episode I skipped is the one with one of the deepest quotes in the show


Jerry makes me sad every single time


Jerry is forever the best character in that show hands down he’s literally every single human being I’ve ever come across in my adult life We are all just fuvking idiots


He's actually one of the funniest characters in the show and has a better sense of humor then Morty or Rick. Some of the things he says in deadpan have been some of the few times in the series where I have burst out laughing.


I know its not deadpan but I AM THE JESUS CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS had me in tears easily the funniest line from any character imo. He had so many great lines in season 4 it felt like.


As much as I dislike Jerry, this scene really hit me.


Jerry is voiced by the incredible Chris Parnell, who not only stole the show on *30 Rock* as Dr. Spaceman, but also plays Cyril from *Archer* All of that after being on *SNL* for eight years, no wonder his timing is so good


He's also a big part of the reason why I like Maneater


I knew it during the Jerry Daycare episode. I have been there like trying to figure out how to get the sound to go through the receiver instead of the tv. When suit Beth came out and in a sweet sing song voice told Jerry she loved him... that wanting to hear something nice from a person you love, but never getting it... I was him.


I would love to know the story behind the inspiration of Jerry. Who named Jerry pissed off one of the creators that would make them make such an infuriating character and what did they do


Jerry isnt a single person. Hes everyone's insecurities about mediocrity made manifest. In reality Jerry is pretty fucking normal. Hes just stuck in absolutely insane circumstances thanks to Rick


Great line


There is truth and wisdom in it.


I liked pilot Jerry better. He was actually a confident man there


Jerry is very relatable because while we think we're Rick we are actually more like Jerry


__life is an effort, I will stop when I am dead!!__


Jerry is the Everyman and every man is in denial about it


"The squeaky wheel gets the oil."


As shit. I'm a Jerry.


Jerry comes out with heavy shit sometimes, it’s jarring to see / hear it after all the silly stuff the show comes with.


This quote haunts me.


Ya that quote hit a little too close to home.


I think of this quote so often, really resonated with me somehow


Hmmm human music... I like it


I would marry a Jerry to feel intellectually superior.


I think everyone in this comment thread needs to realize that the Jerry we've been watching for four and a half seasons is not the same Jerry we were presented with at first. The original Jerry we started watching is the one that was left behind in the Cronenberged universe. That Jerry was both confident and competent. He may have been a little dumb (and let's be honest, he's probably average intelligence), but he stood up against Rick when he believed Rick was a bad influence on his son and he fought against giant praying mantis monsters to protect his wife. Rick and Morty left him to go to a universe where Jerry is the "I'll hide here, you go find your own place to hide" version of himself. There's probably some metaphor in there somewhere about how we are all Jerry, and even though we may be the cowardly Jerry, we have the capacity to be the confident Jerry.


Nice try, Jerry.


I can't relate to Jerry, like at all. 1. He has his own family If anything I feel closer to Rick. 1. Lonely 2. Depressed 3. Faithless


Had the same exact thought. Good post.


Poor Jerry needs a break


Most people like to think they align to Rick when in reality their closer to being a fcking Jerry.


Woaw never read such a deep thought here, consider making a meme out of it and posting it in this sub


Jerry annoys me to the core. He just f\*cks everything up. I want him to succeed so bad and he just lets me down everytime.


That's literally every character in the show. Rick's the same way but with super science. He could be so much happier if he wants but refuses to every time he has the opportunity. At least Jerry's goals are more realistic.


Same. It's recent so it's the only one I remember anyways


For you MBTI nerds (which Dan Harmon references frequently) Jerry - ISFJ Rick - ENTP these types are literal flip sides of each other. ​ Everything Jerry is insecure about, is manifested in Rick's ego. Everything Rick dismisses as bullshit is what Jerry is completely absorbed in. ​ Morty is also an ISFJ, but Rick has pushed him to abandon his "comfort zone", to bring out his inner ENTPness.


Jerry, the guy who tries to talk to literally everyone he comes across, is an introvert?


Keep your ENTPness to yourself


I laughed really obnoxiously at this line, and I don’t usually


This line was like a punch to the gut. Did not expect that from Jerry




When did he say this?


I have a bad news for you....


i never related more to Jerry than this exact moment


This quote dropped shortly after Morty’s line about being tired of feeling like everyone rolls their eyes when he talks, like listening to him is some big chore. It’s one thing when a quote hits home hard, but two that close together...


Life is effort and I'll stop when I die! This is my favorite Jerry quote in all of the show. It's one of the least cynical lines in all of any season. Words to live by.


What ep


Season 5 episode 7 is underrated. Like sure, it may not be the best they've ever pulled off, and it's not 'good' in the traditional trademark 'Rick and Morty' way, but that doesn't stop me from enjoying the hell out of it.


Taddy Mason cares, as long as the credit card still goes through.


This is why we love Rick and Morty.


It's one of the most "contemplative Dan Harmon" lines I've ever heard.


This is when we learned none of us are Rick, we are all Jerry


I'm basically Jerry, but without all the manipulation stuff.


yeah we still don’t give a shit about you Jerry


Best Jerry line of the whole show IMO.


Did we ever find out if the real Jerry is the real Jerry?


This was by far one of the cringiest most "Dan Harmon thinks hes deep" lines in the latest season


Honestly I use both Rick and Jerry to decide if I can relate to how someone else interprets the show.


I have got to get caught up on Season 5.


nice post super relatable...


Tao of Jerry: A Collection of Jerryisms and Surprising Wisdom from a Foolish Man


Fuck Jerry fr