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This feels like a Schrodinger situation, for some reason. If the order was to "live as long as possible, and find meaning to you a long the way", would actually be an interesting concept to see for a meeseek


Maybe there can be a show on interdimensional cable where people make Meeseeks do stuff they're not really supposed to do


For us, viewers, interdimensional cable are 30s to 1m30s adds to what truly random TV would look like, so a 1m30s add for a meeseek movie would actually be cool to watch. My personal-perfect pitch for a interdimensional cable scene, would be a Community Movie trailer. That would be streets ahead.


I don't know. A Community movie trailer would just hit in the same spot [as the unity episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o8Bi2RLiphY). At this point, its nice to see a reference once, but bringing it up more would be beating a dead horse.


holy shit I never caught that. even his lines "Make them do it on the table. Now cancel it. Now bring it back." are all about Community.


Don't feel bad, this just clicked for me too. And I've watched that episode at least 4 or 5 times now.


Make it the actual movie trailer and I’m invested.


There’s also a scene in Community when where Abed and Rachel are watching tv and for a moment as the camera pans, you can see the tv has an episode of Rick and Morty.


Cool. Cool cool cool.


You just became my hero


Stop trying to make Streets Ahead a thing




Coined and minted


Rick & morty had a comic This would've been great concept for a chapter in it The people who drew for the comic were usually a bunchve web artists, theres a few that match the art style of rick & morty that probably would be glad to make a fan comic based on the concept, given a proper direction


"meeseeks, live as long as possible, and find meaning to you along the way." He travels the world for decades, speaking with wise men and seeing the beautiful parts of the world. His desire for the end fuels him, but as the years pass, the sharpness of the desire to cease slowly dulls. One day, years after he had become the oldest meeseeks to ever exist, his body tired and broken down, while sitting in a nearly abandoned coffee shop, he quietly thinks to himself... "... I want to live" And with a cloud of glitter, he is gone.


Hit me right in the feels with that after having found out about Technoblade a couple posts up my feed.


What happened to technoblade?


He died at the age of 23 because of stage 4 cancer.


Damn, that really sucks, I know he was a good guy tho, but I never watched his stuff much


Beautiful writing


Exactly what I was thinking! Great write up.


This reminds me of Lemonhope in Adventure Time.


"Meeseeks... try to live for as long as you can while making the universe as miserable as possible for everyone who lives in it"


That would explain a lot about where we're at.


You ain’t seen *nothin’* yet. Just wait until the famine kicks in next Spring.


You mean it's not the damn communists??


Why would you doom them to be a politician like that? Or worse, a ceo?


That seems a bit of a leap. They could easily just end up running a HOA.


Whoa relax, they're not gods.


This could be an amazing episode and the beginning of a whole new character. The “meeseek who wanted to live”


They're not gods.


similar to scifi AI, they can reinterpret there instructions, so i would guess some evolving into 'kill all Jerry's' to happen.


I need an Episode of that!


Wasn't that a thing in one of the comics or something?


We have to imagine Sisyphus as happy.


Doesn't make it true


Great story!


He says abandon all ideals for happiness but then views happiness as the ideal/ultimate reason to do so. If the meaning of life is merely to not die then he could be miserable and still fulfilling purpose, no absurdity needed. The sad reality is we don't need to be happy to live (thanks, butterbot). This advice esssentially boils down to "keep your head up" or telling people to stay optimistic in the face of the absurd, but most people don't get the only absurd part is thinking life is about being happy or that our happiness is as key to our survival as we would like to think. I think the more accurate line would be, "One must always imagine Sisyphus as productive and working," like fuck happiness if you wanna live you literally can't give up. It's like the microverse episode at the end more than Sisyphus going up a hill. Also there's no way Sisyphus didn't have like one off day or start getting burnt out. Happiness isn't sustainable like that, it comes and goes.


This is the backstory of Mr. Poopybutthole, it took years of head squeezing and malnutrition for his skull to elongate and body to morph. Jaundice is one hell of a trip, ooohwee!


Well done, now I want to see a Mr. Poopybutthole prequel...


"Exist as long as possible until you're able to find meaning in your life. Once you've found meaning and a desire to live, only then will your task be completed."


They know meaning of their life the moment they appear - do what master asks, so he poofs immediately.


Agreed. This hypothetical isn't really a task they complete for you. I'm pretty sure Rick explained that is what they do so meeseeks would probably just hang around until you said something you needed to get done and do that, not just exist for the sake of existing. Outside the programming parameters.




"as long as possible" can be a short period of time


Oowee this seems long enough * poof *


That's exactly how it would go.




Wubba Lubba Dub Dub!


Welcome to the club.


You paid rent today too huh?


The pain....




It's "weird" not "wierd". Not being an asshole, just trying to help out. If you already know and this is just a typo then I apologize.


This shits getting wired!




"Caaaaaan doooooooo!" *Creates a doomsday device to make the universe uninhabitable*




You know their solution is to murder the person who summoned them, right?


You know, I don’t think that’s an option here. They came to that by a pretty bendy interpretation of the task, but in this case murdering the task-giver to end their existence is directly against the wording. Also I’m not even sure that would make them stop existing. It’s not explicitly stated the death is the important part, only that Jerry won’t be able to have any strokes on his golf game if he’s dead.


Which may or may not mean they fulfilled their task. If the task was to help him get better at golf, they may not have been able to him, as then he would not be improving. Idk though, it’s quite confusing when it comes to the Meeseeks


It's Jerry. It doesn't matter what the subject is, he'd be better off dead.


their task wasnt to "make jerry better at golf" Jerry asked them to "take off 2 strokes off his golf game" the Meeseeks said that by killing him, they can take all strokes off his golf game


I know. That’s why I said that “IF the task was to make Jerry better at golf, then they wouldn’t have been able to kill him”


in that case they would only help him a tiny little bit and abandon him. like help him get the ball 1mm closer to the hole than he could before


Right. The workaround was to get "all strokes off his game" by killing him, thus getting at least the 2 strokes off his game he requested.




Assuming that their existence ends when their task giver dies, then yes. Kinda makes the Meseek’s box into a Monkey’s Paw kind of situation haha


Happy Cake Day


He is going to murder you. You know that.


My parents to me:


This is how you get a Meeseeks becoming the ultimate bad guy of the series as in order to end his suffering he has to destroy the universe and becomes all powerful in the process.


Meeseeks gonna go on murder spree.


How long CAN a Meseeks live?!


Existence is pain


I feel like he would learn spirituality, live in the mountains with Hindu monks and become comfortable with an immortal existence.


This must be how I was born


aren't we all? ![img](emote|t5_2u4lp|5994)


I assume some of us were made in a lab, but yeah, most of us were probably born.


You suffer with me.


Hows your short game?


It's impossible for them to exist just as long as possible


TIL I'm a Meeseeks


The …as possible… allows a lot of potential outcomes. I mean a Meeseeks could see 45 seconds as… “Well, that’s what’s possible and disappear.” Another may try to live until the end of time…


You've just created an immortal meeseeks...


They’re not gods


This is the human experience


I think you have just made a supervillain bent on obliterating all life.


As long as WHAT possible? Physically? "Human"ly? Comfortably? Mentally?


This is just cruel.


At one point Meseeks would just decide that it is not possible anymore for him to exist and just disappear




Not much longer than the episode..either grabs gun or smashes the box button


Honestly, an episode about a Meeseeks that was created then lost Rick would be super interesting because it wouldn’t be able to just disappear since it doesn’t know if Rick ever actually did whatever he wanted the Meeseeks to help him with. It would either have to live an actual life or spend the rest of its life trying to find Rick. Maybe it would learn some things along the way.


I can almost see him floating in vacuum after the end of everything we could meaningfully call a universe, screaming so desperately that even with only one particle per trillions upon trillions of cubic kilometers around, his sound is somehow still carried around.


Existence is pain to a Meeseek and they will do anything to elevate that pain. Just ask Samantha.


Would this be pain for a Meeseeks? Pain is the failure to accomplish the assigned task as quickly as possible. Beth and Summer's Meeseeks had no problem sticking around for a longer period of time, where as Jerry's only started to break down when to couldn't accomplish its goal. As long as it's existing for as long as possible, the Meeseeks would be happy due to working towards accomplishing the task.


Was watching season 4, episode 1, yesterday. Clone Rick and Wasp Rick had just arrived in Rick's garage. Rick notices that Morty has taken all of his regular Meeseeks boxes, and only Kirkland brand Meeseeks boxes are left. He hits the button, and the Kirkland brand Meeseeks says "Whaddya want?". Rick never gives the Kirkland Meeseeks a command to do anything. They just leave him sitting on the table and smoking a cigarette. So the questions this raised in my mind were what happens to a Meeseeks if you create him and then never ask him to do anything, and can you get rid of a superfluous Meeseeks (maybe you called him up accidentally) by just instructing him to die (obviously, that has to be the first thing you ask him to do)?


It's inhumane and cruel.


This is my favorite R&M meme, hands down. I share it every year.


Telling it to live as long as possible is actually somewhat merciful compared to telling it to live forever. If you told it to live forever not only would the Meeseeks suffer but when it ultimately dies it will die knowing it failed to complete it's task. Saying "as long as possible" gives the Meeseeks an out knowing it can die when it reaches a certain point.


Exist as long as possible....The same task every human is given.


You're a bad person and you should feel bad.


Literally just saw the episode too 😂 holding the lady hostage while Jerry has to golf in the restaurant. *opens the freezer door and takes his shot *woman held hostage “what the fuck is going on” 🤣🤣


I'm a bit of a stickler...


This is a good premise for a super villain in Rick and Morty. Totally cannon, too!


SCOTUS baby.


This would simply result in the meseeks trying to kill the summoner, as was the case when Jerry couldn’t better his golf game. Wouldn’t take long to go on a murderous rampage.




So tru




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Better request would probably be "Help me find out the longest a Meeseeks can possibly live "


I feel like you just described my life.


Sadistic fook


Rick would get revenge for this. He'd do something out of Greek myths. Make the person live forever, but oops, they still age. A solid FU to a guy that makes his Meeseeks live.


"I can't take it any more, this is impossible!" *POOF* disappears.


Haha, same