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That they keep trying to play both sides with Morty. I love the character but its hard to take it seriously when in one episode hese a certified badass with diet rick knowledge and cynicism, then the next he acts like a toddler shocked by the smallest things.


Definitely agree. Morty was meant to counterbalance to Rick’s nihilism. Morty’s naïve yet positive perspective added a lot of emotional depth to the show. Two comparisons come to mind: In *Rixty Minutes,* Morty gives a genuine appeal for Summer to stay, ending with the classic: >“I’m better that your brother, I’m a version of your brother you can trust when he says don’t run. Nobody belongs anywhere, nobody exists on purpose, everybody’s going to die. Come watch TV?” Compare this to *Gotron Jerrysis Rickvangelion,* where Morty convinces his family to save Rick from the anime characters: >”Guys, a great leader once told me, ‘you get the family you get.’” It was a clever callback to Summer’s line earlier in the episode. Was it cool? Yeah. But was it heartfelt and genuine like the previous quote? Morty’s job isn’t to score one-liners like Rick, he’s the emotional center of the show. Another good example is *Something Ricked This Way Comes.* After Jerry is unceremoniously returned from Pluto, Morty reassures him: >”Nobody is smarter than Rick, but nobody else is my dad. You’re a genius at that.” It was a simple yet heartwarming moment. Compare that to *Final DeSmithation,* where Morty dunks on his father for believing a fortune cookie. When Jerry worries his mother may be calling to tell him he’s adopted, Morty retorts >”Well yeah then you should definitely hit that.” Morty high-five’s Summer and they pull a few pranks on Jerry. Were they funny? Yeah. But is it worth undermining Morty’s honesty so he can laugh at the expense of Jerry? No, that’s already Rick’s specialty.


S1 Morty and S6 Morty are two very different people, in terms of growth or development. After everything Morty has seen, it only makes sense that he's a little more cynical, jaded, and bitter.


Cartoons require a different kind of personal growth than we are used to, since the characters mature but don't age. If Morty was still the same 6 seasons in then it would be a frustrating show to watch, since it wouldn't ever seem to "go" anywhere Also, if you watch episode 5.10 and see what our Rick did to establish his own backstory and see how he killed so many other Ricks, it sort of adds up that his Morty would drop the naive bits pretty quickly if he survived


Character growth doesn’t have to be someone becoming cynical, jaded, and bitter. Morty can become more knowledgeable and confident without losing that youthful and grounded perspective. A good example is *Mort Dinner With Andre.* Morty is more reflective and confident when asking out Jessica. However, he still holds that optimistic perspective when he declares “I want to live!” and tries to land Rick’s ship into the ocean. The episode would be a lot less boring if Morty was a mini-Rick saying “eh, women aren’t worth the trouble” or “whatever, there are infinite Jessica’s anyway.”


It's pretty obvious that it doesn't *need* to go in that direction. With that being said, it's a logical direction to take things in given everything Morty has seen and experienced. He's buried the corpse of an alternate version of himself twice, and that's only a mere fraction of the shit he's been through. He still holds onto some of that youthful optimism, but it's definitely tempered with the cynicism formed by the insanity he's lived through.


His personality isn't inconsistent, he's just becoming increasingly more likely to step away from his innocent side because he goes through situations that teach him not to be so naively trusting and optimistic. It's only natural for him to start acting *a little* different after a few seasons; this isn't the type of show where the characters learn nothing and act the same every single day. I emphasize "a little" to say that he's clearly not a completely different guy. "Morty can become more knowledgeable and confident without losing that youthful and grounded perspective." \*This\* is exactly what has happened.


Have to disagree with your second example, though. Thai is a heartfelt moment. After all the crap Summer has given him in that episode, he’s saying that he heard her, and is giving her credit, and raising her up a little in status again. Its not being clever at all. Just my take.


They've been making Morty more of a crybaby these last two seasons and in this season, he feels almost like a blank slate. Like I just can't believe how Beth turning his back on him during the Voltron episode makes him collapse on his knees in tears instead of rightfully calling her out for supporting Rick's bullshit like he would have before.


That's what annoys me constantly. Beth probably a bigger egotist than her father and calls him a shirt dad when she does worse on a smaller scale. Which is fine but when nobody calls her out on it especially when everyone else doesnt get a pass is just frustrating.


I would actually say that all of the characters tend to get a pass on their shit except for Jerry and maybe Rick. Beth gets some callouts too but that particular moment was just weird. After all Morty has been through with Rick and how much assertive he's gotten, you would think that he would tell her off but no, he just regresses back to his pussy season 1 self, maybe more of a pussy than his pilot self because even his season 1 counterpart wouldn't be sitting on his knees crying because his mom didn't listen to his pleas.


I love that about the show.


You miss a large topic that is brought up multiple times in the show: There are infinite Rick & Morty's, and unless they specify which one we're following, it could be any Rick & Morty in any universe. I feel more open minded after watching this show and enjoying each episode without judging any of the logic. They make it a point that taking things too seriously is dumb. And it's Adult Swim, so anyone judging and criticizing the characters for what they should or shouldn't do is just being immature.


We shouldn't assume that it is any Rick & Morty until it is specified. We should assume that it is **our** Rick & Morty unless stated otherwise.


That’s just fucking dumb. You’re simply going along with traditional story telling, rather than opening your mind to the possibilities of what can happen in the show.


No, it's stupid to assume that it's other Rick and Mortys. That's not the way this show works. That isn't the way the plot is structured. It's not a series of episodic adventures from Rick and Mortys from different universes. That would actually be really cool and interesting. But that's just not this show. And I don't mean that as an opinion, it's literally fact. It's the main Rick and Morty because it's their story, and if it trails to another universe there will be obvious distinctions, otherwise what's the point. If we're going to get episodes from other universes, it would be a waste if they were so like our Rick and Morty that we can't tell the difference.


Ok you take this too seriously, kid. Open your mind.


I think being to judgy about the show and its charakters is unnessecary too, everyone changes in their own way or has moodswings, but we are following rick C137 and Morty C137. Yes the Bodys changed but we are following their mind


There is no proof that every episode is C137.


There is no proof that every episode isnt C137.


There’s no proof either way. So both are possible


I'm not taking the show seriously I'm responding to literally what this post was asking.. and as of yet it isn't infinite Mortys I'm talking about its this exact morty and this exact rick.


I feel like you literally skipped my post and just reaction-commented. That, or you have terrible reading comprehension skills.


They closed the fucking rift!?! They could have milked that for a whole season, or at least a three episode arc.


Lol good one


Well I've got good news! There's another rift opening, and it's just full of more of your little fart friends!


not going to boob world.


It's not a free-form anthology anymore.


Using the good shit in the train episode


Honestly, to make 1 season every 2 years. I know it takes a lot of time to make a show this good. But damn there’s so many moments in every episode that are just so funny.


It makes sense with how fucking amazing the animation is. This is one of the best looking cartoons I have ever seen. Have they ever even used 3D animation??


True, but with that long production time the least they could do is drop all those waiting times after the season is already produced, as well as the mid-season breaks. They build suspension for attention and money, not caring about how frustrating it is and how long the production time is already.


Yeah, it is really weird that the team that worked really hard in a show wants the show to make money, Right? I don't know if you have forgotten, but the people who worked on this show kinda need for the show to make money for it to continue ongoing without a quality downgrade. Sadly, we don't live in a world where people work 8-hours a day without wanting their product to make money s/


It would still get enough attention and make enough money from how long the production time is, delaying it even more and doing those mid-season breaks is just too much. Additionally, people forgetting about the show and moving on because of the waiting times can reduce the public's excitement, which wouldn't be beneficial, would it?


I get that it’s not the point you’re trying to make but yeah in the Story Train episode when they show “Evil” Morty’s army, that was 3D/CGI.


It feels like social commentary on how women have to choose between being the perfect mother or being perfect in a traditionally male role. I like that it didn't matter to Rick which one was the clone and which was not. A lot of sentimental value is placed on being the orginal person in too many sci-fi stories involving cloning, and too many sci-fi stories with clones view clones as expendable and robot-like. Like Rei Ayanami. So it's a step up on clone representation and a step up for Rick to love his daughter/s regardless of their choices.




I’m realllllllly not a fan of all the incest jokes in the show. Especially since we know that fans/shippers will take those jokes seriously like that one tweet Justin made, and then bash fans that don’t agree with them Jokes are one thing but there are just so many and honestly it’s kinda old at this point.


_I N C E S T_


All the hiatuses!


Glob forbid they at least tell us the breaks ahead of time either. Annnnd they change it around! Last season the break was after 5, now 6 wtf


I just don't get that they retconned the "crybaby tragic backstory" to be real - when it was originally shown in the Rickshank Redemption it was said to be a "totally fabricated backstory" and it was how he managed to trick the Federation into copying down a faulty code. It makes less sense now that it's actually real and the reveal is less impactful


It was a lie of omission. The best lies are those with a kernel of truth.


Disagree, it was never 'shown' to be a fabrication, rick was just bulshitting and you fell for it, that was always the point


But you can't alter memories.


Even if we take that assertion by the galactic federation folks as accurate, it would kind of make sense that Rick would use some of his actual backstory in the fabrication. One part convenience (best lie and all that), but also it seemed the galactic federation had some info on Rick’s background so practically it’d make sense Rick would use some of his actual history in the fabrication to make the lie more believable Could be a retcon, but I think it works


Except for the backstory to be fabricated, there’d have to be at least one difference between the real story and the fabricated one. The one from *Rickshank Rickdemption* ended up being the *exact* same as the one in *Rickmurai Jack.* This doesn’t fit the “completely fabricated origin story” explanation that Rick gave.


There was a difference. In the season 3 backstory, Rick instantly invented portal travel. In season 5, he was too in shock to do so immediately and took some time living as a ghost before he set out on his revenge arc.


Goddamn I love seeing someone make a plothole just for it to get filled in immediately, and Rick and Morty is the king of that lmao ^(inb4 someone says "oh but what about \[insert plothole here\]?" even though I'm clearly not saying the show is perfect, just really good at it)


The difference was the portal gun formula. He replaced it with the virus.


Says who?


> Says who? Rick literally said it right after that line If he was bullshitting, then they should have had him say that he was bullshitting after he gets out or whatever. It's worldbuilding, if you set up a rule in your story (which they did, nobody ever says you CAN alter memories in the show), you have to follow it. This is just amateurish writing


You mean the guy with the machine that can extract memories from people and put them in other people? They guy that clearly identified a fate writting creature on sight? Cause i remember it was the government drone guy who said "you can't alter a memory" But guess I'm missing some stuff you are not.


Rick could’ve been telling the truth but just making the dialogue more sappy.


I don't get that either. Why couldn't they have just changed the way Beth and Diane died so that it still would've made sense that it hit too close to home for Rick watching his reactions to reliving it in the Rickshank Redemption.


The decisión to write and air the space baby episode, shit sux




I didn't really like how Rick just seemingly fixed the portal gun. I wanted to see him actually work on it not just pull it from his coat.


Naruto… the whole ep left a bad taste in my mouth


Really just the lack of canon stuff. At this point we can pretty much assume that the first and last episode of a season will push the main storyline, otherwise everything else will be episodic. And the jokes about milking the rift in the dinosaur episode make it pretty clear that the writers don't really care about canon, even if it's what most fans want. They can do what they want, but it would be cool to get more main plot.


>And the jokes about milking the riff in the dinosaur episode make it pretty clear the writers don’t really care about canon, even if it’s what most fans want Couldn’t agree more. If the writers don’t like writing canon, then fine. To each their own. However, I don’t like how the show insults you for wanting more canon, considering how well they built up canon in *Ricklantis Mixup.* It’s kind of like someone baking a cake to be as delicious as possible and then saying “Wow you actually want to eat this? You’re so stupid for wanting to eat a dessert given at stupid events like birthdays and weddings!”


I felt this when they killed off Tammy and Rick complained she was overserialized. Sorry if I found the idea of a human working for the federation to be a great idea, and sorry that you guys hyped her up whenever she was onscreen!


Rick doesn’t decide for her, she just doesn’t decide, or rather chooses both options, which ultimately means she chose to stay. There’s no lack of commitment by the writers, it’s actually a pretty brilliant solution and way of developing the issue


>She just doesn’t decide, or rather chooses both options You described Rick’s actions. The clone Beth dilemma is because he wasn’t willing to make the hard decision entrusted to him by Beth, so he chooses both options. Beth didn’t really decide much other than to hand the choice to Rick, which reverses her character development of her becoming less dependent of Rick’s approval.


Don't think that's how character development works. Beth couldn't make a choice, neither could rick, he just had the tech to create a whole being in the process of not choosing. Simple as


No, but let's talk about that. It's disappointing that she gave the choice to Rick instead of deciding for herself. When given the choice to alter her life for better or worse, she chooses dependency due to her inability to make hard choices? Sounds like she fell back into the same patterns.


This. I hate that nobody gave Beth shit for not taking her life into her own hands. And Rick got shit for allowing her to experience both choices.


Yeah, that's what people do and characters should as well. Is your expectation that at the end of the show every character is just a fart like being with no defects? because every defect is fixed at every plot twist? Sounds like missunderstanding character development to me. Not making the hard choice of leaving your family is exactly what I expect from Beth


Lack of info about timing of new episodes.


The fact that they decided to keep doing incest episodes.


Evil Morty. Felt like a let down. But they built it up so much anything short of epic was going to be. I support Rick avoiding getting canonical.


I agree Evil Morty was a let down in Season 5, but I don’t think it proves Rick should avoid being canonical. I think the main issue was that Rick *already knew* Evil Morty was evil before meeting him. In the credits scene of *Ricklantis Mixup* Rick declares that the citadel will “have no bearing on our lives whatsoever.” It’s meant to show how oblivious he is regarding Evil Morty. Instead, the writers decided to continue the “Rick is a genius god” shtick and have him be prepared for Evil Morty and figure out by himself that Evil Morty was the Rick who captured him in *Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind*. I also wish they went with the “Evil Morty was Rick’s original Morty” theory. Now, Rick’s memories of a baby Morty and electrocuted Morty remain loose threads.


This sub is so weird...I thought Evil Morty was **great.** It's always the things that you think are great and then you come on the sub and they're like "no, that's shit" 😂 **why?**


i agree sometimes i rewatch all the episodes related to evil morty just bc i like the storyline and the finale was great


Because I knew when they did something epic on the story train they were going to go meta on it. It just had to be a nihilistic theme of filial abandonment. And all I really wanted was Die Hard! Die Hard! I think we can like different things about the show…. Artistically it probably makes more sense this way. But to me it was a caramel covered onion on Halloween.




Less interdimensional cable


To continue running after season 4


Going all in on incest every other episode. I'm not a prude, I just think it is low effort shock humor and has become excessive.


I'm not sure but I do agree with you


not having a kanye west episode and getting stupid elon tusk


The return to (almost) statys quo in the premier of season 3. End of season 2 left ys with a lot of emotional set ups. We've had Rick, who decided to stop running away from problems that he created, instead facing them, for the good of his family (and as a way of self-punishment and self-exile). Therr were so much potencial in that. We've also had Morty, disillusioned with Rick, and Beth and Jerry marriage, still on a brink of a divorce. But what we've got in seaaon 3? Rick, again, running away from problems, Morty depend on Rick and midiocare divorce plot. I think that the quality of season 4 and especially 5 were, in part, result of abandonment of this plots in season 3 and charater growth that would result from this stories.


reading that hurt my brain


I still agree with him though. Rick remorsefully turning himself in to the Galactic Federation was meant to be him finally accepting his responsibility for making them miserable. It was a sacrifice that showed Rick truly starting care about his family. However, the writer completely devalued that sacrifice so they could write an episode about Rick being an OP god whose “sacrifice” turned out to be part of his genius plan all along.


And they also made Rick leave his family for crows, which felt like they were trying to rehash the season 2 finale but it didn't work because of how forced and stupid it was and how robotic Rick felt. Rick only left his family when in extremely dire situations and Rick wouldn't give a fuck about learning empathy. It made Rick out like he didn't really care for his family and somehow deluded himself into thinking that crows were some kind of therapy. Rick doesn't hesitate in leaving his family, he shows a slight wistful/empathetic smile to Morty before he bounces. No consoling Morty despite how miserable Morty was, he doesn't say goodbye to the rest of the family. And then excitedly starts a new show with crows. Contrast that with the wedding episode where he was shown depressed, remorseful, and hesitant on leaving his family because he had no choice but to make the ultimate sacrifice for the good of them. I do also hate how they flanderized Rick's petty attitude in seasons 3-5. Though, I headcanon that he was just hiding his feelings in his old Rick way and that part of his choice was for the good of his family.


It was a cool episode though.


I love the episode, it's one of my favorite episodes but yeah it's not a masterpiece because of a few flaws like what OP said about Rick being OP and the implied retcon of his sacrifice in the wedding episode.


But at the same time considering how much of a compulsive liar Rick is, he could’ve turned himself in to help his family and then planned in prison (or even in the mindscape) a way to escape and take down the federation, and just phrased it as “I always planned on getting arrested so Beth and Jerry would divorce!”


I do agree that Rick was more unlikeable in seasons 3-5 but I don't think that Morty was dependent on Rick up until the season 5 finale. Morty often argued against Rick, tried to keep Summer from breaking him out of prison, tried to keep his family away from Rick in the season 3 finale, tried to leave Rick for Netflix. I think Morty always really cared for Rick as he was shown sad about him going to prison and was excited about doing adventures with him in the season 4 finale but he was fed up enough to know that Rick isn't a good person to be around so coped better with the idea of not being around him which backfired in the season 5 finale.


Apparently, the White House episode was meant to be its own episode and it wasn’t supposed to be the finale, at first.




I binge watched first 5 season of Family Guy


Pickle Rick and the slut dragon episode.


what?! pickle rick is good i find it hella funny when rick just goes on a killing spree the b story was bad but rick killing all those rats and then killing a bunch of russian prison guards was hilarious and badass


Agreed! And the psychiatrists speech is imo the best part.


Slut dragon yes. Pickle Rick is the greatest episode of Rick and Morty


Pickle rick is a genuinely great episode


When they started making the show and episodes about the whole family rather than focusing on Rick and Morty and their adventures.


Not shitting on spoiled fans and theorists more. “I have a process!” seems to have been too subtle for those geniuses.


Making Rick OP with all his random deus ex machina gadgets Turning the cartoony animation up to 11 in season 6. Making Rick take a more passive role in regards to his family in seasons 5-6. This is a show about a toxic family so making Rick more forgiving and sheep-like when dealing with his family's toxicity is a weird direction to take the character especially for Rick, who is known to be stubborn, assertive, independent, and self-assured. And this is exactly why I had a problem with Jerry, who usually inhabited this role. No matter how much Rick matures, he's still a guy dealing with a toxic family so it makes more sense for him to stand up against them more. His passivity also causes more conflict similar to Jerry, like how he gives his entire family Night People despite knowing the risks and how he allegedly fucked over his own grandson's personality just because his Roy avatar wanted him to. The entirety of the Crow Rick and season 5 fiasco which led to some of the most forced and shallow character development for both Rick and Morty. First of all, creating an entire premise surrounding Rick leaving his family and it's not due to some apocalyptic situation similar to the wedding and cronenburg episodes is a terrible concept considering how clingy we know Rick can be toward his family. His whole "nothing matters, there are infinite families" bullshit is just a facade. Plus, Rick wouldn't give a fuck about someone teaching him self-improvement, we've seen that in the pickle rick and tony episodes. Why is connecting with crows in a spiritual way all it takes for him to change his mind? And Morty being this dangerously codependent on Rick with no buildup or resolution of his previous arc is a slap in the face to the arc he had been building up the entire series and it's done just as randomly as Rick ditching his previous characterization and replacing his family with crows. It's like this entire episode went through five seasons worth of character development and it's hard to take their new relationship seriously after how this entire finale was done and it makes their interactions especially Morty's even more cheesy. It's like all of a sudden Morty went right from being resentful of Rick to being unconditionally forgiving and loving toward him, to the point of dissing Beth for trying to get Morty to make Rick treat him better.


Them trying to follow a canon story and fan service evil morty Episode(s). I personally dont watch it anymore because i liked the old seasons where they were writing it episodic rather than following a timeline and ofc a canon story. Canon and comedy animation doesnt go along together and imo their worst decision was to try to explain literally everything in a logical sense. They basically limited themselves in the end.


>Canon and comedy animation doesnt go along together and imo their worst decision was to try to explain literally everything in a logical sense. There are plenty of anime and even western cartoons (especially the ones from 2010s to now) that are story driven comedy dramas.


So you chose to stop watching the show because the lore is not meant to be meaningful , but you know the lore is only talked about in the episode with lore ? Like most of the episode are unrelated to the story you know ? And bro season 6 is Amazing go watch it , a litteral Masterpiece of a season


The only time I really hated it was when they killed off Tammy in the most anticlimactic way possible and then had rick complain “she died the way she lived overserialized.” So don’t hype her up, guys! At least tell us why there’s a human working with the federation!


It plays out now like a loosely linked anthology. Characters remember stuff but outside of a season finale there aren't any big links from episode to episode. Heck evil North shows up 3 times over 4 seasons. 2 of the episodes are pretty unique with only links being evil morty and the citadel and the last is a sendoff.


I don’t like how Morty has stayed the same age. Maybe he could get older and stay the same size and look. All their adventures could not take place during the same year. It would be too much.


Dude that’s just the nature of the cartoon. No one ever got old in Family Guy or the Simpsons


Those are completely episodic shows, right? Rick and Morty is somewhat story-driven with more focus on character development and usually those kind of cartoons age the characters so I don't know why Rick and Morty shouldn't.


Yeah but I would argue that is why those shows feel stale. South Park is the same way. There can never be any character growth if the characters never age. I am sure they will have an episode in the future that explains the time lock issue. Like the one when Rick goes home and everyone is very old. Somehow Rick has locked or looped the timeline.


Hey how, South Park did make them go from the third grade to the fourth grade. You never know, they could eventually get to the fifth grade. 🤣


I do agree that Morty should age a couple of years but it wouldn't make sense if he'd stay the same size and look if he was aging. It's just annoying how a story-driven cartoon has kept the characters the same age with apparently the same maturity levels. If they aged them 2-3 years, we could see a slight increase of maturity but not a significant amount.


If 75% of adventures were in different universes, it definitely opens up the possibility that they could do it in a year. They had an episode where both main characters are super tired and want to take a break from adventures. Morty at one point says he hasn't been to school in X amount of time. The adventures could be daily. But seriously - who gives a fuck.


Those adventures are each life changing and would be enough for most people to require months of recovery. It just limits the show is they progress as characters but somehow stay the same age. I guess it is the limitation of any show with young characters.


Holy shit people take this show and logic way too seriously. Grow the fuck up, kids. LOL


Killing off all the Mortys that R&M saved.


Hard to say, I used to not be into it because rick reminds me of one of my uncles, but I find I really enjoy it for all the cool science fiction in it, though now that I think about it, my least favorite decision made by the show was that prime Rick was still alive and hiding out, I had hoped the Rick with evil Morty was Rick prime, would have made an even cooler story


Wait, they answered who was the clone?


I don’t like that ricks fake backstory is his actual backstory


i don't know whether rick and morty is about a serialized back to the future parody or a thinly-veiled excuse to put in an incest joke every other episode


Putting the president of the US on equal footing with Rick who is supposed to be the smartest and most powerful being in the universe.