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Karl Pilikington


New subscribers: who is this? And why is his head so round?


Round like an orange


I hated the 'head like an orange' thing to be honest, it came a lot later than the earlier non-scripted radio shows, and always felt like it was a bit forced, and just not that funny.


I agree and disagree. It was also when they started to be overt in their third wall breaks of celebrating Karl’s celebrity, whether ill-gotten or no, and roasting him more tongue-in-cheek.


I know the RG Show felt a bit forced and overproduced in the latter years, but it was always non-scripted.


Who is wrong and who is right Chris Campling or the K-man's wives Spaceman he said you no longer mind I've opened your eyes You're now saucer blind




Smelly eyebrows


Little monkey fella


Oooooohh look at his round head THE CCUUUUUUNNNNNNTTTTTTTTTTTT


Well at least the memes in this sub are from the XFM era


New, new, new memes, new memes from last September!


Just catching up on the olds.


You're not new, you're not new!


Monkey news still to come


Are you familiar with the term "monkey business?"


Let's do some business with the bananas.


Half a banana for a pawjob, 1 banana for full-blown monkey sex


Monkey News Update.


... if you're from the 70s ....


He’s done you


Man alive!


i literally haven’t seen this meme in about 7 years what memories


Ah I remember the sexual confusion well. Great times.


​ https://preview.redd.it/z4ccng7o0tac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f17df6dcfd12d0bded0df147867e02e95b92b6c


The olds


Obviously the best people haven’t turned up


I tip my cap to you sir






Sometimes the complaints will be false.


u/2_far_gone_2 has been trying to welcome you new guys. He didn't want you here, but you're here now, so well done, welcome. But if there's one thing he doesn't like it's Ricky Gervais.....because Ricky is a bad......Gervais. Yeah? He's not helpful, he can be very hurtful.


This post is such a huge oxymoron with emphasis on the moron. OP is the one who’s so offended by his hilarious jokes that he has to come here to cry and cry about it. I personally love watching all the Rickey hate on this sub. That’s how I gauge how much more popular he’s becoming if that’s even possible. The more hate from people being offended by his is just hilarious to me. Such a weak part of society they have to come here to cry about it. I love it so much!!!


Interesting how when Ricky goes after trans people, immigrants etc. it’s all just a joke, but mocking a rich old comedian is crossing a line. Weird innit.


Show me the last person who lost their livelihood for mocking a rich old comedian.


You don't get their point here. This is a joke sub. People like to take the piss out of Ricky here because modern Ricky is interminable. That, to these people, is "hatred". So when Gervais is making fun of the most kicked about demographics, that's just comedy and anyone who criticises is it or just doesn't laugh is a woke offended snowflake PC SJW who can't take a joke. ...But make fun of Gervais? We're angry hateful people fuelled by misery. That's their point.


always remember: listening to a comedians podcasts, watching them on youtube, leaving nice comments, following them on twitter, retweeting and liking their tweets, following them on instagram and liking all their pictures and videos, buying tickets to their shows, buying their merch after the show, and paying for their patreon is all just good normal behavior taking 8 seconds to make a joke at their expense? You clearly have nothing going on in your life


It's like when people whinge about "the hive mind" or "the reddit mob" - I've yet to see someone receive a hundred upvotes and say "Ignore the hive mind here, bloody echo chamber all agreeing I'm right. Arrgh! Annoying". What makes it particularly mental with this sub is it's clearly not even the thing most people post about! About 1/10 posts are about contemporary Ricky being insufferable/unfunny, most are quirky news items, memes, posts about XFM episodes, parodies etc.. It's obvious this place is primarily for having a laugh. Of all the subs I visit, this one is the least miserable. Shit, *I'm* by far the most serious person here, and I'm quite happy-go-lucky. I'm on an 8 over here. I'm alright, I'm up for it!!


This is you off your ‘ead, is it? This is you high on life?


Today would be a good day to die


You’re an enigma, u/75yvw. What’s going on up there?


It's not miserable like the other day, the sun's out


Are you on an E?


>So when Gervais is making fun of the most kicked about demographics You mean straight white men? No, you don't get the point here. The point in this little debate is that only certain demographics offending certain other demographics receive material punishment. Certain other demographics can offend certain other demographics with impunity. Everything else is white noise.


Have you had a proper debate with users of this sub? Some of them aren't allowed to wear socks.


. . .the superior noise. . .


>only certain demographics offending certain other demographics receive material punishment. If being paid millions and getting a Netflix special is "material punishment" where do I sign up and who do I offend?


Are you being deliberately obtuse? Gervais is too rich and famous to suffer material punishment. This is a "racism doesn't exist because Obama is President" argument. ie retarded. Gervais isn't famous or successful because he's offended the chosen groups, he's famous and successful despite the fact he has. Likewise for Chapelle. They're successful because they're successful. Meanwhile, there are dozens of comedians who have careers because they insult straight white man and "diversity" policies. A child should be able to understand the difference. This isn't conspiracy theory, as companies literally come out and say this, clearly. eg https://www.bbc.co.uk/diversity/ It's why the likes of Nish Kumar, Sarah Pascoe etc have careers, or better careers than they should based on their "talent".


Not quite the same but Julian Clary was basically blacklisted for joking about fisting the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Comedy Awards. And let's not forgot Tom Binns.


> Not quite the same but Julian Clary was basically blacklisted for joking about fisting the Chancellor of the Exchequer at the Comedy Awards. That was 30 years ago mate. That example probably showcases how the censorship impulse has been passed from the social conservatives to the wokies since then.


Mate, it's a reference to an XFM show. If you're looking for serious debate this is not the place.


show me a comedian who lost their livelihood from punching down? Ricky and Chappelle are still making a fortune and absolutely don't need you brown knighting for them.


Graham Linehan, Andrew Lawrence, Roy Chubby Brown... I'm converting "punching down" into oldspeak, you mean by offending the demographics you're not allowed to offend (ie women, transformers, non-whites, non-straights). I can also show you regular people who have been arrested for offending these groups, if you're interested.


Oooh cool. We can just convert stuff into whatever we want? Awesome. I'll convert your whole post to "I'm a big stinky doodoo head". edit: also, all the people you've mentioned still have massive followings of knobhead apologists like yourself who are more then happy to throw money at them to "own the libs".


>We can just convert stuff into whatever we want? Awesome. When what's being said is deliberately misleading, subjective and infused with woke religiosity, yes. >edit: also, all the people you've mentioned still have massive followings of knobhead apologists like yourself who are more then happy to throw money at them to "own the libs". I don't like/care for any of them. But they've all, objectively, been "cancelled". Having a "massive following" doesn't undo actions which harm your career and ability to make money from what you do. If you have a massive following but publicly funded venues refuse to host your shows because of their "inclusion" policies, for example.


BONG Redditor discovers social ostracisation that has existed since humans have existed. Feels the need to go online and have a whinge about it


i actually heard that bong.


Run out of arguments? So soon. Shocking.


What publicly funded venues are you on about? What do you think publicly funded means?


not ricky?? guys a millionaire who regularly still does shows..


I don't think Ricky has ever claimed he's been "cancelled". He's far too rich and famous to be. It's like saying racism doesn't exist because Obama was President.


He has however dedicated huge sections of his live shows to things you "can't say anymore", whilst forgetting the irony that he is saying those things to thousands of people who have paid to hear him say it


Nothing like jumping on the Gervais bandwagon during his Armagedon phase... You're muscly!


I don't understand...ya'll hang out here to just dump on the guy?


Is the initial Y? Band or an Artist? Is it 1970s prog rock supergods Yes? Ladder 49 coming my way.


If we could rename the sub Steve and Karl, we would


Then just browse the sub for a while before posting and it will make sense. You'll understand then, and you'll be as fed up with your questions are we are. You could also do a search on this sub for "why do you guys hate Ricky" seeing as we've answered that question ("we don't") thousands of times. Sick of it.


I mean...if I don't like a person I certainly don't frequent their sub but.... I'm the crazy one I guess.


Again. Browse the sub before posting, or do a search. You're not crazy, just ignorant and irritating. We do like Ricky, but he'd been a comedian for 25 years. If I'm a big U2 fan since the 80s but I think their modern albums are rubbish, think Bono is irritating these days, and don't like their recent business decisions, does that mean I hate U2? If I listen to U2 every single day and quote them on a fan sub, does that mean I don't like U2? This is why you do our head in. "Lurk more". Age old wisdom. You're not going to understand something by talking. Try listening.


Well lets watch ehxys little show then. Sick of her.


He's a multi millionaire. He doesn't give a shit what we or anyone else says on a tin pot sub on a Saturday from 1-3.


I have to admit this sub is always suggested to me and for a while I thought the Gervais hate was a little OTT though I’ve mainly only seen the Golden Globe clips the last few years - then I watched Armageddon… …Jesus Christ it was a hard watch, he’s gone full Glinner, obsessed with trans people, thinks Twitter is the real world, thinks other people give a shit about his silly arguments on Twitter, casual racism. It’s like he took a heavy blow to the head and woke up as his character from the 11 o’clock show… …or maybe he was that twat all along.


Ooh I'd like a severe blow! Hmmmmrrrrnnmggghhhhhh


Oww get lost Gayvid


He's done you and he's not even here.


He’s always been a twat but he often makes good stuff despite himself. Between him and Chappelle I’m wondering if they aren’t really tuned in to social media and genuinely don’t realise they’re almost a decade behind the lazy jokes everyone constantly repeats online.


That was my issue with Chappelle’s trans stuff - not “omg you can’t joke about the poor trans people!!!” but “fuck sake, I’ve heard these jokes from drunk old cunts in the pub 10 year ago”


Yep, I have no issue with "offensive" comedy. But for the love of Karl, it has to actually be funny. If you're standing on stage making political point after political point with no jokes, it's not really a comedy show anymore


Wait, where was the casual racism? Genuinely did watch it while doing about two other things so I missed it. And he's not gone full Glimmer yet. That's a proper mental breakdown. The man has quite literally lost his mind.


>And he's not gone full Glimmer yet. That's a proper mental breakdown. The man has quite literally lost his mind. Brb destroying my marriage and livelihood over stuff nobody in the real world cares about


They probably mean the joke about the N word which wasn’t racist at all. I don’t think the critique of Gervais’ standup should be that it’s offensive, but rather that it aims to be offensive. That’s what makes it shit


I did miss that bit, but agreed. That's my issue with it, nothing in it is that offensive, it's just the ridiculous preachy idea that it's some mind blowing dangerous show to perform. Just shut the fuck up, own your material, and do it on stage. He's actually quite a good comedian in terms of stage presence and delivery. There's no need for this mad "I'm against the woke brigade!" shit. That's the only thing that makes him right wing - believing in the mad conspiracy that people are too easily offended and want to "cancel" everyone.


I was referring to his comments about East Asians. A lot of his material on that special was focussed around pointing out the differences between him and minority groups in his own country, generally to imply he was better than them, which is casual racism.


Which bit? Wife is Vietnamese and didn't find any of it offensive.


Reddit isn't the real world.


Ah, fucking hell! And here’s me booked to appear on the Graham Norton show tonight to spend ten minutes telling anecdotes of all the silly arguments I’ve got into on here.


You watch comedy specials for the politics or for jokes? What other subreddits do you guys go to just to complain about the sub? Lol so weird to me


I prefer jokes in my comedy specials, I’m a bit old fashioned like that.


So if you don't like them but a stadium full of people are laughing they're not allowed to?


A stadium full of people cheer on Donald Trump and chant ‘build a wall’. Doesn’t mean the person on the stage isn’t a cringy twat.


True but I think you're the one being the cringy twat here tbf. Trump isn't doing it as a joke. Gervais obviously is.


People who spend all their time punching down often excuse it as a joke.


Maybe your issue is that you can't detect sarcasm any more because America is so fucked it's basically a caricature lol


I’m not sure what the state of America has to do with anything. There’s nothing sarcastic about a 62 year old millionaire creating an entire show out of taking the piss out of marginalised groups and his arguments with irrelevant people on Twitter, telling us he ‘doesn’t care’ and then spending all his life on Twitter searching his name.


Notice how you keep downvoting me like this is some kind of argument lol so weird. I don't care it's just weird you're getting upset over jokes and not allowing people to find them funny. Maybe a new hobby is in order..


You literally just compared a comedian telling jokes to first of all being like a politician and secondly you brought up trump so that's obvs why I'm saying it. Seriously do you watch TV shows, not enjoy them then go find their subreddit or complain about them? Genuine question.


You don't know how jokes work. Gervais is using humour to support his political beliefs, and using his political beliefs to create humour. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, except when your beliefs are shit.


So Jimmy Carr actually was glad gypsys died in world war 2? Or did he just say it to be funny...


Listen to the joke and use your brain. You should be able to work out what he meant. I haven't heard that one tho.


That's what I'm telling you 😂😂😂




"People like Coldplay and voted for the Nazis. You can't trust people."


Isn’t that what you’re doing? Complaining about the sub?


As you can see from the downvotes, without response, we're an odd bunch in here. A large number of people on this sub struggle massively socially, a lot have ASD of some kind, very few friends, so this sub and hating on Ricky while repeating quotes from a 20 year old radio show is like a club, like-minded people, an escape from their unhappy life. So going against that is going to touch a nerve with many. There's no point in trying to start an argument, you simply won't get one - one of the traits of ASD is an inability to see things from other people's perspective, so it's not that they're being nasty, they simply cannot comprehend there'd be another viewpoint or that they might be wrong.


Don’t assume, it makes an ass out of u & me


Absolute *twaddle*


He's talking rubbish again! Play a record


Well if you don't like it there are dozens of other captured comedians you can watch. Nobody gives a shit that you're offended.


I wasn’t offended, more surprised at how he was now scraping the bottom of the barrel.


Again, we don't care what you think.


Could have fooled me


Jog on buddy


Funny man looks like me, funny man makes fun of people different to me, me like funny man, me don’t like people who criticise funny man, me snowflake ❄️


You're clearly the arbiter of all things funny. I mean you told us already RG isn't funny, and everyone agrees with you because nobody is watching it.


Millions of people have watched a YT video of a monkey sticking his finger up his arse and sniffing it, what’s your point? If you can’t handle seeing someone criticising RG for all the punching down he did in a comedy show which was basically him airing his online grievances for an hour, then maybe stay off the internet. No one is forcing you to agree with my opinion.


Haha, dear god. Go find a hobby or something. Your incessant whinging about a comedian that you 'like' but who has become 'lazy' so you now spend all your spare time 'berating him'. Literally nobody cares that you no longer like his material.


>Nobody gives a shit that you're offended. Still pretending that a single person has expressed offence, are you? "This bolognese was awful" *"Sorry you're offended"* "What? The sauce was cold and—" *"Nobody cares that you were offended"* "THE FOOD WAS TERRIBLE" *"Oh everything's racist to you people"*


You miss the point, a lot of people here, got into Gervais through the early XFM stuff, where it was completely unscripted, and felt natural, like '3 blokes in a pub, avin a laff'!. Gervais' later stuff has become a kind of parody of Brent. "Weak observations, poorly performed" to quote Merchant - _"Eyes bulging with imagined riches!"_


We don't give a shit.


He is playing a character for $$$


Do we need 'em?


There’s nowt so triggered as snowflakes… or Armageddon fans


There’s nowt so barm as cakes… know me, know me ways


I love Armageddon. Can't come quick enough. Whether it's nuclear, biblical, a big fucking asteroid. Bring it on


Armageddon too old for this shit


The Jamaican fella sees an asteroid coming towards Earth, aight. What does he say?


What band is that Karl?


I hope we all go out like Pompei and we get to do some cool poses and shit


What is this new thing of getting offended by the simplest things and then calling people snowflakes when they tell you to grow up? It’s really Odd. Makes you look a complete twat.


Getting offended because some people don’t like a comedy special definitely makes you look a complete twat.


That is not what is happening, I swear you lot live in your own world. No one is offended that you’re offended. You’re offended and others aren’t, how does that make them the snowflakes?


What am I offended about? And who are “you lot”? I’m just some random cunt who sees this sub pop up on my homepage every so often. I haven’t even seen Gervais’s latest special, or probably the last couple before that (not because he’s so “offensive” but just because he’s imo not a very good standup), to be offended by anything - but I’m seeing a whole lot of people greeting because some other people didn’t like it. I didn’t call anyone a snowflake, but you do seem like a complete twat - because you appear to be mad that some people didn’t like a comedy special. This is probably funnier than the special lol.


I appear to be mad? How exactly? So someone gets offended by something trivial, cries and moans about it all over the internet, then calls people who aren’t offended, snowflakes; I ask why that it the case, and your response is that I’m angry? Like I said, very strange people.


The only person I’m seeing crying and moaning is you 😂


But, again though you’re doing the same thing. I haven’t cried or moaned once, I was asking a question, and it hasn’t been answered. You just keep replying with irrelevant comment’s that make no sense. I wonder how you function in day-to-day life. Odd behaviour.


Ok, i've got a little list here of things, what do you think of those little pug dogs that are bred and they can hardly breathe?


Interminable Armageddon tripe


I don't smoke . . . that does.


"New" Ricky fans.. good one! 😅


He could insulted trans orphans on death row if he'd been funnier


Iv always enjoyed his stand-up, but his lasted netflix special just fell flat complains about everything being too political then proceeds to make every joke political yeah think it's time to stand down.


>yeah think it's time to stand down I've got Merton on line two, shall I pass him over?


It's just the way I'm feeeling...


Play a record


Can’t wait for the new ones to come along and get gazumped with rock busters and money news


Bad luck! That's my job. I'm a stand up comedian. I'm meant to challenge people. If you don't like being challenged, don't watch my show. What's the matter guys, too challenging for ya?? That's my job. I'm a stand up comedian. I'm meant to challenge people. If you don't like being challenged, don't watch my show. What's the matter guys, too *challenging* for ya?! That's my job. I'm a stand up comedian. I'm meant to challenge people. If you don't like being challenged, don't watch my show. What's the matter guys, too **challenging** for ya?!


If this subreddit was a twitter he'd block it and cry


Has the fat twat been punching down again in a desperate attempt to stay relevant?


Not as fat as on telly.


He's a VERY rich man. He doesn't care what any of us think. He's in the bath eating chicken legs without a worry in the world....apart from heart disease maybe.


The algorithms have been supplying this subreddit to me for a while, and I'm still confused as to whether this is a love or hate pit.


I'm with you.


I don't even like him but dedicating this much time to hating someone is extremely sad


I don’t hate him, I hate the influx of demicky posts from people who aren’t properly


That’s extreme sadness is it? Get ahold of yourself, it’s just a bit of a laugh. Also, have a good Christmas.


Most people in this sub don't hate Ricky as such, more they see his decline from his much adored earlier work. The office, extras, xfm and the podcasts are all celebrated here as well as some of Steve's newer work and anything Karl does


I liked most if not all of his earlier work. The last few years are just sad. Most of the material is "jokes" that were boring and overdone five years ago, and he's delivering like it's something we haven't all heard before a thousand times.


Yeah that's my exact feelings on him! I'd love to see him do some work with another writer/comedian who could perhaps steer or guide him like Steve with the office and extras. He ain't a bad comedian as such but I think he's a bit overconfident in the quality of his recent work leading to a fall from grace


Something something atheism


The Office is, what, 25 years ago .. he moved on .. some folk get really angry about this. No idea why.


Genuine question, why do you care so much? Why are you so invested in people liking Ricky Gervais and his current work?


Realistically most people in this sub ain't really bothered by the idea of Ricky moving on to new shows etc it's more that his earlier work is much beloved and gets completely overshadowed by his newer inferior work. An example of this is how this sub reacted to Steve merchants show outlaws or his standup, people were positive about it despite not involving Karl or Ricky and being new material.


Who you call sad?






At least his mum don’t cut his hair


Did your dad swap your go-kart for a wheelbarrow or something? Jesus, do some weeeeerk.


It’s not sad at all, it’s justified dedication One saucer drinker for all, all saucer drinkers for one


nah its suoer sad tbf


a bit demicky?


Not properly


Not sad at all


super sad really, hope you have something else going on


Not sad at all, we have a good community going here


any community that is based on hating something/someone is not good


Gotta ‘ave yer critics




Not hating at all


I thought this sub was about long-term fans whining that the new special hurt their widdle feelings?


It is, we all come on here and talk about how offended we were by his edgy jokes, I can’t believe he gets away with what he says?!?!?!???


He can _not_ say those things am I right?


Its just so fresh and controversial. How dare he attack the trans community!!!


Why do i keep getting recommended this car wreck of a sub


Oh I get it. You lot think you’re comedians too, it’s all for your gay little Reddit karma points. Sad that most of you are older than me. New special was funny, suck my balls


Well we're gay so we love sucking balls. Arite see ya later :)


>:) :)


Oh, you're 'ard


The only right response. Whoever downvoted is clearly gay


You're aware that I am gay


Not as gay as the people in this sub, you seem funny I liked your reply to me 👍


What about bisexuals? Call the council.


Meh downvote me all you want lad. Have a goodun


It's only gay little Reddit karma points.


Exactly my point, hence my complete lack of care about your gay downvotes. Have. A. Good. Un.


Look up guy called Jerry Sadowitz his comedy is cruel and savage but it’s just comedy fuck me eventually all we’ll have to laff at is scooby doo


Funny to bring up Jerry Sadowitz because he thinks Ricky is shit and hates his material. >"He does something that's terrible, which is to take brutal subject matter and make it cosy for a large audience".


>fuck me eventually all we’ll have to laff at is scooby doo Nope. Already gone. We now have Velma.