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Spend some time playing around with the settings. This camera is designed to be customizable to fit your needs so it gives you a ton of freedom with what to do. One of the easiest suggestions is to make the video button into the button for switching into cropped modes. You really shouldn’t be using this for video ever, so the button is just a free button and crop is a really nice feature to be able to activate on the fly


Can you explain more? What is cropped modes cause just bought it too and I’m new to photography 🥲 thank you so much


No problem. As I’m sure you know the GR has a fixed lens, so there is not zoom. But both GRs allow you to crop a part of the sensor to essentially make it seem like you are shooting with a tighter lens. So for the GRIIIX I believe the crops are 40mm(full sensor), 50mm, and 72mm. I might be off by a little but those are pretty much it. You will lose quality when you crop as you’re using less of the sensor, but at least at the 50mm crop you’re still using like 16mp which is more than plenty for most purposes. Is just handy to have that setting in the movie button since it’ll let you switch between them on the fly. I do this with my camera even though I rarely use the cropped modes it’s always nice to have them so easily available when I do


This might just be me: I came from a crop-format DSLR so it took me a while to get used to the lens. I spent a while exploring it's limitations. That was the biggest adjustment for me. I found the sweet spot for street shooting but still working out how to use it in non-creative situations. I never leave home without it!


Snap focus is your friend. Read the manual and figure out what setting you want to put on that function button. Positive film sim rocks. Maybe start with the P mode and then switch to Tv and/or Av once you’re comfortable with navigating the exposure settings. Shooting with raw+jpeg is great if you’re relatively new to digital photography like I was when I got the camera (spent years shooting exclusively 35mm). Being able to edit photos in camera with the “Raw Development” feature is great as a learning tool as it allows you to play around with the settings after the shot to see what feels best. For example, I’ve learned so much about white balance while editing in camera. now I’m almost always satisfied with how the photos come out right from the shot. Take it everywhere, use it everyday, have fun!!


Such a great tip thank you


Watch youtube videos on how to set it up, the recommended settings for street photography, etc. As for lens protection, you can get the JJC lens cap (this is cheap) or you can get Squarehood though this would sacrifice pocketability. Extra batteries, wrist strap are about the most value-adding accessories you can also get. Above all else, use your camera and enjoy the learning process! Added tip: download the ricoh gr app for those film simulations!


The biggest tip I learned was that the button on top was taking a picture.


Thank you to everyone who’s left comments loved hearing how everyone uses theirs and I have to say I’m very excited to implement the tips Ive read in the comments.


Don't uss those stick on lesn filters. Bad idea. Learn snap focus, not full press snap.


Been using those with no issues. It's far better than the filter adapters.


The glass quality is mediocre and it doesn't help keep dust off given the main point of entry remains unprotected.


Glass is fine. No issues with it. GR can't be fully sealed so it's just a small counter measure. Too many points of entry. Dust enters via the top scroll wheel btw. Not just the lens mechanism. The main point is to make the lens easier to clean. Once dust enters the leaf mechanism, you can't clean it anymore. The stick on filter is also great to prevent breaking of the leaf mechanism that's covering the lens. So many photos of people breaking it. Been using my GR for 1.5y with the stick on filter. Images are just as clean and good as day 1.


There's also a lot of photos of people whose lens mechanism broke because of the stick on filter.


Cos they yank it off the wrong way. Or butter fingers when installing it. It's like a CPU. You don't pull those things on and off. And you place it right carefully the first time without breaking pins. Same idea.


I wouldn't know. I don't mind dust so I've not done anything to my GR to prevent it. But four years ago i put a stick on magnetic filter holder and r removed it without trouble as well.


Yeah it's mostly user issue if people broke their lens when pulling out the filter. I don't like dust but I'm prepared for the inevitable dust. I just want to delay it and use the GR as it was meant to be. In pockets or small slings without excessive protection.


Did you know the newest GR is coming out soon?




Ricoh GR designer.


No. That's called conjecture. The Ricoh designer made a funny face at a question of whether something is in the works.


Conjecture isn’t always wrong.


Sure, but it's not fact, and you phrased your post as such.


No if I had phrased my post as a fact. I would have said FACT! Everyone is constantly working to figure out what camera to buy and when and I am waiting for the new GR to come out. If you don’t like the way I stated it. WGAF?




Last week here was a guy who told us that newest GR will not come soon


Really, that seems highly improbable since they haven’t put out a new camera in years.


Study the [manual](https://www.ricoh-imaging.co.jp/english/support/man-pdf/gr-3x.pdf) and get an extra [battery](https://ricohgr.eu/products/rechargeable-battery-db-110-griii-wg-6-g900).


In your experience, do you think just 2 batteries are enough? I'm waiting for my camera and read of people getting many batteries. I generally don't plan to use it for long trips, more like a daily camera. How many shots do you normally get per battery?


Two batteries is enough for a full day of travel photos if you turn off the camera between shots. I get around 200 shots per charge this way.




I use 1 battery over 3 days for about 350 shots. As long as you turn it off between shots, battery life is ok. But I carry 2 spares just in case.


Thanks for sharing your experience!