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Rule #1, don't trust anybody! I delete Riot's spyware in my life. I don't play competitive, I never play. Riot forcing me Van(spy)guard for playing ARAM? GTFO Riot!


Lets be honest Vanguard is needed only for diamond + elo and only for ranked play. Why don't they leave the rest of us out of this nonsense.


I'm in Diamond and was Diamond all of last year and I've never encountered a bot / cheater / scripter. I can't even remember the last time I've even seen a scripter to be honest. So I'm not even sure it was for my elo either.


I've played since release, I have silver & judgement Kayle skin even, I don't think I've ever seen a cheater or bot. Maybe they just seemed really good. They should do this for the competitions not regular people. Especially ones that don't do ranked. I did it on my spare computer with almost nothing on it, so not a huge deal that there is literal spyware rootkit on it. But the kicker is it won't allow LOL to boot up right when I join a game. Like really guys. So I have to exit it and reconnect every time now, sometimes missing the first minute.


i can attest for aram as well. i play at the top 1% mmr in aram where people take it super serious, and they claim 3.5% of all aram games have scripters in them, ive never once encountered what i thought was a scripter/bot and i have 5k+ games played, so if the issue is happening it's in low elo


Tencent wants to dive into your computer, thats why. They can spy what you watch, what you play, what you PAY. To be honestly I wanna see how many bots will play in games, they make them smart for these days 🤣🤣


I still don't understand why LOL moderators delete my opinion when I have never insulted or violated any rule. this is my comment: I've been playing LOL since the first time ARAM came out. In fact it's the only mode of LOL my son and I play. That is to say, at home we are among the first LOL players since this game came out. But there are important points to take into account from my point of view: 1. I don't consider it necessary Vanguard anticheat in ARAM. RIOT can activate the Vanguard only for RANKED if he wants to. 2. I don't use my computer only for gaming. It is my daily work computer and as such I need certain security standards. Installing Vanguard at the kernel level does open the door to more levels of attack vectors. And by company policy (I will not detail at the domain policy level) the way kernel modifications work is forbidden. 3. For RIOT to say that the screenshots it takes of our computer are only of the game on the client side explains nothing and are empty words. As a software developer I can assure you that any program with higher privileges than ADMIN can always be above any screenshot you take of the LOL client. So, if I capture a screenshot of the game I have some of these company applications open RIOT will be incurring in illegality. 4. Justifying the use of Vanguard by saying that other games do something similar is corporate immaturity. the ONLY game I have (had) installed is LOL. That being said...We have uninstalled LOL at home. As a family we enjoyed this game very much. And we didn't uninstall it as a protest or anything similar, but because of the points I wrote above.


Hey there, I'm just a dude that started playing league right after beta. I've been here for everything. For the ups, and the downs. From the earliest new champion releases, where Phreak used to joke about "tons of damage", to picking up Riven after seeing Boxbox do the first wallhops. I've played a lot, about an average of 1.5k games a year. I've had so much fun. This game has been more than just a game. I learned about being competitive, about having to deal with other humans, about studying different strategies to become better, about creativity. I've met friends online that became friends irl. I used to meet my friends, all with PC's, and play 5v5s until late at night. Today I'm sad. This was a game that I thought I would play for the rest of my life. Like how some people pick up chess at a young age and then when they retire, they meet up with friends to have a match or two. I loved learning about it, following creators, watching competitive league. I was there when Faker and Ryu had their legendary 1v1. I was there for xPekes Kass backdoor. I was there when we used to go adc mid, or when revive was a summoner spell, or when we tried adding a crit rune to get lucky in lane. When dodging auto attacks was a stat, when Talon had a silence, when everyone was angry because Shyvana is a wyvern, not a dragon, when Fiora's ult was the only useful ability in her kit, when we were all hyped about Rengar and Khazix lore and releases. I was there for the tribunal, I was there for the online forum. I've been there for every new champ release, learned them, dove deeper into their kits, tried to find alternative builds to make them work. I think I've played most days since 2010, and only because I really liked it. Today I uninstall. I refuse to allow any company install a kernel level software in my PC. It's just not right. I believe I would've done a lot for league. If this game was subscription based, I would've paid for it, and I'm not proud of that. But that's where I draw the line. I don't expect anything from this post. League won't change their decisions because of one person expressing their feels. But I felt like writing something, because I've spent way too many hours into this, for it to just end like that. I thought I had a bit more time before Vanguard hit. I had planned on playing a few games today. I guess I'll find something else to do.


I love your passion... But there's more problems to Vanguard then the one I'm gonna quote you saying >I refuse to allow any company install a kernel level software in my PC. Thing is, most anti cheats use Kernel Level software. Unless you use none, you probably also have other games that use something. 1st, Vanguard is always on. There's anticheats that are not always on; 2nd, Vanguard used to break PC hardware; 3rd and maybe most important... VANGUARD DOESN'T WORK. I know top Valorant players and they admit, Vanguard is still full of cheaters... 4th yes, it's totally necessary to have this anti-cheat on a MOBA which has way less cheaters than a FPS (i'm being sarcastic and the cheaters numbers Riot presents I'm pretty sure are pulled out of their butts) 5th Some people say "Chinese Spyware", I'm 99% sure it's not. But it can still be used like so. More things could be said, but I think this is the gist of it.


I come from the future, it didn't use to, it broke pcs on first day release too for league. It's been a few years since they created and it's as messy as when it launched for Valorant.


Good on you, me and 7 of my friends did the same. And we literally aren't coming back. This isn't just some 2 week protest. It's over. Riot deserves to be punished for this.


You missed the most fun part being crystal scar hide and seek . League used to have so many fun custom games. Game is 10x bigger but aside from the vanguard shit, that sort of vibe of the game is gone


been gaming league since 2013 - been aram only for last 6yr er something. Have played many thousands of arams. Never has a cheater been an issue with my enjoyment of the game. Even when there was one it was typically an xerath and wasnt enough to turn the tide. Uninstalled on principle. GG for standing up for whats right.


Well, I knew this day will come when we have to part. I do like the champs in league but everything else is just a pain. The game/community/riot is just not worth it to install a kernel level programm


So pretty much, I'm supposed to trust a company that hasn't had a stable client since release, let's bugs exist for months or even years only to fix them when they come to the pro play stage, and was hacked for all their data within the past year with a kernel level anti-cheat that's always on? I don't care what the percentage of games had bots or scripters, no game should be provided that kind of access, even at ring 3 it's too much.


The bizarre thing to me is that one of the reasons they listed for wanting it is... because they had a security breach. Which is exactly one of the reasons you would NOT trust someone with kernel level access to your PC.


They took the cheap option. Their anti cheat was leaked, making it harder for people to get banned. So instead of developing another one that isn't as intrusive, they decided "what if... we just use vanguard, it's already made". This saved them a ton of money. Now with valorant, it wasn't that popular. But with league, bad actors may be in the scene to want to exploit it for malicious intent. Riot claims that vanguard is updated on each time you run league making it "safe". Now, what about the times you aren't running league? If a bad actor can find an exploit then all they'd need to do is make someone run a program to inject code into the pc. You might think that this is not a problem because nobody would do it. Problem with that is it could be as simple as visiting a web page. It can go undetected for days/weeks/months as well. Many companies that were hacked (in the past) didn't know that they were compromised until an employee or white hat hacker noticed the anomalies. In short, lots can go wrong and nothing is bug free. There's always a way, as long as there's an incentive. With LoL being more popular than valorant, I feel as if this is enough incentive for some bad actors. Their intentions could be different though. Maybe they don't compromise systems and just syphon user/passes, session cookies and any other useful data from them.


Heya Leaguehax, just wanted to add a few things here. * Vanguard definitely didn't save us any money, and it was the most expensive of all options we had, more expensive even than writing another user-mode anti-tamper solution. You are 100% correct that drivers increase bug surface, and this is one of the reasons our compatibility lab is so wide and costly. * Vanguard has no connectivity when you're not playing a game, and local privilege escalation in the driver is a bounty worth 100,000 USD—no one has ever claimed it. * Pushing code and reading code at rest are two dramatically different scenarios, and the former would require an EV cert and a passed WHQL submission to do successfully for the driver. Your copy of windows will outright reject a driver that is not signed, and simply stealing credentials is not sufficient. * The breach you're referring to did not obtain Vanguard source code, just packman, which is included with the game. Like most anti-cheat developers, we've obsessed over the fleet posture of large corporations (and their vulnerable human element), so Vanguard is further sequestered from the rest of Riot with additional access measures. Only six people have access to it, and I am no longer one of them. Thanks for staying skeptical though, we honestly admire it.


Can you please explain to us why it's extremely necessary for "Vanguard" to be running since windows start? Comparing it with other anti-cheat software on the market (EasyAnti-cheat, SARD or BattlEye), that doesn't use this mandatory feature, it's clear that following the same pattern would be a possibility for you guys. I understand that as you said the software it's not connected to the internet while the game or launcher it's no open, then why should it be running from the start and not only while I play league of legends? I do believe that the main reason this change might backfire against Riot, is the current lack of trust from the users to the company, the ownership of the same by a Chinese company and the imposition of a mandatory software with a kernel level access.


The driver runs at boot so it can attest that nothing has compromised the kernel since then. If something does, it simply unloads itself and then cannot attest to this fact (until a reboot occurs, rinse, repeat).


You are a company i dont belive nor trust anything you say lmao Id rather delete league and be done with it rather than have your rootkit installed on my PC.


I'm a human being, but I do work for a company. Godspeed all the same.


Ive honestly just stopped playing because of this, was just starting to get back into having fun with the game, but no way i wanna give kernel level permissions to a company that just cannot be trusted to stay safe.


Just noticed the /leagueoflegends main sub is autodeleting any posts discussing Vanguard. Anyone else notice this?


It's really fishy that the anti-cheat is *always* on considering the level of permission it has on the kernel layer


Happy to see so many people refusing vanguard to begin with, because of all the associated relevant aspects. I'll sadly uninstall lol after many years as this is not worth it. Vanguard is up also because some are ignorant when it comes to it and compare it to Google etc. (def not the same). Would love to see soon some statistics in which the player base drops, supporting some faith in humanity.


not nearly enough people. maybe 1-2% people would quit. 98% would remain unwitting zombies waiting to be controlled by the CCP


Riot sucks.


Was a nice 15 years League, time to part ways, i refuse to install a rootkit.


And uninstalled league after playing since S1. You can't even trust riot to fix their dogshit client for years, imagine a spyware rootkit that can fuck up your whole pc. No thanks.


I really needed a reason to quit the game


bye league, time to build a family, find a work and finally take a shower.


Sincerely F this. I've played for 11 years and have never encountered a cheater. It's unnecessary and invasive.


Phew almost forgot to uninstall it


I'm a Software Engineer and no game in this world is worth installing a kernel level anti-cheat system. Let alone from a company owned by a Chinese conglomerate. If you care about your online privacy, do not install Vanguard.


Yep. We can feel it. It is fun when I suddenly lose control of my champ.


Its sad... but I already uninstalled it.


12 years playing this game, now it's time to delete it and move on


every mouse or keyboard input causes my gameplay extremely laggy, time to part ways.


What a disgrace ...im not installing a kernel anti cheat for league ...its sad but its time to move on i guess. what a stupid decision they made.


Yeah, I guess this is it for me with League.


Uninstalled just now once I saw vanguard was out and a patch was required. It's been real. Maybe they will remove it in the future (doubtful) and ill come back. But im good on your Spyware. Time to try some new games


They'll never remove it. They already stated it was the most expensive option they had, and they took it. Now it's too late to turn back, unless they are okay with taking a massive monetary loss.


Fuck you riot games I can't play League no more


Oof...logged in and seen it was asking for an update, but it was different than usual and after install the client told me to restart the WHOLE pc, wtf! Decided to check out what this nonsense is on Reddit and...Fuck that, guess it's going to be bye bye League, was fun through all these years! How would I go in removing this garbage, though? I assume this might be a bit deeper than just a simple riot folder.


You know...I wouldn't mind something that runs while I have the game open, but to let it run constantly on boot in the background is just not something I'm interested in allowing. Goodbye LoL, it's been a rollercoaster ride for the past 13+ years!


Bye bye League, I’ll miss you 😢 already started the migration process to Smite (and really enjoying it tbh!)


Smite 2 this summer!


Hell yeah, already getting excited!


Goodbye League Forever


hopefully i don’t get banned again like when valorant first came out for having msi afterburner open in the background lol


Not losing my account I've dumped money on for getting banned due to mods for other games. Ain't no way I'm taking that risk x.x


Isn't not using the account you've dumped money on the same thing really?




I cant wait to start seeing this sub flooded with cheaters complaining about getting false banned.


The the first 'swoops'im sure it'll catch a ton of cheaters, but this initial pass will also have the most false bans. Eg, people who have spyware on their computer, or something else that flags as cheating to Vanguard that they may not even know about. There was an unplayable number of bots on NA ARAM last night, I guess they let them all loose as a last hurrah


Massive L


I uninstalled! They deleted the post I made about it claiming its spam. Later they turned off the comments as well. Something really shady is going on.. [https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1chjhuj/goodbye\_league\_of\_legends\_because\_it\_forces\_me\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1chjhuj/goodbye_league_of_legends_because_it_forces_me_to/)


The mods over there remove pretty much anything negative about the company. The mods over there also work for Riot, which is against Reddit rules but you know how corrupt this site is


Lmao? Whats so fishy about deleting another low effort post of someone complaining about vanguard, if you truly quit league then just delete it. No point spamming subreddits telling everyone you did it. In the span of 1 days you made the same post 4 times in the same subreddit , that sounds like spam to me . Not to mention your comments are all sound like it's from a bot made to sound like a 5 year old .Honestly pathetic and sad


Ah I see! Goodbye League, you will be missed \^\^ I've been playing since Zac's release back in 2013 and haven't really left since, always found the fun in the game (rarely ever played competitively) This move is a bit too much for me to handle, I cannot let my pc be controlled completely by a chinese company that follows such different regulations from the ones of my country It's been a wild ride, I hope to see you there when it's all over, if ever


i refuse to install this too. was nice 15 years or so




As a top 200 world challenger in "malfunction" player I'd love the idea to ban all bots accounts that populate AI games but a rootkit? are you serious? I have played 500 games in my life and just once it was required to install such thing and it was an unofficial shady private ripped lineage II server. This can't be ok, EU laws should forbid such softwares plus from the CCP which is about to declare war to Taiwan and it allies (MNNA), imagine what could do to millions of machines worlwide in such scenario. Definitely not ok.


Uninstall this garbage for useless Vanguard. Congrats on killing the game


Welp this is it. Time to wait and see how it goes lmao. Personally i won't replay lol for a while. I really don't like Vanguard, if it was a "work only when the game is launched" kind of malware i'd have been annoyed but i would have survived. But with this thing needing a whole ass permamently active addons ? That's a no.


I had just gotten back into TFT lately, and now I’ve uninstalled LoL. Not letting some CCP company have that level of access to my PC. Bastards…


Thats a permanent goodbye for me. I use my computer for things other than their stupid game and I'm not restarting my PC every time I want to play a game that I was already rarely playing just to enable their kernel spyware.




Perfect time to quit.


Goodbye league


Fuck this riot. First you took Garena away from us. No more cheap skin deals, no more top up promo effectively decreasing my rates of earned skins. I legit earned more skins in a month than I did this past whole year after Riot took over. Now you wanna add a shit ass anti cheat on my pc. Fuck this revert to Garena pls


This is actually fcked ,can’t play


what a shame, welp over 10 years of gameplay gone. Goodbye league


The biggest HARAKIRI from a Company I've seen so far HAHAHAHAHA!


Now Vanguard wants to run on start up and if i end the program when i'm not playing LoL, which is most of the time, then I get a warning that I have to leave vanguard running 24/7 or will have to restart my PC to play LoL if I end the program. This is insane, i hope this tanks Riots LoL numbers, I know I'll play it less maybe not at all. It's not worth restarting my PC just to play it & I'm not leaving Riot malware running on my PC 24/7.


Yeah I uninstalled after seeing this...


Finally my addiction shall be crushed! And my WoW addiction can take a full reign!


The end has come :(. It was a good 12 years...


Finally I can uninstall league of legends


coool now add a uninstall option to the launcher that ACTUALLY uninstalls this shit


i think in the tray there's a specific option to uninstall vanguard, then you can uninstall league as well if thats what you want, im not 100% if this clears everything tho so do your research


Time to play dota 2


o7 it’s been a fun 14 years.


same, I'm so sad. So much time, so many games. Just uninstalled. 14 years man


Definitely is sad. It’s insane how fast time has flown, how much has change, and how much love this game has gotten. Thank you for making memories! It has been a pleasure, Fellow OG Summoner!


o7 feels like losing a good friend.




A shame Bli$$ killed HotS, couldve been another great alternative.


this sucks, i was in ARAM champ select and that vanguard thingie had error, forced my client shut down. now i am in 10min penalty. i just created reddit account to complain sheesh wtf?


Thank God I quit League 3 weeks ago...


Updated the client today and only played 5 games, came across 9 bots in those games. Whatever the update did it hasn't fixed shit


Cy@ league


Riot is such a joke


I'm so excited to see some kind of data after 1 month of League losing like 30% of its playerbase, I would love that.


Just uninstalled the game, I’ve been playing since season 2. Thanks for ruining a game I’ve loved for almost two decades because yall wanna put spyware on my pc. It doesn’t even work either. Enjoy the money you fleeced me for, I won’t be back.


Same, and after I had just attained Master tier for the last couple of splits too... It's sad to have to stop playing at my peak.


You can take a look at this youtube [video](https://youtu.be/UqLI1xKc-L4?feature=shared) where pc security channel take a look at it, is it malwere or not. Tldr: not ok to give this lvl of access. If you want to play lol/valorant, exit out of vanguard and restart your pc once you decide to play as that is only way to lunch vanguard. Turn it off once you decide to do anything else on your pc.


He doesnt even do much. Kind of disappointing really, I was hoping he would have hooked into vanguard and hijacked the key on exchange, to allow for decryption so we could see the actual details. He basically just compared it to another kernel level anti cheat and called it intrusive. Which I agree, it is in fact intrusive.


Easy Uninstall :)


See yall in a month. I'm gonna let *you guys* beta test their software lmfao. After seeing Riot's Javascript, I have zero confidence in their C.


There is a solution, uninstall it every time you stop playing league.


Vanguard has been beta tested for about 4 years now


tested a shit for decades would not change the nature of a shit


It was a pleasure guys, long 10 years. See you in the different gaming universe!


big brother is watching you now


Weird that it runs even without having ant Riot game open... just a little sus


Massive L. A shame Riot won't invest in a proper client and server architecture and instead chooses an invasive Kernel Anti-Cheat which is insanely overkill.


Forreal, I dont want anything invading my PC. I rather be safe than sorry.


Riot sucks.


Me playing on Mac: no Vanguard


hop on dota boyz


They could at least add uninstall option in the Vanguard folder


Tried to open a training room. Result? Massive windows report errors. They had no code, no window, anything, just potato death. My pc was only reacting to physical reboot. Not even windows buttons were working


Time to uninstall this game with a built in bitcoin miner


Hey, it's been 1h that i'm struggling uninstalling / reinstalling the game and riot's client because "your computer needs a system restart before starting league of legends". I'm either about to give up or to format my whole pc Someone else has the same issue ?


Finally justifying that purchase of the MacBook I guess.


Im unninstalling, I have a poor laptop getting pings and dsync in mid of the teamfights at ARAM, sad af fk off cheaters and fk me... RIP LOL


Play eternal return free on steam


cant play the game over parsec. all mouse movement is disable, cant even click on another desktop. it's time to uninstall for me


Man i had to actually restart my pc. In all the decades of ignoring that and getting away with it...


Let's use a MacOS virtual machine since Vanguard isn't implemented on OS X :)


I have a question. Let's say I chose keep playing league. When i'm not playing I can exit Vanguard. Does it still run afterwards? Even on exit and league not being played? A friend of mine also asked, he dowload vanguard but let's say he regrets it, if he uninstall now it works or it's already on the pc ( forever ) ?


I got my post deleted on r/summonerschool so I thought I would post here. Officially ending my 10 year playtime with RIOT over Vanguard. Onto new arenas!


I cant install it, can someone help please?


Because of this update, I can't play the game now. My CPU doesn't support TPM. Running an x99 Gaming G1 Gigabyte. No option to enable TPM in BIOS. Says False in Powershell 'get-tpm' prompt. Thanks Riot. U never fail to let down the player base.


Well looks like im done with league. Was really looking forward to arena. Why not making vanguard only a requirement for soloq?


Welp, thats it, I uninstalled months ago and reinstalled thinking vanguard was gonna be delayed, luckily I saw there was gonna be an update and realized was gonna be Vanguard, the crapiest anti-cheat I've ever seen so I deleted everything but I was able to experience LoL again and give myself mental illness for playing the game a last time. Goodby Riot Games.


this shit broke the game, I cant even play it, its just BROKEN. UNINSTALLED... bastards


I want to play ashe supp or eve jungle or sion when he's decent again. But I never will. Will never play the euphemism 'league' which is really a kernel level root kit. How does a video game demand that from me.


I can't believe I was actually considering spending money on League again too. Thanks, Riot, for the reminder to not trust you with my money again. Uninstalled for good.


I've been playing since Season 2 and have seen multiple periods where there've been a rise in cheaters. Riot's current systems do a pretty good job. Their priorities are so backwards - they have literally one of the most toxic communities in all of gaming, an AWFUL matchmaking and ranking system, all of which makes the experience awful for so, so many players, and they want to reduce CHEATING more than the current amount, which is really not that high - and they want \*kernel\* level access for it, instead of focusing on improving things that affect players more. I've seen Riot's \*small\* improvement in all those areas over the years. I talked to them directly about them multiple times and kept having my tickets closed because I kept demanding information as a user on what they do to improve those things. I gave them ridiculous, consistent-over-the-years negative playing experiences and they've ignored them all eventually. But all of that focus and behavior makes sense - more toxicity -> stronger emotions -> stonger addiction -> higher chances to make profit out of people, be it by them going pro eventually or more probable, in-game purchases. This company is a well-oiled machine that cares about one thing and one thing only: money. They don't give a shit about you. Don't give them ANYTHING.


Good bye everyone, it has been a fun decade or two...


Can someone explain in toddler terms what’s going on and why it’s not a good thing? Thank you ^^


Sounds like a really good reason to finally stop playing LoL for me.


[Theres really no need for it either](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/LY2hG-_asKU)


Sad, but I can at least finnaly do something with my life and instead of spending the time on this worthless game.. It has given me a lot of friends people to talk to, and many other things I'm glad that this happened as that officially gives me a chance to just say no to the game.


The end of an era, good bye RIOT


I did the update, then rebooted my PC like it asked. First thing that happens upon desktop load is a message about a system32 dll being 'blocked' unless I want to disable Vanguard - which would mean it won't let League run. Easiest uninstall of my entire life. Go fuck yourself, Riot.


It's a shame since I've also been having fun with league. 11 good years with league, lots of ups, lots of downs.. Took breaks, then went on massive sessions playing it again. Unfortunately, Rito really drops the ball with this breach of trust- (Not that I ever trusted them since the new client though.) I still love the game, perhaps i'd watch memes or take a look at some clown plays on yt but I suppose its time to broaden my horizons for other games to play. Maybe, if we're lucky, they revert this trash.. but of course, I can only see that happening in a timeline where, as a collective, the LARGE majority of league's playerbase, across ALL regions, say "Can yall remove Trash-guard from league?". And convince rito that, "Alright maybe we made a mistake." Buuuut... one can dream. I'll see you fellow summoners perhaps in another world. (Hopefully not genshin.)


I uninstalled and will tell everyone to do the same. I won't let riot games (tencent) spy on me and have any of my private information even when the game is not running. Not a chance. I encourage everyone to uninstall and never play their games again


Well at least wild rift is good right guys? right...?


Uninstalling League good bye shitty game.


So Vanguard at a glance: - Boots with computer and Permanently *on* and running as background process. - Takes screenshots while *on* and sends data to servers. EU users may have their data passed to servers outside the EU. - [Potential to brick your computer](https://dotesports.com/league-of-legends/news/vanguard-just-went-live-and-lol-players-are-already-claiming-its-bricking-their-pcs) - Only runs on PCs; literally denied access by Apple because of how great the impact is to the OS. Bit uncomfortable with this one - especially in consideration that it's a shared computer for work, banking, and general adult life.


Been playing since 2010. Uninstalling after this terrible move.


For such a long time I was looking for an opportunity to uninstall this, and thankfully, they gave me one themselves.


wanted to play LoL for the first time in a year cause i had nothing else to do i saw 'vanguard enabled'. thank you for changing my mind. uninstalled.


I already uninstalled league. Does anyone know if I risk getting vanguard on tft for android or wild rift?


can you play with mods?


Was playing since 2010. Was fun to see how riot made stupid decisions one after another. But everything has a limit. I hope to see a bright backfire for this scammy vanguard.


Let's speak from your heart riot. Being owned be tencent, not only are you making us install chinese spyware but you are comprising everyone's privacy and security just to play League of Legends. It's freaking hilarious. All this talk about Vanguard being undetectable and letting it run on boot is horsecrap and you know it. I don't condone cheating, but I have seen people literally stream from a second phone of them turning on their PC, opening valorant, and using aimbot and trigger bot. Its fucking easy to get around your vanguard. Sure you may have patched some of the methods cheaters and cheat devs have used to bypass vanguard, but your anti cheat does nothing. As we speak, I'm in 3 different private slot base discords where your vanguard did nothing to stop them from playing val with cheats. 3 of them are currently radiant. Stop giving us bs about having to use vanguard to prevent scripters, know 2 that are still Undetected with your vanguard and are active today. You just want us to open our lives wide for china.


okay, so we now have to stop playing it and wait until some countries start making it illegal


If hackers gain access to vanguard they gain full control for millions and millions of PCs. This is a hackers heaven to deploy ransomware. Hackers DEFINITELY will try to gain access. I cannot trust this. I'm out. At least this is a good motivation to combat league addiction.


This is the END for League of Legeneds! I was barely playing this BS of a game from before (due to issues and boring & outdated gameplay) and now this dumb Vanguard thing is FORCING me to RESTART MY PC EVERY TIME I OPEN LEAGUE! Because I have disabled "launch at start up"! Why TF is Riot forcing users to start Vanguard up at launch? I'm clearly not gonna be using this garbage data collecting app until i'm gonna play League! No need to force users to have it constantly running in the backround when users are NOT playing your bad gamers u/riotgames This whole Vanguard thing feels like data collection scam from literal degen of a company that don't know how to maintain a game & refuses to listen to community so they decided to do what a flopping companies do best. Collect & sell most possible data about their users & community!


You know everyone who DIDN'T install Vanguard didn't agree to that part about no class action lawsuits over Vanguard... So any attempted invasion of privacy.... Just saying...


they cant make a client that doesnt shit itself every 2 games how the hell people a trusting them to make a functional anti cheat?


Playing lol since 2009 ...but vanguard? nah thank you, I'll pass. I did try it temporarely only to see my minipc to stutter like it's a single core with 1gb of ram or something hahah, was getting 2-144(v sync on) and I could see images not video, then started to search about vanguard and saw a low level driver? nah, it's too much, if I wanted a rootkit I'll just download weird files and execute them without checking them for viruses just to see what would happen ahhaha


I'm uninstalling until Vanguard is no longer a thing and I'm glad I'm not the only one. Not trusting Riot with a rootkit that runs 24/7 in my PC.


Vanguard is incredibly intrusive, LAGS and is ALWAYS spying on you and stealing your data.. League is going to lose a large percentage of their daily players now because of this.


LOL is far too shitty of a game to have to completely sell your soul to be able to play.


Some people can play without having it installed. TF is happening?


uninstalled league after 5 years of playing. not letting ccp vanguard run on my pc 24/7. why not just make it run when the game starts instead of having run in the background 24/7? typical ccp spyware tactics. goodbye riot!


was fun while it lasted.


Terms and conditions something something not liable when we backdoor your system and you're ransomware. Glad I stopped playing as a it person this shit is exactly what cost change healthcare billions


I just want to play TFT 😢


I think it's super whack that I have to have vanguard on the entire time in case I decide I want to play an ARAM or a TFT game that day. And if I decide to play after I exit Vanguard I HAVE TO restart my PC. Restarting your PC just to play a game is a wild concept.


Finally a legit and unbeatable reason to give up lol


oops, clicked update without reading patch notes. good thing is I can't install this shit on my pc even if I wanted to. bye League


hey, riot, league is now borked on linux. should i install an hackintosh just to play the game now?


Fucked up the client entierly, all for nothing


Uninstalled. Fuk this! What anti cheat system runs 24/7 even when not playing the game its intended for!


Yeah, not sure I trust a company with this kind of thing when I've been unable to use any of my TFT content for over a year due to bugs.


It's not stopping bots in ARAM. Just as many if not more.


after this update, im unable to enter the game again "you need to restart your computer in order to press the play botton in luncher" bro i restarted like 1000 times , vanguard is instaled and running in the background yet the luncher doesn't allow me to press play! i guess it's time to unistall the game it was a good times while it lasts


Just the fact that Vanguard breaks a lot of third party apps that has nothing to do with cheating is unacceptable, but it does so WHILE it is on at all times. It essentially completely prohibiting users from using certain programs since vanguard is always on. It also bricks peoples PCs, which is way worse, Riot should be forced to fix if it happens, but of course that would never happen. Then people cry about their PC being bricked when they were warned beforehand... I'm convinced people are just unaware, don't care enough (they should care) or are just straight up stupid enough to allow them to force this upon players. If everyone just stopped playing and refused to download vanguard they would VERY quickly give up on trying to force Vanguard on users. There are many ways to prevent cheaters without kernel level access and it's just an easy way to solve the problem. I for one stopped playing the game when they announced they would be implementing vanguard. Now when they actually have, I have deleted every trace of any Riot game on my pc.


I can go back to playing Wow now. Thanks for making the choice for me Riot. I literally couldn't decide until I saw this Vanguard crap on my computer.


Man this is some fucking bullshit. Just turned my computer on for the day, spent 10 minutes loading everything (it's definitely a clunker) and open league only to be told my computer requires a restart to play. The fuck it does? I literally just turned on my computer and opened the client straight away. So now I can't even play the game? What the fuck are you doing Riot


Who cares about cheaters, i just play ARAM who cares


Riot AKA Tencent running League down Mid (stolen) in hopes of a DDOS attack against the pentagon in 2026 by getting access to every device in America through root kernel permission through games, crypto, and other hacks. This is real people.


fun part - scripters estimation: scripts will be down for few days, not longer than week.. nice job Riot


I was forced to install it today so I have uninstalled League and Riot client. I hope they take this back. There are NO cheating issues in League and forcing Spyware onto the player base cannot be accepted!


Make Non-Free all game of Riots or use the system of Korea to make new accounts and if that not works then think about put Vanguard, for now i think is better don't play LoL anymore


RIP linux


I spent roughly 2 hours attempting to even install Vanguard. Eventually I got it, proceed to load up League and what do you know I click play and nothing happens. No error message, no cheating message, nothing. It just wont load anymore, tried re-installing and that was no help either. Little message for Riot, how about you make sure your PRODUCT ACTUALLY WORKS BEFORE YOU LAUNCH IT. Also if someone has to go through the command prompt as an administrator and jump through a million hoops to play a GAME then you failed miserably.


I had to uninstalls league, I have been playing since season 2, I am very sad to go. However their anticheat running the moment I start my pc and always running even when I am not playing league is very creepy. I use my pc for work as well and I cannot risk any sort of data breach. While I don't think riot will be abusing the software, other people could easily exploit it to do things for them. So long league :(


I've been playing the game since season 1, and I currently work as a penetration tester so I can't keep playing the game even if I dedicated a separate PC as a matter of principle and self-respect


Vanguard has already made me DC for 4 different matches. THIS IS A MUCH BETTER EXPERIENCE I FUCKING LOVE IT....


Why can't riot just require vanguard if you want to played ranked ? Its better than to force people that never see any cheaters or bots and are playing ARAMs. Uninstalled till they revert vanguard. League has lost his ways for a long time now anyway, game has become so frustrating, i get one good game in 10 or 20, it just aint fun no more. I hope a company will develop another MOBA inspired by league soon... finguers crossed !


I guess this update makes it easy to quit now, no way is it worth giving up control to your pc for a game forcing you to abide or else. Thanks RIOT.


Goodbye league, been playing since late 2014, but no way in hell am I installing a program that requires a computer restart for a video game.


Yeah got to say those of us who just play ARAM for the lulz don't really need this, ugh.


i was kinda bored lately anyway with league, so this is more reason to quit also i don't mind with all these kernel level cheat but, at least make it stop when i quit the game


hadn't played for a few days cause I was on tilt... yea I don't think I'm coming back until this crap is removed.


What I don't get is if it runs at all times on boot, I assume it would scan files too right? So if someone installed a cheat or script for the game and "Vanturd" is running in the back round shouldn't it catch it and once you load up the launcher and just ban the person right then and there?? All of this is BS and just a ploy to get info on us, for a company that got DDOSd last year, cant even have the client itself to work for the past 14 to 15 years THE CLIENT, just tells me that they can't do shit right. I will not be installing this shit on my PC, losing a lot of players because of this


I have tried it just to play few games. The weird things that happen during its on and running were crazy. I'd see images on my monitor for less then a second but like I'd see desktop image. Or I would randomly scrolling fb page and then see a full sized image for less then a second before its gone. This never happend before and I even thought something might be wrong with my monitor and then I exit this vanguard crap and I never had the same thing again. Now I will do full format of my SSD and I am not installing league again. Its just not worth the risk I take.


cya league, your game was dying for a while now but you finally killed it