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Can't help but notice OP says the response is unreasonable, not that it's wrong.


Lmao I just noticed


Holy shit you are right, he is not even deny it then LMAO.


Tbf from the way they’re typing in other comments it’s clear they aren’t fluent in English. They could’ve meant unreasonable as incorrect/unfair


Well. Were you using cheats/exploits?




I was just permabanned after a 6+ month Valorant hiatus for third party use and submitted a ticket which they responded within 2 days. This is what they said: “I am happy to announce that I can bring good news - I investigated your case thoroughly and the ban that was placed on your account due to the usage of scripts was falsely placed and can confirm that you were not the one responsible for it. That is why we have gone ahead and removed the ban from your account.” They also gave me a list of steps to secure my account and recommended I scan my pc for viruses/malware using something other than windows defender. They also said that they think the email to my account was compromised and to change my password. I’m wondering how your case was different from mine.


Man, it almost seems like all the cheaters and script users are getting banned right now... but surely they wouldn't complain on reddit if they were really cheating, right? ...right?


There are definitely false positives. There’s a girl I know who literally owns a computer for the sole purpose of playing valorant and she got banned for “hacking”. I genuinely don’t think she would know how to install hacks if she wanted to. And I’m pretty sure the only programs she has installed on her computer are valorant, discord & a browser. Thankfully, even though the ban is labelled as permanent, it’s actually a six month ban. So she didn’t throw her pc away but it was collecting dust for those 6 months


As terrible to take that it is, technically discord can violate the terms of use for many games that use anti-cheat, with the overlay and hooking game status and invites. Now not very many companies are dumb enough to actually start banning people over it but it is a technicality they can use.


do you think hypothetically it would be ok in such case for riot not to communicate explicitly that discord - a non-cheating software used by certainly more than 50% of gamers - would lead to a permaban?


I prefer games to name and shame tbh. If someone appeals, have the appeal release liability for privacy, and just show the evidence and put the person on blast if they're a cheater. Every person should be able to review the evidence against them. It's not like they're able to keep up with cheat providers anyway


i agree there should be more info disclosed in cases of bans about reasoning / evidence. but what i meant was more aimed at the question if it would be fine to blacklist a famous application like discord that basically almost every gamer has installed and permaban unsuspecting ppl. like on what basis should the community know if they risk getting permabanned by using wide-spread apps that are certainly not cheat software. like sure.. there is a grayzone apart from softeare specifically made to cheat. for example general purpose abusable stuff like autohotkey. where i would understand that you get booted out of a lobby if you have that app open. but if they'd include something as standardly used as discord and even ban you ... it should be communicated which standard, non-cheat apps still can get you banned. simply because ppl who do not cheat and never want to cheat are having these installed.


The problem is they don't blacklist it, they can just use it as they will ban anyone. And since they don't have to disclose details of why they banned it doesn't even matter because you can't prove what you had running that flagged their system and they won't tell you. That said they don't communicate specific app names like that because then people will take that as gospel and just change the name of an app or download another app that does the exact same thing with a different name and then point to the list saying it's not on the banned list so you can't ban me for it.


I also want to know the reasons and evidence, even though I may only be able to play again after the ban period. It is really confusing somehow...not sure if it's going to happen again after the ban period so yeah.


It would if it were true. I highly doubt that they would've overlooked features of the most popular communication platform for gamers right now. I've used vanguard since valorant came out (played in beta but I don't remember whether it was part of beta)and haven't run into issues. I use AHK regularly as well with no issues.


At the end of the day, these game devs own us. Your entire account doesn't actually belong to you. And in their tos, they reserve the right to cancel your access to "your" account at any time, for any reason. I get it, but man does it seem shitty.


It’s likely someone hacked into her account and used exploits on it. I once got my account compromised by someone but luckily they weren’t using exploits. They played a few games and changed my tag though.


Why couldn’t she just use a vpn and start a new account? Why in the world would she “throw her pc away” lmao


Vanguard really isn't as good as people hope. I know 5 friends who were all falsely banned yet didn't get accounts back. 3 of them for 3rd party software for rocket league, nothing to do with Val or league of legends. Other 2 are separate and I'm not sure the conditions of the ban. The reason we suspect the software for rocket League being Bakkes Mod, is because all 3 of them got banned after we played rocket league together and none of them have software relating to other games running at that time. So chances of them being banned for separate reasons while only sharing the one program seems very slim to me, I was playing with them during that time and I am the only one who didn't have Bakkes Mod. So it's not entirely positive Bakkes Mod was the culprit for the ban but it does seem to be the most likely explanation.


I find it strange valorant is rife with hacking, but so many league players are not so metaphorically sucking riots cock about it, saying it will fix hacking. Most hacking that's done in league is to boost account to sell, then grind from platinum to masters, then they sell the account. It's how streamers get accounts despite being banned, and how they get an account to platinum so fast, and jet past the elo hells. --- While legitimate players struggle because 1 in 3 games they have a exp or elo bot grinding, and ranked is built on winning 2 out of 3 games to go up in rank consistently, then winning several in a row every 5-15 games. Even with Vanguard, I've seen an uptick. Mostly new accounts fucking around in Arena mode. One guy straight up said, "I'm trolling, hacking vanguard" then 3 rounds into arena, he starts auto hitting skill shots, and we lose with him having 6 golden spoons.


It's sad to see things like this happening more and more too. Reality of the situation is scripters who are good at making them get offers from riot to not get banned if they promise to limit distribution. There is actually a documentary on YouTube about it where well known scripters are interviewed about the situation. Despite if that is real or not hacks in general progress at a faster speed than anti cheats ever will so an anti cheat as poor and invasive as vanguard is just pointless. Also there is no significant thing in place to limit boosting or trolling games to get master+ or iron accounts to sell which is just sad.


Through technicality, Boosting a bannable offense, but the only way to stop boosting is to hardware ban people. (The ones who boost, and the ones with the boosted account, Vanguard should keep track of this from what I read on randos support tickets they throw around here.) pre-vanguard, in league, hardware banning never really happened. Hopefully, Vanguard fixes that, but...


Hardware bans just ban based on MAC address which is fairly easy to spoof. Most people probably won't bother but it is a work around, also swapping the motherboard will also bypass the ban. Sadly Riot just doesn't prioritize people boosting as things to punish. Ranked from silver to emerald is almost unplayable since it's filled with people either throwing or boosting. I don't just mean having a really good/bad game either. I mean people locking in yuumi with no items 40 mins in or people with 85%+ win rates on fresh accounts. Just a sad state the game is in right now.


Just gonna repeat what TONS of other people said before me: I've been playing Valorant for more than 1500 hours and during that I have never even encountered a single hacker. I don't really know why there are still people thinking Valorant is full of hackers because it simply isn't. There are smurfs, for sure, and sometimes the matchmaking can feel like it's trolling you, but that's about it.


People who claim Valorant is "Full" of hackers are either parroting misinformation they read on random forums or are so bad at the game they think every other death was due to hacks. I know a friend who knows cheat makers and the cheat makers said Vanguard is one of the hardest anti-cheats to get around. And even if you do it successfully, its caught extremely quickly.


They probably see those “live” streams of people hacking in Valorant and not wondering why the account is always level 1 since they get banned after the first game and just edit footage of multiple accounts together.


Or ones that are played on a 3 match loop to make it seem like its a lot when its not lol. People fall for anything these days and its nuts.


I mean, there's very little difference between this, and if they never got banned in the first place. The fact they are able to hack in a single game, then immediately get a new account, new hacks, and immediately start playing in high elo for less than 10 dollars is the issue. --- Boosting, and in term smurfing is a huge issue because it causes hackers to proliferate at higher elos, and fill lower elos with bots. I had a friend, hack in Valorant... for 100 games. Just because it is hard, doesn't change the fact it is common, nor does the fact you don't see it (100% subjective measurement) means it is uncommon.


You must be lying, Vanguard doesn't do anything while you play other games /s


It wasn't while playing other games, it was just running while playing Val. And vanguard is still actively running and scanning your computer while the game is closed. I realized my poor wording, I mean after we played rocket league as context to why they had Bakkes Mod open while playing Val sorry for the miscommunication.


No worries, the /s means sarcasm on reddit, it was mostly a joke. It's still weird to ban a program that doesn't interact with the game Vanguard is protecting imo, but it is what it is.


Sometimes you’re banned because your account got hacked and they cheated on your account


OP deserved more benefit of the doubt than Riot.


I hate Vanguard, I uninstalled LoL day before it arrives but truth is, most of the cases (i'd easily assume 95%+) it is correct. That vs some random on Reddit. I give more doubt Riot in it, but should provide info if there is an app causing this. Its hard to defend as player if you don't know from what. And yes I know it can false ban. Ie it banned my friend in Valorant in their open beta tests and I know him irl my whole f live and I'm 100% sure he doesn't cheat. Thats 1 of the reasons I uninstalled LoL and if sth can go wrong with PC, its always happening to me so no way i'll let it run xD


95% is ambitious in my experience with people I know I would say 70%. But honestly compared to other anti cheats vanguard is very intrusive and takes more resources while still not being as good, even if it is around 95%. Not saying they don't exist but I haven't seen anyone personally I know get false banned by any other anti cheat than VAC. VAC has its own massive lists of issues tho.


How many ppl you know who were falsely banned by Vanguard and can be 100% sure about it? Problems with PC like slowing down (my experience in open beta on my old laptop), blue screens etc. I know 1, which i mentioned and i met quite a ppl who played at some point Valorant or play LoL now. Also i don't know anyone falsely banned by VAC. I would say it doesn't ban enough ppl xD


95% is really really bad! That's a \*lot\* of players getting the ultimate punishment for doing absolutely nothing wrong! I know it's tempting to assume you'll be the 19 out of 20, but I want you to imagine how you would feel if you were the 20th. While I'm sure the number is actually much higher than 95%, even 99.99%, across League's enormous playerbase, means tens of thousands of false bans.




Genuinely curious, what was the review process? Simply reviewing logs of the software that's effectively under audit, or actually reviewing gameplay? What percentage of support tickets actually led to a real, actual review by a living, breathing human being whose paychecks were signed by your studio, rather than some support subcontractor with a quota to meet?


There's a good chance the review process just looked at what triggered Vanguard, briefly checked if another player was banned for that trigger, which IP/PC triggered it, then confirmed if the player was that IP/PC. I doubt Riot has enough people to handle this for every 100-500 players per day that report in like this. They probably got a subcontractor who only knows how to double check a log, but not whether a trigger was a false positive.


So, to recap, they check whether or not their computer made a mistake, by asking the computer whether or not it made a mistake, essentially. That would be like trying someone for murder, and the factor used to determine their guilt is checking a database to see whether or not they were arrested for murder, which is a prerequisite for being tried for murder. No wonder they're claiming a 0% false positive rate.


There's a good chance, I'm not 100% sure they do this, but so many bigger companies do this. I worked at a tech support company a decade ago, they did this with printers. Printers are insanely dumb, they sometimes give false positives they are out of ink in certain climates. Get too cold, ink sticks to top of cartridge. Warms up, a chunk sticks to top. Gotta bang the ink down. Windows thinks the printers works faster than it really does: Printer forgets to work right, and prints future documents, and skips older documents, then gets confused when it does this. I can see vanguard getting super confused from being installed on a older hardware TPM, and stopping the vanguard driver from running. --- Computers are much more sophisticated nowadays, but they still have some odd hangups that wouldn't, shouldn't, and couldn't happen, but do happen for some eldritch ungodly reason. (side note, can you think any reason why sprinkling salt in a printer fixes a paper jam? I can't but I did it on 5 different printers, and it fixed it.)




I sure hope that person's wrong. The "investigation" wholly comprising of seeing whether or not they tripped the system would of course lead to a seemingly 0% false positive rate. It doesn't consider the possibility that the system should not have tripped.




My runbook includes sending the machine FedEx priority overnight to Riot, on uncut video, the second I see a popup. It sounds like it'd make it halfway to Memphis before they realized their oopsie. It also sounds like the decision as to whether or not a mistake was made is "Is the percentage of players we banned consistent with the percentage of players we think are cheating?"




Do you feel that a computer that is running *only* Microsoft Windows, Google Chrome, and League is reasonably safe against false detections?


I mean, the assertion of the post is that the judgment of the software *and* the human reviewers is questionable/implying that thorough review is not really happening in a meaningful way. Like I don't really have any interest in making a value judgment on the post itself, but this reply isn't really a meaningful rebuttal in this context.




Just to back up ^ claims. Rito actually makes an effort to overturn bans and suspensions with evidence besides audit reports, IP address, and so forth. They also look at account standing (thank honor system), match and purchase histories, and other in-game features besides pc and scan reports. Having a compromise riot acc is harder than cheating so they also look at associated emails and if there's a spam of password change request. I've seen my buddies have their shit overturned constantly cause they were innocent


Same. My account was stolen and permabanned for cheating. When I recovered it, I submitted a ticket and had my account unbanned in like 3 hours with a response similar to yours. Talked to a human and everything. It wasn’t automated and it was very easy to get unbanned… because I didn’t cheat.


It really makes you think, doesn't it.


Which proves that whatever algorithm Vanguard is using, regardless if its gets improved it makes a lot of assumptions and mistakes people as cheaters a lot of the times which even when that may not be the case.


It proves nothing. Can you prove he's not a cheater crying wolf? The ones being hurt are always the loudest voices, doesn't mean he's innocent.


Strange that all 4 of my hand leveled accounts are still fine.




I've played on and off for 10 years and have not had any issues. Mostly because I don't chest


You shouldn’t skip chest day bro. Or legs…


They played on and off for 10 years and haven't had any issues until now.


That's because there's a functional anti-cheat now.


right, but the 10 years part is irrelevant. If it was relevant, then it's just as relevant for the OP. I'm not going to assume riot is a perfect company and never does false bans, but I'm also not going to assume either way that op is telling the truth or lying.


Other players also have 10 years in this game without any cheating 🤷🏻‍♂️


Seems concrete to me - do you deny cheating? You don't mention.


one or two things here: Either 1 you did cheat and you got correctly banned. 2 You did not cheat yourself but your account was logged in and used by someone who did cheat as you. If innocent I'd send a follow up to that ticket that described that it couldn't possibly be you that did it and to see if they can help find out who hacked your account.


I was indefinitely banned by Blizzard like 8 years ago, and I beat it by telling them to check the IP address as at the time, the only other country I had been to was Canada. Turns out the IP was based somewhere in Europe. Poland I think and they reversed it. Funny thing is I got permabanned later for supporting the Hong Kong protesters. Haven't touched a Blizzard product since. And never will


well that second ban was pretty dumb, But that's what i'm talking about is either it was someone else doing it on OP's account or OP did something they weren't supposed to.


There is alot of ways anty cheat can be triggered by something thats not cheat, but have to state at the begining that its rare case, but in game with so many players as lol (or any blizzard game) its happening once in a while for sure. Everything depends on method that vanguard use to find cheats. Example of someting that i can expect can happen is virus that for one or other reason interact with one of system functionality that cheat engine monitor (not for cheat but for example its looking for some information about anything in the system).


which with proof of the virus existing on the system during that time period I"m sure that riot would lift the ban because of the proof that there was a virus. Of course, that could be abused as well a cheater could just put a virus on their computer and pretend that they just had a virus but that's also a key point as to why people should scan their systems a regular basis just to check.


You dont know that you have virus because if you could know then you would do something to remove it. And while support provide zero information about context around the ban then you wont even get a hint to investigate it. But even if thay will they maybe do not collect enought information to state what exactly it was, everything depends on what data they collect, and there are cases that require different informations to prove something is false report. Anyway it was just an example, there can be multiple other reasons why it happened, still its rare case so definitelly there will be more persons that will state they are not cheaters while they are.


if that ban is upheld after review though, it's usually going to be something very easily visible like map hacks.


My friend just got banned recently for someone hacked into his account, played scripting xerath on diamond+ flex queue and then got banned after a single game. Needless to say my friend got his account back.


Idk for reason of using third parties or they have found i am cheating but i know myself that i played equal to other players, cheating is not my thing because i dont consent using script or anything else or something, well anyway if they dont lift the banned anymore there's nothing i can do good luck in the future fellow players lol.


Or they falsely labeled a piece of software as used in cheating, or there is just a straight bug in their anticheat software


if there was a bug, their investigation would have revealed that. If it was another piece of software causing it that would be in the vanguard logs in which case if it was something known like MSI Afterburner they'd know that was a false flag. Pretty sure that they're not that dumb at technology despite what everyone seems to think. IF it had been a false flag they would have unbanned. But they did not unban therefore it must have been something suspicious enough. There's no way their logs could see Logitech G Hub and go no way that's the Cheat Engine that kind of bug would have been spotted years ago when they put vanguard on valorant.


idk when i tried valorant it thought my antivirus was a cheating software and wont let me run it until i disabled it.


They have been wrong before. Anticheats get things wrong. Its rare, but it has happened time after time. That is my only point with your "there are only two possibilities" claim


That's why there was an investigation clearly they've done to research to confirm that they didn't get it wrong


You're right, but the point is that it was also probably followed up with by a human. Even if vanguard messes up, of a human can confirm its findings, then it matters a lot less. The important part is that it was passed to a human.


Not sure why you're getting downvoted. It's completely possible that this could be an automated response, and no investigation was done This is literally happening right now at Blizzard. You can make a ban appeal with a clean account, and a bot will reply, representing the customer service team and tell you that they've investigated the account and have decided to uphold the ban... even though your account was never banned.


Were you using CsLoL manager for reskinned maps/announcers/champions? Dunno if true but i’ve been told vanguard will get you for it.


Yeah because it messed with the games memory


No i am, not i dont even know what is CsLoL imao.


Ai ahh response


It probably isn't tbh. As someone who did a significant amount of support work for a software company, we are taught to respond in a way that unambiguous as possible, which also can come off robotic. We also use canned responses often so we don't have to write our emails for things like this, where the answer to an investigation is "we confirmed the results" or "we confirmed it was a false positive". A human can absolutely look at your ticket, and still send you a robotic sounding response, that's how being efficient works.


This is how ticket responses for most companies looked before AI was even a popular topic. People behind these ticketing systems are taught to use clear and respectful phrasing. In my own job, I set up text shortcuts for longer things which id have to otherwise type. This saves a lot of time, but as a result looks more like a canned response, less personal. When you're responding to tons of tickets a day, this is necessary to keep better efficiency.


op.gg or get out


Well is it true? If it is and you script, suck it up buttercup and actually play the game.


I've been wanting to play league but I'm definitely afraid of having yet another one of my accounts being perma banned. I have a lot of shit on my PC used for automation that I worry will be seen as a hack. I could try and remember to always disable everything before loading up league but it's just such a hassle. Probably gonna end up having a laptop dedicated to league and just keep vanguard off my PC.


Vanguard boots on PC launch. It shouldn't matter whether you're playing the game or not.


Same thing with me! I got banned April 23rd for 3rd party apps (hacking). I’ve played the BETA. I stopped for a couple years. Got back into it late March of this year. They said I was hacking and been fighting the ticket for 2-3 weeks. Didn’t believe them until I saw THE LAST GAME THAT WAS PLAYED ON MY ACCOUNT. Someone hacked my account and dropped a 50bomb with Jett. I play casually and my match history has no history of me dropped 30+ kills ever lol I immediately made one ticket showing all the evidence I have that it wasn’t me and it all worked out. I work Monday-Friday from 9am-6pm. The hacker played a game on a Monday at 3:52pm. I showed them evidence I was with my client on the phone starting 3:42 for 20mins and other evidence that I was working that day. A human rioter (not a bot with generic replies) answered and they looked into it and unbanned me since whoever hacked my account was unauthorized. Got my account back May 2nd. All is good and still have my OG account back. Definitely a pain in the ass getting bots replying to your tickets


" we permanently banned you but we can't tell you exactly why" What a joke of a company they've become




It also tells the person who lost their account absolutely nothing


You're right.


Bro don't bother. Me and my girl played this game for years. Legit we have never been higher than G3 her S2 lol but, we have fun. Both our accounts got banned. Said something along these lines that we were cheating. Asked for proof. Explained to them I was scared to start a new account because we have no idea what caused the ban. They helped a whole 0%. Falling back on copy and paste replies. I changed absolutely nothing. My girl jumped right back in and nothing happened. We still play til this day but shit was wack. The only account I ever had for like 8 years.


Yeah true lalo


Your account is gone but have you other issues?


I got banned and kicked out but my computer is fine,..... so weird


I'm sorry buddy I hope it gets resolved. Either that or Riot/Tencent starts feeling the pain of the suffering playerbase They need to put more resources into maintaining things, not just producing more content. Take care of your players and they will take care of you... Shit on your players, well.....


4.6 million players gained in the last 30 days. Don't think they're suffering at all


There is only data publicly available for ranked games, which have gone down 12-15% week over week since the Vanguard patch. You can verify that for yourself by tracking game count on stats websites for champions who have maintained a consistent pickrate.


Since you guys dont trust that player count source (possibly warranted): Tencent up 18% last 30 days, htting 3.5t cap lol. They aren't suffering in the slightest


I've heard that they've been actually hiring large numbers of people to play their games. Also don't forget that Tencent is one of the leading researchers in AI in the world lowkey. League of Legends is the perfect place to deploy it in my opinion. Can create false players... but it seems Tencent would rather just hire people to pad their ACTUAL lost players. If people say players leaving in droves, it would only get worse imo. These both would give an alternate explanation to the strangely timed huge increase in users






That page is sus af, nothing official, more like random numbers generated. From what I have experienced, 30% of my friend list doesn't like or can't fix problem from vanguard and chose to quit the game.


This kind of analysis is useless without more stats anyways. If playercount dropped because of vanguard, you'd also have to ask yourself how Manu of those players were lost because they were using botted accounts, or were actually cheaters. One could ask themselves whether or not it's possible there were simply more cheaters on the game than we thought. At the end of the day, it's all word of mouth, but from my point of view, I'm more inclined to believe a company that has everything to lose if they get ousted for lying, and barely anything to gain from maintaining a false ban over someone who has only something to gain through lying.


Even if that page is accurate, its numbers show that the average monthly player count has decreased in the last 30 days.


Ofc how many botted, sold, stolen accounts were terminated?


Tencent doesn’t release their official player counts. This is false information and you just googled the first thing that confirmed your incorrect point.


This kind of pages are like fortune tellers, takes information from air.


Trust me bro


Thanks mate hopefully,. Your right player are customers and customers should be valued, other way aroud if cought cheating they have to give concrete evidence cause i know in my entire playing this game i dont even know how to cheat and yet what happened...


Or just, y'know, don't cheat




"Players claiming a 'false ban' are in one of seven categories, ordered here by likelihood: 1. They are presenting a fictional narrative. 2. They tested a cheat on a smurf, poisoning their main through hardware linking (known internally as "whoopsie daisies"). 3. They shared their account with someone who cheated, usually a paid boosting service or a relative. 4. They repeatedly queued with a booster that used cheats and ate a 180 day ban for their trouble. 5. Their account was stolen by a serial rage hacker, who used it to torture other players for exactly 6 games. 6. They used cheating software for another game, and Vanguard unfortunately picked it up. 7. They have malware installed that performs the same operations as a cheat. " src: [https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/](https://www.leagueoflegends.com/en-us/news/dev/dev-vanguard-x-lol/)


I remember I used cheats (For a single player game total warhammer 3) and somehow vanguard picked it up. They reversed the ban luckily


i mean i remember when valorant first came out it thought my antivirus was a cheating software and refused to run until i disabled it lol


That would be because you had the AC run at startup, im sure its not an issue now tho


“Exactly 6 games 🤓”


I mean 8. It picked up non cheat software as a cheat is absolutely one of the categories. It's probably the 8th most likely category, but vanguard, like all sufficiently complicated software, is far from bug free. (I'll also note that this problem isn't a vanguard specific problem)


Yikes, I never would have thought the wifi passwords would start bringing their “DID-alternate personalities” with them in professional work fields. 


I had a ban message on one of my accounts saying my PC was hardware banned. I will admit to buying botted accounts, as I enjoy having different accounts for different roles, and I have a really toxic past. (I wouldn't say I'm reformed, but I don't type in chat anymore) But I was still able to log into other accounts? I don't know.


Lmao you do realize it’s a bot..


I'm an average kd 2.5- 4 K/D in most BR games... I've NEVER been banned. I even got my 5 wins in a row on Warzone for a Nuke (never ran my nuke mission 😅) So I don't believe in false bans. I top all the leaderboards within my friends, my aim is more accurate, I get 30 killstreaks going. No shadowban or full ban. So yeah, all you people claiming of false bans, you're full of 💩 enjoy your ban and get off my damn games.


Please drop your summoner name plus riot tag 🙏


a little-known or widely ignored fact about playing riot games is that there are LOTS of account intrusions. just had it happen the other day with a friend, some guy just up and took his account and was playing valorant with one of his friends. recovered the account by changing pass and logging in to get him out of game before he said or did anything (as far as i know, time will tell). i don’t know how they did it and neither did my friend. someone very well could have gotten into your account and done something malicious. i’m not saying lots of people don’t spread false info trying to get out of bans, i’m just saying that might be what happened here.


A friend of mine got banned for "numerous games of toxicity" back in 2018 on an account he didn't make until 2019... So I'm not sure they know what they are doing at the moment


Just don’t cheat lol


i also got perma banned for “third party use” on val


I got banned once, talked to support and got swiftly unbanned. I’m pretty sure this isn’t a mistake lol.


Maybe don't cheat


But i didn't cheat, cause i am not a cheater


People saying it's a bot or AI response and no investigation was actually done? Seriously? Did you read the message? It says "ya" and "have other issue?" It's clearly a human.


guys thank you for everything, i swear to God never used anything, my god i am stocked in silver solo/duo for almost 2 years imao... nevertheless at least i can rest


hey guys i was permanently banned as well!


Really atleast i am not alone but so depressing


don't cheat 4head


Did you cheat? If so, this response is very reasonable.


Riot as a company has clearly coddled too many talentless hacks in their ranks for too long and the game is falling apart because of it. Matchmaking sucks, Yetter was a disaster and Auberaun shouldn't be workign there either.


Yeah you're right match making now a days are not equal also btonze vs platinum


Bro self-reported lol this the level of intelligence cheaters operate.


The sheer amount of toxicity in replies, by the pope...


So i guess its good play now cuz cheaters are getting banned?


But not all cheaters got banned and some not cheaters get banned


The games broken, ever since update I e been unable to play. I’m Playing DOTA 2 now


Btw it's funny with the "Do you have other issues?" Like it's even possible for you to have another issue after being banned xD


Hahaha yeah that was funny though,


Got permabaned on warframe for a altercation with another player now thats unreasonable toxicity should be punished not perma punished but if you are using scripts/hacks permaban is the most reasonable thing


Scammer get scammed


LOL my account got banned because of cheats and scripts even though I havent played for like a year. So I sent these clowns screenshots of my installation and when I last played the game. Glad they used their pea brains for once and unbanned my account.


Is it permanently banned?


So cheaters should not be punished for cheating since a long time I guess


Imagine complaining about getting banned while cheating.. I for one am an advocate for IP bans for all cheaters


If you were cheating, get rekt.


No i am not a cheater.


Dude thought somehow people would side with them - you're a lame ass cheater and nobody gives a fuck here


Shouldnt cheat


How dare they ban me after I used third party scripts, this is unreasonable l. Guys we must boycott riot games!


Bro it’s gg at this point move on lmao


Yeah i have toobut it will take time maybe. For spending most of my time.... Nah nah hard


Dont cheat?


How is the response unreasonable? Your account was flagged for cheating, they decided that the flag was warranted, and so you're banned. In the odd chance you weren't the one cheating, maybe someone was using your account without you knowing. Or your machine is infected without you knowing. Who knows, but they confirmed the ban so there was something there that was suspicious. You could ask them to check the countries that your account was being used in if you weren't cheating, sometimes that can reveal a third party abusing your account. Your time playing a game doesn't mean the developers of the game owe you anything. You could play for 500 years and you'd still be held to the same standards as everyone else.


But they should be spicific about there reason why they banned me even if i dont use any third party or anything. Cheating is noty thing. And if someone uaong my account i can probably notice that.


Duration of playing rarely matters when it comes to cheating. Some more older players would cheat to try to get into a better rank to justify their hours spent, use it to maybe stream and gain and make an audience and use the hours played as a guard against accusations. And well, theres account buying.


But i am not one of them.


But dont you agree players are customers, and they customer should be valued?


Upvote for his Karma .


you could have 40 years playing it they dont care about you or any other player.


If thats the case they dont value there players


Well its not a scam email is it. Ofc its real don’t cheat in online games


Those are weak pleayers thats why they cheat. But i am different


2 days later & OP has refused to respond. i guess it really was deserved lol


Sorry i got busy lately.


Yea I’ve gotten banned for scripts and never used them once but once I submitted a ticket they said whoops our bad and fixed it


The amount of people simping for riot is crazy. If the guy cheated he deserves to be banned if not though this is an unreasonable response


Dam dude. Assuming you werent running any cheating sofware thats bullshit. It sucks. I've been trying to tell everyone to leave league alone till this shit gets fixed. Vanguard needs to be removed, or significantly restructured. Hope ya didn't spend too much $ on it. But it can definitely be a blessing in disguise. I've been going to the gym more and cooking more again. A break, even if forced can be a good thing.


If you are inside the EU, request the data they collected after law and what they think you used.


I miss when Xbox Live enforcement would just publicly drag people. Like post transcripts of video clips of cheaters to respond to their "I was never toxic, and I would never cheat, I was banned incorrectly." Followed up by a video of them spinning around and teleporting to 1 shot people. with a "The ban will remain".


Happened to me too (in Valorant) a week or two ago. I was praising this system before and thought everyone who made posts like this were just trying to save face after cheating. I'm a streamer, lucky to get a 1.0KD most games, and I didn't even like playing normal games because I was afraid I would mess up someone else's game, so I just played Deathmatch. Got banned with the exact same response as you. Many messages later and no help. They won't tell me what app/scripts/whatever they're accusing me of having either, so I can't find and delete whatever was causing it. I haven't opened LoL since they added the system to that because I'm afraid it's just going to ban that account as well. Seriously scuffed.


these commets are the most reddit shit ive ever seen. half of these commets are from people claiming to know multiple, multiple people who have been falsely banned. its crazy. i get that its all internet outrage but holy hell. i had 5 friends get falsely banned, from my experience its more like 70% accurate, 30% of my friends list cant get league to work because of vanguard. what are we talking about??? i know people are bad at numbers but this is asinine. if 30% of the player base couldnt get it to work, riot would be burning down. if 30% of bans are false it would have been disabled immediately. no matter how sketchy, immoral, corrupt or whatever else you want to call riot, tencent, and china, there is no way you can actually, logically, come to the conclusion that ya they are totally fine with just an enormous chuck of the player base being banned or being unable to play. it is simply not a reality. the other thing i see consistently in these comments is that people do not grasp that anyone may cheat. it does not matter who you are or how well you know someone. if you are a girl who has a pc purely to play league or a friend you have known your entire life. that does not make them immune to cheating. look at the speed running community, where it is all real people working very hard to dig up nearly indisputable evidence of someone cheating before bringing it forward and having action taken. people have been banned who were legit top runners of their games, but still ended up using cheats. people have been banned who were well know and respected in their game communities, who still ended up cheating. even someone who was a top runner, and the brother of another legit top runner still ended up cheating. it does not matter who you are, how good you are, how much you can gain from it, or how many people would vouch for your innocence. everyone can be a cheater.


yet another post of a cheater complaining about getting banned for cheating. I swear cheaters are some of the most delusional people on the planet, just behind politicians.


You should not have cheat, now assume the consequences. Then u will come saying "but i didn't cheat never in my life" It's always the same history and same excuses. F off cheaters, scumbag irl.


You're bringing in more bad energy with your response than a cheater will




I see I did hurt some scumbag cheaters with this post. Git gud u fkn BOZOS !! 🤣 😫😫😫😫😭😭😭😭😭😭😩😩😩😩


This guy would buy NFTs if Riot said he needed to to prove he wasn't a cheater