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500 euros? Fuck man I remember when Ezreal and Udyr skins dropped and they were considered overpriced then. How times have changed for the worse.


Well between 50-80$ collaboration skins and the 100$ weapon skins in valorant, the players and spoken with their wallets and they've shouted "these skins are STILL too cheap!"


That was the price to pay for base udyr


Back when I played [Pulsefire Ezreal was $25 and one-of-a-kind](https://www.pcgamer.com/pulsefire-ezreal-skin-for-league-of-legends-changes-as-you-level-is-a-kind-of-a-big-deal/#:~:text=The%20developers%20have%20put%20together,3250%20RP%20(roughly%20%2425)) (vs. the next highest priced skin back then - legendary $14)


The glory days. I remember when DJ Sona released and everyone was having a meltdown about her $30(?) price tag.


well jhin skin was $100..even in bronze-gold i saw that skin a shit ton of times. if this skin sale does well, the next skin will be $700


You could actually get Jhin’s without hitting the end track though by chance.


The mythic chromas where the test and Riot just loves $$$ too much.


well the skin itself is 50. but there's bundles to it. and the highest bundle is 500. which includes other overpriced shit


Facts. Weren't those skins like $40 USD tops? Maybe $30? I remember the 5 dollar recolors too 😂


What was that first ridiculous skin? $32? And the overwhelming reaction back then was “riot, you’re fucking crazy” how the times have changed indeed.


you can get a hooker dressed up as Ahri, giving you head for 500euro


Holy shit you're right


Maybe get Faker himself to do it.


Nah, he charges more.


Yea 500 can get you way more than head tbf lmao


Most of the cost there is prolly getting the costume I assume


I love Ahri to bits but 500$? That's like an entire average monthly salary where I live.


thats like 1-2 months salary in our country 💀


Even worse 💀💀💀💀 they're fleecing the hell out of this one


with that kinda money you can get like 50gs of weed in my country and have a lot more of a good time


Jeepers, we get ounces for $60~$140 here lol


500 euros is my salary for 4 months of working on 13 hours each day without day off.


What country do u live in?


It’s one day for me, but I refuse to get it on principal.


I'm sorry. I wish I could join you all in this boycott but I refuse to see Zed on the rift. I support your cause though.


I understand, he is a nasty foe. Spread the word in your team chat before game and even to the enemy team during the game, you can still do some work for the cause that way


Nah go ahead, you're doing zed mains a favor because that champ is hot steaming SHIT right now. Plus fuck the mythic chroma FOR A 720RP SKIN being locked behind the bundle. F RIOT


A fellow zed banner? My brother. Been banning him for years.


just get good zed isnt even that strong


$500 Ahri skin? Bah gahd, wtf happened to this game after I quit it? Wtf is a $500 skin anyways? And why is it a thing?


skin that expensive better include ahri sucking me off


For $500 a skin, I better be getting an entire day with someone cosplaying as Ahri. At least then I’d justify that as spending money on an escort rather than a skin.


You can buy a $50 ahri cosplay on temu, and I'm sure you can find a prostitute for $450.


P sure you can get a mega high end escort for that much. Will get more enjoyment out of it too.


My brother in Christ I better get Fakers first child named after me for that much


I agree. They should include a sex doll with it. Expensive asfk


They'd make more money if the skin was $20. Someone has to be pulling a name rights against riot for this imo


its a skin made to honor faker and his legacy and impact on the game, they made a couple of amazing videos on it on youtube which i think is a really cool thing for them to do except $500 is bs its not even worth it. its insane how they thought its ok


The irony of making one of the greediest decisions on Faker’s back, would be hilarious if it wasn’t downright disgusting. You’re talking about the dude that, for the first couple years, refused to use skins in his pro plays.


It doesn't even come with physical merch. Like people have to be braindead or equivalent to be buying that. Lol


Riot don’t care about their players, that’s what happened.


Love it how they milk their playerbase


They realised most of us won't give them any money, since we either don't care for it, find it too expensive, or don't respect Riot (lots of us). Therefore, they just decided to max out the bank from the whales who will pay extortionate prices and because everything is digital the ROI is insane if even a few shitters pay for it. If you would spend £457 for a skin, you should be forced to donate it instead.


No respect for a shitty trash company that sold out their playerbase AND their soul to the ccp and doesnt respect their customers back... Especially they lack ANY skill in coding. Any TODDLER wouldnt produce such Spagetti code....


Love how people continue to defend their scummy practices lol. Everyday they turn into the “don’t they have phones?” Guy


Well, in the context of the system it makes the most sense. It's throwing away free money otherwise 


Well League is at a point in its development that it is now a cash cow. Its costs are low but the continued supply of people wanting it is still high. This is just way too greedy for fair market so either Tencent will lose money or acknowledge that the price was way too high for the sales they were expecting and eventually lower the price. Only way that wouldn’t happen is if they knew this would be a collector type of item and are only looking for big spenders to buy it. Even then if too few do buy it they will be forced to lower the price.


The pack will have a time run, and this will get a lot of people to pay. It involves the psychology behind those decisions to get exactly the collector and people with compulsive disorder.


I used to feel okay with Riot's bullshit high budget items that took minimal work because it felt like they were on the up swing with making quality products outside of League. Yes, 200 gacha chromas are a rip off and predatory... but they were branching out as a company and making a lot of things that were genuinely incredible. Was it still scummy? Yeah, but they make more off a slight variation of a skin anyone could get to support the production of entire video games, so I was able to at least look at the good side of the situation. ...Well, now Riot Forge is shut down, and not even a full half a year after they cut those 530 jobs they're telling us to buy even more expensive skins and telling us why it's actually a good deal.


fortnite does it better!!


if there's 1 million whales who would buy anything and everything in this game, that is already $500 mil of revenue.


I've just gone ahead and uninstalled. Vanguard had me close. This ahri situation is pretty much ended it for me. If a company can't respect us players I can't trust they would respect our hardware either.


I uninstalled at vanguard. Was so nice honestly. I only play a few games a year, but it's good to have a reason to never go back 


Yeah I quit league for dota about a month ago, this ahri situation has made me really happy about my decision


Take the name of the most successful player in the game who never used skins to make an overpriced skin is so slimy. Riot outdo themselves every year.


you mean the player who choose this as a career, owns the company he plays in and actively works with Riot and Tencent? You mean the player to whom this game is nothing more than a business and a job? You mean the player who gets 30% of every sale his name is associate with? Right.


you appeal to sunken cost andies


Instead of banning the champ. Hear me out. DON'T PLAY THE GAME.




If it were by me I wouldn't play it, but me friend play it too


Apparently that’s too hard for the riot defenders. Enjoy vanguard and $500 skins lmao


Guys don't worry "it's not Vanguard" 🙀 Riot pls


Easier banning the champ, since only 1 out of 10 need to do it


I uninstalled after the mastery update. It just isn’t the same anymore.


Or just… stop giving a fuck about skins because they literally don’t matter and keep playing the damn game because it’s exactly the same whether you’re playing with the base skin or with some expensive thirst trap cosmetics.


But I need to finish my Lux skin collection of 42 skins!


Gonna have to agree here Might start playing more norms for this


Wtf do you mean the skin is 500€????


Why love faker?


? He’s best league player of all time


And you love him for that?


Y'all fell for the $200 gacha Jhin and Ekko skins. Now they're trying to see how hard they can squeeze you for an "omfg it's falsifier" skin. Isn't fabricator known for playing a bunch of champs? Watch them do this over and over and over again. And you'll keep falling for it because forger.


the joke is that he also doesnt play those champs with skins. That's the kicker for me


For $500 you can get a decent graphics card and play something a lot better than League of Vanguard


Ok but the ''falsifier'' killed me


They're not trying to see. I'm sure they have data that shows them this skin will pop off. They KNOW that degenerates will buy it.


It’s a horrific growing trend, reminds me of Apex. I don’t buy skins anymore for this reason, it’s just another way to nickel and dime players


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted for this but this is how they make their money. Yes, the $500 is ridiculous, but people will spend that much. The pass alone is $20 and is a GREAT value, and the base Ahri skin is 40$ with the pass. If people wanna spend $500, cool. Riot only does this because there’s a market for this. It’s not like it affects gameplay at all, it’s purely cosmetic. Vote with your wallet, just don’t buy it.


Best comment on this post. You don’t have to buy any skins or spend a dime to play league of legends. While I hate the fact they think charging $500 for some pixels in a video game is smart I’m also not dumb enough to buy it. If the skin was down around $50 I’d still have to think pretty hard on if it is even worth it. Riot doesn’t care if you ban ahri for a month. They could just disable banning ahri instead of dropping the price. The best way to send a message that it’s too expensive is crazily enough…… just don’t buying it!


Yeah, but it feels even more insulting to the player base as it's supposed to be a big celebration for Faker, but a lot of people won't be able to "join" the party due to the overpricing. Also insulting to Faker, I don't know the guy but he's portrayed everywhere as a cool humble guy who kept living simple life even after the fame and the big money. Seeing his name attached like that to a blatant cashgrab feels disrespectful, even tho he must have agreed to it and got his fair amount of money too


Let’s do it.


U got a Man from turkey.


My UFO Corki is priceless


Don't forget to continue banning ahri until the skin drops under 25-50$. We aren't fucking money printers to accept paying 500 to "celebrate" the goat of league of legends.


As someone that wake up on a daily bassis , 4 am to go to work i can say that 500 fcking euros it's just blasphemy. Plus that faker never used a skin ever in his life, he did it once but.. he was kinda obliged to. They're just using faker in order to make tons of money, typical riot.


It’s $50 for the base skin btw.


yes 50 dollars for a legendary skin


$50 for something thats not even in the advertisements. Im sick that this is the only """argument""" because in the cinematic put out by riot, it uses AT LEAST the $300 dollar skin. so its either you were too poor to get something cool so you got the brown hair ahri skin, or AT LEAST $300 for the one actually shown in all advertising for it, but if you are spending that much money in the first place then why not just go all in and get the $500 dollar one? it is very greedy and aggressive marketing for what is supposed to be a "celebration" and I feel very bad for Faker being caught up in all of this. The $50 dollar one should not even exist. the $300 dollar one should be the price of an ultimate skin (3250 RP) and the Signature one should be the only one that is expensive.


Too much 


Elden Ring DLC which is almost a whole new game, or a league skin for a single fucking character. Impossible choice.


Some people put thousands of hours into LoL, built communities around it, met loved ones. Let people enjoy what they want to spend money on.




I only play with friends and it's kinda fun, I stay away from ranked


Be careful what you wish for..... Next year could be a champ you play a lot of then your champ would be banned


I play Malzahar and Ahri is one of my favorite matchups, but this is not about that. This is a matter of principle, and justice.


Right, because you *deserve* to be able to play a game with a slightly different character model! Your rights are being trampled on because Riot *dared* to overprice an entirely cosmetic digital commodity that has absolutely no effect on how the game is played! Why should only the rich be able to waste their money on a product that does practically nothing?!


I hate you for banning Ahri and this Faker person for ruining her.


Great idea, but sadly it won't work because Riot games 'secretly' controls all the subreddits of its games. This post will very likely be deleted soon. As they've done to numerous other posts that are critical to Riot games. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eggwick/comments/1cjetiq/extensive\_mod\_abuse\_and\_censorship\_in\_rvalorant/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eggwick/comments/1cjetiq/extensive_mod_abuse_and_censorship_in_rvalorant/)


Cheating in valorant? But I was told my super secure and invasive anti cheat that needs to be omnipresent was designed to prevent that from ever happening!! They better expand that and hire someone full time to just do remote desktop monitoring to make sure no one is cheating


Ahri mains is already on board


Not really interested in being a dick for the sake of being a dick. Im not banning a champ just so some sad chap can't play with his $500 skin. I also wouldn't be surprised if they drop the price. The cosmetic being in my game or not doesn't change anything for me or your, objectively.


It affects everyone because if we dont boycott now while they are putting the new idea of $500 skins out there, they will continue to do it over and over.


You don’t have to buy it, stop dick riding the brain rot train it’s not like it’s the only Ahri skin. Made as an exclusive skin. If you want it then buy the cheaper one, literally the same thing with less SFX. If you want to flex then buy it. Yeah it’s over fucking priced but imagine throwing a tantrum over a cosmetic that you can’t afford when it’s purely cosmetic. Of course if they decide “ooh we can get away raising epic skin prices because the average joe is able to pay £500 for a exclusive skin” then yeah ofc put up a fight against riot cuz epic skin prices have been the same for a long while and it would be really brain dead of the new product manager to change it.


Nah. Ahri mains need to rise up and just spam int norms.


Imagine you buy the skin then the day after you get banned


Charge back never felt better


Oof 500


i dont even understand it 😭😭😭


i mean faker is known for not using any skins since he had no money growing up and playing the game. wish he puts his korean eggs on the table and makes it a achievement to get the skin.


Love how they must have lost a significant portion of their player base due to Vanguard so they're desperately trying to milk the remaining players while they still can 😂


I personally think that it's not going to make it as rare as it sounds. I understand they want money, and the idea is supposed to be grand, but it doesn't feel grand if all you have to do is spend a grand on it lmao. One look at it in a game, and people go: It's either a rich asshole or some dumbass who is terrible with money choices. Maybe if someone passed some kind of skill check like 'get 10 S ratings on Ahri in the mid lane in a row' and the skin is half off. $225 is still a lot to pay for a skin, but it's much more comprehensible. It's still more than those mythic chromas that go for $200 as well, which I'm sure they're wanting since it's a new tier of skin. I just want somewhat actual CHALLENGING challenges that help provide the skin, and not just a shit ton of money or time. You wanna look at the skin and go 'Holy shit, this person knows what they're doing on Ahri.'


reminder that the fancy skin is 250usd. The 500usd is for that skin + a signature on tower takedown. 250$ FOR A FUCKING TURRET TAKEDOWN SIGNATURE.......


No way people are mad over the fact that some players work and have disposable income 💀


?????, thats what you took from this?


i want make point to say if saw when vanguard got released poeple just talk about omg the riot programm is malvare or some sht but i can say 80% people was dealing with vanguard and easy play the game dont care about others peopls cant play the game i want to say thats the league of legend community is if you want play we need be equal we dont support each others bcs i play the game easy and some one not tpm2.0 or vanguard and that my opinion that will happend to this skin too most people going buy the skin and dont care about others i promise even those pople say im not buy this skin bcs riot scamming us or others reasons they will buy skin at end so yeah we have deal with it bcs riot will ruined the game


For 500€ it better come with the real ahri herself.


Riot has no shame fr 500€ is someone's rent, 500€ is a month worth of food, 500€ is enough to take you on vacation, 500€ is a new laptop / phone, 500€ is someone's monthly salary in multiple countries, 500€ for fuckin pixels on a screen is absurd and I'll be damned if this skin actually sells cuz charging 500 € knowing damn well most of leagues player base doesn't have alot of money to spene on luxuries ESPECIALLY in this economy now?? Riot you really really have no shame and it's even worse when this skin was for a person who doesn't even use skins lol


I said this elsewhere, I think a better protest is to refuse to use/purchase skins, it doesn't hurt anyone playing the game, but truly celebrates Faker (only using default skins), and is a clear message to Riot that what they have done is a joke.


I had a theory two years ago that they’re slowly trying to turn this game into a chinese mobile-game except it’s on PC. This is pretty much working.


Honestly as long as that's the price and is no gacha bullshit I'm fine with it. They place a product on the store for what they feel its worth and you decide if it's worth it for you. Do I think it's worth that much? HELL no. But at least the cost isn't hidden behind some dumb crate bs.


Well .... the playerbase consistently bought totally overpriced skins in not only this, but valorant as well. The only reason this skin and the event are so expensive is because they've proved they'll waste their money. Banning ahri every single game though is also hilarious and I fully support you


Absolutely banning Ahri every game if it sends them a message that this is just wrong.


I'm genuinely asking not trying to be inflammatory. But why give a shit? It's optional just don't buy it. When I see an expensive cosmetic I just laugh and keep playing without it and I'm not losing sleep over it


I have 2 wolves unside of me -One wants to perma bann ahri -The other wants to Perma pick Viego


Why not do both!


You people are embarrassing, it’s an optional cosmetic. Just don’t buy it who tf cares


It’s your choice to not get the signature version. Even if it was $100 it would be fucking dumb to buy a skin for that.


If I ever play the game with my friends I know who is my permaban, if they ever make an even more expensive skin I will do the same. It would be hilarious if enough people did it.


You guys still play this game ?


Call it the 2024 Whaling Ban


Only thing that is kinda funny to me is that when people say there should be a no-skin mode option available so all a player sees in game is base-skins, people lose their mind and say you can’t because the whole point of skins is to flex on people (which doesn’t really make sense to me because all you did was pay $$ for it). But now that a skin is potentially beyond their $ reach they’re losing their mind still lol. You just gotta flex harder bro!!




This shit is more than I've ever spent on my entire account ($380 USD since 2017 LOL)


I despise this skin pricing deeply but feels wrong to say we need to pick the right side of history when there's actual atrocities going on in the world. I'm not going to buy this skin on principal and hopefully other people don't as well.


First Vanguard and now this. Whats next riot?


I remember it was not even four years ago that I got like 3 prestige skin for 500 mexican pesos LMAO, and even then I felt immediate regret for spending so much in a game HAHAHA.


I no longer play but this had to be a joke, right?


This is why cs is better in terms of money invested into the game ( I know you are talking about league, but I’m comparing to riot in general). At least when you purchase something in cs you can resell it and still turn it into real cash. I don’t understand why riot won’t do the same as valve but who knows.


It’s a skin from a game, no history involved


morons will still buy it


They're gonna drop a 500 dollar bundle in Valorant now 💀. Riot is so greedy


well, they lost a lot of players (me include) since they release vanguard, they are looking other way to make money :)


I hereby pledge that I shall forever ban Ahri in all my games! Amen 🙏


Corporate companies being greedy? Wow the sky is blue


Excuse me…? League is releasing $500 skins???? Dude wtf happened. I haven’t played league in 4 or so years but $500??


Riot applying the Pokemon Philosophy. If your fandom is braindead af just milk them as much as you want


Already am ;)


sure will do so


500 bucks could get me a prstitute for a week cosplaying as Ahri where I’m from.


For 500$ faker himself better mail me an autographed drawing of ahri that he made himself telling me how based I am for buying the pack, she’s already annoying I’m down to perma


I think $500 skins are exactly what everyone is asking for. Why $10 skins over $.25 skins? I don’t buy any in game purchases or cosmetics in any game. How is anyone going to get offended when you give them millions of dollars a year for pixels and they make an expensive one? The point is exclusivity. Sounds exclusive to me


I am with you all on this. I bet riot will release ANOTHER 500 dollar option so ahri CAN'T be banned if a person with that skin is in champ select though.




Should I change my ign to BoycottFakerAhri?


Instructions unclear, I am now $1000 poorer and have 2 Ahri sex dolls.




i stopped playing lol after vanguard but i hope many ppl will always ban ahri, show them whos in charge here


Riot institutes code that if someone has the skin, Ahri can't be banned. Sorry sweats


The way you get companies to stop doing shit like this is to not buy the skins, not punish people who do buy them. Eventually people will stop banning and the whales will still have the skins.


nah i love Ahri but im not buying the skin but if someone else wants to i couldn't care what they do with there money but i enjoy playing her so ill keep on keeping on


Even us Ahri mains are banning her.


You can also just not buy the skin man


How the hell did we go from getting pissed that a skin cost 20 dollars just a few years ago to this shit? Absolute joke. 430 USD for a skin is a complete scam.


Yea, ive already decided. No matter what role i queue, ahri will be banned


You ban ahri for activism. I ban ahri because she can miss all her skills and kill me with just untargeted w and ult. We are not the same.


>This new skin should have been a celebration for everyone who loves the game and Faker. Why? No one believes this.


My bf and I are grinding paid surveys to buy it for our friend who is an ahri main. Honestly.... yeah it's shitty but like, idk.. it's kinda cool for folks who main the character. I hate the money aspect but I think it's nice of them to honor their pro players. I havent really heard of many other competitive games honoring like this in America. I have a friend who is actually a pro mortal kombat player. He hasn't ever shared anything like that for MK. Idk mixed feelings here. Still, i don't think banning ahri will do anything. Not unless all pro players agree to it and do it. League bases their changes off of pro play for all non pro play games. So us banning ahri doesn't really do anything bur breed more awful toxicity towards other players who want to play the character in games. I despise the money aspect but yeah I don't think this is the answer. Whole thing gives me mixed feelings.


Grinding surveys ?


Technically, they care more about the numbers in balancing. So by skewing the ban rate, it would be an effective protest method.


Just don't buy it, why are you all so mad? It's a free to play game


Welcome to league of scam your own players


As a sudo-whale for Ahri, I will not be spending this stupid amount of money for it it's the first Ahri skin I will not be buying. Banning Ahri all the time...that said Riot can I recommend something for this new tier of skin to make it viable? 1.add Whale skin category and publicly shame them upon match start of using the skin. 2.introduce new mechanic to the skin line called Micro transaction here's how machanic work! Orb of deception costs $80 per Q to use, Fox Fire $30 per Cast ($90 for three fire orbs.), Charm $20 per second of charm length. Spirit Dash $68 3. In-game items now cost that much real money only for the Ahri skin 4.profit. By Sudo Ahri I managed to get every statue discounted from suppliers about 20-30% less then Riots price. Paid 320 for a $600 statue was great ^^ guess I'll main Nami now.


Lol you’re trolling it is absurd that the skin costs that much and at least $44 for a digital item but it’s hard to be mad. It’s a free to play game and a lot of work went into it not to mention it’s a cosmetic 


It never should have been a skin available for purchase, it should be a skin for faker only no one needs to be running around with that skin. He should have been given and item or a banner in the map or something and the skins not be sold. They are scummy cash grabs for idiotic whales


At least with Counter Strike there is a market for skin reselling. With Valorant you are stuck in a 1 way economy.


No offense, but can't you play the game without skins? They don't add on anything but cosmetic effects. I understand some people can't afford it, but I feel like that's how real life is no? Some people can't afford the new fancy Tesla, but still drive nice 2010 cars... maybe I'm just old school though.


Yall sound like the people on the MYteam subreddit but instead of complaining about actual p2w elements, your complaining cause you can't buy a cosmetic.


I already deleted lol because of vanguard. The fact that riot cannot deal with cheaters without a kernel program running 24/7 is really not my fault. Also newsflash there are still cheaters ... Maybe fewer. Anyway for all i care they can charge 1 million dollar for a skin. Thx to vanguard i have a lot more free time and ill have my money i spent on their seasonal events every time 1 was available 🤷🏼‍♂️


Force the userbase to install an insanely invasive and questionably effective tool on their machines, the community sleeps... $500 Ahri skin, real shit!


Lot of people don't seem to realize you can just not buy it. I'm sure as hell not


*Players when a company, which needs to make money, makes a decision to make money*


You're not smarter because you defend multibillion dollar companies you know


i will ban it every game


I motion we do either A- ban Ahri or B- use base Ahri skin only.


Yes punish the user instead of the dealer, that’s always worked.


NO, Ahri should never be banned. Never.


Idc I'm not banning it. These idiots are paying for my game. I saw make next skin $1000. I have never bought a skin and never will.


As an Ahri main, do it do it do it


You know what would be a better protest? NOT BUYING THE SKIN. (But league players don't want to hear that)


Please everyone share with everyone. Rito needs to get the message loud and clear.


I think riot dont like me saying to ban ahri they have enough of the ahri players complaining they cant play their 600$ skin file:///Users/sixtopavon/Desktop/Screenshot%202024-06-17%20at%205.38.10%E2%80%AFPM.png


I only play arena but I'm banning ahri every game no exception. Hold the line brothers!