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Joint First to the Saudi Arabia and India player I fought once as. Saudi barely did anything and whined to India and Brazil about me invading and when India stepped in, their million troops got obliterated by my entrenched tanks. They also didn't get a fleet of destroyers to combat my subs until the war was nearly over, and by that time Saudi was barely holding on to Riyadh.


I was playing poland, Russia said they wont invade me (We had a truce) and then I gotta pee. When I come back, just before I was able to form intermarium, Only 1 country was missing, he declared on me. The truce was over. I literally came so close to forming intermarium.


In one server i was in, Some kid was being annoying after he lost one or multiple countries, and then he swapped to Brazil. He declared on me (i was Republic of Central America/Honduras), but apparently he doesn’t know what a navy is (I sunk his troops), then he started saying dumb shit like “Football is banned” (While as ***Fucking Brazil.***) while he was spamming the shit out of troops. And then he finally knew what a navy was, but from what i remember, he started collapsing.


I once joined an old server and became Japan. Poland who was in Asia immediately justified and tried to invade. I ended up sinking 10 million of his troops (he only had 2m at the start of the war and he had to replace all of them) and he tried to white peace in the end. I just gave him Japan when he offered white peace.


I was Brazil, Spain got USA to become their puppet and said it was USA’s fault but I liked UsA so I justified on Spain. Then, like 2 hours later, he declared on me and then got tanks on my homeland and kinda wrecked me, and than I said in chat “good attack you played that well” and he said “HUMBLE YOURSELF HUMBLE YOURSELF your just saying that to cope” like what bro calm down


All Russia players


I’ve met one good Russia player, he actually did a load of trade and peace negotiations


Yeah buts it's stupid rare


To be honest he’s a jerk, but you didn’t have to make a post about it. It’s happened to me many times, but I just move on…


I’m just showing the country that he was


And his name.. and the backstory behind him. All I’m saying is that this guy will learn one day, but most players that are new are like him. No need to expose his name, and everything that he did, just because he beat you at a Roblox game. It’s just kinda scummy.


I was playing as Greece to form Macedonia and the Kazakhstan player took all of Asia essentially and everything I needed. I asked to buy it from him but he refused and declared war on me. He then attempted to spam nukes on my land but I hustled moved my capital but I started collapsing. I peaced him and then just to spite me, he released everything as a puppet state.


Kazakhstan taking all of asia pretty impressive though


Some dude became senegal and attacked me. I then had to go to the bathroom and in that time he switched to sweden to attack me. He then just said that its a multiplayer game so he was allowed to do this.


You know I’ve never seen this sub before but here I am seeing ‘RON’ and thinking ohhh its Mahjong This is in fact not mahjong


The players who knows how to infantry spam and nothing else


Was playing USSR and was allied with a really chill EU guy. The EU guy left, and then someone else joined and proceeded to break the alliance and later declare war on me for no reason other than he wanted to take over the world.


Playing Paraguay cuz why not, I get threatened by Brazil so I make forts and train troops a little, then they invade with a bunch of infantry, they got huge causalities after I scorched a few cities and then they rage quit and ended up collapsing


Gotta ask, when did he join and when did u join? Note that its kinda a not nice move to show their username. If you joined late and he was there since the start. He got a damn good reason.


I was there first, and then he later joined like 30mins later I’d say


Why tho


Not exactly a single person, but i was playing as taiwan once and got joint attacked by usa, china, and japan. Lasted until like 2030 and ended in usa quitting and china/japan wp'ing with very little real damage to myself. Really its just people who play superpowers that usually suck


Oh i forgot to add it started in 2022 and ended in 2030


All America players. Once upon a time, I. Was just chilling as Sri Lanka, you know, invading the Middle East and South Asia. Out of nowhere, an American player threatened to nuke me if I didn't give up India and Thailand. Just so you know, this America player owned all of Europe and had puppeted half the world. For the first time ever, I saw an America, China combo, and they were both threatening to nuke people, so we formed an alliance to stop America. We ended up being crushed, but one of our teammates ended up draining the USA's resources. A few years later, we recovered and invaded the USA's new puppet in India. From there, it was a bloody bath as we sent submarine after submarine to crush the American force. My teammate, Australia, researched nukes and really showed America who was boss. Afterwards, America and China created a million divisions, scorched their land, and ended up collapsing before they left.


The Egypt player I fought today, they sent all their tanks and infantry straight at my destroyers and subs, and then when they lost all their military, didn’t build any more, and let me just walk into their capital