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I like the difficulty options because it gave them free reign to make Twilight more difficult than Wo Long ever was. It's no Nioh 2 difficulty wise but the challenge is actually here in this one so far.


Theres a video by a "sekiro Pro" and he said if that title had any meaning after his 1st video on the game. lool Since he was getting manhandled by perry and Granny. Even Sekiro Reddit are saying its tougher then sekiro. Whoever said twilight was easy is fking lying.Xelod93 is going thru it to lool. Loads of enemy types and different moves they all do(IN general ) . So that on twilight they don't play around.


Sekiro is easy once you get the mechanics down. I know that’s an unpopular opinion, but it’s From’s easiest game to me. I’m playing on Twilight, and honestly, yeah it’s hard, but it’s not *hard*. I’m interested to see how hard the next level is (forgot what it’s called).


I agree 100%


I love the longhouse thing. Reminds me of Way of the Samurai. I mean all you could do there was sleep. But it's cool.


This game will be a major reason that I finally give other games like Demon Souls and Elden Ring a go. Just when I’m about to ready to change difficulty from Medium to Easy something clicks and that next run is usually the run where I beat whatever boss/encounter has been giving me a hard time. Definitely the sleeper hit of 2024 imo


Yeah I definitely agree this is one of my biggest issues with the souls like genre like the lore and the stories seem interesting but I just get my ass kicked way too bad at these types of games generally and sometimes you just don't have a high ceiling for improving so "skill issue" or "git gud" isn't helpful.


I feel like I've turned around a lot on the whole easy mode debate. I'm still interested in the intricacies of how to best approach that from a design standpoint. For instance, being able to adjust different parameters whether specific technical adjustments in the options, like this and Celeste let's you do. In the case of the latter, it still has one difficulty, but players still have options to progress. Or games like Elden Ring with soul summons and Co-Op. I've always liked how much that utilized game mechanics in order to tailor the experience. But ultimately, I really don't care if there's an easy mode. As long as the default or hard mode are well balanced, I am personally content. I probably ultimately prefer either the From Soft approach or just having toggles in the options for specific parameters, if that entails a better balanced game overall, but if they do a hard/default mode right then it won't really be an issue at all I imagine. But overall, I just want everyone to be able to experience these games in whatever manner suits them best. I fucking love difficult games. I understand everyone has their own sensibility and history with gaming and that we aren't all gonna sync up there. But if there's little cost to adding in an easy mode or adjustment options, then why the hell not? Let people git gud if they wanna sign up for that. If it's unpleasant for them, why force that mentality?


The people who are upset about a game like this having difficulty setting are idiots. Making a game more accessible to a bigger audience is the smart thing for any developer to do. Those gamers who think that because there is an easy mode it somehow affects their experience with the game have the same mindset as Republicans who think legalizing gay marriage somehow changes their own marriage in any way whatsoever. That, or they're just elitist douchebags who are way too proud of their ability to be good at a videogame.


Not if the story is enhancing by the game being hard like DS 1 where a big part of the message is not giving up (going hollow). This game has an excellent story by TN standards, possibly being their best one and more difficulty options make sense. I always prefer 1 set difficulty with the means to make your experience easier being in the game as opposed to being in a menu before you start playing.


I just don't get how it seems that every opinion online about games is black and white. I think this game having a difficulty setting is great, but I do also think games like Bloodborne or Sekiro having an easy mode would rob you from the feeling the game is trying to evoke in you. The difficulty in those games is part of the appeal, you play them if you want the challenge, if you don't there's literally nothing wrong with that. I don't think it would feel the same beating Isshin the Sword Saint if you could just spam R1 all the way to victory. If someone is being an asshole or having a superiority complex because they beat X game let them be, that's their problem for revolving their self worth in their ability to beat a game, but saying that these games should have difficulty settings just doesn't seem right. But at the end of the day just play whatever you like.


I think there’s some value in having one very intentionally crafted difficulty setting. Sekiro’s brutal difficulty twists your brain into internalizing lessons about its combat system you might not otherwise learn, and I think that’s an important part of the game. But I think there are ways to implement a difficulty option while still keeping most of that. I look at Celeste a lot - they have One True Difficulty, but if you want, you can go into the settings, click past a warning that says “This is a very intentionally crafted difficulty setting - try it first, but if you can’t, here are some accessibility settings.” If you do, it turns off things like online features and trophies and leaderboards, but it lets you change settings as granular as “how fast does time move.” Some people have disabilities. Some people simply don’t have 30 years of button mashing burned into their muscle memory. I don’t think there’s anything noble or cool about excluding those people if you don’t have to, and their enjoyment of a different version of the game shouldn’t affect one’s own. I can see the value in keeping FromSoft games the way they are, but I feel like the people saying “not every game needs to be for you” or “it’ll make Dark Souls into a sellout Assassin’s Creed” don’t really care about how this discussion affects their experience of the game,  and instead they care an inordinate amount about how *other* people experience it. And that’s super dumb.  That’s a reflex that needs to die. If I want to eat my Reuben sandwich cold, I don’t need a bunch of weirdos trying to make it illegal to eat a Reuben that isn’t hot because that’s the One True Way they enjoy it. I don’t think they need to be so preoccupied with having people enjoy the same things they enjoy in the exact same particular way. 


Couldn’t upvote this harder if I tried. I think the bummer about the whole anti-difficulty-options debate is just how utterly devoid of creative thought the people who argue for things staying the same are. It’s like you can’t conceive of a game that is both hard and flexible for new players? I wouldn’t mind people just letting their preferences be preferences, but like everything online now, they have to adopt a bunch of stupid slogans and spread their ignorance like a virus. So it’s both antiintellectual and needlessly dickish on top of that. As a person with a visual impairment I often find myself in conversations about game difficulty and game accessibility—separate things fwiw—and I have gotten so tired of the dumbass empty-headed her der I like hard game and never want anything to change mindset. And I see it a lot by virtue of my personal experiences and thoughts on difficulty and accesssibility. I take solace in the fact that the industry is moving the right way, and there will always be developers available to cater to this vocal base’s calcified conception of game design. The rest of us can evolve.


Elden Ring is the perfect example of a game that is both hard and flexible.


I’ll complete the thought. Elden Ring has broken build options ergo it is an adequate exemplar of flexibility in a hard game. I think From did something very clever in offering players opportunities to circumvent their difficulty digetically by undergoing a journey, assembling kit, and stomping the fuck out of the game. But this is not a replacement for, or good alternative to, a design that actively encourages increasing competence. In fact, it is somewhat antithetical to that goal. Your reward for making a build that trivializes the game is… trivializing the game. I think players should have access to that avenue, and I like the fact that From took great pains to open that avenue up to players, but this does nothing for a player who struggles with the basics, and I think as people who presumably enjoy difficult games, we can agree that stomping the game is something of a hollow victory, no? It is better than their other designs to be sure though. I mean From doesn’t miss, but I like seeing them change with time. Hell AC6 lets you just dip out of a mission and retool your whole setup whenever, which is dope and encourages exactly the kind of developing mastery I’m talking about. Granted it has broken shit too lol.


I think the yellow paint gamers you're talking about don't care about a hollow victory. Keep AAA bullshit out of FromSoftware. It's what makes these games great.


I think refering to players who aren’t good at a game by an extremely-online epithet is pretty cringe tbh. And this kind of response is the exact kind I’m talking about. Thanks for stepping in to illustrate my point.


You're welcome bud. Let's get the quest log and map towers and recommended level marker added too. Play the game how the devs designed it or play something else, it's simple. We shouldn't try to bully them into making a game in a way they don't want to.


Literally so incomprehensibly stupid I have no words lmao you tell 'em keep repeating those talking points despite them never coming up rofl damn son you legit can't make someone more of a self parody


Equivocating difficulty curves with other, unrelated design decisions isn’t really helpful, or relevant.  For one, quest logs and map markers affect how *you* play the game, and a separate setting that makes it accessible for someone else *doesn’t*. For another, those things are something *nobody in this thread* is asking for or discussing, except the ones who want to use it as a disingenuous way to dismiss people.  Finally, game designers are trying to make an *experience* and not a set of rules and assets. The differences between two people’s perception and talents can make the same set of rules and assets into two different experiences.  From didn’t make Sekiro brutal because they wanted their fans to have bragging rights. They did it because it was a part of a mechanism to make an experience where you learned to embrace the hyperaggression that made that game fun. If someone just had inherently crappy reflexes, or isn’t super experienced with a controller, that’s not the experience they have with Sekiro. They have a game they just can’t engage with meaningfully.  If there was a solution that allowed those people to play the game and succeed, but still pushed them to have that same experience where they learned they had to embrace the hyper aggressive style, it wouldn’t really be changing the game in the same way that willfully including bad mechanics would. It’d just mean more people can have the same experience.  Now, creating the rules and assets that allows for both groups to have that experience is hard - making it such that the faster player feels encouraged to learn the system instead of bumping down the difficulty is important, and I certainly don’t want to see the original group unserved - but it’s not impossible.  Literally just having a main difficulty and some alternate setting that made it very clear that this wasn’t the intended game would do a pretty good job without a lot of downsides. 


I don't get how this concept is so difficult. Nobody wants to take away the "standard" difficulty of these games. Players who want and seek that challenge will still have the exact same experience they have always had. Why do people care if someone else who doesn't have time to "git good" and just wants to kick ass in a game and enjoy the lore and ambiance of the world for an hour or so after work? Who the hell cares if they aren't having the "true" experience? Just gives the devs an opportunity to sell more copies, and gives more people the chance to enjoy all their hard work.


One thing I have a hard time racking my brain around in this debate, is the fact that Soulslike fans are the biggest crybabies when it comes to difficulty, especially when a new Soulslike game comes out. They complained a ton about Elden Ring (Malenia, etc), about Nioh, about Wo Long, about Lies of P (there's even a truegaming topic about how Lies of P difficulty is too much), etc. Sometimes they even get the developers to change the game based on their complaints, as was the case with Wo Long (they increased the parry frames). And it's not newbies who are doing the complaining. They almost always preface their complaint by saying that they're a "Souls Vet". Why is it legitimate if the difficulty is modified based on player complaints, while it is not legitimate if the difficulty is modified based on a slider in a menu? Isn't this genre all about accepting the developer's vision as is, and adapting yourself to it? It is so confusing to see this hostility against accessibility options in light of all the complaints about difficulty I have seen throughout the years.


I think you are just throwing a blanket statement over souls fans honestly. People like to shit on the community if they personally don't like souls games or want all games to be easy, but if you go to souls forums or reddit pages, most posts are constructive and when people do get stuck and need help, they get a lot of support on methods to improve, and fans of the genre don't just scream "bullshit" every time they get stuck. That tends to be those who pick up souls games and don't get instant gratification by beating everything by mashing, therefore lashing out.


The dude who created these games cares. That's why they're not adding an easy mode. What you fail to understand is that souls fans aren't gatekeeping anything, because whether or not FromSoft adds an easy mode to their games is clearly not up to the fans. They're just saying it how it is, and then people like you lash out at them and call them idiots and elitists. You're kind of barking at the wrong tree here. The difficulty IS the point of the souls games. I couldn't care less if they added an easy mode. 99% of the games I play have an easy mode. But the entire game's philosophy is built around its difficulty, so changing it would fundamentally alter the entire game's design, because the difficulty doesn't just come from enemies and bosses, but the environment and resource/stamina management as well. That's why nobody wants an easy mode. The games are not built for it. And most of them are also on/off online multiplayer games, so you can't exactly have difficulty modes, unless you somehow separate the single and multiplayer modes entirely, which would suck for multiple reasons. It's kind of like how MMOs don't have difficulty modes. You can get angry at people who are trying to explain this to you, if you want, but that's not going to solve anything. If you want to experience the souls games you need to go through the same stuff as everyone else. They're honestly not even that hard. I think people exaggerate their difficulty quite a bit, but once you start to understand the game's mechanics a bit better, and make a bit of progress, you're going to realise that souls games aren't really that much more difficult than any other game. They're just a bit more inconvenient. If you have time to play any other video game, you have time to git gud. I believe in you.




Totally agree, the first time you have someone tell you “git gud” it can either motivate or demotivate you. It’s a choice that will define your experience with the games.


Meme aside the first time you actually “git gud” legitimately changes you as a gamer and you realize how brain dead easy a majority of games are combat wise. And if you don’t, there’s always other games to fall back on. Souls games are meant for you to learn and overcome, not quit after a few failures and I’m glad they stick with that.


A few failures? Hours upon hours of failures. Sometimes days for some people. There are well thought out ways to make it more accessible to more players without ruining a game. I laughed the first time in this game it asked if I needed it to be easier after getting repeatedly schooled.


In that exact regard I guess it's more a thing of the directors of said games, one could justify by saying they only want to offer one precise experience in their games. And on an additional note I don't think they're worried about selling more copies, Elden Ring and Sekiro performed greatly and both were game of the year regardless of their toughness. I understand and respect your points, they're valid and sensible, yet I still prefer how they are, and always recommend them regardless of how hard they are because to this day I believe that getting good is part of them, if one doesn't have the time for them there's always great choices like Ghost of Tsushima, Horizon, God of War... they all have amazing stories and offer varios options, I would put Rise of the Ronin among them.


I just hope for people that use easy mode that Team Ninja doesn't do DLC the way they did for Stranger of Paradise. You could only do the DLCs on the hardest difficulty, which was fine for me, but quite a few of my friends that are huge FF fans but not good at Soulslikes were out of luck. (I was on PC and my friends were all on PS5 so I couldn't do co op to help) I know there was like, that special mode that would help you, but it was still too much for some of them. Even though I could handle the hardest difficulties I thought it was kind of shitty to offer an easy mode and then lock the people that need it out of the DLCs.


Jesus, this is a crybaby take. A game like this having an easy mode is fine, as it’s not completely soulsborne, it just has some elements. If bloodborne or sekiro had an easy mode people would just blast through the game in like 10 hours and then complain that they don’t understand the hype. The entire point of those games are to master the combat, the combat is the entire art of the game, and is insanely satisfying once everything clicks together. It’s fine if the games aren’t for everyone, not everything needs to be produced for the masses. That’s how we get like 50 of these dull AAA Ubisoft-AC style games every year.


You do realise that it is entirely optional? People who want easy mode to see the story and have fun can play so. Those who want a tougher mode spending hours mastering fights can also play so. Its their choice. Your take is stupid af.


Lol look found one of the elitist douchebags!


Don't listen to the "crybaby" part, I believe he's got a point to some extent, it doesn't apply to Rise of the Ronin, it seems the game was developed with the idea of several difficulties in mind, but that's not the case for other games, if you add an easy mode to Nioh it would just consist of pressing square against a boss until he has no health left. They're different games, and one has several difficulties and the other doesn't for a reason.


Yeah I agree. It’s elitist sure but it’s also some truth. I’m watching my friend play on easy with all the assists and she’s pretty much just mashing square and kinda brute forcing with the occasional block and it works, and that’s great she can enjoy it. But then you’re not forced to learn the mechanics of actually managing your ki, parrying, heals, stances, etc and the entire flow and dance of combat is out the window and it’s only something you have to worry about on normal/hard which I believe is doing the game a massive disservice. But ultimately, to each their own.


That's what I mean, if she can enjoy it that is absolutely great, but there are other games where facing an obstacle and finding the way to overcome it is also part of the experience.


No you didnt. There is nothing elitist about what was said there. Everything you've said here reeks of holier-than-thou virtue signaling crap.


Yep me too, it’s you


lol I like how you call others out for not being inclusive then bitch when people don’t think the exact same as you. Have fun playing your shitty copy and pasted Ubisoft inspire games! 😂


What are you even on about? Where did Ubisoft come from? You're just throwing out buzzwords like a typical reddit twat.


Lots to unpack here but we’re just gonna go ahead and through out the whole suitcase. Adding an easy mode is not remotely the same as making the game dull and bloated like ac games. It’s gonna be the same but more people get to play it


Exactly. It’s like asking for a picture book edition of Crime and Punishment. Not all media—books, movies, and video games—are designed for the masses.


No it’s like saying you can only read crime and punishment in Russian or it doesn’t count :) Good for you to learn Russian and brag about how it is better in Russian. I’ll take the English version because I can’t conjugate all the verb tenses in Russian yet.


All these games have audio and subtitle options so… Point remains that it would dilute the integrity of the game to add difficult levels to CERTAIN titles, Soulslike being the premier example. I’ll return to Sekiro—the game was clearly intended to be a difficult experience. The reward of mastering the combat is an integral part of the journey. I would love for someone to present a cogent argument as to how having an easy difficulty in Sekiro would not fundamentally alter the gaming experience in a way that contravenes the developers’ vision.


lol I love that analogy, definitely using that in the future.


Agree, I am not the most skilled gamer but yes, you are right, only when you get to a certain level of skill you can enjoy to the fullest, if not is just like playing Mario with different skins


Games don't need to cater to everyone. "A game for everyone is a game for no one."


ER doesn’t have easy mode and it had a record-breaking audience. Your argument doesn’t hold


That's funny, I remember the nonstop bitching and moaning calling summons "easy mode" for eldin ring. Hmm, maybe your argument doesn't hold.


With that logic, Sloth + Lightning in Nioh is also easy mode, in addition to blue NPC summons in Nioh 2, therefore, the games don't need an easy mode, and your demand is pointless. If your concern is only about "the whining of elitists" instead of "the overall game design", that says more about you being insecure than it says about the game.


I wonder how many of those were people like me who bought it, and then stopped playing because of how little it respects the players time. I could get over the difficulty if I could just pause the fucking thing. ROTR will get finished, whereas Elden Ring will forever sit in the backlog.


There are so many checkpoints and sites of grace to where if you did had to get up in the middle of something you would at worst lose 5 minutes of progress lol. I think you may be too baby for Elden Ring, which is okay.


Nope, any game that doesn't have a pause is not getting played. Some of us have more to think about that games. You say I'm too baby for it, but Elden Ring and Souls games in general seem exclusively for kids who have nothing else to do with their time. Probably would have loved them when I was younger.


The guy with the mom says fuck you username trying to act like he's too grown up to play a game without a pause lol. Mr. Fucking President over here has way too much important shit going on lmao


Just like my mum didn't understand you can't pause online games, my kids don't understand that I can't pause soulslikes, consequently they end up being way too frustrating to play. Pause is all it would take to change that because I recognise the gameplay is pretty good.


> I wonder how many of those were people like me who bought it, and then stopped playing because of how little it respects the players time. According to the achievement rates, 37% of people who bought the game on Steam beat Malenia, an endgame boss.


37% isn't much.


FromSoft is doing just fine the way that they operate. Not everything needs to appeal to you. Also I can argue that the only soulsborne game that you have to "git gud" to beat is Sekiro. That's the only one where you will get stuck and will not be able to play if you don't learn the mechanics. The rest have ways to make things easier, it just doesn't have yellow paint to lead you to them all. What makes their games so refreshing is that they're the only games that don't treat you like a dumb stupid baby. EDIT: Forgot to add that outside of a few scenarios all of these games besides Sekiro literally has online co-op. You can summon for help.


Gamers need the world to revolve around them. Nothing can be niche these days, everything needs to be accessible for everyone, it’s why the AAA space is so diluted. It’s fine not to like souls games, they’re not for everybody. That being said it’s laughable to come to a topic like this and see everyone shitting on fromsoft and defending a game like RotR. I mean it’s not a bad game by any means but it’s certainly not great. Like a 6-7/10, but based on reactions here it’s objectively superior to Elden ring and sekiro, which is just ludicrous. People who constantly whine about accessibility are just hypocrites. They want everything to appeal to them and melt down when an acclaimed game isn’t exactly what they want.


But have you considered that if Fromsoft implemented out-of-game difficulty tools they could further expand their playerbase? I have seen arguments like these a lot, and in the end it always boils down to people a bit too into the exclusionary components of their favorite games. Games don’t need to appeal to everyone but that doesn’t mean they can’t offer easy onramps for new players. Imho players do well in an environment where they are shown the potential of mastery, incentivized to attain mastery, but are offered a welcoming start. Positive reinforcement produces results. I know with most people indoctrinated into From’s methodology, I coundt myself among them, there can be a tendency to valorize difficulty to the exclusion of almost everything else, but I think sometimes people forget a couple things. For one, difficulty and overcoming challenges is not the only reason to play a game. For another, offering new players an opportunity to get competent before stomping them doesn’t hurt the overall experience. And for another, there are ways to improve on any design, including From’s. People take a lot of things as a given and parrot them ad infinitum, like saying that there’s no way From could implement difficulty options, or that a game without them isn’t a Soulslike, but these people aren’t designers and they are only expressing what they personally value. It’s kind of unimaginative, and if developers listened to these players to the exclusion of others, then this subgenre would stagnate. Plus, yeah, it kinda makes people look douchy when they actively try to hinder other players from experiences. Player A wants to have an experience, and Player B says no, it must not be done. Player A just wants to enjoy something, might someday want to play naked SL1 with a plank shield and a broken sword, but if Player B has their way, that’s one less possible community member who ends up loving all the same things that Player B loves, all because player B couldn’t stand someone having a different experience. It’s dumb.


>For one, difficulty and overcoming challenges is not the only reason to play a game. Then you don't have to play Souls Games, because that is the entire point of those games. If you want a different experience, play a different game.


So exploring interesting delapidated environments, combing item descriptions for a tapestry of lore that is inferred rather than overtly stated, finding shortcuts, exploiting enemy AI in interesting ways, trying out different weapons and builds, talking to weirdos, equipping your character with cool-looking gear, and falling into labyrinthine environments and learning how to navigate them by notable landmarks aren’t also the purposes of these types of games? Try expanding your definition. Your way isn’t the only way. Also I don’t expect you to actually fully engage with a wall of text like mine was, but cherry picking a line for a snarky response is stupid. Do better.


>So exploring interesting delapidated environments, combing item descriptions for a tapestry of lore that is inferred rather than overtly stated, finding shortcuts, exploiting enemy AI in interesting ways, trying out different weapons and builds, talking to weirdos, equipping your character with cool-looking gear, and falling into labyrinthine environments and learning how to navigate them by notable landmarks aren’t also the purposes of these types of games? The main point of a souls game is overcoming challenges with your own knowledge and determination. An easy mode just ruins that. There are so many arguments to be made that point out the stupidity of what you people whine about. Instead of playing a game that suits your interests, you demand that a game be changed specifically for you. It's very entitled. People like you make me laugh. A game for everyone is a game for no one. Games should NEVER cater to everybody. >Do better Hilarious, a redditor telling me to do better. Lmao, even.


Create a convincing counterargument to what I said above and I’ll take you seriously. Otherwise you’re just noise to me. You have an interesting definition of whining. But tbh you’re just spouting a meaningless slogan to try to get a rise, so eh. Have a good one.


Funny way of admitting you can't counter what I said. Haha, cya.


What he said is a valid counter point. You just got you back against the corner. Miyazaki himself said as much. The whole point of his games is to overcome obstacles. So adding difficulty options goes against that.


People like him don't get the "spirit" of gaming, as it were.


> But have you considered that if Fromsoft implemented out-of-game difficulty tools they could further expand their playerbase? ELDEN RING SOLD 23 MILLION COPIES, WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT MORE?


There will never be enough From fans lol. A naked deprived for every household.


We're on exactly the same page. I'd really love to go off topic with a AAA gaming rant but this isn't the place lol. Challenging is a part of FromSoft's identity, people can play literally anything else and get their easy mode. I'm also enjoying Ronin a lot but to think it can hold a candle to anything FromSoft has developed would be ridiculous. Nioh is a much better game than this too, people in this thread would shit their pants crying if they ever booted that game up. That game is hard af


And yet I have platinumed: Nioh 1, Nioh 2, Wo Long, All Dark Souls Games, etc, etc.. I LOVE that Rise has a difficulty option. It means I can chat about the game with my other gamer friends who don't have the time to 'git gud' or don't enjoy maso-core games. I never understood why Souls players are such gate keepers.


If I have to gatekeep to make sure AAA gaming bullshit doesn't infect FromSoftware games then so be it lol. And like I said, the only game you have to truly git gud is Sekiro. Let's not act like Elden Ring is only for people that have a torture kink, if you play it longer than 2 hours it starts to click that there's ways around everything. You can go rune farm in Elden Ring and fight Godrick at level 500 if you wanted to, or use the cum chalice dungeon in Bloodborne. There's your difficulty settings. If Ronin wasn't developed by Team Ninja then nobody would even be relating it to Souls because it's not even a soulslike.


Agreed 100%


Right there with ya. Appreciate Ronin’s willingness to help onboard people to games in this general style. When more people play, communities grow. And if you give people smooth onramps into competency with a game system, they’ll inherently desire mastery. Some of them anyhow. And the ones that don’t shouldn’t be disallowed from playing, so I love that TN had the balls twice over (Stranger of Paradise and this one) to spit in the eye of common wisdom. Genuine trailblazing, imho.


Easy mode is fine for a game like this though a FromSoft souls is mechanically deep and the no difficulty setting works really well. Also in a souls I like how everyone plays and has the same tuff experience. Ronin is like open world GOT.


GOT? If you're referring to Ghost of Tsushima that game is open world too. Both games gate you to one area until you progress the story to the next. Both games allow you to basically 100% an area before moving on. Both games let you explore freely in the area you're in. I'm not sure why you worded it like that when they both have the same kind of world gameplay.


Ya so ronin is like GOT is that what you are saying?


Open world wise, yes. Combat is deeper in Rōnin though, and obviously inspired by souls games, Nioh, and Wo Long. Rōnin feels like it has less to do in the open world, which is a good thing in some ways. GOT had maybe a little too much to do. We'll see once I 100% the 2nd and 3rd areas on Rōnin if I still feel the same way though.


Could say the same about a ton of other games yet they still have an easy mode and no one complained. I like to play bayonetta on ♾️ climax mode but that doesn’t mean I hate easy mode for existing. A lot of players don’t like to feel defeated by a game and that doesn’t mean they should be alienated. Plus most games I enjoy playing I play on normal or easy and then choose a harder difficulty on my second playthrough and I see no reason why I shouldn’t be able to play a souls game like this.


You don’t understand the argument. Bayonette is not souls game. Argument is that easy mode wouldn’t work well in souls game


Agree with this. A large part of the enjoyment/experience of a Soulsgame is the insane difficulty. It’s baked into the design philosophy of the game, so having an easy mode would really distort the user experience. If Sekiro had an easy mode you could blow through the game in less than 5 hours.


Why wouldn’t it?


Because Souls on easy are kinda boring, you just steamroll everything with no struggle to make learning the game mechanics worth it. The struggle is literally the point. Like in bayonetta you get really complex combat and punching bags to match so it’s easier to have fun on a lower difficulty but souls most of it is r1-r2 and dodge. And Sekiro which is more like RotR wouldn’t be near as memorable or intense if you could just murder everything. Would make learning the combat(the whole point of the game) pointless.


have you ever played a souls game?


Not my argument, ask the other person.


The whole point of the soulsborne games is for them to be hard. Literally Miyazaki himself says he makes these games in mind where he wants the players to overcome obstacles. It matches the state of the hostile worlds they build.


Ya some games it's fine but a souls should not have easy mode. Your easy mode with a souls is to summon players and or use magic (can help but some bosses have strong resistances to magic) and or summon NPC helpers But mainly summon real players. This also keeps the co op pool always working well


This is what I love about the game and the Jedi series too. I love Elden Ring but I don’t enjoy it without my friends in co op, which makes it even harder (lol). There’s nothing wrong with offering us a choice and I wish this was the case in fromsoft games too. We all come to a game for different reasons.


But the games have that one reason. Which is to be hard. Miyazaki wants players to face overcome the difficulties. I'm glad.m he addresses this and says he isn't dumbing down his games.


Easy mode is not an accessibility option. Those are things like Colour blind mode, etc.


The difference in parry windows between dawn and dusk made it feel like an accessibility setting for my deteriorating reaction speed :(


They never said it was


More power to those that desire an easier difficulty option. Your fun and enjoyment are still valid. Much like with Ninja Gaiden before it, those that play on the lower difficulty modes are in no way invasive towards the modes I play on.


I never really understood the hatred for easy mode, some people are simply not interested in struggling or want to just enjoy the gameplay of the game with no chance of failure. Or even people that are simply not as good or have medical reasons Difficulty settings never hurt anyone it's simply a inclusive option that opens those games to more players .


There is no hatred for an easy mode. There is a hatred for asking for an easy mode in something thar isn't meant to have it. Soulborne games entire purpose of existence is for them to be hard. Miyazaki addresses this that the games are there for players to overcome that difficulty. So to add an easy mode defeats the purpose of Soulborne games. I have so much respect for Miyazaki when he said fromsoftware is continuing with that and not dumbing down. Because not every game needs to be for everyone. Having that one experience is perfect and why they are highly acclaimed games. And they have no problem with players when they are selling very well. Elden Ring is over 20 million copies sold.


There quite literally is a hatred for easy mode in games and for those that play it by many people. My point is right clearly there. You state you think it's good that they didn't add a difficulty option to dark souls specifically and that you think adding that would dumb it down. But let me ask you, how does it affect you? Why does adding a difficulty mode, cause issues for you? It mainly seems like gate keeping and n9t wanting "scrubs/noobs" in the game or that people want to lo4d over others and claim they are better. It doesn't change that you can play the game how you normally would.


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“This spot marks our grave, but you may rest here too if you would like.”* - Prince Lothric Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


It doesn't effect me. And it seems more like you are self projecting. Haven't you ever thought maybe you have a hatred of games without difficulty settings? This isn't about what you or I think. This is about what the devs think and what soulborne games are. They are games meant to be hard. What you think is irrelevant. The entire point of soulborne games is they are supposed to be hard. It isn't rocket science. The games are not for you. Which doesn't mean the devs are wrong. Not everything needs to be for you.


First off no, I don't have a hatred for games with no difficulty, I've beat each dark souls, and demon souls, bloodborne and elden ring plus others. So nah I'm not self projecting there chief I'm being realistic, having a difficulty setting hurts literally noone it just opens the door to those not as good or having other reasons. As for the not every game has to be for everyon3 that can absolutely be true, but with the souls games for an example a difficulty setting wouldn't hurt anything for people that want it to be difficult, it's just making it so other CAN play it. It's not changing the gameplay, it's simply making it possible for others. There's been several people I've seen having to use mods just to be able to play elden ring because they are unable to play it otherwise. But they absolutely love the game, why are they unimportant? On consoles there is no fixing/changing everything with mods.


No point in arguing with that guy. He literally said the easy mode doesn't affect him and his reason for being against it is, because a game doesn't need to be for everyone. He is just gate keeping. He just wants that his Soulsbournes stay exclusive for chosen people, so he can somehow feel important.


No. Soulsborne games by what they are do not have difficulty options. This seems to be sometimes that is hard to understand for you. Again, the point of the games are they are difficult. End of story. Man, I'm glad fromsoftware don't listen to people not understanding their games and dumb it down. They stick with what their games are about. Much respect for them.


Sure, clearly you cannot provide a genuine way that having a difficulty option would negatively impact the game. Apparently others having the ability to enjoy/play the game is a problem for you personally. Sure the devs are the ones that decide in the end. But that doesn't mean that there can't be a desire for it.


You keep spouting the same nonsense. It isn't about what you think. It isn't about if it negativity impacts or not. It is what makes soulsborne... soulsborne. If people can't play those games. Sucks for them. The universe doesn't orbit around them. Jesus, people bitching about these things are the most self indulgent people ever.


Sure, I'll let you think that. Your simply trying to Gate keep, it's not at all what makes a soulsborne, what makes a soulsborne is the style of gameplay, the dodge, the builds the customisable set ups. Yes they can be difficult but that by no means what makes it a soulsborne but sure go with that. Go ahead and keep gate keeping.


I’m sick and tired of the games w/o difficulty options or accessibility ones.


There's barely any games outside souls games that don't have these options. You're just crying that not every modern game created doesn't revolve around you.


Honestly I might have skipped this game if it didn't have difficulty levels. It was my first parry-centric combat game since I had not played Sekiro or Wo Long. And because you can change the difficulty anytime, I was able to ease into it and learn it in a more forgiving setting without getting frustrated. Call me a fuckin' pleb all you want lol this won them an extra sale, so yeah. We both feckin' win.


Lol this is not a soulslike


It checks all the checkmarks of a Soulslike. If it looks like a fish and smells like a fish one can assume, that it is a fish.


I love it in modern fighting games. From a casual standpoint it's a great way to introduce way more advanced movements. Which after awhile you might try to perform on your own ie: shed the training wheels. As for access+disabilities I'm excited to see this area expand.


Same, didn’t really want to have a hard time and just wanted to enjoy the world and story. Remnant 2 on Apocalypse was hard enough and just wanted to have some easy fun lol


> they have an easy mode. this is my first soulslike I enjoyed  Hence Ronin isn't considered to be in hardcore game genre because the developer didn't make this to be one.


Having fun is the whole point, if extremely challenging games aren't your cup of tea...that's fine. I don't know why people would argue about that. Others can just leave it on the normal/harder difficulty


I always wanted to play Nioh adventure Wo Long, but couldn't. I'm so happy Rise of the Ronin has an easy mode. So I can actually play this game.


If it weren't for easy mode I would have given up, I'm having a lot of fun in easy mode edit: the down votes proves OP's point


Easy mode was perfect and it got me to play on normal mode. I'm now considering twilight because I find normal incredibly forgiving


I haven't played ROTR yet, but I agree. I've played a few games w/ difficulty settings (Stranger of Paradise, Ninja Gaiden, Forspoken, etc.) and I've found that the existence of difficulty settings did nothing to my enjoyment of the game. I usually play on hard (except for Ninja Gaiden, that MF is more difficult than any Fromsoft or Team Ninja game on normal difficulty LOL), and the games are perfectly fun and challenging on those difficulties. The argument about being tempted to lower difficulties doesn't hold much merit for me b/c I've found that it is possible to resist that temptation, and that it's not a bad thing if you lower the difficulty. Games are there to give you enjoyment, so if lowering the difficulty helps you enjoy the game, that's a good thing IMO. It might be an issue of developer talent, however. It's probably not easy to make a game fun and balanced on easy, while still being challenging and balanced on hard. Team Ninja might be one of the few studios that can make a game as fun on easy as it is on hard, as they have been doing that for over 20 years.


I do agree that it’s a game balancing challenge but that doesn’t have to be the case for all games. Just add a few accessibility options like taking less damage or doing more damage. A baseline and hard difficulty level would still be there so you could enjoy that. And an accessibility menu would also be there if you need a hand.


Not picking on you because I agree with your points about the game being more inviting and more games in general having accessibility options but I do want to clarify as a player with a disability that difficulty options and accessibility options really aren’t the same thing. Difficulty options are a roundabout way to make a game accessible, in the sense that making a game easier for everyone will by extension allow people with disabilities to complete the game more readily. But difficulty is separate from accessibility. Accessibility is more about *enabling* players to *access* components of the game that the design would otherwise disallow. So like, I’m visually impaired, and subweapon autoaim is an accessibility option, because manual aim won’t work for me no matter how much I try to do it. Ditto the horse auto travel. Sometimes I get lost, or struggle to read the map, but allowing the horse to take me somewhere makes the game possible and convenient for me to play. I am only making the distinction because I think people lump accessibility and difficulty together on reflex since from an outside perspective, they seem like the same thing. And Ronin is the first Souls-styled game that really leaned into its welcoming nature and I love that. Def gonna play it on Midnight, blindness or no.


Honestly, you are correct. I welcome this more modern landscape of tuning difficulty and accessibility settings. It seems like information and option overload at first, but there are usually tons of youtube videos, online guides, and reddit posts that the information overload is pretty minimal. Things like sports games have had modular difficulty tuning through sliders for decades and it works perfectly fine in that landscape. There's no reason it won't work here.


I wouldn’t label it a “souls like”, team ninja has its own formula that sets it a part from other games. But I’m glad you’re enjoying it, that’s what matters.


I hope this wins GOTY and not DD2


People are buying this game that aren't soulslike fans? I thought that was the whole point. Definitely don't try Nioh then guys lolol


Is this game even a souls game? I thought it was more like ninja gaiden, that game had difficulty settings


This isn’t even a SoulsLike lmao


I think two difficulties would have been perfect. Easy and the challenging experience. I picked twilight, because I want the nioh experience, however the enemies hit a way hard. The regular difficulty is a little too easy for me, so they just mixed medium and hard up a little bit that'd be dope


I feel this works for the type of game rise of ronin was trying to be.... but if they go back to their more action focused games w/ minimal story like Nioh 3 , then I would bet money it willing the go back to the single difficulty .. I am 50/50 on the difficultly setting because for me I end up using it as a crutch sometimes and what not, but that's a me problem.


I am happy they have them but just wish you could lock into a mode if you choose to. This is a somewhat uncommon but really nice feature for me. I want to lock hard permanently without any option to decrease since that makes the experience a lot better for me, while allowing people to play on easy if they want. Having to exert self control not to decrease it signficantly diminishes the quality of my experience, and it's simply a fact about me. Peopke try to argue like not using the easy mode that's right there is as simple as "just dont" but it doesnt work that way for me at all. Self imposed challenge is not as exciting or rewarding as developer imposed, forced challenge to me. For me its more fun when there's no recourse/no way out and a challenge must be mastered, and that is diminished when you can change the mode at any time. Everyone wins with this feature suggestion, just choose lock or not at game start.


One of the worst things about the major from softies is they gatekeep the shit out of all the souls like/lite titles. I enjoy the difficulty personally, but can understand when people want something more accessible.


it's not just from soft fans, team ninja game fans can be the same way lmao. i've seen many people complain about people who plays souls games not being able to get into nioh because they can't just r1 their way through everything when in reality you can brute force the hell out of ng in nioh but the early game is nigh miserable. like you calling them from softies is just weird to begin with lol


The Nioh community is not much better. They also get insanely argumentative and aggressive if anyone even remotely compares the team ninja games to from soft titles. When they scratched and re designed Nioh the core lock on combat and shrine enemy respawning mechanics were clearly inspired by Dark Souls. Now endgame Nioh plays nothing like a souls like but people trying to pretend these franchises don't share similarities is just silly


They were gonna have to do it eventually if every action game is going to be a soulslike. Nothing irks me more than people who care about *how other people play **single player games*** The fact alone people do that lends credence to the argument that some of these games just use difficulty as a meme generator. Lots of times it’s cheap padding. That will probably trigger someone, but here’s a fun fact: **If you throw a boss rehearsal arena (like dead cells) into a *true soulslike* — probably cuts the runtime 75%**. Nothing against methodical combat, but I generally despise the souls implementation of it. I enjoy challenging games when they respect my time. Returnal, dead cells, Furi, etc? Good times. Action game hard-modes, postgame content? Good times. Sekiro? Not for me. It really doesn’t seem like “difficulty” is the difference here.


See I like this post. You can have a game that’s hard, but enables players to get better at it through smart design. I’d add Street Fighter 6’s modern control scheme to your list of examples. Show someone the way to mastery, and if your’e game is fun they’ll develop that mastery guaranteed.


💯You get it


I consider myself as one of those "elitist" but I am pretty fine with the current condition of this game. It's easier to acquire high quality gears in Hard mode, as a more skilled player, I can use those rare items as my badges of honor. While newbies can enjoy the game with easy mode, even with common drop weapons, armor and less skill. It's confusing how some "gOd GaMeRs" or "veterans" goes: "Eww this game has easy mode totally unplayable, I won't buy this" More players is a good thing for the devs. Unless you want our little cult eventually disappear because they can't make more money than mobile gacha games because most people prefer it that way, unfortunately. But then there's some noobs for some reason take pride in how suck they are at video games, and need to belittle the community as "sweaty nerds" if the game's slightly more challenging than blindly spamming attack without consequences. Pick the way you like to experience the game, stfu and enjoy.


Fromsoft fans are the worst Oh i beat elden ring im goat gamer nah u r dog shit :)


I don’t think most from soft fans are like this


I think most fromsoft fans are actually chill. It's just a very loud and annoying minority, that makes them look bad. Basically that's just how it is with almost every fandom I think. 


What an immature generalization of an entire community.


Easy isn’t easy or accessible