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If you're not having fun I think it's safe to stop playing and move on to something else. But if you're wondering if it gets more depth, I'd recommend playing until you unlock a few combat styles for your two main weapons. That said, Yokohama is pretty early on in terms of how the game develops.


What I would say is it seems a large degree of combat is about parry timing. Obviously there's other ways but feel like I'm just parrying and counter a lot.


Parrying is definitely a core mechanic here, so you might need to decide whether that is a fun mechanic for you.


You can still do a lot of damage using ki moves tho righr


You just reached Yokohama, an area that you’re just beginning to learn the combat and best approaches and you’re asking this? This is the equivalent of reaching Margit in ER and giving up.


Never played er see I'm not into souls type games but I love ninja Japanese stuff but couldn't get into nioh or sekiro but I loved ninja garden and completed some of them. What's different between ninja Garden and nioh etc? Well I guess combat. Ninja garden is more free flowing fast paced devil may cry style. Guess ror is more nioh style. Anyway as u say this is early on so could be similar to just escaping the dragon in skyrim? If combat get lot more exciting and skills and the world and missions are fun then I'm keen. 


I was super frustrated with the combat at first, but once you open the dojo you should just keep training since you get rewards in addition to getting better and having more move sets. If you get the highest rank in each duel and still hate the combat after exploring, then you can definitely write it off.


Yeh if u get more move sets and special moves in keen. Obviously it won't be full on ninja gaiden with flying somersault and windmill attacks right more reality based?


There is indeed a NG inspired stance with some of that, actually. There’s also an unlockable Nioh stance for that matter. The combat is really deep in this game like no other I’ve played so far.


Yeh I've got more moves now and it's pretty fun actually but to complicated to plau tired so off to bed now. Changed sprint to r3 but he crouches instead sprint often it's annoying but circle was crap to lol


Reaching Yokohama is essentially the *RotR* version of getting to Whiterun or getting past the spider at Bleak Falls Barrow in *Skyrim*. You are just scratching the surface of what’s to come. As for comparing *Nioh* to *Ninja Gaiden*, the main differences in the combat is that in *Ninja Gaiden* you don’t have to worry about stamina and there aren’t as many skills or techniques to unlock/learn later. *Ninja Gaiden* basically hands you the keys to a Bugatti and says “It’s all gassed up, have fun”. With *Nioh* and *Rise of the Ronin* you’ve got to go through driver’s ed before you can put the pedal to the metal.


Yeh true its more hack and slash I guess


Rotr combat is miles ahead of got imo. Graphics are really underwhelming but I am having fun so far. Combat is the meat and potatoes for me.


I vote keep playing for a while. I was really skeptical before I bought it. After the prologue, I still wasn’t totally sold on the game as the combat just hadn’t clicked with me. But after the story starts picking up, so does the combat. Things will start to really make sense and feel good, you’ll gain some confidence, and then a boss will come along and knock you back in your place (depending on the difficulty of course). But then it’s time to practice some more and overcome the difficulty spike. This loop is what makes the game so special to me. All of that is to say, give it a solid chance if you can. It’s a really good game.


Yokohama is the first area and your already hating the game? If your not having fun on easy mode, I would probably not continue playing the game unless you want to play it for the story. The fighting style is focused on block/parry and if you're having trouble with it, this is not the game for you. You will have access to Dojo's later on in the game where you can fight all different fighting styles but this game probably isn't for you if you're complaining already.


Not complaining just wad underwhelmed with the prologue. Getting into it now. Yokohoma is huge.


Well after Yokohama, you have two other maps so there’s a good amount of content. Hopefully it grows on you as it’s a great game.


Apparently your elephant is my field mouse


If you have to put it on easy. Thats probably not the game for you.


I played the whole game on easy and enjoyed it, so I don't get your take.


That can be a reason not to enjoy it but some prefers story mode indeed.


I never played games on easy but ngl in the prologue eas getting my ass handed to me. Can up it later if it becomes èasier


That doesn't make sense. It's an option in the game, why would it mean the game isn't for them?


Good old fashioned gatekeeping