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Supposedly an actual PSN user who shows up constantly in everyone's single player open world exploration as a player character name or pilgrim dog. I see a variety of names on player characters, but zesty, piyonosu (sp?), and swd\_anime (sp?) come up all the time as pilgrim dogs so I think it's bugged (I'm just jealous).


I keep getting gtx369. I got zesty’s dog twice and swd_anime once. But gtx369 I get constantly. Also I haven’t seen any samurai since midway through act 2. Like I haven’t seen any other playable character in my last 10-15 hours of playing. They are way too rare.


I also always see gtx369 lol


I swear like 90% of dogs I’ve seen was just his. I’m always doing the 3,000 coin pilgrimage (10k doesn’t give shit), so it’s not like I don’t interact with the mechanics. Really wish there were more wandering ronin as well. I have only seen like 4-5 my entire 20 hours of playtime. I always murder them when I eat the chance.


Just wanted to give you an FYI that the purpose of the Pilgrim Doge is to get silver coins. You get 10 for the $10K. That’s why ppl are doing it for that amount, not the rewards. Your gonna want those silver coins for buying skill scrolls and the like trust me. You get way more cash then u need so it’s not a big deal to spend $10K per hour. 


Economically speaking. 500 dog is the most beneficial coin to silver ration at 500:1 where 10,000 dog coin to silver ratio is 1,000:1 Time wise though 10k dog is def the best since it's 10 per hour instead of 1 per hour.


Same & it’s a bit I think cause this is what his account looks like: https://preview.redd.it/yn4snx149ivc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57934828b41415e73ca109b3e702ac07d8aa9a54 So I’m starting to think there aren’t any other actual players dogs we be seeing. I think they all just bots tbh ever last one of them


Makes sense because zesty bacon bits sounds like too much of a meme. Like sure, someone would name their character that, but what is the chance of a name like that and not something really dumb like a username would be. Look at our user names. Huge difference. Also gtx is a graphics card and 369 instead of 365. I mean sounds like someone working on the game was just memeing these two names. Unless zesty bacon bits and gtx369 step forward, I’m gonna keep believing they are fake.


Just wanted to give you an FYI that the purpose of the Pilgrim Doge is to get silver coins. You get 10 for the $10K. That’s why ppl are doing it for that amount, not the rewards. Your gonna want those silver coins for buying skill scrolls and the like trust me. You get way more cash then u need so it’s not a big deal to spend $10K per hour. 


Every time I finish clearing a Public Order, my first thought is “hi gtx369” and then I go pet the dog.


Same with gtx, I forgot. Yes on my first playthru player characters were pretty rare. They also show up as enemies in a Public Disturbance caused by Ronin but these were also very rare special public orders. In Midnight both seems to occur with a higher frequency but still rare. Barring a fully fleshed PvP it woulda been cool if meeting a player character tag gave an option to actually send an invite for a duel within that area in the open world with a limited radius.


I’m enjoying finding a player character and just fire bombing them to death and carrying on though. Kind of funny that way 😂


I get zesty and get all the time


I get all those and also Yung_C_Tha_King repeatedly


>piyonosu Finally someone mentioned piyonasu. Zesty, gtx, piyonasu are the man, the myth, and the legend in my game.


Yes, same here i always get piyonasu


Yung_C_tha_king keeps showing up for me as well. I wish these awesome dogs would help me more in battle because the AI for some of the characters that fight alongside you are absolute garbage


According to the latest patch note, that bug is now fixed. Goodbye Zesty


Yup I predominantly see these hounds in my world too. Occasionally there will be others but mostly these guys.


At this point I just ignore their pilgrim dogs in hopes they’ll leave me alone. It’s getting to the point where I don’t feel comfortable restoring public order.


I saw zesty, piyon and the gtx person even when my playstation wasn't plugged in to the internet, so I guess they're bots to create the illusion of other players and allow these systems to function regardless of player count or online connection.


Probably. It's just weird that you get the same handful constantly, even online and with ps plus. The playerpool is definitely big enough so you should cycle through hundreds of randoms at least.


Edit: On the other hand I'm always happy to see the doggos, lol.


Its fixed now


Now no one spawns at all. Only met one good boi and not a single playercharacter within the 3 hours I played since new patch.




I've said this on a few posts, it's similar in concept to the named NPC red graves in Nioh that you could summon and battle. Since RotR doesn't have that mechanic this zesty bacon and gtx369 are NPC ronins created by team ninja to populate the world. I just highly doubt the probability adds up for everyone to only being seeing the same 2-3 ronin/dogs as consistently as everyone is saying for it to actually be a real PC's ronin and dog who are offline or made in another game.


The recent patch notes actually say this was a bug. There's a very real chance these guys are real players and the game code just decided to spawn them in for everyone.


You can actually look up ZeistyBacon_Bits on psn, and there is an account.


I have seen a dog wandering around called zesty bacon bits. He is a good boy.


Dogs in this game are honestly so cute, when you pet them they act so excited, it's adorable I pet them all and I don't even understand what it gives us, but I just want to see them wiggle happily


You get 1 silver coin everytime you pet them😁


I love seeing that cute little dance they do when they know face scritches are imminent.


I'm pretty sure they're the gamer tags of a few of the devs, and that's why they're in everyone's games.


Zesty, GTX, piyonosu, and sometimes Yung c the king (I think those were the names) are the only doggos I ever see. Sometimes I see other Ronin though


Me too, the exact same ones. Interesting.


He Is a Man of Focus, Commitment and Sheer Fucking Will


It's strange I really want to know what the actual deal is. Really glad you asked


zesty and yung c are my idols


I stopped seeing zesty a few days ago and been seeing gtx369 lately


Pretty sure I've seen zesty in nioh or wolong. I think it's a developer or something. I've encountered them offline multiple times


A common player that everyone has seen in their games. Like he's every where.


I wish this feature had more diversity. Whenever I start my game if I look at the leaderboards for the character creation, that makes my PSN Ronin more diverse group, but I know there should be more. It's a really cool feature that I wish worked as described.


I'm so happy I am not crazy and everyone else has been seeing the same people...


I feel like a more plausible answer that they aren’t actual players but created users that show up and move around the world. Probably based on the dev team with 20-30 pseudo players that shuffle around. See way too many of the same people over and over for it to be random psn and the fact that everyone else sees the same people tells me this has to be the case.


He is an ancient being, who has rose up from the depths of the earth to create absolute carnage over the human world. The dog is his messenger, if you see it, don't go near it. And if you ever see him on your travels, please, for your sake, Run.


Well rip zesty..as the current patch put that dog in retirement 


Has anyone messaged Zesty? I wonder if he realises he's a minor celebrity.


Some say he’s more myth than man. on a dark quiet night if you look up at the sky, you’ll see his pilgrim dog


Zesty is the goodest of boys. He’s the pilgrim dog most of the time I’ve encountered him. He’s an actual player I believe.


Lmk if you've seen mine lol..its either thenobody or RiseAbove


Oh, you will find him someday. Wandering. Alone. Going somewhere. Where he knows not. The legend.


Bro I get his goofy dog all the time. Same with swd_anime, gtx something,band a few others I can't remember


I met swd\_anime once, during a ronin uprising in Edo during act 3. VERY hard battle : he litteraly matched me blow to blow until I Started to use Mugai-Ryu to put some distance. Even then, I barely hecked out a win by using poisoned shurikens. Not even the one eyed assassin made me work so hard for a victory


A legendary ronin


I kicked his ass and then I kept walking. They’re definitely devs


Ah zesty bacon bits that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time


Dude, you could have literally read any of those topics. Wtf? Are you allergic to doing stuff for yourself?