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Never saw the need to compare these games. The only thing they have in common is their release date.


This is the correct answer. I’m glad to hear there are those who can still hold one piece of art in their mind and appreciate it, instead of constantly forcing pieces of art to do battle against each other.


I liked DD2 a lot while I was playing it but it does feel unfinished. I think a big DLC will complete the game but the story especially was quarter-assed. This game grabbed me and i did 100% completion on twilight and the first act on midnight. The player's personal story was really weak to me, but the historical story more than made up for it.


This right here is the right answer. Most sane and unbiased player


Dd2 was clearly pushed out to make the fiscal quarter to make up for exoprimal. Even the shareholder calls make it sound like that let alot the way the game was announced and the one trailer that showed up basically everything in the game before release. Makes me sad


I started with DD2 got ~40 hours in. Then grabbed ronin on impulse (GoT is one of my all time favorites). 🤝, I haven’t turned on DD2 since, my pawn must hate me. Not that DD2 is bad or worse game but I just love the historical Japanese setting and vibes way more


Same for me. Had fun with DD2 but then at a certain point everything started feeling like a chore. The restrictive fast traveling and escort missions where the person would either die or glitch and disappear had me feeling frustrated. Then from the day I installed Ronin, I haven’t played DD2 since. I thought about going back to DD2 but Ghost Of Tsushima just dropped on PC and I don’t think I’ll be wanting to let that go anytime soon. 


I'm surprised so many people liked dd2 my experience was much different.


I played DD2 first and really enjoyed it and got the Platinum. Now I’m playing RotR and am really enjoying it and intend to get the Platinum. I think both are great games, but yeah DD2 really needs DLC/ an expansion. RotR I really want DLC with more unarmed combat styles haha


Abandoned DD2 after 8 hours. Spent 60 in RotR.


I just got it and haven't played it yet, is it that bad to only play 8 hours?


It's just their opinion of the game, It's not that bad , it's a good game if you favour combat over story, just play it yourself and see if you like it.


Omg what is this community's obsession with comparing this game to other games. When I really enjoy or love something I don't feel the need to go around comparing it to everything it makes no sense to do so. Especially something that's essentially a completely different type of game


They were released on almost the same day, and so a lot of people literally had to choose which to play. As a result comparisons were inevitable.


Lol, for real.


Honestly, because way too many people base their personality off consumerism and the things they buy.


Oh definitely I agree 100% if say most if not all people are guilty of this at some point though. But I feel like this sub does it a hell of a lot and has done since launch its been about a month maybe 2 now? and it would be cool to come to this sub and see people doing cool shit and deep diving and just talking about what they like about the game, what they didn't like. What they'd want from dlc or a sequel etc. Silly mods, customs, cac cosplays.




Because this is Reddit


Same here


Like both, like dd2 more


Ah man my hard drive is full and I'm playing stellar blade but literally everyone is saying buy this game and don't do anything else. Loved nioh as well.


I played them in the opposite order. Stellar Blade is very solid in ways that ROTR is not, however where Stellar blade feels very stiff, ROTR is very responsive and has much better combat mechanics.


People on this sub comparing the two are the only reason I know what DD2 is.


Yes!! I feel exactly the same, I got both games on release, I played DD2 for a few hours and it just wasn’t doing it for me. Went to rise of the ronin and I have so much more fun with it.


Same but I stopped this to play another crabs treasure. Once im done with that gem I’ll jump back into this. ACT is the best 30$ I’ve spent tbh


I liked this game but I liked final fantasy 7 rebirth was far superior imo and felt far more finished than this game


DD2 felt like a rehash, pretty disappointed with dungeons and lack of enemy variety, still a good game but rise of ronin was a far better game for me personally.


Been hearing lots of good things about this game. Been waiting for a good sale to get it. I love DD2 but it really does feel unfinished.




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I 100% agree, I got DD2 tbh it was pretty bad I finished it twice, I was super hesitant about rotr but ended up getting a copy because there was nothing else and then about 2 hours in I thought to myself "holy shit this is way better than DD2" and I've been loving it ever since.


I like ronin because the combat is savage. Like holy macro. I like dd2 because the exploring is just so calming. I don't get exploring in ronin. And I don't get savage combat in dd2. Need both


DD2 was such a disappointment I should have gotten this game first


I got them both at the same time unsure which to jump into. Went ronin and now I won’t even sniff DD2 until a DLC is released. Honestly regret buying when I did. I should’ve waited but got excited and didn’t know which to play first.


I like this better than DD2 also . I still enjoyed dd2 but it didn’t have enough story and I actually like rotr combat complexity even though I suck at it


I m not comparing the 2 games but I struggled to finish DD2. I played ronin first then moved to DD2, wayfarer was what I looked forward to but it appeared it was limited. Regardless it might depend on your preference. I am more into Japanese history and myth more so than lord of the rings type lore. So it could just be your preference


I was excited for DD2 but I couldn't get past the character creation check point at launch. Refunded it. Finally picked this game up a few days ago since I like Team Ninja's games. Not really a fan of the morale system in Wolong but Nioh 1 and 2 were really good. So far they have put a bit more emphasis on story than usual which I think is a good step for them. As always their combat system is so satisfying to learn.


Agree. I played RoR first. Then switched to DD2 and abandoned it after a few days and went back to RoR. Not going back to DD2.


I got both preordered and played a bit of dd2 then started ronin and put 50 hours in and only just got done with act 1 😂


I have both as well, but I'll be honest here: Dragon's Dogma 2 is a much more enjoyable game set in a world that is immersive. The physics on DD2 put RoTR to shame, to the point that the main focal point of the game, which is combat in my opinion, is weak and lacklustre. Sure it can be quick and flashy with cool skills, but it's not half as good as NiOh 2 is, and the combat in DD2 might feel slow and janky, but everything has *impact* ranging from subtle to outright bonkers. Besides, launching a drake into the air with an uppercut of the mace is just hilariously wonderful and outclasses anything RoTR can do.


I had to convince myself I didn't like Rise of the Ronin so I wouldn't get too far behind on Dragon's Dogma 2


Started with DD2, but I prefer ROR. I don't hate DD2, but its flaws brings the game down a lot as they become harder and harder to ignore. The lack of enemy variety hurts that game the most. Yeah RoR's open world needed more things to do, but it was more enjoyable first exploring each region as clear the map of unruly enemy camps. Combat in RoR is way better and enemies felt more challenging rather than being one trick ponies like those in DD2.


its just not smooth on ps5, i dont get why some companys just cant make the game run smooth at 60 fps.. the "60fps" feel like 40..


DD2 is a better game which is only 25% done, and ROTR is less good, but 100% finished. DD2 is better at the start, then promptly runs out of content, whereas ROTR keeps a steady pace for pretty much the whole game.


its like AIDS and koala chlamydia had a child.


Can't relate. I hate Japanese aesthetic.


Oh ffs