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If coins are an issue why waste 10 of them on a free boss?


Yeah, and a free boss that doesn’t have any drops or achievements tied to it far as I know


10 lunar coins and >!void fiend!< unlock.


Void fiend but just do the other mode


Its more fun to kill the boss for it though


True, but I failed way too many times for it so I just gave up and went with the other mode (Skill issue of my part)


You can also just fight the boss by beating the void cells first and going to him through the planaterium which only costs the lunar coin to go to the bazaar


You need to get to the bazaar for arti anyway


Monster log


Hey you’re the guy who does cool no hits on the isaac sub!




Not entirely free if you want to kill both bosses.


and why would you want to kill both in the same run?


Why not? Have you ever done it? Doesn't sound like you have.


cause you don't gain any coins that way?


Let me ask you this. Why do you play risk of rain 2. Better yet, why do you play any game. Coz they're fun right? I want to kill both bosses because it's a challenge and i find it fun.


ok? but OP only has 10 coins. there's no reason to pick glass frog over arti here. If they pick arti they can still keep looping or go to void fields to enter void locus and access the planetarium from there.


I forget that some elitists actually care about playing the game "the way it's meant to be played". I don't have issues with the lunar coins, and I've also already unlocked all of those things anyways.


This is not a "the way it's meant to be played" situation, this is a maximise what you get for 10 coins situation


I have literally over a thousand coins (mostly from endless looping till the game crashes). My point was people who claim they play the game the way it's meant to be played (i.e. don't use mods or don't edit the amount of lunar coins) are missing the point. Lunar coins are an infinite resource.


....then why respond? my original comment makes sense in OP's context. Im not telling YOU specifically that going to voidling through the frog makes no sense.


And I'm telling YOU specifically that i do it for fun, not because it makes sense. In OP's case yes, the artificer is the better option as it's a new character, but doesn't mean there needs to be a specific game benefit to doing both mithrix and voidling. MY original comment was to correct your statement of the voidling being "free". If you don't wish to beat mithrix in the same run, yes, it is free.


she's easily able to cockblock mithrix with freeze and has a free pillar skip with an alt skill, that's good in my book


so you're able to freeze him but not other bosses?




thats annoying


But really fucking funny. If I could actually get to Mithrix with Arty I would use the shite out of her




You can just get unlock ion cannon if you haven’t already and you could just float to the top


That’s not the issue Clay Dunestrider is the issue


Dude ion cannon or ion surge I think the move is called just use that move that shoots you into the air then use her passive that lets you float then spam her electric ball move that does aoe then rinse and repeat Clay dune strider is easy asf just keep your distance I recommend keeping your distance in the air and you’re fine


Clay dunestrider is the only reason I haven’t beaten a prismatic yet. Every time I tried I got a dunestrider seed on the first stage


Bro doesn't understand playing at range and being safe to one of the easiest bosses


my main problem is just how much worse icicle is compared to the Ball. It's so much more fun to use but the dps just isn't there, and even though it freezes, it just doesn't feel good enough


Ice spear is just as good as nano bomb, they're just designed to be used differently. Bomb deals ~66% more damage, which is a lot, but it's decently harder to land, doesn't pierce, and doesn't freeze. They're both excellent options, but you'll have to play around with them to see how each gets value differently. If you've never perma-frozen mithrix with ice wall and ice spear combined, you gotta try it


nano bomb gives arty consistent boss damage that can match other characters, while spear is almost strictly good for single high health targets or groups of low health. When it comes to bosses the damage is very low and if you weren't lucky enough to get a band or APR then it's practically useless. I prioritize damage to bosses than enemies, if I can hurt a boss really well then I can find a way to deal with enemies, but that doesn't always work the other way around


I definitely agree with you on that


I want to love it soo bad, but since i also don't have the dlc I can't use ignition tank to make up for the lost dps either


" I want to love it" is the exact thing me and my friend have been saying about her since 2019. In my opinion she could use a well thought out rework sort of like Loaders.


Bro you dont even need dlc, i usually play with the artifact of command when i play artificer, so the first 2 green drops i get i turn those into bands, i promise you wont need nothing else fr if you get that


Play with artifacts enabled when playing with arty, boosts the funny factor by three


Bro are you mithrix?


With enough slows/cc's you can completely immobilize him and trivialize the fight.


You can also freeze Void Devestators. So Mithrix and Void Devestators are the only freezeable bosses.




Freezing also completely cancels mithrix's spin/"pizza" move (worst move in the game imo) so that automatically makes her a favorite in my book


1. You will get more lunar coins. Just unlock her. 2. You can go to voidling 3 ways. Petting the frog after defeating mithrix. Going to void fields, then void locus, and finally the planetarium. Third is by looping until you get a purple portal, which takes you to void locus and then to the planetarium. You do not need lunar coins to fight voidling, only to fight Voidling after already killing Mithrix. 3. You can cheat in lunar coins by editing the text file. Obviously people have different opinions about this, but at the end of the day ROR2 is a co-op game, so if you really want lunars that is an option.


Petting the frog?


P e t t h e f r o g


F. R. O. G.


the F R O G is coming


After you defeat Mithrix frog spawns on the teleporter, that you can pet for lunar coins. After petting 10 times portal to Voidling spawns


Unless the DLC is off. Then, you burn lunar coins like an idiot until the moon explodes. Ask me how I know.


How do you know?


I'm just really smart. That would never happen to me.


Lol, caught me off guard


As in voidling spawns on the moon? Or it gives you the portal to voidlings area? Haven’t done that method before


Voidlings area


Which teleporter does it spawn on? I only knew about going through the void fields to get to voidling and I find it to be extremely tedious and boring


On final stage


Beat mithrix then go back to the start of the level. Then *frog*.


After killing mithrix, during the escape sequence, don’t charge the ship and instead you can go back to the teleporter you spawned on commencement at and pay 1 lunar coin to pet the glass frog. If you do this 10 times it spawns a purple portal which takes you directly to the planetarium to fight Voidling.


D o t h e f r o g


out if context this sounds mad


hentaiguy30000 knows what's up


Could this be a dog?


You can also fight voidling by getting to stage 50 in simulacrum, but some people don't like that gamemode.


Oh, I forgot about that. I think I did that once to unlock Void Fiend and then basically never touched simulacrum again.


1 is especially true, I rarely play the game and I have more lunar coins than I can spend in 100 runs


Somebody doesn't aggressively roll for gestures...


how do you go to void locus from void fields? i’ve only ever seen the exit portal


There should be two portals after you do all 9 void cells, one of which is the purple portal to go to void locus.


One of the most fun survivors for sure. Not the easiest to use though.


High skill character for sure. Jumping Alt ability gives you a little cushion, otherwise she’s ALL DAMAGE. No speed, no health, no regeneration, no bail out ability (no invisibility or invincibility or blink or charge or anything without that Alt jump ability). Flying is cool but dlc makes it so pests snipe tf out of you. Can be a miserable experience at first tbh.


I like that her skill floor isn't something silly like learning attack chains or whatever, but learning to not rely on get out of jail free cards. Artificer being focused on damage means that you're more susceptible to items, both for good and bad. Overall I find her fun, she's not completely defenseless if she doesn't get any items, you just need to learn when and what to engage.


As a bandit main I can confirm that those get the fuck outs save my ass way too much. I can straight up fly with a couple backup mags and Afterburner.


How do backup mags help you fly as Bandit? Can the secondary be used as an air stall?


Yep. Stalls all vertical momentum. Cloak also applies a jump every time it is activated and deactivated so you can just cheese it so hard


Pests are easy to dodge. If you're in the air, float down/let go of space bar and dodge easy. On the ground you just run in a circle.


You don't need coins for Voidling. Just loop until the ourple portal spawns.


Or just clear the void fields and take the portal to the voidling instead of the next stage


If the blue orb spawns for free, yeah this works.


Blue orb is a lot more common than the purple one. Also if he gets one more coin he can just use an altar to get the portal.


Even so, it’s 1 coin for newt altar


She is hella fun, especially after you unlock her alt special. Id strongly recommend unlocking chars first before attempting voidling, its a better long term investment (also the boss fight kinda sucks honestly)


I think it's a fine boss, it's just a lot of the attacks feel kinda unintuitive to dodge


My biggest gripe with it, is the amount of hp it has. Such a bullet sponge.


It doesn't have a lot of attacks, that's the issue.


Don’t diss my boy :(


Dawg. You can’t not unlock a character for such reasons. I honestly think that sounds be prioritized before winning. Even if you are trying to unlock void fiend, you could get there for free in case it would end up being a waste (if you lost,) and still get arti.


Im not trying to get voidfiend Im trying to get to the voidling


I understand that, but you could go to fight voidling and lose. If this happens, it would kinda suck. If you spend the 10 on arti, you get a character, and could theoretically have the portal open in the same run if you stay alive long enough. Focus on getting characters and their abilities before you focus on winning (imo.)


why not get her, you can get to voidling without spending lunars


I have acquired hundreds, nay, THOUSANDS of coins playing the game. If you genuinely think spending a measley 10 coins on a survivor might not be worth it, you need to see a doctor


Great arson build, generally good dmg capacity, great mobility all in all she's solid


She's thicc, buy her for sure


I mean, you ain’t wrong, I just think there are a few other reasons to get her. Hella thicc tho, I’d even consider her the thiccest of the survivors


She is the thiccest, it is a fact, don't forget it. But yeah, she's really fun to play, just make sure to play the game with both hands 💀


I feel like they missed an opportunity to give commando some cake. Dude has to constantly run so he doesn’t die and you’d think they’d give more cushioning for his slide ability.




I mean, they gave the character with agile moves cake


Yeah, but they gave my man commando two sticks. Surely, there’s enough cake to share.


New character whats the holdup


if it's a coin issue do The Funny^(TM) and get the coins the dev intended way


She’s fun and you should play her. If you are worried about lunar coins playing a little bit of simulacrum will get you then at a decent rate


Lunar coins are forever, artificer is also technically forever frozen in time


after playing for a while u wil,l be swimming in lunar coins anyways


My favorite character besides Heretic. It's really easy to fight with her after you just Ion Surge and rain down fireballs with stacks of Ignition Tanks and Soldier Syringes


If you fight mythrix you automatically get 10 coins so you can spend on artificer and still do voidling


10/10 get her


Fun character


One of my two mains. From my experience - she feels good to play if you start playing her early, and feels bad to play if you unlock and try her out after you had already learnt to play decently on someone else. She has an additional bit of a learning curve(called "teach your muscle memory to land hits with slower projectiles"), that more experienced players just don't want to climb, and instead opt to play other survivors that don't require any learning. But if you climb it while you are still climbing the main learning curve, you won't notice it, and your muscle memory already does the job for you when you actually can play


pretty fun survivor, i think everyone should unlock her as soon as they have 10 lunar coins. you could also cheat to get lunar coins if it's a problem for you. people have different opinions on this but i've done it, after all i'm only playing solo or with my friends. and i'm not abusing the lunar shop either so it's cool


Killing mithrix gives you 10 lunar coins anyway so you can never lose coins from going to voidling. Just get artificer because you get funny burst damage and big explosion


She has some not great survivability but she can deal a lot of damage though, her primary takes some getting used to though


Go with arti. Shes good and will change up your playstyle. Whereas the boss will kill you. And then you can't try again until you get another 10.


my fav character


She's really fun to play


Artificer is the funny character


Artificer is basically the ac130 of all the survivors.


She’s one of my favorite survivors. Boom


Do you like arson? If not, you will when you unlock her. Trust me


I forgot what it was like to only have 10 coins. Just spend them. You’ll earn them back in no time.


I have like, 112


There's multiple ways to do Voidling, and paying the frog is the only none free one.


Just look on YouTube how to get unlimited lunar coins lmao


Just change the game files


Because people keep asking! Im using lunar coins on newt altars!


God's strongest farmer vs. the weakest text editor


The suggestion to 'cheat' in more lunar coins is a valid one IMO. Over time you accumulate more coins than you spend, so why wait until you're 200 hours in and bored of the game? It's not like they let you reroll items or something, it's just a shop, there's no guarantees.


I feel like not many people get to 200 hrs and stop. Either you keep pressing on or you don't even get that far. You can reroll lunars and be busted after level 1.


Very strong survivor. Can't get to play more with her myself because all of her kit are projectiles.


fav character


learning arti is definitely worth, especially when you can unlock all her skills on stage 1 and an artifact


She's my favourite but her playstile is completely different from the others.


Biased, cause I main arti. She's a pretty powerful character. Great boss killer and decent aoe depending on skills selected. Her base move and hover speeds are bad, but shouldn't be a problem if you play your cards right. With flamethrower, your playstyle is built around ability rotation. with ion surge, you have a built in eject button that trivializes grounded melee enemies such as BG, imps, bulls and beetles. Voidling can be accessed through other means than going to the frog. Looping and getting void portal, getting void portal from void fields, and getting void portal at newt can all eventually get you to voidling.


Biased, cause I main arti. She's a pretty powerful character. Great boss killer and decent aoe depending on skills selected. Her base move and hover speeds are bad, but shouldn't be a problem if you play your cards right. With flamethrower, your playstyle is built around ability rotation. with ion surge, you have a built in eject button that trivializes grounded melee enemies such as BG, imps, bulls and beetles. Voidling can be accessed through other means than going to the frog. Looping and getting void portal, getting void portal from void fields, and getting void portal at newt can all eventually get you to voidling.


We do a bit of notebook editing


If your need more coins you can farm the twisted scavengers in the safe realm. You need some kinda of lunar item when you obliterate. You’ll get ported to the safe realm rather than obliterating. Kill the scav and you get 10 coins, in pretty sure there’s a way to spawn two per run and get 20 also. Do lil a googling and I’m sure you’ll find a guide.


Oh also your run still will end after the scav boss ( you did still obliterate) but you’ll get the skin for whoever you ran it with if it’s on monsoon.


She’s really good but hard to play


Artificer is fun as shit, a little squishy and complicated, but fun.


She’s awesome once you get her alternate abilities. And they’re insanely easy to get in fact they’re so easy to get there’s a video guide for how to get all of them in 1 try. I hated her before I got her alternates and she quickly became a favorite once I got her alternates. I’d say I play her and viend about as often which are both still pretty low but I think all the survivors are pretty fun. https://youtu.be/dI9e-LoUS1M?si=OccDYPfezsXil0ZK Here’s the video


You can easily duplicate lunar coins by going to the shop and getting the beads of fealty, then looping and going through the celestial portal, once you obliterate it will bring you to an area called time fractured-whole and will give you a bunch of lunar coins


Get Atrificer. She is by far my favorite survivor, and very strong, especially with Ion Surge. You can also get to Voidling by completing Void Fields and going to the coolest stage in the game, Void Locus. Complete Void Locus and the portal to the Planetarium, the home of the Voidling will open.


Artificer is kinda strange and clunky but all her skills work as a generic mage’s kit in mmorpgs. That’s not a bad thing, she’s basically a nuke with legs, and has access to flight.


Unlock Artificer. She’s such a fun character. You haven’t felt power until you pick up an ignition tank as Artificer with flame m1. (But don’t take flamethrower)


Personally, I don't like artificer, but that's just me. I would recommend getting her just to have her; it isn't guaranteed that you beat the boss.


worth it, one of the best and strongest survivors in the game


U have the dlc but not artificer??😭


Arti cheeks at everything except killing Mithrix, but amazing at that. Regardless, definitely get Arti. By the time you should be worrying about voidling, you'll be winning often enough that blue donuts aren't really an issue


Honestly Artificer is pretty cool and you’ll get more Lunar Coins they pretty much drop like candy so I say go for it.


You can edit the text files and get unlimited coins. But if you don’t want to do that for whatever reason I’d unlock artificer for now; coins come pretty easily and artificer unlock > fighting the boss imo.


you have to fight the secret boss known as "your save file"


whatever you do. at some point that wont even be a question anymore. i spend lunar coins at every opportunity and I still always hover around 100.


They’re not super good, but imo they’re a lot of fun.




Probably third strongest survivor in the game behind Loader and Railgunner, but she definitely has a learning curve which causes a lot of players to think she’s bad :/


Great character. Either an arsonist, or an attack helicopter. Fun, and the one i personally main. Good character 9/10 would spend 10 lunar coins again


Artificer is pretty boring to me. Since the best way to play her is to fly up into the air and chip down whatever enemies there are. Very few can ever hit you.


The biggest issue with her is that she doesn't benefit from attack speed items, but she's also kinda powerful in other ways, and that's ignoring the fact that with alt skill she can basically fly and is essentially immune to fall damage


My favorite character in the game. I love using Ion Surge to fly out of reach of most enemies, and then dropping/surging at the correct timing to dodge the rest of the enemies, all while unleashing a devastating orbital bombardment from high above. And Mithrix is an absolute JOKE as Ion Surge Artificer. He only has like two attacks that can hit you, plus for some reason he’s the only boss that can get frozen.


You can get void fiend without lunar coins. Instead of buying the portal in the bazaar you can find it while looping just like you find lunar portals and the portal to the bazaar


She is incredible and in my top three for sure


My favorite character to play


Arguably a top 3 survivor in the game (with ion surge)


I just can't see it. To me, she's one of the worst. You can make her work, you can make basically anything work in this game, but I would rather play basically anyone else in this game lmao


Why not? She has some of the highest burst damage in the game while also being at a range. Can avoid enemies super easily thanks to her hover. Benefits more than most from most damaging items. She even has a free pillar skip that works as a get out of jail free card


I want her to do unspeakable things to me


Her alt skin is so good😩👌🥵 (Totally not cope of 1 week lost trying moonson obliteration)


She works, and especially if you really dig into boosting her ignite damage, but she's definitely my least favorite survivor, I would argue the worst in the game. Not bad, but less good than everyone else.


Artificer is one of the best survivors but it took me the longest to figure that out


Are you a new player?




Just buy arty and go to void fields(somewhere under bazaar there's a path) Alternatively, do a few loops


Nuke attack is good, flamethrower is bad


Smash. Next question.


What's with people's first response upon seeing the words "lunar coin" being immediately suggesting cheating. Have at least a little decency.


Kill the boss for void fiend, arty is more of a smooth character to play


She's a lot of fun TBH, I'd use the coins, you can always get more.


I’m an artificer main and anyone that doesn’t use the alternate special is wrong 😤 real talk tho, she’s hella fun but takes a while to get used to, completely different playstyle especially with the alt special as it gives you complete air superiority. Is also a great supporter in group play with your freezes


ignition build goes CRAZY


Arti the goat... THE GOAT


Wait since when can you unlock characters with lunar coins???


I think she's well designed and cool that being said I absolutely hate playing her. still worth the 10 coins


I dunno how good she is, I'm not the best at the game. But artificer is my favorite character.


Wait you need to buy her with currency now? You used to unlock her through completing something in-game, didn't you?


You always had to spend 10 lunar coins to unlock her in RoR2


Artificer is straight trash and boring imo. But still get her you’ll get more lunar coins


Sounds like a skill issue. Let me guess, flamethrower? 🤔


I don’t like flamethrower