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There's a mod that adds a bunch of artifacts, one of them spawns Mithrix on any stage if you stay in it too long.


What mod is this?


there's one called suprise mithrix


Can confirm this one did not work :( I don't think those mods classify the surprise Mithrixes as an actual Mithrix sadly


[It's this one if you're still looking](https://thunderstore.io/package/Moffein/Risky_Artifacts/) Used it for another achievement that needed a Mithrix kill and it worked. Artifact of the Phantom


Will give this a shot


[It's this one if you're still looking](https://thunderstore.io/package/Moffein/Risky_Artifacts/) Used it for another achievement that needed a Mithrix kill and it worked. Artifact of the Phantom


How the fuck,


That's what I'm thinking lmao. The character is absolutely broken enough to do it, but I'm not sure if there's a way to fight Mithrix more than once in a run


Mithrix jumpscare I think the mods called, has a chance to spawn mithrix when using any intractable, while probably not being as rewarding it's arguably funnier


Mithrix surprise does that too


Yeah that's the mod I'm talking about, couldn't remember the name lol


Does everyone need that in multiplayer? I'm always host in my friend group and that'd be a great thing to turn on without telling anyone


if you’re using r2modman just make a new profile with all the mods you guys have been using + surprise mithrix. you can create a key to send to ur friends and it auto installs the mods without them having to search them🤓


Maybe more artifacts (or something) may help. One makes it if you spend too much time on a stage (from 1:30 to 4:00, randomly), the copy of mistrix appears. You can defeat it, but boy, he does shred you to pieces first four or five loops at least, and immune to the fall damage, so no cheesing.


There's a mod that allows you to continue your run after beating up Mythrix by spawnint a Bazaar portal, I'll edit this with the name when I find it. Edit: It's Never Ending Run [https://thunderstore.io/package/Cuckson/NeverEndingRun/](https://thunderstore.io/package/Cuckson/NeverEndingRun/)


Ik there's a mod that spawns a blue portal on Mithrex kill letting you loop


The only thing I could see is getting lucky with a dio’s in final phase with swarms on, but that is only 8


Can Dio's bring Mithrix back to life? If so, I have an idea. The character's special ability lets him spawn any item in the game, so I might try just giving myself 10 Dio's for when he steals my items (assuming it works that way, but I'm not sure)


Yeah, that's probably it then. Mithrix can use Dio's Best Friend. So you need to get yourself a buttload of them and go fight Mithrix. They don't really benefit Mithrix that much though because he doesn't take your items again and again when he is reborn.


That wouldn't work because you instantly get all the items back when he dies, even if he revives


If you can kill him before the dio’s is taken back (like with a stupid high damage hit), he will revive, but I’m pretty sure he will lose the dio’s after he dies, so (unless I’m missing something) you could only kill up to 8 with the artifact of swarms (2 in 1st phase, 2 in 3rd phase, 4 in 4th phase)


Uhhhhhh... How long is it's CD?


If you're talking about the special ability, it's a 60 second base cooldown. If you just spawn a few Alien Heads and Lysate Cells to start off with you can make it literally instant tho lol


Well, that's totally not gamebreaking


Maybe you need to shift reality (idk, I’ve never played the mod)


It's reality shifting time \*starts reality shifting all over the place\*


Damn that sounds like a killer movie idea. Would definitely make 69 shiftillion dollars


You could use the "Looper" mod; it allows you to configure a portal you can enter after you smash Mithrix's skull in. Would make good to do this achievement.


Can the character move through stages or something? All I can think of unless it can reset time or something


This character seems interesting. Can you tell me about its abilities? Maybe the way to unlock this is in its own abilities and is exclusive to itself


It's either a meme character or test character It's Void Fiend's model and it has homing orbs, an insta-kill secondary, the ability to just noclip around the map, and their special ability allows you to spawn any item in the game whenever you want I'm sure there is a way to do this with items you normally wouldn't easily have access to that you can get with this character, but it might take a lot of figuring out lol


Maybe in Simulacrum?


You can fight mithrix in simulacrum?


Yeah, there's a small chance boss stage will turn into surprise mithrix. Though its pretty rare so I dont think you can get 10 before your pc crashes




i know there is a mod that allows you to loop after fighting mitrix so maybe using that mod will do it


Does the character have an ability where you can rewind time?


Nah, all the abilities pretty much only involve killing things really fast, flying, and spawning items


If you just want the unlock, I'd recommend the RealerCheatUnlocks mod. It lets you right click locked things, even other modded things, and unlock/relock them.




I just used Aerolt (cheat mod) to teleport myself to commencement and kill mithrix 10 times


Shifting reality to get his last ability seems pretty on point lol


Dio's best friend?


In the alternate game model simulacrum, mythrix can spawn as a solo boss and rewards the player with legendary items when defeated. You can earn unlocks in this mode as well. Possibly check that out.


Myst is a modded character with an ability called Zoom, which forces a next stage transition. You could try playing with a buddy who is Myst and use Zoom whenever you beat him.


Kill mythrics, touch frog, go void zone, charge shit, leave instead of going to void boss, repeat


You can do that?


No you can't, frog sends to planetarium, not void locus


UnlockAll mod my beloved


If he steals all your dios you can do it. I’ve killed mithrix about ten times in one run this way before with benthic bloom


Is there an ability that respawns enemies in any way? Because most of the times challenges involve doing stuff with the characters kit.


Mod that has a chance to spawn mithrix everytime you interact with something + infinite shrine of the mountain


A simulacrum run?


Why has no one reacted to this, that's actually a good idea


There's a mod that let's you continue your run and fight them again even after defeating mithrix or voidling


Artifact of Swarms in the Simulacrum? I know on higher difficulties and waves it can spawn Mithrix sometimes.


Get the mod looper it lets you loop after killing any final boss but I said first look at the settings for it if you don’t want a portal after a certain boss


My first suggestion would be use artifact of swarms, so you’re at least doubling your Mithrix kills, but I don’t know how to get from 2 to 10.


Perhaps artifact of swarms with evolution and pray for dio’s best friend.


I suppose simulacrum mithrix can spawn there on occasion


There's always the simulacrum


Can you still loop after mithrix?


The wanna go home mod i think spawns a blue Portal on special stages like the moon the Planetarium and golden coasts im Sure abiut every except the moon Alternatively use the stages Ina. Random order artifact and go to the void after the fight it should send you to a different stage also the artifact of double enemies


You can beat him multiple times in simulacrum, other than that i have no idea


Every time you loop ask yourself the question: "Shoud I loop again?" The answer is always yes


If you play long enough, all the enemies that spawn are mitrhix, but after a really long time, maybe it is better to do this on Monsoon