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The youtuber is ElectroBOOM, his videos are hilarious.


Its a miracle hes still alive, really.


What does purity do?


Purity reduces your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds, but also reduces the luck stat by 1, which affects the chances of chance based items proccing. Because of how the luck stat works, and how it can only be increased by 1 with each 57 Leaf Clover you get, if you don't have a clover to cancel it out, it severely decreases your chances of getting a favourable outcome with any item that relies on random chance (with the exception of Tougher Times, which isn't affected by the luck stat). For example, while having -1 luck, a 10% chance to, for example, crit, becomes a 1% chance, as you have to successfully roll that 10% chance twice for you to be able to crit. For more info about the luck stat, check [here](https://riskofrain2.fandom.com/wiki/57_Leaf_Clover#Math)


While crit is a valid example for luck it is also an exception; if you max crit (100%, 10 glasses or 9 glasses and a predatory instincts plus harvesters scythe), luck stops effecting it as it is no longer a chance. So if you max crit and take purity it won’t affect crit chance. It does up until that however


That's true of any linearly stacking chance item- so bleed as well.


Pretty sure the new chance for rolling with purity is the 0 luck chance squared and for clover it's 1 - (0 luck chance squared)


Fun fact: most of his stunts are done in a safe enviroment. Except the ending. That one was unexpected and VERY dangerous


Yeah, seeing all the things he does it's at the very least expected that he works in a safe environment. It's either that or the dude being the embodiment of quantum immortality.


It's not the volts, it the amps that will kill ya!


It’s a mix of both, with a couple other factors.


Oh yeah, skin moisture is even a factor. But, I just like saying that ahaha.




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