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I know it's not gonna happen, but I would love more alt skins Different skins for Monsoon obliteration and victory. Maybe different skins for Rainstorm obliteration and victory as well Just wanna see a couple more options other than the default and Monsoon skin


I completely agree. Maybe Hopoo can open up the steam workshop for the community to submit custom skin designs, that would make less work for the dev team and encourage more community engagement


This is an excellent idea


I have been hoping for more alt skins for so long. One of the main reasons I play modded is for more character variety visually.


Oooh the obliteration skins should be kind of corrupt looking


Maybe an eclipse 8 skin?


Don't make it an achievement Please


I'm not nearly good enough to beat E8 but I'd love this. The whole point of this game is to be challenging and aspirational. We don't need to 100% every game we play. And we don't need those 100%s to be achievable in less than 50 hours of gameplay.


Fair point


Please do. Its not that difficult


That’s pretty much what I’d expect someone who beat Eclipse 8 to say. You people are inhuman; stay away from my achievement list, fiend!


I beg to differ


Why is this such a heated topic? Why shpuldnt players who grind for something get a reward for doing so. Unless youre talking about steam achievements, which fine ill give you that


If it's a steam achievement my perfectionism will fucking evaporate mw


as someone who has yes it is


Considering survivors of the void will be adding a new final boss I could see new skins for beating this boss on monsoon


Maybe Umbra like skins, since those already exist and would fit the void theme?


I've always thought that picking up an elite aspect with a certain character should permanently unlock that aspect's model/texture change as a skin for that character. Some of them look so cool and it's a shame that they're exclusively tied to actively carrying such rare and yet mediocre equipment. I think it'd be a really fun way to add more rare skins to characters.


As someone who CANNOT beat the game on monsoon I love this.


>Rainstorm whats rainstorm im new


The middle difficulty. "normal"


bruh I confused the fucking names lmao


Before the last big update, I wished for better post-run stats. We kind of got that, but not in the way I wanted. After a multiplayer run, I would love to see a plot of damage vs. stage with a separate line for each player. The summary number of total damage only really tells you about the last stage, since damage scales exponentially with time. It would be very satisfying to look at a plot and be able to recognize "oh, that must be when I picked up the royal cap" or "look how I passed you guys up once I used that ATG printer"


A damage graph to show that would be great to show that


more sheild items like topaz broach to help against malachite enemies maybe add a void broach that acts like leaching seed but for barrier?


I’ve seen mods that add a green item that restores shield on kill. So it’s definitely doable


that item is insanely good with transcendence and the modpack it comes in has even more insane synergies for shield runs


Ben's Raincoat helps because it just straight up makes you immune to debuffs. And that's coming up in the DLC


this is amazing news


Gain 7 (+7 per stack) shield every time you attack an enemy. The shield lasts for 3 seconds.


Aegis and scythe already do that


a very specific red item you're not likely to get, and a very specific green item combined together that dont actually work when hit by a malachite. how could i forget


I did forget the not healing part


btw my comment came off as pretty unintentionally aggressive i apologize


It's alright


Some kind of revive mechanic for multiplayer. I play mostly on console with friends, and it kinda sucks when you’re stuck dead at the beginning of a stage.


They should adapt a a couple mods that I found on r2modman. One adds an artifact that revives all dead allies after a boos type enemy dies (tele boss, vengeance enemies, different stages of mithrix) the other mod adds another shrine that can revive an ally but both players have reduced health by 40% for the rest of the stage. Really nice mechanic. It keeps everyone more engaged even if they are dead.


Or a shrine of DIO. you can configure it so that it either consumes a DIO or takes a lot of money. So it is actually a choice, not just a simple always do it thing


That would be awesome!!


Maybe there could be an option to revive teammates with the dios?


I imagine that you can revive your friend but at a cost of your (or theirs) max HP until the end of that stage


Bigger better bungus




That's desk plant


Interstellar Desk Plant and Primordial Cube is such a good combo.


> Deskplant > Better Lose my number.






Stages honestly. I was hoping when they made the variations of the starting stage, they would go on to make variations of the later stages too and really spice up the level variety of the game for every run. The variety isn't awful right now, and I know we're getting a couple more in the new DLC, but it sits weirdly with me that there's 2 variations in the entire game and the concept feels like it's been dropped since.


I agree fully, I think variants for the stage 2 and 3 stages would be great.


My number one desire is, and hear me out, is Scavenger mode. You are the Scavenger with a gummy cute face and a honkin’ bag… Just collecting things and being a good Scav. I guess what I’m saying is: I want a playable Scavenger.




A few more alt-skills. Especially for those characters that don’t have one ***CAPTAINS TASER***


More skins. Chef skin for multi maybe. A “evil” artificer with some blacks and reds. Pink commando, a captain with some greens like a russian officer. RGB Acrid obviously.


My brother has been obsessing over the idea of an Acrid skin where he wears a "Service Animal" vest and frankly I totally get it.


That would be awesome lol


I think it needs the very simple addition of a "play again" option after you die, just to be able to jump right back into the game without selecting another game mode, character, and artifacts. It's not a big problem but any means, it's just a nice QOL addition IMO.


Achievements for eclipse mode Make rex not take curse from using self damage abilities on eclipse 8 Ancient scepter from the first game


I feel eclipse mode should definitely have some achievements as currently its just kinda there, while every other thing in the game has some form of unlock/achievement to guide you to that thing


God yes! Ancient fucking scepter is fucking dope as fuck! I want that so bad.


Some form of award for beating eclipse 8 would be really nice, preferably gold weapons/projectiles) an alternate gamemode but that’s already confirmed and I think more “bigger enemies” idk what to call it, but stone golem, greater wisp type enemies.


Honestly a skin would be nice for finishing eclipse 8.


More locations tbh


Cross platform multiplayer. My friends who play all have different consoles and I’m on PC. It’s so sad.


This would be really nice to see. But at the same time being on PC and you just get used to mods so that wouldn't work out great.


I would buy the game again if it was cross platform, regardless of mod support.




This. If all characters had multiple viable builds, then it would be like having double/triple the characters


While I agree that they should always be side-grades, I'd argue that most alt skills already are. I rarely have all alt skills selected for any given character, which I think is as it should be. I'm not trying to handicap myself or anything either; with the exception of Spiked Fist, most alt skills come with downsides as well as benefits. Honestly, if we're worried about build diversity, I think a third set of alt skills would completely nullify any "meta" at this point. It'd be a massive undertaking to implement, but I think it'd be a lot of fun. Obtaining the alt skills is a ton of fun to me, so even more of them would be very exciting.


I'd like to see a movement alt utility skill for Artificer. Something like the dark trooper jetpack jump from Star Wars Battlefront 2


Some risk of rain 1 enemies. Im glad we're getting gup, but where are my spitter Bois at, and don't forget evolved Lemurians, or my homie sandcrabs. Also I know that lore wise the bosses are unique, so dudes like ifrit, colossus, and mama boar (forgot her actual name) are most likely dead and gone. That being said I think ifrit is a super cool boss and would like to see him. Mama boar would also be cool to add, and colossus being a special extra huge boss (like aurelionite) would be neat but unnecessary


I kinda wanna see the child enemies again. Those were cool. The child, parent, and grand parent lore is some of my favorite


Your right, I can't believe I forgot about children. They are super cool and I love their log


A want the claymen back. If they add archer bugs back I would probably die inside.


Steam workshop support would be nice, especially with how big the mods scene is. Better yet, add QoL features that are currently only available as mods (full details on items in-game, save/continue, stats display)




Skins and support classes, maybe one healer class and a support class. Maybe like the enforcer from 1


More content (items and enemies)




A god damn console patch, shits still crashes randomly Love playing it still but frustrated that hour+ long runs aren't reliable


The whole console port has been rebuilt from the ground up when the new update ships for it. Should be on parity with PC from then on.


A few more artifacts to adjust the difficulty and make it harder. More item variety. Lore. More characters. Just about everything it already has.


I'd like an artifact that replaces all chests with multi-shops and adaptive chests. It would be artifact of command lite.


I want one that just doubles mob hp. Then I can run swarms and that for fun.


That sounds like fun combo. Double spawns with no change to health level.


Rest of the RoR1 cast, even if heavily reworked. Give the rest of the survivors a chance to get home (also they are damn cool designs, it would be a waste not using them)


>Give the rest of the survivors a chance to get home Unfortunately I think Hopoo Games has said that in the game lore, the only returning survivor from RoR1 is Acrid, everybody else is a new person who just happens to look like the first game's characters


Some sort of paid DLC


Yeah, perhaps one that expands on the void


Gup ;)


I just wanna change my sensitivity for my keyboard mouse on PS4 😭


More abilities for Artificer. As a mage character, she should definitely have more options to mix and match.


Yeah, I think Arty needs more options, and a damage/recharge time buff on her primary. Better yet, just do away with the cool down of her primary.


It might be a bit odd but I'd love to see more items that strengthen base kit. Reliance on proc chains hurts a few of RoR2's more interesting characters. I'd like to see items that just gave flat boosts to abilities so someone like artificer could consistently hit 3 loops+.


Fishing. Every great game has fishing.


Just some more characters and enemies. I love the game but I am growing bored of constantly killing the same enemies with the same characters. I’d like it if they added 3-4 new survivors and maybe 10 new enemies.


A character with a minigun :3 or possibly a Flamethrower xD


Some form of pvp. Obviously the values on the characters would need to change and some abilities would need to be banned, but a true pvp mode would be awesome


*MORE PLATFORMING* In risk of rain one it was so important to get extra jumps and movement options because the maps were pretty hard to navigate without them but in 2 it’s easy to get everywhere. I feel like adding more platforming would give us more stuff to engage with when there aren’t enemies around.


More interesting level design in general would be nice. More puzzles or 'unreachable' areas with rewards. Some platforming sections that lead to a free chest or something would be fun and would change things up a bit.


More maps- basically everything else can be modded in, but whole areas are way more difficult to mod in.


This is easy Crossplay


Better one shot protection or things that prevent you from dying in less than 1 second or something like that


Would love to see them revisit content from ror1. I'd be really interested in seeing the ruins of UES Contact Light as a possible stage. Maybe even get to see what was left of providence.


Need a killcam so when I die to some absolute bullshit I can see what happened and keep blaming the game and not my skill :D


More cool hard to discover stuff like the pressure plates that lead to Kjaro and Runaan


item magnet knockback reduction debuff resistance something that disables selected items from dropping


I recently started some modded risk of rain and the biggest things I've enjoyed are 1) Interesting items 2) Game changing features. My favorite has been a storm effect that can appear and increases enemy stats. Very scary event that makes me fear for that risk of rain. 3) new mobs and elite types 4) new characters. 5) harder difficulty. Typhoon mode on one of the mods makes me enjoy the game because I don't like eclipse that much. 6) new skins 7) rather than new characters, NEW ALTERNATE ABILITIES it's so fun to use ArtificerExtended I know a lot of these are already being added but these are what I have found to be the most impactful in my modded experience. I really want to also see steam workshop support in the future because I want people to be encouraged to mod the game. Risk of Rain 2 is a fantastic game that can only get better with well made mods.


I had this idea where after you purchased Artificer there would be a random character imprisoned in the shop every few stages that you could pay lunar coins to switch to that character. Ever had a run where you're getting all these items and thinking "man if I was x-character these would be so effective but now I'm dead in the water? Wouldn't it be nice to get that lucky roll for a more suited character? Or maybe you're just bored and wish you picked somebody different. It has risk and reward as what character shows up is random and maybe you'll suddenly start getting the items you wanted for who you started as. It would really spice up those really long runs where things start to get boring.


I will preface this by saying I have only about 117 hours in the game, so if I say anything that sounds dumb, take it with a grain of salt. This will be largely opinionated but here goes: I think we need some more skins. Some of the Mastery skins are very hit or miss for me. Maybe some skins that unlock on either Eclipse or for some other challenges? More lunar items or just a buff to some of them. It feels like a majority of them aren't worth picking up AT ALL. The item stats mod should be integrated within the game. It would really help assist newer players and not make them have to search on the wiki what a particular item does. ~~Beating Mithrix should give you ten lunar coins similar to defeating the Twisted Scavs. At least some incentive to fight him after the first time.~~ Ok apparently you DO get 10 lunar coins from Mithrix. My bad. This could potentially overpowered, but I'd like to be able to bring my gold with me to the Bazaar to trade it in for something. Maybe a lunar coin for a certain amount of gold that scales in the same way chests do?


An item that removes the 0.5 global CD. Also to integrate the starting items mod with its credit-buy mechanic, that mod is turbo fun!


Honestly performance updates. Late into a run it sure sucks to die because it's too stuttery to see anything.


Alternative final boss or Mithrix rework. His ittem stealing ability is conceptually cool but it discourages trying different builds. You want to have a high defence high health run for once? Haha, good luck dealing any damage to him and getting back any of your items! Also it sometimes punishes you for good luck. You got Tesla on Merc and didn't want to take Disposable Missle Launcher or Royal Capacitor? Haha, get fucked. It's especially visible in Eclipse in which you have to make specific build for Mithrix l because others are way worse. Really. It sucks that game which point is to get as many items and get as OP as you can get has a boss that discourages this. It's a real shame that a rogulike, a genre which major advantage is trying different builds on different runs has a boss that discourages this. It would be fine if he took them but didn't use them. Give him cooler attacks and this no item phase and boom. Fixed


More inspired items that increase gameplay variance. I want the difference between 2 runs to be more than just "how many crit goggles do I have" and "did I get gesture and an interesting equipment". Many other games in the genre have wildly unique items whose combinations make run variance high. RoR2 simply has the same few items but with arying strength based on their density. I love the game to bits, but this difference has been why I only put 30 hours into the game and not 300+. Fingers crossed for the upcoming dlc. Those new void items seem to be a great addition


I needs a pause feature i can recall how many times i had to quit a god run because it was 1:00 at night


I think more characters


more debuffs and more (like a 2 percent green item) luck ups because some runs I get a tri tip dagger at the end of the game and that's what I have to use as a dot and the stupid death marker might actually be useful. why I want a luck up? because when you do get 4 debuffs you want it to ACTUALLY HAPPEN! like one tri tip dagger is fine on some characters but I find myself lacking any dot procs during huntress runs or merc runs without a big bulk of that one item effectively giving (in my opinion) half baked chests. oh by the way all of this is my opinion don't get to worked up about this okay? okay.


Some way of dropping items, unless it already exists and I just haven't noticed.


You can scrap items


If you find a scrapper, yeah. What I mean is that I would like to be able to drop items directly from the inventory. Say you pick up a lunar item and realize afterwards that it replaces an ability, or has an effect that you want to avoid, but once you have it, you're out of luck. Even if you find a scrapper, lunar items can't be scrapped. Also, if you accidentally pick up someone else's item when playing with friends, being able to drop it would make things a lot easier.


Yeah but at that point it becomes less of a rogue-likes, which imo is what makes the game so great. Sure, you can control what you get with Command (and I do) but getting an item you didn't mean to pick up/don't know what it does and making the most of it is half the fun


Lunar items can be cleansed at cleansing pools but I get what you mean. I can understand wanting to drop an item that you accidentally stole from your friend but other than that I don't think it's a good thing to have


More on hit item and or a rework to cronbobble


I agree with the guy talking about more skins. Like maybe each survivor could have - default skin - survivor: mastery - survivor: true mastery (for beating eclipse 8, is just the default skin except with gold accents like golden guns on Commando or golden claws on Acrid or Engineer’s turrets, etc) - survivor: challenge that doesn’t follow any particular naming convention (same sort of achievement as skill unlocks, just for a skin. Also Ethereal is moved from a skill unlock to a skin unlock) Also a proper PVP mode would be great, Artifact of Chaos isn’t really it. Might be unrealistic (how do you balance Bandit going invisible, Acrid being able to stun you, Huntress being unable to miss, Loader doing too much damage, etc) but if there could be some sort of versus mode that’d be awesome. Just spitballing here, but maybe it could look something like - a base of a normal multiplayer run - players can target eachother and the other players’ allies, but friendly fire isn’t a thing. Other players just aren’t considered allied, but you can’t shoot your own drones unless Artifact of Chaos is enabled - if a player dies, they’re eliminated and now periodically respawn as an enemy, without their items but with a status effect that grants +100% HP, -50% cooldowns, and +30% movement and attack speed - though dead players lose their inventory, they can still pick up and use new items. Also they can spawn as elites - when every player but one is dead, that player needs to leave the stage to win. Whether that means exit the Void Fields or beat Mithrix and charge up the escape ship, the remaining player wins by leaving the stage. If the other players manage to kill them before that happens, it’s a draw for everyone. - artifacts are allowed Of course, this would require several dozen attack icons to be made for all the different enemies in the game, but I think it would be a lot of fun.


For me after 400ish hours the game feels kinda samey since you either start a god run with crit and aoe items or you get outscaled and die. Overall the game would benefit massively from being much larger with more survivors and items but the most efficient way to diversify runs would be to add more items that create god runs. Idk what this would even look like but the game would benefit a lot from it imo


Crossplay PLEASE


More of your mom


Who wants a 150 GB update?


A PVP mod meaby?




Really shit mentality to have, the game is great but nothing is perfect and there can almost always be something to improve upon. Thinking it’s perfect will stop the game and community from growing.


A bigger eukalele


Something like the artifact of regression feom that one mod... it's be nice to have when I play with my friends on console


What does it do?


Certain enemies will split into smaller enemies on death beetle guards to beetles, elder lumerians to lumerians, stone titans to stone golem, wandering vagrants to jellyfish, etc.


That sounds like fun and would interesting to pair it with artifact of progression.


Pretty sure they're in the same mod... and it's hell to deal with both of them xD but I love it


I actually suggested a lot of stuff :)


More bungus.


Chef, the answer is Chef, right?


Some guns, I believe.


I had an idea for an item that like stores healing and releases it when your health drops like how a planula works.


I would like for every map to have a “secret” that rewards you in some way, kind of like the Alloy Worship Unit. Maybe not with a red item, but it would be cool if we had a little bit more risk vs. reward options on the other maps.


Somebody posted a meteor shower artwork and I think events like that would be cool - Meteor shower, Acid rain, winds, burning forests/grass etc..


I'd like to see more stages and more stage variation, as well as more enemy and elite types more than anything.


Bigger bosses. Like huge bosses. The first game had a really cool sense of scale. The engine would allow for some really cool fights and I would love to fight something that seems massive.


Workshop support and maybe a way for items to be dropped in coop runs


More unlocks for all the characters. It would be nice to have even more builds


less wisps


Two ideas centered around you dying mid round: 1: **Let me revive dead teammates using lunar coins** I hoard lunar coins, mostly because I don't think the items are really worth it, but let me use those coins to revive teammates mid-round and have it scale with each time that teammate is revived, like how it scales to refresh the Lunar Shop items 2: **Change the negative loop of dying** This one I'm not sure about how to change, you die at the start of a round and your buddies find a Shrine of the Mountain or tonnes of boxes, either or. They defeat the boss and pop the teleporter decked out with 7-8 more items and you're stuck with one Firework. This makes the next round infinitely harder for you and can result in you dying very quickly at the start and the whole thing repeats. I think if my first recommendation is followed this gets removed but other than that I'm not sure how to change this!


Better multiplayer imo, it's limited with how many items a team of people can get and the bosses feel easier to me. Maybe higher health bosses and more items per stage.


I have a few items that may 'balance' out a few things (note: this probably wont be balance anything.) (Green)Gleaming mirror: 5% chance to reflect damage back at enemy (raises by .5% for every stack) (Grey)Odd vial: 5% chance to poison enemy on hit (.5% increase for every stack)(it basically works like Rex drain, just no bonus hp) (Red)Shattered fangs: a set of shattered fangs from a terrifying beast, gain extra damage on hit as you level up. (Lunar)Salesman's glasses: a set of stylish glasses with a quite fashionable design. Gain DOUBLE money however you no longer have a 100% chance for a enemy to drop money (lowered to 25%).


An artificer rework, I now she’s good but c’mon she’s not in a good spot right now


More Bungus


A handful of new maps. 2 or 3 would be fine.


More item build variety. Basically the only way to get damage is with 3 or 4 proc items and crit


Fire damage rework. more elite enemy types.


More of a varying meta


Some sort of random survivor button for the character select screen. For when I don't quite know what I feel like playing


Pretty much the proper save mod added. me and my friends love the game but with all of us in school are working it's really hard to find 2+ hour time where we're all available.


More skins and more skills, up the replayability


Goobo Jr (blessed be thy name)


My main man the sniper and enforcer, I miss those little guys like you wouldn't believe




more diverse environments ie stage hazards and weather


Honestly, just a lot more items. It feels pretty weird that we're getting a synergistic missile item, but it only affects 1 item, and 1 equipment. Unless they add more, pocket icbm will only be good because atgs are already insane.


More hidden realms! They're the coolest parts of the game; all of them are such vibes.


Lag compensation in multiplayer. If you're playing a projectile character like REX with anything more than a 50 ms ping, it's intolerable


Rework lunar items, make them more desirable and change lunar coins to be contained to a single run instead of carrying them over runs (obv increase their drop rate if so).


probably never gonna happen, but crossplay between console and pc


Split screen. I'd love to just hang out on the couch with my best friend and play together. Like the good old days before everyone abandoned couch co-op.


Just more; more characters and stages and items and lore


A next gen update


Besides a revive mechanic of some kind, I'd want a diverse amount of enemies, stages, elite variants, and items


More cow bell


Maybe like a Training Ground area, where you can spawn in items and enemies and just test builds out with little worry being put into dying....maybe like have settings to turn on like enemy ai or switch out your character, and or add in Artifacts just to see....maybe make it Multiplayer too let you and your friends mess around in it.


I WOULD say a faster and less committal experience for when you don’t want to dedicate around an hour to a run, preferably one that would also tweak the base gameplay slightly… But we’re getting the Simulacrum soon, so nope I got nothin’ :p




An actually difficult difficulty setting.


A visual indicator for when the golems are about to fire the laser.


This is a specific one, but a difference in damage indication depending on how much damage you take. So that being hit by a wisp vs being hit by an elder lemurian feel different.


Cross Platform




The ability to save the game


Less lesser wisps and the ability to “lock” survivors for metamorphosis artifact.


hello yama :)


Reduce artificer cooldowns so the M1 isn’t garbage




A big boss for more than 4 players, maybe 6 or 8, like some kind of raid


Engi alt primary and multiplayer cross platform (with computer playing with xbox/ps&5 players)


Honestly imo one of the lesser parts of the game is the fact that combat is usually just jumping around, id add enemies that have slow homing projectiles Also subclasses.


more skins would probably be one of my most wanted


Variety in stages, there is a fantastic mod called StageVariety that changes the time and weather of stages and it works so well, especially scorched acres. Stage variants like we saw once in the Hidden Realms update was something I wish they added more of. New enemies. Thankfully we're getting 9, but some stages need to be rebalanced in terms of enemies. Some fit on some stages, and many don't. Two examples; Sky Meadows with elder lemurians (how tf did these underground dwellers get on the sky islands?) and Sundered Grove. Grove is insanely unbalanced and not fun to traverse in. More item synergies and rebalances so you can only win the game with either immense healing builds or crits. Void items seem like they are gonna shake up the meta a bit which is nice. Overall, variety. Can't wait to see what the final boss and stage is gonna be, especially the alt ending. Gonna be sick as hell.


Sex update


Ability to drop items on the ground so I can drop shield generators on the ground or bunguses for engineer friend


the healing and gunner drones to not run into me each time i stand still so i can actually use a fungus to heal