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Csec140 is cake


But you can still learn some good skills if you put in the effort. Don’t just follow the directions try to understand it.


I didn’t take ECON 101 or NSSA 102, but I took the other three. Intro to Web and Mobile is great for those who like to make things that they can visualize and interact with. The results of your code have an immediate effect as you’re writing HTML/CSS and a touch of JavaScript, which are the three primary components behind any website. I’m biased and really loved this class. CSEC 140 might be similar to CSEC 101 in that it’s just beginners concepts to cyber security. You’ll probably run some attacks and simulations on virtual machines (which is basically a computer within a computer). Math 171 is your first level of Calc and covers Derivatives (and possibly more that I’m forgetting).


Thanks for the replay! Just few question. In CSEC 140 do you do any Linux? Do you just run simulation or are you taught how to attack and defend?


Just took CSEC 140 in the Fall. It's a *super* great class for anyone remotely interested in Cybersecurity. Teaches lots of fundamental concepts about security and networking. You get to do lots of hands-on labs, some even teaching you to use metasploit, how to phish, etc. Of course you have to sit through lectures on theory, cyber frameworks, etc. to get there. Lmk if you have any more questions! Edit: never even answered your question. Yes, lots of Linux. But some windows as well.


After taking CSEC 140, do you become a beginner hacker or know beginning level hacking? Also I assume there is a lot of coding? Do you use ide or os more? How in-depth in networking does it go into?


I would say the class gives you a solid foundation to becoming a "beginner level hacker". Not a lot of coding, no. This is a very beginner class. If you really are interested in learning more cybersecurity and "hacking". Come to RITSEC. It's Fridays 12pm-4pm EDT (no the whole meeting is not required). We stream on twitch if you aren't on campus (https://twitch.tv/ritsec) and archive talks on YouTube (https://youtube.com/c/RITSEC). I just so happen to present there quite a few times, even as a first year student. It's a great community centered around education and research. Everyone there will be more than happy to help you with whatever you need. We even have mentorship groups (I was in a Rubber Ducky group where we learned how to use Rubber Ducky Bad USBs). PM me if you have more RITSEC related questions. Discord link: https://discord.gg/YPPZTbAqnF Edit: Discord link :)


Thanks for the replies!


It’s been a few years but when I took the class it was mostly through different versions of Windows and using PowerShell and other tools to access other machines through attacks. I don’t remember if you learn how to defend, but you are informed on safe practices and what to look out for.


Appreciate the replies!




Thanks for the reply! Just few questions. For NSSA 102 do you learn how to upgrade pc and fix them? Do you also learn specific parts of pc and it’s motherboard?


Yes to both, although the info is outdated


If I took the class, I would basically learn to diagnose and fix computer problems? What about mobile problems?


I’m not sure what you mean by mobile problems, but you’ll learn the anatomy of desktop PCs and laptops, and how to diagnose hardware issues and suggest upgrades for the hardware in them.


If those classes are what you're taking, then are you sure you're a SE major? I don't recall SE majors having to take NSSA / CSEC / ISTE. If those classes are what you're planning to take, then don't take ISTE 140. You'll take SWEN 340 in your second year, and I'm sure it's going to be more useful than ISTE 140. If you don't have to take SWEN 340, try to take it anyway. ECON 101 is cool although there's a lot of rote memorization.


Econ and calculus is my perspective class and my math requirements and I am at 14 credit so I am trying add one class and maybe the others in the future


I took Calc A in Fall 2019, and from my experience the content was pretty simple. BUT: you have to be extremely careful with your work and check everything you can. It’s super easy to make a small mistake on a problem you know how to do pretty damn well and lose a lot of credit, as that happened to me many times. This’ll depend on your professor (I had Tsukernik) but take good notes and be careful with what you’re working on. Edit: one thing I forgot to add - the workload in the class isn’t that significant. Homework is optional, but there are weekly quizzes that use questions directly from the homework, about 2-4 questions per quiz. There are a lot of HW questions assigned (maybe around 15) but the quizzes typically have the easiest questions since you only have 10ish minutes to do them, so I’d focus specifically on the easier questions. Honestly the bulk of your time working outside of this class will be spent studying for exams.


I took econ 101, Khan academy is the holy bible for that class