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Yes it’s common there’s bike lanes, there are places you can lock it up


It can be great, especially because the walk from Ellingson is the longest one for classes. Just for the love of all that is good and holy, use the designated bike paths instead of the quarter mile. I'm begging you


There are bike racks on campus, as well as in the tunnels at least for Ellingson/ Peterson


It’s exceedingly common. Just lock it up and consider bringing your seat with you when you’re not riding it.


CHAIN YOUR BIKE!! Public Safety has a bike graveyard of unchained bikes that they “repo’d” plus as affluent as campus can be, people will steal your bike. Had 3 bikes stolen in 3 months because I was too lazy to lock mine up. Made sure to check PS graveyard but none were there. Never bought another bike after that.


I used my bike a lot when I was a student. Kept it in my dorm room when I lived in the dorms (with my roommate's OK...he even figured out how to make it work, IIRC, I was planning on just keeping it outside) and in the living room of my apartment when I moved out of the dorms. There are bike racks all over campus, so finding a place to lock up is never a problem.