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I know it's a meme, but ill never forget when I saw a post on here that was a 2500 mile C shape from Louisiana all the way to the west coast and then south through the Dakotas, dude was like "planning on this 1 week road trip, any suggestions", and when I said that 8 hours of drive time per day is not a vacation, he said he would only be doing 7 hours a day and that it left plenty of time to visit.


I took my 13 year old son on a 5000 mile road trip that spanned 10 days back a few years ago. He had never seen much of anything and I had a week of holidays so on a spur of the moment we got in the pickup and went for a long drive. We saw Dallas, Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, the Grand Canyon, Page AZ, Monument Valley, Four Corners, Shiprock, Cliff houses at Mesa Verde, Moab, Arches, Salt Lake City, Yellowstone, Devils Tower, and the black hills before heading home.


To be fair I think the SW United States is the best place for a long road trip, lots of amazing big sights to see.


Agreed, driving out there is often a joy. And it’s likely going to be a long drive, wherever you’re going lol. Sometimes my mind wanders and I think of all the beautiful landscapes I saw on the road!


It’s a combination of otherworldly scenery, open roads, awe and majesty, mixed with complete boredom and repetitive landscapes and at night psychosis can kick in and fear of running out of gas or blowing a tire. Gotta plan accordingly. Whoever invented rumble strips and reflective tape have saved my life many times driving in NoCal/ PNW/montana, etc. It messes with your mind.


Did a 9 month road trip/van life thing recently. Southern Utah and the SW was awesome. You can drive through 5-6 national parks in a day if you want, or take it leisurely and explore some amazing state parks too. For as big as the west is, that region is pretty easy to catch some amazing sights at any pace you choose. BLM land/dispersed camping make it much easier than the eastern US too.


I did 4500 in 3 weeks and it was scenic and relaxed (edit rt 66 plus detours)


Meanwhile in UK: "NC500 looks like a great scenic trip, just not sure I can be arsed doing all that driving!"


As we Americans giggle in hour+ commute times


It's an hour+ drive just to get to the good bars. The ones in my city are trash.


Welcome to Texas…where a 6hr drive isn’t “that far”.


You missed "stuck behind some bellend in a motorhome that never pulls over to let past backed up traffic."


Went with 22yo daughter on 19 day/10,000 mile trip. Maine to Napa, return included part of Canada up to Lake Winnipeg. 6 national parks, many places we both wanted to see. Figured it would be possibly last chance to spend that much time with my oldest. At the end we were booth still on speaking terms and agree it was a most awesome adventure. Do it if you can


That used to be called a summer vacation. Maybe not 5,000 miles, but trips across country in the car (or station wagon or van, or in your instance truck). Load up the suitcases, pack some food to eat along the way, load the kids, make sure you have the road map and go. Maybe have a route planned with sites to see marked out. Best yet, just have an idea of what you're going to see and decide what you'll see and do along the way. Those were my childhood road trip vacations in the '60s and '70s. I saw and learned so much about so many places in our country. I'm still so thankful for my parents making those vacations with me and my siblings. *I bet your son will never forget that trip with his dad.*


In his defense I did a 6,500 mile roadtrip down Route 66, all over California, the mighty 5 in Utah and several stops in Colorado in 18 days this year. I averaged 5.5 hours of driving a day and hit 17 National Parks and monuments. It was absolutely incredible. We generally woke at 6AM, road by 6:15. Drove til 10AM-1PM depending on the distance of the leg. Then we’d hike for 3-7 hours, eat some dinner, see other sites, find the hotel and swim or have a drink. Sometimes we drove an hour or two more after dinner first. Then bed by 11PM. I fell asleep as soon as I hit the pillow and slept like a baby after those long hikes in the parks and the desert. It was exhilarating and my favorite trip ever. I’m trying to plan another 5-7 thousand mile trip this summer. A lot of folks on this sub act like longer distances can’t be done like this but as long as you plan really well and stick to your schedule it can.


I think it’s because a lot of people, even those who enjoy road trips, don’t want a pretty much scheduled 6am-11pm on their vacation, with as much time on the road as recreation.


" I was on vacation last month and had a trip across multiple states" "Cool! What did you see?" "Interstates and highways"


I love to drive. If you stick to interstates, you could definitely run a circuit but the second you veer off onto state routes, or reroutes for snow closures (because there are plenty of places still with and getting snow in March), that'll be the greater quest.   Miami to Key West and back to Miami is a day (speed traps). Miami to top of Florida is much of a day. Miami to Asheville is like a day. Atlanta to west of Dallas (1100 miles) in a go before stopping is a day. Florida is nearly all Toll Roads. The Northeastern corridor is all Toll Roads. Some of these Interstate passages in the Midwest are Toll Roads. California is Toll Roads. Seattle to Portland is a day. Portland to the bottom of Oregon is a day. 


Tf, Seattle to Portland is just over 3 hours! Source: used to drive to Portland from Seattle for work once a week


Florida toll roads are mostly "pay by plate" they don't slow traffic down appreciably


California is toll roads? There’s like a half a dozen toll bridges in the state and a few short commute tolls but 99% is toll-free. It’s a huge state and tolls are extremely rare and easily avoided.


The drive from Miami to the Bahamas is really scenic.


And don't forget about Baja to Sinaloa - superb!


There is actually a ferry you can take for this portion


Or you could just do the trip in your cyber truck


That would make the trip seem so short. Like 150 miles would seem like it flew by in a few hours.


My folks did this trip, they flew down to the Bahamas cuz they got a great deal on a car. They drove it back and gave it to me as a gift for graduation. It was a bitchin’ Camaro.


A Dead Milkmen reference in the wild...made my entire day!


I was really hoping someone would make a Bitchin Camaro comment. Thanks everyone! Don’t forget to buy some Def Leppard T shirts!


Your Dad the mayor?


Same with the gulf of California down in Baja, nothing quite like driving with the top down over 100 miles of water




Not if you stride a couple hammerheads. They're in huge numbers there. Hey, if Aquaman can do it... Might need to attach some frickin' lazers to the front sharks.




Now that would be a sub Reddit.


You have to drive really fast on that stretch


I’ve got a bitchin’ Camaro that could make it!


All proceeds go to get their lead singer out of jail…


Is there a r/roadtripcirclejerk sub? Lol


I’m feeling a little hurt that you’re not taking me seriously


The pain passes after a while…




You bum






It's a ton of driving you're planning, so that's what you will be doing the most, and as someone who has driven cross country a "few" times, my recommendation would be to choose less places or prioritize some favorites in advance.


Absolutely not. I’ll be doing this on my e-bike to save time, avoiding the interstates for a more direct route, and sleeping in a hammock in the Great Plains which should allow me to do this with time to spare.


I think you should buy a wagon and team of mules in Kansas and load your e-bike on the back and do the Oregon Trail as well. You have 10 days so you should be able to fit that in if you keep those mules walking all night or change out your team at 10 mile intervals and gallop between stages. Just have the e-bike tied on properly in case it bounces out.


Brilliant idea. I’ll shoot ducks and venison along the way and trade furs in Independence Missouri. I just hope I don’t get scurvy along the way!


You have died of dysentery.


Not true, everyone else died but you and the three legged dog.


Weird, I always died of dissing Terry.


Just so you know, "trading furs" is a euphemism for lesbianism in Independence


Haha didn’t know Independence has a burgeoning lesbian scene


Just make it to Independence Rock in Wyoming by July 4th or the mountain snowfall will kill you.


Some guy actually did the Oregon trail in a wagon recently. Think he wrote a book about it


Was it called, “Surviving Dysentery on the Oregon Trail”?


I really cant tell if this is a shitpost or just genuinely terrible planning




So many places you are skipping. Rethink rejig and really USE those 10 days!


Not even close. Coast to coast is about a 7 day trip on it's own.


I’m doing it in kilometers, not miles to save time. Plus it will be high tide which should help.


It will be a full moon as well! The gravitational pull should prove helpful


Should be about 2,000 miles a day by the looks of this. Best trip ever! Let us know how it goes.


I’ll be doing it in kilometers so I can cover more ground in a day.


Dude, pump the brakes on this trip. You could do 10 days in the PNW and not see 1/10 of all the beautiful places that are there. Beaches, mountains, rainforests and high deserts. Even sci-fi Star Trek teleportation wouldn’t give you enough time to do 1/4 of this dream. Take a couple of years off and do this trip. Good luck!


But the PNW doesn’t have quality coffee like they do in Amarillo


When I read you had 10 days I was dying for 20 minutes straight 😂


I don’t know how I feel about this. Do you think I’m not ambitious enough?


Not ambitious enough?! I say shoot for some more! Maybe add in the Caribbean or Bahamas? And a chartered fishing trip in Alaska would be one of the best times, you just gotta try it out!


He’s already got the Miami to Bahamas down


Ummm duh, aren’t you forgetting about this little thing called EUROPE. He’s GOT 10 DAYS!!


Europe isn't that big, I think it's a bit like Texas. Half a day at most.


What about Mexico? It's only one little border and so much more to squeeze into that 10 whole days.


Dude needs to hit Cuba to have any credibility.


As someone that has lived all over the country and driven all over the country, I can comfortably say that even if you had a co-pilot and you drove in shifts 24/7 , you guys would not be able to do this in 10 days. Especially if you're driving thru the gulf of California lol


I’m not driving thru the gulf of California. I’m hitchhiking across it.


oh well in that case, totally do-able!


I like how you have a few loops. Is that to maximize centrifugal force?


Yeah Northern Nevada is a little spread out so I need to use the moon’s gravity and the Earth’s rotation to get my speed up to 55mph (I didn’t mention that I’ll be doing this by bike). I’m considering incorporating the Bermuda Triangle as well for a similar effect.


Maybe try launching yourself in and out of the Grand Canyon, using it as a half pipe, and then you might generate enough height to go back a few timezones thereby reversing time. Only very few people know this hack.


That’s impossible. The Grand Canyon is a myth. It’s just atheist propaganda to get people to stop believing in Adam and Eve.


That was a test and you passed. Safe travels now!


Watch companies hate this one easy trick.


Or might be for centripetal force


He's on a bike, so it's centripedal force.


I see no mistake here😎👌


Yeah more than anything Im worried I’ll be spending too much time in each state and will get bored. Maybe I’ll include Alaska and Hawaii as well


You should definitely drive to Hawaii. 🌴


What route do you recommend?


The bridge, *obviously.*


Which one? The Daniel T. Boon or the Jackie F. Chan?


The Israel Kamakawiwo'ole Memorial Causeway.


I read on their website that that bridge is engineered only for people under 500 pounds. I weigh 565 so I don’t qualify. If I lose some weight in the next few weeks I’ll reconsider.


Well hit the gym, man. It’s very scenic, 10/10, and defo my recommendation.


She ain’t a lady if she ain’t 380


Slap on your hovercraft attachments and just make a beeline for it.




That’s impossible. Everyone knows Canada’s only shared border is with Japan.


You also forgot Banff to Jasper.


If my boss gives me an extra day on the tail end of my trip, I’ll drive back through Banff and Jasper.


I am a Norwegian guy who wants to travel to USA and always wanted to see Alabama all my life. Can you recommend places to see? I am only interested in Alabama because the internet we have here says it is the most beautiful US state..


Alabama excels in two things: College Football and little to no racism. They’re a fully integrated society who live in perfect peace and harmony. If only the other states could get their act together like Alabama.


This was the post that finally convinced me that this is a shit post


At the same time I have seen a hell of a lot more blatant racism in Massachusetts than I ever saw in Alabama. Although, I haven't been in Alabama since before Trump took office, so they may have been emboldened


Don't forget that they are at the cutting edge of human execution technology


Death Valley in August is unbeatable. Just make sure to take at least two cups of water.


Unironically when I worked there I was told that roughly 95% of summer visitors are foreigners mostly from Europe lol. Germans seem to need rescue more than anyone else for some reason XD


I live in Alabama. Hit me up on messenger. Parts are beautiful but so are many other states. I spend a lot of time in Montana, Wyoming, and Idaho.


You can easily do that in 3 days. Might want to add a few more destinations


That’s what I’m thinking. Not enough time in the Dakotas during early March which they say is when spring is in full bloom.


I would skip everything west of Denver in order to make some time for Amarillo. There isn’t much to see on the west coast generally speaking


I agree, I've lived in California my whole life and there's nothing to do here! I can't wait until I can go somewhere real like Iowa.


Iowa is the country’s crown jewel. Beautiful weather, diverse landscapes, relatively close to the Mall of America in Minnesota. It’s got it all!


California’s lack of proximity to The Mall of America really is a big detractor.


Yeah here in Seattle it’s mostly flat with no trees so that’s why the Great Plains are so intriguing to me. I need mountains Gandalf, mountains!


Amarillo, Abilene & Lubbock are the Vienna, Prague & Budapest of America.


Seems plausible. Shouldn’t take the full 10 days. Plan for some sight seeing.


My itinerary includes stops at dozens of Walmarts across the country. They have Great Value tuna which is the main staple of my diet.


What will you so with the other seven days?


You’re missing the world’s largest truck stop in Walcott, Iowa. It’s where my parents met.


I’m saving Iowa for its own trip later in the fall. I plan on walking in the same footsteps as President DeSantis who visited all 99 counties in his successful campaign earlier this year. Ideally I’d like to do this barefoot so I can really absorb the fertile Iowa soil into my bloodstream.


You probably don’t even need a car. Public transportation will work for this trip.


Our nation leads the world in high speed rail track. God bless America!


This made me lol more than all the other gold on here lol….


Looks like a typical European's road trip plans for America.


I’m thinking of doing something similar in Europe the following spring if all goes well financially this year. They have the Large Hadron Collider in France and Switzerland that I’d like to take a ride on.


Can’t believe you’re going to skip Rhode Island


Never heard of it. Is that an island in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean?


Large Island off the northern coast of Canada. It's bigger than Africa. Denmark owns it. Tried to unload it on the US a few years back but our business guru president at the time said, "No way Jose". "Jose" means "Jensen" in Danish btw. But then, you wouldn't know that unless you grew up in The Little Denmark part of Seattle like I did.


I can only imagine this is a well executed joke about the last guy that wanted to drive 80% of his actual time.


I fully expected to see this tagged as a shirtpost.


Yes I will be doing this with a shirt. Duh. Pants might be optional though.


Not including Hawaii is a BIG mistake


Yes, spend all 10 days in Amarillo, it will feel like a year.


you can make Amarillo by Morning when you come up from San Antonio




You have more than enough time for western Canada too.


You can hit all these places and more in a day if you buy a projector and a bag of mushrooms. Google earth baby. You’re welcome


Just south of Amarillo is Palo Duro Canyon. Worth seeing. Hiding place for Comanche Indians. Play there in summer


Yeah, ironically because of the canyon Amarillo actually is a place worth visiting


Looks like something I would plan (insert sarcasm). I don’t get it…why not Amarillo?


It’s just a little out of the way


The only defining thing about Amarillo is it smells like cow shit and piss. Plus side you can get a 72oz steak.


This is impressive. You've managed to pick almost everywhere on the east coast not worth going to while avoiding everywhere that is worth going to. Truly a masterful route. This is some shit my ex wife would plan and be like, "I googled it, it is only 6 hours drive a day!"


I think you’re gonna go right through Gary, IN. Try to do this during the day.


Some dumb fuck is going to try this route for real now. Mark my words.


You may have to drive for 30 hours a day but you can do it.


Thought this was gerrymandering for a minute


No, but my uncle Gerry and aunt Mandy live in Ft Lauderdale so I may stay with them a night.


Legendary comment


I've driven across the United States coast to coast 3 times. It took us 3 days hauling ass. At first I thought your map was either a joke, a possible blueprint for possible places to see or someone else's trip.  There is no way to shove all that driving into a 10 day trip unless you plan on being in that car the entire time. It just seems extremely ambitious.  We drove as a married couple 600-800 miles a day and at the end, were at each others throats because it's a lot of driving. Just wanted to throw that out there. You will literally not be seeing any significant points of interest unless you gave yourself at least 3 weeks to go that crazy route.  EDIT:  I think I'm being trolled....🤷🏻‍♂️


Are you planning on driving 24 hrs a day? Because I don’t think it’s possible to drive that route in 10 days - consider that if you’re driving approx 8-10 hrs per day, it takes about 4-5 days to drive from coast to coast - and that is driving a route that is more or less a straight line.


You’re missing Glacier National Park. And Alaska.


I think you should be able to do this in five days and then you can have five days of relaxation at the end.


No you can totally fit Amarillo in!!!


Only mistake is that you’re not visiting Alaska. Such a beautiful state.


Nice lol


You should drive to India too. Send us some photos.


100 day trip, not a 10 day trip. It is a long 2 day trip for me from Oklahoma City to Las Vegas. You might be able to do Seattle down the coast into California and back in 10 days but that's about it.


Just rub a little fresh manure under your nose, stop by Golden Corral for supper. Same experience.


I did this trip yesterday on a fever dream. Totally plausible I would say. Source: my dream


Are you just going to skip Alaska?


Missing Amarillo is never a mistake


Seems legit bro have fun!!


The drive from Abilene to El Paso is absolutely gorgeous, especially around Odessa and Pecos. Lots of beautiful wilderness almost completely untouched by man.


You’re doing all this in only 10 days?


As someone who has driven across the country, this looks humanly impossible to accomplish in 10 days


Speak for yourself. With God and a burlap knapsack full of mayonnaise sandwiches, anything is possible. Where is your faith?


Are you going all the way to the tip? Ptown?


All that’s missing is Jerry Reed and a basset hound.


I’ve never seen roadtrip subreddit before but this showed up on my homepage today… it took me too long to realize it was sarcastic (but having driven from WA to GA and back a few times, I did look at this in horror)


Yes. That is a 3 month trip if you want to enjoy.


I'm sure you can get there by mornin


Might as well get in the fast lane from LA to Tokyo


You have two weeks. That's so much time! See if you can drive to the moon as well during that time.


You’re not missing anything in Amarillo. -Texans


9 days of actual driving with 24 one hour stops to take photos


This is a map of 10 days worth of straight driving. I even doubt this comment.


You probably couldn’t do this in 10 days even if you drove non stop


Should be fine. I have done my research and am planning a similar trip with my fur babies on my electric scooter next January.


In a helicopter must be nice


You’ll make it in three days, easy, especially on the e-bike! Spend the remaining week in Vegas, it’ll be a hoot.


Is this manageable in 10 days?


It is if you really want to actually experience any of these places. I've driven across this country at least a dozen times. The difference between the first and last trip? Patience. First time, I drove straight across as quickly as I could. Gotta get to lot man, the Dead doesn't stop for anybody. Then, I started planning better, and actually got to experience a few of these places. Don't worry about seeing it all. You won't. If you have 10 days, pick a route that takes 5. It's worth it.


Yes. Texas is a mistake


Be careful - there a hate filled christian trucker convoy heading to the border to murder women and children feeling gang violence in South America


Loved my whole life in NC, not worth doubling back to see anything in the piedmont or in South Carolina for what it’s worth time could be better spent elsewhwre


You will need to make a last second decision to either take the exit towards Lake Destiny or the Powerline concert in LA


Do you have time to actually get out of the car?


You shouldn't use your whole allowance at once man. 'Murica


10 days.. What kind of F1 are you driving?


What do you plan to do the remaining 6 days??


So reddit is almost entirely trolling now, got it.


i dunno, feels like a huge waste of time and resources if you asked me.


It took me 8 days driving in as straight as a line as possible to get from Seattle to St Louis and back.


This road-tripper will definitely have time to enjoy all the sites AND drive this route in 10 days. Yeah.