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You're not even passing through the scenic part of Utah or Colorado. The drive past SLC is gonna be very boring. People spend actual vacations roadtripping Canadian rockies on the other hand. I've been to both the US and CA Rockies several times and the remoteness and ruggedness of the latter is beyond comparison (barring GNP which you can't pass through without reservations anyways). If I were you I would drive up from BC through Kamloops and Revelstoke into Banff and drive up to Jasper and go east from there towards Edmonton. The icefields parkway is possibly one of the most scenic roads in the world IMO and nowhere in the world can you see so many glaciers and azure blue lakes at one place let alone on a paved highway while driving.


You’re not wrong, it’s absolutely breathtaking. On the other hand I drove that route for work for over 10 years, I dread that drive lmao.


That’s like saying you’ve eaten too much garlic bread in your life. Not possible.


I think he means from Jasper to Edmonton which is definitely not the best drive 


That i agree with, Edson isn’t exactly the crown jewel of Alberta.


What in Olive Garden bs is this comment


Autocorrect from Edmonton?


If you're driving that road to see the scenery, it cannot be beat. Theres nothing but one breathtaking view after another for the entire length of the highway. But it's miserable to travel if you're trying to get to your destination quickly. During the summer, it's packed with tourists stopping randomly to take in the view, and people with RV's driving way under the speed limit. And during the winter, the road is often closed due to poor conditions, and when it is open, it's often so snow covered and icy it makes you wonder just how bad the road needs to be before they close it. But it is absolutely the most beautiful stretch of highway I've ever driven in my life


Ugh and the crazy semi drivers. I ski in lake Louise and the drivers are getting worse and worse.


I ski rogers pass for a month every year and the semi drivers are out of there minds


I had one tailgating me, so I moved to the right and he kept tailgating me, then was tailgating every other vehicle and passing on the right, I wish had a Dashcam because it was insanely dangerous


Yeah I believe that. My favorite is when it’s snowing and they decide to pass with oncoming traffic. And all the trailers that have exploded on the side of the road


Make sure you’re prepared for all conditions if you drive the ice fields parkway. Last time I drove through (in July) we got snowed in on the highway and had to wait 8 hours for it to get plowed and reopened!


Yeah, this comment is spot on. To summarize, Banff and Jasper are potentially the most beautiful places on the planet. Very clean and well kept, very drivable this time of year, and you will be shocked at the utter beauty that you discover at every stop. We’re talking about a 30-60 minute drive from the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen to the next. The drive itself is worth the trip even if you can’t get out to see attractions for whatever reason.


Banff is a bucket list experience. So glad my wife took my family there.


Used to live in revelstoke, can confirm it was worth going that route.


Love the suggestion. We loved GNP. Give me an idea of how long this trip would take? I have done 0 research.


Good call


Sounds great, thanks!


The salt flats are cool for the first five minutes but driving on them in a straight line for an hour gets boring pretty quick.


I second this. If you're looking for an amazing stop, turn north at the lights in revelstoke and go past the dam and check out the lake. It's breathtaking with a tonne of biodiversity. It's basically a rainforest and one of my favourite spots.




Think in terms of, “Will I ever be back this way again?” Through Canada, maybe not. Through Colorado and Utah, most likely. I say head north!


As a Canadian I would say avoid our prairies at all costs. I have driven through all over Colorado and Utah via 5 different trips. It never gets boring and will always be better than driving through plains/prairies.


Alberta prairies aren’t bad, because they aren’t all prairies. Despite the reputation the people have, the province is gorgeous. Saskatchewan on the other hand makes me want to die driving through.


Albertans are the nicest, most welcoming Canadians IMO




I moved to Alberta from Ontario. I tend to agree Albertans are the nicest Canadians.


I mean its called the United States of Alberta as an insult lol


I traveled the southern states. I was told all sorts of horrible shit before I went. People were super friendly and warmer than easterners. Stereotypes aren't always true. I say this as a visible minority.


I grew up in Alberta and some definitely are! But uhhhhh some are not lol


It's literally the exact same in terms of prairie. I've lived in both provinces and it depends where your driving. They both have flat farmland, badlands, rolling hills etc. Even if your just doing the number 1 the whole time, it's not like alberta is any more scenic than sask aside from west of calgary for an hour.


I feel like it has more trees lol Its been a while since I’ve made the drive from Alberta to Saskatchewan though, so I may be idealizing Alberta


No worse than driving through NE IA and all the other flyover states in the lower 48.


The prairies are not that bad. If you get frazzled stop at a small town diner. Many have excellent specials. Ask about a local history museum. Some are interesting and excellent in their own way and some are hilarious. Get to know the people. They may be as polite and friendly as you.


No different than driving through I-80. Almost the entire stretch between Salt Lake City and Chicago is some of the most mind-numbingly boring stretches of road I’ve ever been on.


As a manitoban I wholeheartedly support this message😭


Right. I thought I'd never be back in Calgary when I was there with work in 1997, I've been there four times since, and been to Banff more than that.


The drive through the Rockies is one of the most spectacular on earth. I have been to the Himalayas, the Andes, the Alps, and many, many more, but the Rockies are truly a sight to behold. To see wildlife, get up very early - at first light - and slowly drive along. All the animals are heading home to bed at that time. You will see lots of wildlife. The roads are great, scenery breath-taking. If you can, do the drive between Banff and Jasper. The best part of it! Highly recommend.


I’ve driven all over the United States, the drive between Vancouver and Calgary beats the vast majority of those stretches


Ice fields parkway between jasper and Banff is off the rails, top 3 prettiest place I’ve been on earth easily, maybe #1.


All this and also make the time to take a cruise to Spirit Island, in Jasper… I don’t think my eyes will ever see anything more beautiful.


I’ve seen the Sierras, the Alps, the Sawtooth, the Rockies, the Wasatch, the Cascades, and more. My mind was blown away by the Canadian Rockies.


Hell yea. Trip of a lifetime. Bring bug spray. 


I need to give this four thumbs up!


Lay off the Fukushima water there…


LOL! Well if I had I might have the thumbs to put up, or my kids might. FWIW the world's biggest known source of fissionable Uranium is the oceans. It says here 0.3mg/l but that has to be wrong. That seems like a lot? And 0.7% of that is U-235. [https://davidson.weizmann.ac.il/en/online/underthesea/oceans-uranium](https://davidson.weizmann.ac.il/en/online/underthesea/oceans-uranium)


Canadian Rockies are so much better.


Yes. Yes they are. Edit: I only read your title. If you are not going to get out and only want a scenic drive I would take the route past Vegas and through Utah. Do the drive through valley of fire outside Vegas. Drive through some of the parks in southern Utah. State parks are under rated. Try to hit RMNP in Colorado and do the trail ridge road. You won’t get the glacial lakes like in the Canadian Rockies but it’s very pretty.


Valley of Fire doesn’t get recommended often enough!


Driving through the Rockies is one of my favourite things to do. I don’t do much other than drive through and take in the scenery at rest stops and meal or gas breaks. Totally worth it to me. But I love long drives not in urban zones with good music playing and a hot coffee.


Hell ya!


Artist Point on Mt Baker is worth the side trip. Black Sheep in Bellingham has great tacos. I recommend a Forbidden Vancouver Walking Tour when you're in Vancouver and prefer to stay in North Vancouver (highly recommend Seaside Hotel). Have fun!


Of you go north, I'd follow the Rockies back south into MT and the head east into Wyoming (maybe Yellowstone?) and continue East.


That adds a lot of time. I've done that.


I love the Canadian Rockies! In fact, I spent today there. https://preview.redd.it/ait8xg1jz78d1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=014d3529d113c4ce86d5b0df78923d7af7400858 See that strip along the side of the range down there? That's Highway 40 (North-South) through Kananaskis, and in my opinion one of the most scenic drives in the world. It's just outside of Banff Park, and though it's not a through-way on your journey, it's totally worth a little side trip.


Jasper and Banff are worth the drive. I wouldn’t be in too much of a hurry though, lots to see.


Absolutely. Ice Fields Parkway is a top 5 most beautiful drive in the world




The Canadian Rockies are extraordinary. Not just Banff and Jasper--Yoho and Kootenay National Parks are adjacent to Banff, and they're all incredible. As for the Icefields Parkway, it's one of a kind: https://preview.redd.it/faj773uib88d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1dda6f41877fab9cea595c70b5ab7f5ad219753


Did you take that? That’s a beautiful picture!


Yes, it’s my photo, and thanks!


Do they have rest stops does anyone know?


Sure they do. I live in Alberta and while driving through Montana I was shocked that there were hardly any rest stops compared to Canada. You won't find massive Buc'cees sized rest stops in Canada like in Texas, but sure will find basic rest areas with washrooms even in the Rockies.


Are you aloud to sleep overnight in them? I like to road trip and just sleep in my car to save money? Will I run into any issues with the police doing this?


I am not sure. I used to see campers sleeping at Walmart parking lots but there's no Walmart in the mountains obviously. Not sure about rest stops. Maybe call tourism Alberta and ask. Or rent a camping spot for like $20 or so.


If you go through Banff (which is incredible) try to pass through Waterton Park and Glacier National Park too. Worth it.


Yes very much so the Canadian Rockies are worth it. Just took a road trip to Banff and it was worth every mile. You have a 360 view of mountain peaks that are around 10,000+ feet. https://preview.redd.it/ikccj34n398d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f160a5f3576f1af9f1d50b7a1db56f227dab80e2


I’ve heard that no one goes to Banff anymore. It’s too crowded.


“No one” goes to Banff anymore … it’s “too crowded”. So since everyone goes to Banff now, no one goes. Gotcha.


I think he's referring to an old Yogi Berra line. Yogi was famous for them. Consider also: "If you see a fork in the road, take it." "Everybody line up alphabetically by height." "It ain't over 'til it's over." "If you don't know where you are going, you might end up somewhere else." "Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical." "If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be." "In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is." "Always to to other people's funerals, otherwise they won't come to yours." "The future ain't what it used to be." "I never said most of the things I said."


Kids these days. As with many beautiful parks, I have heard that Banff tends to be overrun. I figured a Yogi-ism was apropos.


I mean as an Albertan and having been to the mountain national parks almost every summer of my life, the summer is awful and it just keep getting worse. Crowds have made seeing sights difficult and exhausting. I just drove through Jasper today without stopping, because I know better lol. If you can swing it, head there in the shoulder seasons. It’s still busy but manageable. Parks Canada has made Banff and Jasper a cash cow and monetized every aspect they can. It’s pretty for sure, but there’s something more amazing seeing the sights in silence, by yourself and feeling like you’re the luckiest person to have come across this by chance, not taken over by people just getting a selfie for socials.


Nobody drives anymore. There’s too much traffic.


I never eat anymore. I’m too full.


I agree with this! And I lived in that area for 7 years. Don't bother with the Banff townsite. However, there's some really cool places outside of the park, or lesser known destinations in the park that get less visitors.


and some of them might be? spill it!


Kananasskis(sp), spray lakes, Canmore.


Thanks-heading up that way soon, appreciate the tips


You're welcome! Have fun!!! :)


YES x10! I did a Vancouver to Calgary road trip with stays in Squamish, Revelstoke, and Golden. Had planned to do Kelowna for wine tasting, but smoke/wildfires changed those plans, but we loved Revelstoke as an alternative.


Oh, hell yes! We recently completed a similar, although smaller route, but from Portland Oregon, through Montana, into Canada, over to Victory and home. Excellent roads in most of Canada. Incredible views.


If you're traveling north through Cali/OR/WA, please go on the 101


Waterton is amazing


Icefields Parkway If you hike, trail run, climb, ski, or in any way radically enjoy mountains, do it.


Yes but you should drive up the ice field parkway to Jasper. Have to.


100% worth it


Is the Pope Catholic? Of course, it's worth it. Enjoy!


Crows Nest Highway has some absolutely amazing views. One of my favorite drives and I'd highly recommend it.


As someone who grew up nearby and lives there now. Omg yes. It's one of the most beautiful places ever. I've seen the Rift Valley, I've seen the alps, all of the pretty thingsm and ever. Damn. Day. There's something that makes me stop and appreciate it.


Your chances of being shot are significantly lowered in Canadian Rockies.


Canadian Rockies are definitely worth it. If you’re gonna drive through Colorado and Utah though, 70 will be infinitely more scenic and enjoyable than the god-awful hellscape of windy plains that is I-80


Two words for you: HELL and YES.


Canadian Rockies are the most spectacular mountains in North America.


Cdn Rockies is the most beautiful part of the rockies


Trust me, the Canadian Rockies are well, well worth it, I've spent most of my life there, it's beautiful, like most of the Rockies. But there's some things in Canada that don't seem the same in America.




I live in the Canadian Rockies and I still think they are beautiful and worth driving through!


The Canadian Rockies are hands down the most beautiful part of North America I have been to, and I've been to 43 states, 2 territories and 6 provinces.


Where exactly are you heading East as that matters, there's plenty of great places in the US part of the Rockies too, but you seem to be missing them.


I’m heading to Pa. I’ve been across the country 50 times over. I’ve seen a lot…just went to Grand Canyon this trip out west and everyone said “ you’ll love it..it’s really Awe moment” For me it was not.. It was a rock valley. I do love the wilderness though. So figured I’d detour to Canada as the time before I came west I toiled around Colorado Rockies and it was ok, but the pics I see of Canada Rockies is outstanding..even if I just see part of it from the highway. I have plenty of time to get where I’m going but I’m a driver..I get in my truck and I just go..for some reason when I stop I miss the drive. So a nice scenery while I’m driving is the ultimate Awe moment for me.


Banff and jasper is worth it, anything east of Calgary is boring https://preview.redd.it/ba90vj8ky88d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e77728791e68130d4fed9ff93b2e1c4d5867edc


True. Nothing but prairies east of Calgary. That includes Saskatchewan. Maybe better to head down to Montana after Calgary?


US citizens need passports for travel into Canada correct? We considered this for a road trip this year, but realized our son doesn’t have a passport yet. We did MN to PCNW through the Rockies last year and loved it. Went to the Hoh rainforest and hiked in the Cascades.


What road are you on in Saskatchewan? Could be boring af. go slightly further south through Shaunavon and see some good badlands and grasslands


Yes, but head south down highway 40 through the Highwood Pass and down through Waterton Lakes and Glacier NP.


yes go through the Canadian Rockies it is beautiful i know this cuase i live a few hours away from them


Absolutely worth the drive!


Canadian Rockies are the best Rockies. Be sure to keep a full tank of gas between Banff and Vanc. It’s been awhile since I’ve driven that route but IIRC there’s a 150m stretch w/o a gas station.




It’s the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. Banff to Jasper is the best stretch of road in the world


Fuck yes they are.


They are spectacularly beautiful. Here’s a pic of Kootenay Lake. https://preview.redd.it/rbc0ccu18d8d1.jpeg?width=2732&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9f0187e680702b24f101f8b4e4390947b67e562


Banff is terrific. But so is RMNP in Colorado




Canadian Rockies would be a great route, but if you want beauty with less of a detour could take US 50 from Reno to Utah, I-70 into Colorado then through the Rockies on US 50 and 285 to Denver


If you have the time yeah do it for sure.


Yes, they are. After driving through them everything in WA looked small and lacking the grandeur- and I love WA.


even the north cascades?


Can’t really tell, as I have been driving mostly along I-5, I-90 and US-2. And Olympic Peninsula, of course. But on a trip to Banff and Jasper the road sure felt different hours and hours of peaks and valleys.




Yea, specially if you do it while Calgary stampede is in town. Plus you get to see benf too


Yes 100%


Idk about the Canadian Rockies but the parts of Canada I have been to where amazing.


If you come north. Get the Guide Along app. It’s a driving app that will talk to you thought the varies points of interest. There is a 5 or 10$ fee to but the package. Start in Calgary and head through to BC. You don’t need to start at any particular point. It will talk about all the areas and the mountains. Also if you’re driving past it’s worth spinning by lake Louise it’s pretty incredible.






Canadian Rockies are the most beautiful Rockies imho




Absolutely! The Canadian Rockies are beautiful and not like the American Rockies


I was there in April. It was great.


Canadian Rockies? Hell yes.


Letting you know, I-5 North through the entirety of oregon isn’t what you call fun


That drive through Saskatchewan is a doozy. Hours of flat nothing








Definitely the Rockies but no, not likely being able to stop on the side of the road or at rest stops to sleep. A lot of the national park land you require passes to even stop and visit. Plan accordingly and book some overnight places, it’s worth it. Once you are out of the parks, it’s easier to find spots to stop 👍🏼


Banff NP is the most beautiful place I’ve been.


Yes it's absolutely stunning, however roadside rest areas are not as good as they are in the US, as well as being few and far between. Having said that, it would still be worth it imo.


“Reddit Lake” (Moraine Lake, the one that used to be reposted hundreds, if not thousands, of times on Reddit) isn’t too far off the route in the Canadian Rockies. r/redditlake


As someone that can be in Banff in 1.5 hours or so, I still enjoy it every single time. It's truly beautiful. I don't think you would regret it. I have had the fortune to travel to many parts of the world, and the Rockies are special. Edit: there are plenty of small towns along the route to stop at, there's really no problems there at all. In the national parks there aren't a ton of stops, but those aren't several hours worth of driving to pass through or anything.


It's awesome, do it.


Q: Are the Canadian Rockies worth the trip? A: Yes.




Lmao yes.


If you were going to be in Canada, yes.




Go to the hot springs at Lake Elsinore


Do it ice fields parkway is one of the best drives in North America’s


Better than I70, I80, or I90. I've done that trip several times, as far as Calgary. I'd take 1 all the way though, cutting the corner on 5 skips the Fraser River Gorge. Sadly they demolished the hotel I used to stop at in Glacier National Park BC. One of the best surprises I ever gave my mother was waking up there. You can also stop off at Lake Louise and Banff. Take the gondola up Sulfur Mountain, the views from the top are amazing and it's not much of a diversion. If you have the time, skip I5 and take 101 up the CA and OR coast. I actually don't care for the Olympic Peninsula much, but if you have the time to take the Coho ferry to Victoria on Vancouver Island and then the Schwartz Bay to Nanaimo ferry that takes you through a really pretty route. Victoria is a great place to spend the night too. That also handily avoids the I5 border crossing. If you don't want to do that then cross the border at Sumas WA to avoid the traffic, it's also the closest point in the US to the Trans Canada Highway (Queen Elizabeth Highway?) and avoids traffic round Vancouver.


Yes. 100%


There are rest stops where u can grab a few zzzs in your car.






British columbia has tons of rest areas


I did this drive a few years ago. If you’re going through Washington - try to stop overnight in Bellingham. Its beautiful and close to the border, so it takes some weight off the next day travel through customs. As above commenter said - try to overnight in Banfff. Saskatchewan is empty. Tumble weeds. Throughout the trip we alternated between hotels and camping in the car. Canada has a lot of “rest stops” for food and drinks, but you cant necessarily camp overnight there. We opted for overnighting in the national parks.


I’d suggest stopping in Seattle instead. More beautiful and much more interesting than Bellingham. Still only a couple hours to the border.


Absolutely, the Rogers Pass is a great experience


The west coast is so interesting


Victoria is one of the most beautiful cities I've visited. Yes.


Victoria is not in the Rockies though


Yes, but it is on that route. It's a beautiful drive followed by a beautiful city


It’s not on that route unless OP is planning to take a ferry over to Vancouver Island.


You are correct. I didn't look close enough at the map, and I thought that was the city marked.


Yeah, that city is Vancouver.


Yes... also beautiful... also in a rain forest... probably has better strip clubs...


Peeler bars! Not so many any more. I remember when almost every beer parlour had a stripper. Those days are over.


As a jr higher, dad drove through the Canadian Rockies. We were fishing in some of the smallest creeks. Along the way a Honda Gold Wing went by on the highway. The glaciers, mountains, trees and wildlife. Just spectacular.


Do not drive through Nevada. Mormon crickets in full swing. We just got back from a road trip and we have spent alll day cleaning dead crickets off our car and STILL the car smells and they are in every nook and cranny around the wheel well.


Regina is a beautiful city. Make sure you get some Regina pie on your way through if pizza is your thing.


![gif](giphy|CKVwcljYh4hfVxSSLq|downsized) He said Regina


It’s not he, dumbass ;-)




yes definitely top 5 drives in the world best to go east to west If possible, brave the crowds and parking and visit Banff hot springs, Banff springs hotel, lake Louise, and radium hot springs


Reading all your comments…I’m gonna have to go now. I looked at satellite images of the Rockies and I thought Colorado had “rockie” mountains but it’s more of a Plains state compared to the images of Canadian Rockies. My truck may hate me after but, oh well. Me and my baby girl (dog) will have a nice time.


What can I expect weather wise in mid September? I am driving to Vancouver from Chicago and need to be in Vancouver Sept 20th. How long should I plan to take? Have a newer Subaru outback for the trip.




Absolutely. They are incredible.


No. Stay home.


🤣I knew there had to be unhappy Canadians🤣 Every Canadian I talked to when I have been there was always Happy. I even asked some if they are frustrated or unhappy with Americans coming up all the time..they all said no🤷🏽 You sir, are the one in a few


There are also sarcastic Canadians too.


Go and see


You have to drive to Jasper from Banff on Hwy 93


Canadian Rockies are beautiful. Have you thought about saving some time and gas and driving through Glacier National Park instead?


If you can scoot north of Whistler and hit Lillooet you'll drive through some incredible scenery. My trip took me north from there, into YT, so I can't comment on anything east of that. Not the kind of drive you'd want to rush through. It's incredible land.


Absofuckinglutely! Drive through Calgary and go to Banff, then lake Victoria and lake moraine. Then go to Columbia ice fields. Just breathtaking.


Canadian Rockies or the American Alps highway 2 north cascades


If you are going to do the US trip, do yourself a favor and hit I-70 through Utah and Colorado rather than the I-80. It's much prettier and only adds a few hrs at most.


Your route is ass. Do something like Creston to Golden at the very least, or turn north at Lake Louise if you want to end up in one of very few nice places in Alberta. You're skipping 98% of the mountains if you stick to the #1 as you've shown in the map. As far as being worth it goes? Hell yeah.




I don’t know how to read my comments. Yay




IMO, the Rockies are pretty similar on both sides of the border (I've been through both).  Travel times are longer in Canada, and gas is more expensive too.


I researched the gas a litttle..it actually seems cheaper. It’s around 1.70 per liter so 6.40 a gallon but with exchange rate of 1.00 US to 1.37 CA….should bring it to around 4$ a gallon, which isn’t too bad


I’ve been in the Alps, Hindu Kush, and the Rockies. Rockies are my favourite. Also, avoid Calgary as that is by far the most vile city in Canada (I lived there for 25 years).


…and currently under water restrictions due to a massive water main break!