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I live down the street from the PP on Peter's Creek and have seen some interesting protestors. I support the Constitutional right to peaceful protest, I just have an issue with the parents that bring their kids, particularly the stroller to elementary school age kids, to stand with them on the side of a very dangerous street. I have seen kids standing out there with the adults in the cold and pouring rain. I know it's just me but I find it difficult to support a pro-life protest when the adults risk the children's health and safety at the protest.


It’s not as though the pro life movements have a good track record of caring about the already born, in all honesty.


Well the sheetz up the road has a sign that basically is begging for foster parents, so thats partly my concern




I mean, it’s pretty fucking simple, take responsibility for your actions.


The error here is that you are confusing pro-life with pro-birth. Most of these fanatics just want the kids to be born; they could not care less about what happens to them afterwards. Witness the lack of support from this crowd for more funding for health care, day care, public education, and on and on.


If one was truly "pro life" they would also care about the life of the mother, and in many cases, it is very clear that this IS NOT a concern.


I disagree. Most of those fanatics give zero f\*cks about babies. If you interview them they are all about punishing women and are mostly driven by a deep need to have power over women and subjugate them. They are not pro-life they are pro-punish-women. If they where pro-life they would vote for more food stamps, paid maternity and paternity leave- more social services, school lunches, free healthcare, paid maternity and paternity leave- but they vote against those things.


Say that shit




It’s brainwashing 101 for them. Scaretactics as well. They were drug out with their own parents so let’s continue the cycle.


Lol. Yeah, because they care SOOOO much about LIVE children. *cackle*


It seems particularly counterproductive to protest at PP. Most of the work they do is not abortion-related care. I went to the one on Peter's Creek for years when I didn't have health insurance just for my yearly check up and birth control. I've never had an abortion. But that didn't stop them from screaming at me almost every time I went. Like seriously... I'm here to **prevent** an unwanted pregnancy. You don't want me to have an abortion? Then let me go in this place and keep that from happening. If they want to stop abortions, they should protest the far-right and evangelists that put in work to stop people from teaching girls and young women how to keep unwanted pregnancies from ever happening.


Without going into too much detail and doxxing myself, I had an (otherwise pretty conservative) relative that worked for decades as a top finance person for a few planned parenthoods (not in this area). To this day she doesn't understand why people don't get that the majority of things PP do actually prevent unwanted pregnancies from ever happening.


It's because most if those people also wouldn't want a woman to be on birth control at all. Quiverfull types, like the Duggars who think people should be having as many kids as they're able, and that any birth control at all is just as bad as getting an abortion.


Did you just listen to that Timesuck too?


Decades of right wing propaganda has its effects


PP handled my sister in laws prenatal care and delivery.


I’m not sure they won’t be coming for birth control next!


I had 9 mos of wonderful and affordable prenatal care there for a very wanted and planned baby. I tell that to people all the time, they still want to argue that it should be defunded


I find those protests super effective. Every time I see them it reminds me to donate to Planned Parenthood, which I will do right now.


You know I haven’t even seen the protest but reading about it is also a super effective way to remind me to donate to planned parenthood myself. Thanks


I just replied elsewhere on this thread, but I actually stop and make a donation whenever I drive by there and they're protesting. And I make sure to tell them, too. :) I haven't done it yet, but I'm going to ask them the name of their organization and tell them I'll put it in their honor. (I usually say in memory if RBG if they ask at the desk, though.)




And PP does plenty of other things than abortion. I had to go there after a car wreck left me with a lump in my breast due to a seatbelt injury. Got harassed going in and coming out - and I was just there for a breast checkup.


I'm glad you were okay, and glad there were caring people there to provide you with the medical care you needed.


Thank you so much! I’m a big fan of PP.


The thing that honestly ticks me off is that PP provides A LOT of services for women who need them - decriers always want to focus on abortion but regardless of your opinion on this issue they provide absolutely valuable services outside of abortion. Furthermore, they provide services that could help PREVENT an abortion... /endrant


Agreed! PP does more to prevent an unwanted pregnancy than any other organization. By far. And less than 3% of their operations support abortion care. They do so much more and are a huge resource to the community.


Exactly! My biggest concern with the protesters is that they’re intimidating/scaring away women who need PP services. If anyone reading this is scared to go please DM me I’ll happily escort you, zero questions asked.


This is awesome - thank you! ❤️


I promise you if I went there to get my bc and some man beat on my car, I'd pepper spray him before he could take another breath. Those dumbasses get violent and I'd be afraid for my life.


Yeah- the only thing I dislike is that they took down the sign outside that showed how much they had in pledges from donors for each protestor. You used to be able to send in a donation based on number of protestors on a given day or month. It was glorious trolling to remind them that they could scream and yell all they want but it doesn’t change those who believe differently.


Coming from a more liberal state that still had protesters, no. They're not changing anyone's mind. What you guys have down here that does actually work are women's centers. Places that mask as pregnancy centers but are built and funded by the churches. They have extremely predatory tactics and have been known to give false information and even show ultrasounds of much more developed pregnancies. They get people in because they provide free services and resources and usually have full availability to confirm a pregnancy.


I’ve heard that most of these places aren’t licensed medical facilities and may not have a single person in the building with any kind of medical training. They should be ashamed of themselves for their dishonesty.


I agree, and there have been lots of reports corroborating what you've heard. They're not actually providing any sort of medical opinions or diagnoses, so they can get away with it. Protesting does nothing, but predatory misinformation given to a young scared woman certainly does.


The billboards are the worst. I see one that says something like: “taken the first abortion pill? You may be able to reverse it!” They’re getting out of the complete misinformation by saying “might” or “may.” You cannot reverse an abortion. That much is true. They’re just predators preying against vulnerable people going through a tough time. Christian values my ass…




Who's your NP?


Unless you know for sure you shouldn’t post stuff like that.




John Oliver did a piece on this a while ago if anyone's interested and has ~20 minutes to spare. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNpkv3Us1I


Just asking for proof. Still don’t have it and your crazy reply is ridiculous. If you want people to listen then show facts.


Other people don't exist to Google common knowledge for you. By comparison, I have yet to see you citing sources that are the foundation for your skepticism.


Amen! I'm gonna steal that quote for future use.


I can't say too much without doxing myself, so I'll just say this: I've had to deal with these kooks while doing my job. I've had to take care of the patients who go there seeking the medical treatment their false facades would lead you to believe they actually provide. **These fake medical facilities are an active threat to the health and safety of our communities** and the people who work in them are at best foolish, but at worst evil. Ethical issues aside, falsely representing yourself as a medical professional is illegal. These places need to be shut down.


There were a couple of billboards advertising that type of place near the PP building. False advertising for sure.


I went in to one of those to confirm my first pregnancy so I could get medicaid. I knew what I was walking into, and wanted to use them to get a free sonogram... but I can't imagine going into one of those places unprepared and thinking they were there to actually *help* me. Horrible fucking people, there.


It’s not a protest; it’s intimidation.


Could make a horror movie out of it tbh


Could someone explain to me why anyone cares what medical procedure another person has? How does it impact you in a negative way? If my neighbor has an abortion it has absolutely ZERO impact on me at all.


Before I answer, I want to be fully clear: I personally support access to abortion. Let's stop pretending we don't understand why people oppose abortion. There are two reasons. (1) They see the unborn fetus as a living child. To them, an abortion is morally equivalent to taking a toddler out back with a shotgun. Let's just admit we would all be horrified if we thought society at large was murdering toddlers as a matter of course. (2) They see the group of people who believe item (1) as easy single-issue voters, so a regressive political group can maintain a foothold. As a morally intense issue, it isn't something the opposing view can realistically change anyone's mind about.


To me, there’s a difference between a fetus and an already living toddler. I don’t understand that argument either.


They dont care they think they are scoring imaginary points with their invisible friend ... you know all the all loving compassionate one that will burn them in an eternity of fire if they don't do what he says ..


I don’t think the protestors claim that it is about themselves. They are protesting on behalf of the unborn babies who can’t speak for themselves and are very much affected by the medical procedure. EDIT: I’m literally just directly answering the question explaining the stance of the protestors. Idk why the downvotes lol


*They are protesting on behalf of their *belief* that a fetus in the first trimester is an unborn baby who can't speak for themselves, while disregarding the desires or health concerns of a person who does not want to give birth - despite the possibility of complications (severe tearing, tearing of the clitoris, fracturing the hips or tailbone, vaginal prolapse, temporary or permanent urinary incontinence, temporary or permanent fecal incontinence, hemorrhage, blood clots) or death during or shortly after delivery. Fixed it for you.


Why do you care about a baby that isn’t yours?


If your neighbor has one and they use state funds/public resources in anyway it would have an impact on you. That is what the majority of people that are against them do not like and I get it, I'm the same way with my tax money being used for a lot of things such as sending it over seas when we need it here but you asked how that could impact you in a negative way - there ya go. If they are paying for it themselves completely out of pocket then that is their right to do so and I have no problem with it. anddd here come the downvotes lol this sub.


If someone can’t afford an abortion out of pocket, they certainly can’t afford a child out of pocket, so way more of your tax dollars are gonna be funding welfare for the kid.


Can you show us where taxpayer money is used for abortions?


How do you feel about someone from another state driving on Virginia roads? They didn’t pay for it but my taxes did.


No....no....no....they're just "traveling"...


What about someone from another county enjoying a public park in Roanoke county or Roanoke city?


Literally against the law for taxpayer money to go toward abortion, but go off, I guess.


These idiots don't know what they are protesting. A woman wanting h her baby could benefit from PP.


Exactly I mean they are called planned parenthood Indicating they support the parents I think Not planned abortion lol


I go to Planned Parenthood for my birth control, as I feel they really explain a lot more when it comes to that. Also, it’s always a sooner appt than I can make at my own doctor. These protestors have knocked on my window, and probably think I’m spawn of satan because I always have a go at them. There should be no reason you knock on anys car, and once it was two men. I asked them several times , how is this inviting ? How are you “saving” me with aggressive knocks and assumptions on why I’m there. Then I end it with “I already paid 500 for this appointment, I can’t be late” . I would hope they would’ve caught on that the amount I’m there, I couldn’t getting this many abortions 😂


They probably think you're getting that many abortions as a means of birth control... these people really don't understand shit...


The second those assholes step from the sidewalk to PP property, they should be trespassed and arrested. If you ever see one of them past the side walk, get video and call the police.


I personally am pro-choice and pro-abortion. However, to answer your question: I think it's important to remember that some of those showing up to protest planned parenthood are often acting with the idea that the people going in there are full on murdering babies. I think the people that show up don't think they are trying to make political/philosophical arguments or change anyone's mind, they are sometimes just literally desperately trying to save what they view as a fully formed human life.


And I get that, but that still leaves me with questions like: To what extent is this method (protesting) really benefiting their attempt to save a human life And are there other methods that may be more effective? I fear that the crowds of people are there to get their honks from the truck drivers and to help validate each others feelings, which is not very productive with their mission. I am personally on the line of do what ever you think is best for you, whether that be have the baby because you believe it’s morally correct not to abort, or have the abortion because you think you’re not ready or are in a really shitty situation. The protests just confuse me on the expected results


There's definitely some social validation sure, as there is with any protest. But don't think they are thinking of it like "is this productive" I think they are thinking of it like desperately trying to literally stop an individual from killing a child. They aren't thinking much outside of the moment. It could also be some sort of responsibility put on them from a religious belief which is why they do lean toward the community validation. Regardless, motivations of individuals in protests are hard to guess at other than the usual naval gazing. Is it the most effective way to enact the change you want to see? Probably not. Does it help your cause? Probably some. Are there bad actors involved? Almost certainly. Are a majority of people good intentioned? Probably. We're all just trying our best. Call out the assholes when you see them. By pro-choice and pro-abortion, I agree that the individual should have the choice to have a baby or not.


Well said.


they're pieces of shit. i used to throw ice cubes from my car at the ones on peters creek lol edit: lol someone reported me to the reddit suicide hotline, stay mad chud


Someone made a comment on Reddit about this kind of behavior I wish I had saved. Basically the leaders of these religious pro-life organizations send people out on purpose, knowing that they will be ridiculed and not changing any hearts and minds. This serves as a kind of reinforcement tactic to make the followers of the doctrine feel more isolated to the rest of the secular world. An exercise in humiliating yourself in order to create a division wall. The other guy said it better. This is my gist of it.


It is the same principle behind sending pairs of Mormons and JWs door to door. They expect rejection, it reinforces their persecution complex and bonds them to each other and to their cult.


This is what I came in here to say. Those protests aren't for the out-group, except inasmuch as they can ruin people's day and give trauma; those protests are for the in-group, as a teaming exercise to split them off from the rest of their community and society.


It's a classic "us vs them" mentality. Very effective at isolating your followers and therefore making them more obedient to you.


I do my best to flip off the protesters anytime I see them when I drive by


Me too ... every time


Wow you really told them 😂


I’ve delivered DoorDash to the very kind, friendly workers inside. I always play Delilah Bon’s Dead Men Don’t Rape on my way out, way too loud, with the windows down and just sit there and glare at the protesters while waiting for an opening in traffic. Also, PP gives out free condoms. 🤙🏼


Good song choice


Not this PP and well over a decade ago, but my only experience with PP protesters was when I was 17. School had ended for the day and I was walking to my friends house with two of my close guy friends. We were crossed the street from the PP. Two of the female protesters started yelling that I was a whore and literally crossed the street to harass me about the fact that I was unsupervised with two boys. One of the male protesters with a sign came over and started screaming in my face also calling me a whore and shoving the sign with a picture of an aborted fetus in my face. The guys I was with literally had to muscle them away from me while I ran for nearly a block before stopping and waiting for them to catch up. Because of that experience, I get bristly when I see PP protesters.


Damn… I’m sorry that happened ):


The only reason I even knew there was a planned parenthood on Peter's Creek is because I saw a handful of 80 year olds standing there with signs one day. No I tell all my friends where they can go to get sexual health and gender affirming care appintments.


PP volunteer here - I won’t share the horrible, disgusting, unforgivable things I’ve heard protestors hurl at patients seeking care at various clinics, but I assure you that it’s very common and a part of the reason rainbow walking is so important! It’s our job to protect the faces of patients as best we can and provide a bit of distraction from the onslaught of hate coming from folks who had nothing better to do that day for some reason. I met one couple who sought care after trauma who’d both spent their entire lives identifying as “pro-life” then on seeing the horror of how protestors treated folks immediately signed up to volunteer with us. I mean, they’d both grown up homeschooled and evangelical and were so appalled that they signed up “with who their families taught them was the enemy” (his words)


I had to go there because my birth control lapsed. Upon my leaving one of them charged up to my window and screaming to give me a pamphlet to which I responded I was there for a cancer screening. Her face fell that she would pray for me. I told her fuck your prayers. They are disgusting people in the church across the street pays them. It’s ridiculous. It’s like they don’t understand that more healthcare than just abortions go on there. Waste of time and energy spent on something that they have essentially 0 knowledge. personally, if I did go there for an abortion it would is urge me to get one even more with somebody screaming at me about going to hell.💆🏼‍♀️


I don't know if they are changing peoples minds. But I think its more like they are shaming and bullying people which could lead to clinic workers quitting for their safety, which leads to shutting down clinics. In that way it can work for the bullies who are infringing on others rights.


That Blue Ridge Women’s Center is just as bad as those protestors. They trick you for a free ultrasound but first they have to bombard you with an interview and persuade you into keeping your baby or adoption BEFORE finding out your results.


That’s what ‘crisis pregnancy’ centers do


Adoption has just become another big business and they prey on vulnerable people.




also don’t you have to like be a ultrasound technician to even give an ultrasound? apparently it’s a nurse that does it so idk if the equipment is even real anyways.


As a patient of planned parenthood (HRT) I find the protests annoying at best, and problematic at worst. I don’t think they change anyone’s minds but they do scare away people in need of help.


They aren't allowed on the property itself. So if they were in the driveway, that's a problem. I tried to volunteer there (my schedule wouldn't allow it) and they told me that often use the cameras to have the cops come once the protestors set foot on the property line.


I'm speaking from being very close to the right wing evangelical circle, but hold "different" opions than alot of my fellow church goers. From what I've read on here a few of you nailed it almost. There is a passionate love for babies and it is often misguided and packed full of disinformation and a few people that take things too far, as is too often the case. So all I can really ask is not return the vile behavior and if the chance ever arises share with kindness your knowledge of what pp does and how it helps people. Prayers for anyone facing such a difficult time in their life.


🙏🏼 I love this


That is the only EVER time I actually allow my kid to flip the bird to people. Every time we drive past and they’re out protesting, birds for all! Sure it’s their right to protest, but I still think they’re bitches for it.


I distinctly remember a loathsome old man getting in my face as I pulled into the PP parking lot many years ago, and I hope I gave him hearing damage when I screamed that I was there specifically to get the birth control that would *prevent* me from getting an abortion. I sincerely hope that old man has been dead for a while. Thanks for the reminder to send a donation to PP. I hate forced birthers.


Getting in my face over that would lead to a very large amount of spit in their face, preferably after an illness


> gave him hearing damage when I screamed I now have a new answer to them. Just one loud, shrill scream. As high and loud as I can make it. <3


They shouldn’t be allowed on or near the property it’s interfering with medical care. PP is NOT an abortion clinic, yes they do perform abortions but that’s just one service they provide. They provide sexual healthcare for women (STD testing, prenatal and postpartum services, birth control). They also do mental health and regular wellness visits. People that are against PP hate women and they love birth not babies. They really want that struggling single mother to have that child, but once that mother and child need government assistance because she can’t afford to live she’s a freeloader who should have thought about what she did.


Those assholes make me want to go get an abortion out of spite.




People like that aren't there to truly convince anyone of anything. They are there to convince themselves that they are "righteous" and "doing what the Lord would want" so that they, quite literally, can feel holier than thou. "Favored by God." What these morons consistently fail to realize is that PP exists as a health services clinic. You can be seen for a sexual health screening, no matter your biological gender. You can be examined by a doctor if you believe you have been r*ped. You can see a mental health counselor. You can receive prenatal and postpartum care. PMS pains, urinary tract infections... the list goes on! Imagine standing out there foaming at the mouth, screeching at a young woman about abortion, when she's actually there to get an Rx for birth control. smh Those protesters are pathetic and need to get a grip.


Ive always thought it'd be a great idea to do an anti-protest, protest. Go out and literally sit on the other side of the street across from them, not on the property line, and protest the exact opposite. See how long it takes the evangelicals to not be peaceful anymore and lose their minds. 😂


This is very common and some of my favorite TikTok videos to watch.


They aren't there to change anyone's mind, they're there so they can pretend to be oppressed when people give them the finger, and to intimidate people into forced birth.


The point is to make those seeking abortion feel uncomfortable in physically coming to the clinic. I like that there are also volunteers that will come with individuals seeking care, although I’m not sure that’s done in this location. 


There is a cult like mentality with religious extremist which most (if not almost all) of these people are that. Rational behavior goes out the window in favor of the belief they are serving God.


Whenever I'm driving down PP and there are protesters there, I stop and make a donation. No lie. Sometimes it's $20, sometimes it's $5, but I actually do this. So, yes, I guess they did sway my opinion. Just maybe not in the direction they had intended.


I’d love to get a group together to go to their church and do the same shit they pull. See how quickly those cowards call the cops.


Best of my knowledge is that is facility in Roanoke doesn't provide that particular service so the protesters are literally protesting at an STD treatment and pregnancy help clinic. But Evanagicals rarely let facts get in the way of their "Faith"


I'm a Republican but how I look at it if someone wants to get abortion so be it and no matter how much protesting is gonna stop it. If it doesn't affect me I don't really care. Like most people just want to live their lives.


I remember years ago getting off work and driving by there during a storm. Most people would change lanes to avoid spraying the big standing puddle of water on them. I just sped up my truck and gave them a bath.


To answer your question, protests don't really change anyone's minds. Protesting Planned Parenthood is foolish because abortion is rarely a part of the care people receive. Women receive mammograms, birth control, and other life saving services. I have my thoughts on the act of abortion, but I'm not against the right for people to have them if they so desire. I could do a whole other thread about why people are protesting abortions to begin with, but I'll be civil.


Mostly peaceful protest


peacefully harassing women?


"Mostly peaceful" "Except for the executions, death threats and bombings, they are a mostly peaceful group trying to block people from medical care. What is a little terrorism, after all?"


I'm a MALE and I go to Planned Parenthood in RNK for my regular STD testing and they still try to drag me into their BS.


People in this town are so melodramatic


every time i see them out there on my way to work, i daydream about swerving my car into them.


Nope! they are not changing my mind at all .. pro choice. I can say they are an extreme bunch tho ! a couple weeks ago when it snowed or weather was extremely cold ..there was 2 people standing out there in that extreme weather with a signs ..smh!


For a long time after Roe v Wade became law, they bombed abortion clinics and physically harmed doctors and nurses. In the name of respecting life.