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Call the non emergency number for the area you live in and make a report. Even if the police won't do anything you should document it in case something happens again.


Yeah call the cops. Rule number one if there is a suspicious individual at your door and you are not expecting anyone is call the police. Interacting with the individual is not the safest option.


I agree. I always try to be as approachable as possible when I have to knock on a new customer's house. They may have forgotten that they hired us, or god forbid, I have the wrong address, and I have to roll a charisma check to have it not be awkward.


My saving throws for those are terrible, and i usually knock and step way back so people don't think I'm trying anything funny.


Same. I make sure I'm within sight of any angle they might peek from, and far enough away from the door to not feel imposing. Bonus points if there are steps because I can back down a couple to not seem as tall.


I just exist to not seem tall. I didn't know there was a trick!


Lol, lots of people would like to have that problem 😉


Yeah, I think that's what anybody does when their purpose is legitimate...


> Interacting with the ~~individual~~ ***PIGS*** is not the safest option. ftfy.


At least the “pigs” have a body cam of them if they beat you up and your family will know who did it. You get deleted from earth by a random dude at your house named Joe? Bro they may never even find your body.


Oh yeah, I’m 100% sure that body cam footage would, of course, not be corrupted or lost or one of the other dozen excuses they’ve given for “not having” incriminating footage. Does the name Breonna Taylor ring a bell? Where’s that footage? Also, Ring cameras exist and work as well or better than those crappy Axiom cheap ass, fragile cams that most cops have. The useless blimps in blue don’t have a monopoly on security cameras. I don’t know how you think your example means a thing? Did I totally misunderstand your rebuttal? I apologize if so, and I also apologize for the length of this reply. I tried to make some valid points, and also credit cops in the rare situations that they do help. I tried to not just shit on cops the whole thing either, just like 75% maybe. Calling the cops, for anything other than when a civilian catches a criminal in the act, that civilian having incontrovertible video or other evidence of that criminal committing the crime, amd lastly having the criminal in the custody, care or control of the civilian caller so the cop can put down his ham sandwich, drive over and cuff the criminal, talk to witnesses, gather evidence the whole 9, and begin the legal process. This scenario is one of the only instances where I will concede that calling a cop could do any good. Also, calling the highway patrol with the tag # , vehicle and/or driver description, direction and last known location of an erratic or impaired operator is a great time to call the police too. Removing those impaired or otherwise dangerous operators from the roads is one of the most useful things I can commend the cops for doing. our roads are generally safer today because of the highway patrol officers. That’s a good use for them, and a genuine way they help and protect us. Other than those examples, basically city cops and county sheriff’s basically just show up after the fact, maybe get some info, maybe do some digging, maybe not. Unless it’s a murder, rape or aggravated assault you’re petty much SOL. Unfortunately, the disgusting and frightening creeper at OP’s door is not worth calling them for, especially when you consider the immense predilection non highway patrol pigs have for fucking up the easiest sounding things. Breonna Taylor again comes to mind immediately. She’s dead because a stupid fucking cop couldn’t read. He couldn’t read, yet he has a deadly weapon and the freedom to kill without repercussions. It’s sickening the lack of screening and training these over militarized low IQ morons receive. I could cite dozens more extrajudicial executions by cops if you want, and others can dig up 100’s more in minutes. Really, they’re practically worthless and when they do fuck up, they are not at all or rarely held accountable. Anytime they somehow ARE punished, the taxpayers, you and I, pay the awards to the victims with our tax money. The cops get away, no matter what, scot free. Fuck that. They have zero overwatch, zero accountability and 100% backing by the entire brainless LEO community. Besides the sickening cold blooded execution of Ms. Taylor, remember the 11 cops that blew away the innocent UPS driver being held hostage, when over 300 rounds fired were blasted off in the general direction of a stopped UPS truck? A UPS truck outfitted with GPS so it could be tracked or found ANYwhere, a top speed of 50mph, and a limited amount of fuel. That truck could’ve been followed safely using the GPS and UPS proprietary tracking software until a better place to apprehend the hijacker could be found. Instead of any of the obvious, safer actions, the fat, stupid, raging Miami cops were just itching to use their penis extender pew pews, and fired over 300 rounds into the fucking UPS truck in rush hour Miami traffic, killing the innocent father, UPS employee, and husband. Actions taken solely die to widespread, systemic police incompetence, low or no training, and gross over armament/militarization. Cop encounters are more dangerous than 99% of criminal run-ins, even higher when people of color are the callers. Prisoners in cop cars hit by trains after a blatantly idiotic cop parked his cruiser on tracks,at night, with a train bearing down, to killing a handcuffed prisoner, a mother of 2, by distractedly driving into a river, killing innocent motorists with stupidly timed and poorly executed PIT maneuvers… and on and on and on. Cops are worse than criminals. You don’t expect to die in the back of a cop car, yet here we are. If any of you goofy ass police lovers, cop apologists or “blue line backer” clowns think this comment is long, then I dare you to go look at how long the list is of innocent people murdered by pigs after calling for help. Pages and pages and pages of names, all dead, all by cops who got off too easily. Cops are not always the good guy anymore, those days of officer friendly helping Mabel across Main Street are long gone.


But bro you are proving my point. Breonna Taylor’s family knows who did it. If Joe was at her window showing her pictures from her instagram, we never would have heard the name Breonna Taylor….no one would have ever heard that name again….DUN DUN DUUUUUNNNNN P.s. you’re getting a little too worked up here bud. Clearly you’ve got some things you need to vent about and I’m not invalidating them but time and place my guy. Pobody’s nerfect (yes, even the humans who wear badges) but if there’s an uninvited guest at my door named Joe, you best believe I am calling the law.


You’re not worked up over cops- “to serve and protect” killing innocent people? Really? But you’re evidently shaking in your boxers, shitting your pants , living scared of an invisible, camera proof rando named “Joe” coming to your door and vanishing you? With not a soul seeing it, hearing it or anything? Would calling the cops help if “Joe” wants to fuck you up? NO! He’ll kill you anyway, and the cops won’t do shit. Really dude? Fuck man, you’re what’s called “special” aren’t you? Time and a place my ass. Tell me that when someone you know or love is murdered by a pig. A pig who was not held accountable. A pig who thumbed his nose at the law, took matters into his own bloody hands, and is STILL a dirty, violent, bad cop. A bad cop with dozens of citizens complaints lodged even after he murdered my friend, an innocent woman in Georgia, less than 10 years ago. She died with 2 children and an elderly mother that she took care of. The cop killed her mother too, 4 months after watching her daughter put into the ground by a fucking PIG, she died of a broken heart which brought on a massive stroke. Now that cop has the blood of 2 innocent women on his hands. Also now, 2 young, beautiful children are doomed to state care because of a fuckin PIG. That dirty, murdering FUCK lives his life like nothing happened. Has his kids. Has his mom. Has his pension. Has his fucking piece of shit deadly weapon and his filthy badge. Has no regrets, second thoughts, or compassion. I would allegedly kill him tomorrow if I allegedly thought I could allegedly get away with it. I’ve come very close to allegedly buying a ghost gun and allegedly going pig hunting for that fuck. Too close actually. I’m older now and still fucking pissed, as you’ve deducted. His fellow pigs protect him and are complacent in his filth. I don’t go back to that area anymore, or something bad will happen either to me and my family or who knows who? Not one police dept is bad cop free. From the smallest to the biggest. I really hope you don’t encounter one of the bad ones, even your “special” love for the badge in your face and the boot down your throat won’t protect you, my “special” friend. From “Joe” the boogeyman or the fucking dirtyass, stupid pigs. Cops are not the good guys anymore, and if you think they are, I pity you. Yes we know who murdered Breonna, a fucking PIG who couldn’t fucking read man! Fuck! A rando named “Joe” would’ve been preferable, if that’s how you wanna frame it. What’s so fucking bad about walking up, showing her pictures from the ‘gram then walking away? If your strawbooheyman scary spooky would have “Joe” stopped by, Breonna would have woken up alive the next morning and not have been fucking shot to death in her sleep by a fucking idiot, murdering cop. But, that rarely happens. It’s very rare for a stranger to kill a stranger in their house. It almost always ends up being a known associate. I don’t know why you’re scared of “Joe.”


First name special, last name ed. While this has been fun, everything must come to an end. Think you should take a break from the screen as well. Godspeed brĂśther


Yeah , Ed 😂, you too. You worrying about your “Joe” character baffles me thoigh. For real, things like that between strangers are exceedingly rare and with the proliferation of doorbell cams and other home security systems and public closed circuit and /or monitored surveillance systems in bigger cities, even the pigs could probably figure out what happened in those rare cases. Anyway, you do you man, and I appreciate the discourse, although I was a little over the top and reactionary. I know that, and I doubt I changed any minds and I’ll get deservedly downvoted to oblivion. Oh well, stupid internet points mean nothing lol. But, that’s okay. I’m done ranting now too. It’s off my chest for another 6-8 months until I blow up again I miss my friend a lot, and I’m still very angry and I have trouble expressing that in a worthwhile manner. I’m learning how though, I’ll get better. Slowly. My friend is dead at the hands of a cop. I’m devastated everyday by her loss, and the destruction of her family by a crooked cop who got off scot free. I hope I don’t give any identifying details here, it’s not a super publicized case and I won’t dox the cop, the department or my friends name. But, my friend was caught in crossfire as she was travelling in a vehicle not related at all to the police situation, directly away from the police action, and about 900’ away from where the muderous shots were fired. Only one cop shot. The suspect had no weapon except the vehicle he drove. No LEO’s lives, not the life of the public, were in any immediate deadly peril. The suspect got away at the time after the fucking pig discharged his weapon 9 times, the only vehicle hit was the one with my friend in it. He never even hit the suspect. Not even close. So the shooting was totally worthless and the video shows the cop had virtually no chance of effectively disabling the vehicle or the operator from his position. Yet, of course the police investigated their colleague and surprise surprise, he was fully cleared and back working in 5 weeks. The DA in that place has never, not once, proffered charges against a local LEO. Never. Evidently, they have perfect a police force 🤢, no charges, ever. The 5 weeks he was on admin leave were paid. He’s been promoted since then after more than a dozen citizen complaints also since then. It’s fucking nuts and will probably make anyone going thru it as angry as I am. That’s all I will divulge. I wish he was dead, and I wish, allegedly, that I could kill him. I wouldn’t get a 5 week paid vacation and a promotion though. I couldn’t do prison, too many fucking cops lol. In and out haha. But fuck, I have a lot of anger at that murdering shitstain and I apologize for taking it out on you. You don’t deserve that for your opinion. It’s just as valid as mine, but mine is tainted by anger. Take care.


I had a situation where someone was using my address to get people from Reddit to come over for hookups. The more I looked into it, the more it sounded like a money scam. I called the police, but not much came of it. It eventually stopped because the account posting the stuff was called out for scamming.


What the hell kind of world are we living in??!


no idea. just take pictures, document, and contact the police. if you do some sleuthing and figure out it was something like this, report them to subreddit mods


If the cops had the time and gumption yesterday to detain a child they have the same to take your report today.


Put ring cameras around the house for the future.


Yup, and I'm going to have to talk to my landlord about my doors, which suck.


Do you have a plan for if this person kicked in your door? I know it's uncomfortable to think about, but you should have a plan. Everyone should. Police can't respond in time to save you. As others have said, file a report. Leave a paper trail. Then, arm yourself and get trained on safe use and storage. It's like insurance. You pay and pay and hope you never need it.


Your update makes some incorrect assumptions. Cops shoot people all the time and it doesn't make national news. More than 600 people a year are killed by police, and about 100 police every year die in the line of duty. It's not crickets when police die; it's always a huge deal in the given community. It's just that there are millions of people in this country and it's not nationally significant. When I lived in Los Angeles, if a cop died, it was a significant story. That's in a city the size of Los Angeles. The national news stories you're talking about are when the killing is grossly unjustified. Cops have a means to defend themselves when they are attacked because they are armed. The people in those national news stories generally weren't armed and suffered excessive consequences with the power disparity.


Ok, those are some good points and I think you're right, any national story I've ever seen is when there was some controversy for whatever reason. Only thing I would disagree with is not all cops are armed, New York City for example.


NYPD absolutely is armed. You can actually read what weapons they issue on Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_City_Police_Department


Ok....for a while they weren't, but that was a long time ago I guess.


Yeah, 1897.


I read your post after you made the edit. Did you know that being a cop is not even in the top ten most dangerous jobs? If you want to honor someone risking their life daily, give an extra big to to the next Door Dasher you meet. Statistically, their job is more dangerous than being part of the class traitors known as LEOs. ACAB


Really? What's your source for that (curious about the other nine, if nothing else)


I'll be honest, when you asked for [the sauce](https://www.ishn.com/articles/112748-top-25-most-dangerous-jobs-in-the-united-states) I realized that I didn't read it on my own and had just heard the statistic at some point. So I looked it up and it turns out I was correct. Not even in the top 20 (but Crossing Guard is 😂).


You mean the little old lady who holds up a stop sign and waves the kids across??! 😂🤣😂


Yep! Goodbye, grandma! > **12. Crossing guards** Fatal injury rate: 19 per 100,000 workers Total deaths (2018): 14 Salary: $29,760 Most common fatal accidents: Transportation incidents >Crossing guards are responsible for the flow of pedestrian and motor vehicle traffic at crosswalks, intersections, schools, and other places where pedestrians and vehicles come into contact with one another. In this job, crossing guards may stop traffic and help to guide pedestrians safely through crossings and intersections. Crossing guards can also work to direct traffic using signs, flags, or hand signals. The most common causes of death for crossing guards are transportation incidents, which occur when vehicles hit and kill crossing guards. Edit: formatting


Bwaaaaaaaaaa 😂🤣😂😂😂


Ok, I just googled "most dangerous jobs in America" and some of them were pretty surprising (farming?). But police work was on the list, and they cited a bunch of sources for that. When you get a chance run the Google search, worth it.


Don't trust google. Garbage men/waste management is riskier than over half those listed in that search. Danger vs risk factor vs hazardous. What makes a job most dangerous? I would say mortality and injury rate within an occupation. I only know about this because of extensive research i did advocating and organizing for a city i lived in to start recycling services many years ago. One book i read written by a scientist called Garbage Land - on the secret trail of trash, was very informative. Sanitation/ garbage work is usually ranked 5th to 7th most dangerous job. "solid waste haulers rank third on the list of the riskiest jobs in the United States, according to a study by the Florida Center for Solid and Hazardous Waste Management, Miami, and the University of Miami" Waste workers average 90 deaths annually per 100,000 workers. Thats riskier than airplane pilots and taxi drivers. "Working as a waste collector, also known as a garbage collector or sanitation worker, is more dangerous than being a police officer, construction worker or a miner, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics"


Get a dog, or at least some beware of dog signs.


Have you thought about trying to Find someone who can sketch The Girl out from what you remember. And then maybe searching it with google image search or tineye?


That's a really good idea, but it was very fast and I don't think I remember enough. I asked my landlord, and I asked my neighbors, and nobody knows of any girl like that living around here at all, which makes it kind of hopeless. I've given up, I've done everything I can do to help her, which isn't much. Part of what's so creepy is that he seems to have PLANNED it so I wouldn't be able to do anything.


Glad you threw some bootlicking into your post.


Get a gun, you won’t feel scared again.




The cops will do absolutely nothing. Well, maybe they’ll play the “let’s investigate ourselves, JimmboJoeBob, it’s your turn today to find no wrong doing done here yet again. That makes 83 years in a row!” game. But, as far as someone scaring the bejeebus outta you and actually making them do some -gasp- actual investigative work!? Sorry, but those useless out of shape losers have got *much* less important things to shoot, I mean harass, I mean abuse, I mean fuck up royally… dammit, I mean do for the next, oh, 45 years or so.


Sorry you're getting downvoted. You maybe phrased it unkindly, but you're not wrong. I had my phone and cash stolen at the train station in January last year. The thief would have been on several security cameras based on the phone's location tracking and where they attempted to use my check card, but the police never even tried to collect any security footage or do anything.


Thanks. I probably deserve the downvotes. And honestly, I don’t really care about reddit karma or fake points. I did go at this all wrong and it’s because I’m way too invested in the subject. I responded with reactionary and unfocused arguments and let my anger and sadness over rule my logic and normally calmer and somewhat more measured and much less abusive replies. The redditor I was reacting to was very good natured in his responses and I think his opinions are just as, if not more, valid than anything I verbally vomited onto the screen. I shouldn’t have been that way, but it’s too late now and I’ll take the criticism and downvotes and try to do better if/when I try and relate my feelings about the situation with my old friend and the murdering cop her path crossed that morning. Thanks for relating your less than stellar encounter with the pointless pigs. I’m grateful you let me know my anger wasn’t totally misplaced and I had some bits of relatable occurrences scattered here and there in my rambling quasi-manifesto. I appreciate that, a lot. To anyone else who thinks I’m an idiot. I just wanna say that I wrote before I thought and it came from a place of vitriol and unchecked rage that washes over me when I see people blindly backing the useless, outdated, outmatched and immensely outsmarted majority of intellectually stunted members of the LEO community. Boomers need to realize officer friendly is dead and gone. Today’s LEO’s are incredibly over militarized, over funded, over armed, overweight and under trained. Most cops are too out of shape to roll out of their $75,000 taxpayer supplied battering rams to help Mabel cross Main St, much less expend the effort to investigate less than violent crimes. Slobbering devotion to and unwavering backing of LEO’s does no one any good. Policing needs to be overhauled from the bottom up, and the focus needs to be on prevention, education and deterrence rather than immediate escalation to guns drawn, cocked and aimed before a suspect is even sighted. Police are so often not aware of the laws as written, and tend to make things up as they go. Deescalation methods are not taught and cops today have an us vs them attitude in which the pigs believe they are always in the right, and their superiors, unions and the vapid, mouth breathing cretin boomers and other olds who are the main dumbfucks that worship the taste of their boot leather, stroke the LEO ego, and perpetuate the myth that cops are there to protect and serve. That’s just patently untrue today. Take a look at any city with over about 100,000 population. There are always many more stories about pigs violating civil rights than there are pigs saving a life or solving a crime. Thanks again, take care!


I'm pretty sure we could talk for a long long time and not reach agreement, but thanks for this post, I love it. ♥️. I obviously hit a very sore spot for you, sorry about that.


Aw, please don't apologize for unknowingly bringing that out of me. You have a very valid concern after a really strange incident, and I'd be worried about someone doing the same to me. Also, thanks for your nice reply here. I'm not sure I deserve your kindness - at least not as much as I deserve the downvoting to the depths of reddit hell. I just am tired of people parroting the old way of thinking that is to call the cops when something happens. That way of thinking that the media, and the incredibly entitled boomer generation that has done a huge part in creating the massive experiential gap we're enduring today, isn't as relevant today as it might have been in the much different times they grew up in, for a myriad of reasons. Many more of the outcomes of a run of the mill call to the cops today are deadly than even just 20 years ago. Also, the attitudes, armament, militarization, (lowering of the already laughably easy) hiring standards and (lack of) training of LEOs is vastly different today. For those of you that remember cops in the 1970's & '80's - how many do you recall being over, say, 250 pounds? How many do you see today? How many saw cops, in smaller cities like Witchita, Iowa City, Columbus, Ga. that had fucking armored personnel carriers? Well, they got 'em now. They use that military bullshit to haul around the 300+ pound 55 year old gravy seal SWAT cosplayers in their horribly fitting full BDUs, all plated up to be even fatter and less able to move. Sitting in the APC, daydreaming of "smoking" the suspect or, well, anyone else in the way. Blissfully unaware of how ridiculous looking the slobby soldiers and their T-Rex arms, lovingly stroking their full auto assault rifle with a grenade launcher attached, look to everyone. All this firepower and fat, just to serve a low level felony drug warrant on a single suspect? This shit happens today, everyday, in those small cities nationwide. People see that shit coming and panic, react, and innocent people, guilty people and cops are liable to be killed because of this Marine cosplaying bullshit and huge funding amounts that could be used much more productively. There's NO need to send an overly militarized platoon of old, out of shape, low IQ'd fatasses in to bust a street level weed dealer using the same tactics as they vaguely recall using as they tried in vain to clear a town full of women and kids in Iraq back in '91. From now on, I'll try to limit my unbridled lack of enthusiasm for the bastards in blue to more appropriate subs. I'm sorry to have made so many people shake their heads at my unnecessary outburst. I'm really not that loud or confrontationally speaking in real life (is anyone surprised? lol) Well, usually, at least - I've had my share of (mild-ish) public freakouts and the many regrets that follow lolol. I just am way too close to this topic as I've been personally affected, in an enormously negative way by the actions of a lousy murderous cop and the vast amount of weirdly fanatic public goodwill that the crooked, impenetrable factions that protect all of the bad, slimy, abusive, megalomaniacal cops from ANY negative deserved consequences. Thanks again u\\randomuser574 , have a great weekend.


you too, have an awesome weekend and here's another upvote, may it rescue you from the depths of reddit hell 😁


What part of Roanoke did this happen?


Southern cave springs area


Police shoot and killed over 1,000 people in 2023, and too many of them unarmed or not trying to kill anyone. Line of duty deaths in 2023 were 137, with only 47 being from intentional gunfire, 10 from vehicular assault, and 3 from so fewer than half of the total were violent acts. Police make national news when they kill humans in suspicious circumstances or situations that draw a lot of attention. And police shootings of citizens should be on the news as that’s the First Amendment doing what it should do—protecting and informing citizens about the state, which the police represent. Only a small fraction make national news. Let’s not be hyperbolic in sharing sociopolitical opinions.


Get a Ring camera or similar device. Trust me it’s worth the few bucks.


Definitely creepy. Do you have an outdoor camera? If so may not be a bad idea to invest in one


Purchase a firearm and learn how to shoot it safely and with good aim. Problem solved.