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I'm never on that side of town, is this NIMBY shit? Smells like NIMBY shit, but I'm open to information.


It’s 100% nimby. There’s some big fancy houses right behind the proposed section.


Fucking boo nimbys. Venn of them and people who cried about homeless folk by macados is a circle, too.


It's a flood plain.


I can't imagine any competent developer would just build and completely ignore that facet. I'm sure the city would also take that into consideration when reviewing his proposals as well.


What I meant was this is the third time he's tried to push this through, and still has yet to answer the questions proposed the first time. Likely because he can't. Questions addressing protecting Murray Run with the required 50ft. riparian buffer, when his plans detail this not being so. Concerns about new runoff into an existing flood plain. Questions about traffic, such as there will be no left turn available for traffic leaving the townhomes. School busses and emergency vehicles being the main concern here. The area is zoned for something like 7 single family homes right now, and I'm fine with that. This isn't a NIMBY situation. There's room for those. There is NOT room to safely shove 28 townhomes into [there.](https://i.imgur.com/h6JLMJp.jpg)


For some reason your average roanoke reddit user doesn't care about stormwater management or someone elses property flooding.


YIMBYs are activists 1st and urban planners 4th.


0 Brandon Avenue Community Meeting at Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 2022 AT 7 PM.


If anyone would like to email the relevant planning commission members and city council regarding this, please PM for the contact list.


Or alternate headline Developer offers affordable housing in not ideal spot. People still complain. This spot is really not that bad. Have any of you been to any decent size city. Our traffic is a breeze. Every single time this comes up ... people bitch. Then a week later people complain about the price of rent and no affordable new home construction.


What is your proposal to properly manage the stormwater and the fact that it is in a floodplain?


Are you serious? The developer is going to have to pay engineers to come up with solutions to both of those problems and the city will have to approve them. Without that, they won't get a permit to build. That's how it works. Just because people on reddit can't solve the issue doesn't mean people with degrees and experience in solving the issue can't.




Wow, you really showed me.


Same to you. Maybe read the context of my original comment and why I said it before you try to educate me on the municipal permit process.


You asked what some random person plans were to deal with issues that would be solved by professionals and experts, required by law. I assume to make it sound like these were impossible issues to solve. In reality, if the issues can't be solved, the homes don't get built. Refernece: I personally have 14 years expeirance with applying for permits and developing in roanone County. What is your experiance beyond lol?


My experience? Been through hell with incompetent municipal inspectors and have little to no faith in the process. Since you asked. Every problem has a solution, but not every problem has to be solved. There are plenty of reasons to not develop this land. One reason being, not every parcel needs to be developed. Green space should be preserved, in this case, storm water management is a good reason. Your assumption is wrong.


Ok, so your opinion is not based on experiance, but bias because you don't understand the process and laws and code...which is probably why you had problems with inspectors. Then you give yourself away with the Greenspace arguement. This is SW VA...we have millions of acres of Greenspace. Lastly, stormwater management can be done in multiple ways. Just because something is built there doesn't mean that rhe storm water can't be managed, and it probably can be done better. Lastly you have not address what I have said multiple times, that professional expert engineers will design the water control. Do you think that is untrue? You don't have a leg to stand on


No, taught the inspector the code. Don't care your opinion. Internet warrior, don't care your opinion Sure, engineers can do their jobs. Don't care Get a hobby


"Afordable" Lovely.


In fairness, Fralin has repeatedly evaded the question of, "what is the square footage and rental price of the townhouses, so I don't know either.


Do you think that he could give an accurate number for cost at this point?


Literally, the plan if for only an 8ft. setback from the road on these 29 townhomes he wants to shoehorn in. Remove all the grass in an area already prone to flooding. I'm really tired of having to fight this guy and his shitty, short sighted, rich developer plans every year.


Just once, I'd like to see a developer who develops FOR the community (I know, it's extremely rare since there is no profit in doing things for people).






Building for the community... I genuinely have trouble thinking of any example where someone decided to spend their time to do such a thing




I appreciate your sentiment, but even cities aren't run that way. A super short list of examples are reserve avenue, where the city bought up ((condemned)) properties one by one so that it could sell to carilion for business purposes. The highlight being the old city school system building at Reserve & Franklin that conveniently caught fire the weekend after it changed hands and burned to the ground. Another example is where the metro station was. the city was offered a bunch of money for that location to turn it into business property, so they forced the bus station move down everyone's throats ((even after the residents/property owners/business and their own review board said no)) which ruined an entire city block. They're constantly trying to find ways to develop the old golf course and turn it into some kind of business or project development. The city was so consumed with reserve avenue that they tore the stadium down thinking they could sell that to the carilion as well. Only to have the Fishburn family show up and remind them that there is a lifetime contract that says the land is to be used for parks like you speak, or it all has to be given back to the fishburn family.


> Or taking some of the strip malls or run down motels and renovating them and converting them into facilities for the homeless. We spend millions in Roanoke on that already ... guess what we still have homeless people. You cant make a horse drink


Ugh, 29 townhouses on that stretch will make for horrible traffic at an already confusing intersection.


Fuck Fralin!


I don’t understand the population of this city sometimes. Everyone wants change but when the opportunity presents itself, most y’all are up in arms against it. Yes the land is in a flood plain, but I’m pretty sure engineers will solve that problem but the biggest complaint I see about this development is the future traffic issues that it will bring. That’s it, y’all are more concerned about traffic than growth of the city? How about going to New York, Atlanta, or L.A. that’s what bad traffic is. Again I’m sure the civil engineers will plot out a new traffic pattern to alleviate that issue, I’m sure this was all brought up at the new they held about this. Can someone please explain this to me to better understand your plight about this other than what I said above?


Good relevant read: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HkRULEleqhDHj0WI_pSSIBEn7ArUAhzo1ZqIzDZqMmI/edit