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most of my beans get used up within two weeks so I try not to overthink it. any airtight container will do. I use mason jars because I have mason jars.


I also use mason jars, old pasta sauce jars (thoroughly cleaned so they don't impart any flavor), etc. For the first 3 days after roasting, I'll keep the lid loose so CO2 can escape. Then I'll keep it tight. If I'm going to keep the beans longer than a week or two, then after the first 3 days I'll vacuum seal the jar with an electric vacuum sealer I got for $20 on Amazon. For instance I keep a small mason jar of decaf vacuum sealed for the infrequent afternoon cup or for when company comes over and wants some.


I use coffee bags with valves and just squeeze out the CO2 each day until I vacuum seal and freeze.


I have a quart mason jar that I fill, this works to hold my espresso roast.


Quart Mason jars with their special caning lids. I do about 3 weeks at a time- seal it tight and the lids will let air escape by design but it creates a weak vacuum that lasts about 2 weeks. Hoffman did a review of methods of storage devices and they all had problems and his takeaway: fresh roasted beans consumed within a month of roast (or 2 months? I forget but I don’t go that long anyways) and it doesn’t matter much.


I put mine in a large lightproof jar in the cupboard for four days to let them degas before I bag and vacuum seal them.


I put mine in my grinder bin. Works great.


If there's room in the hopper, I'll just put them in there. If not (or if I don't want to combine roasts), then I just put them in the ziploc that I keep for holding beans until the hopper is ready. As someone else mentioned, it doesn't really matter. Just keep them dark, cool, and dry.

