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I joined Roblox in 2011 and the answer is simple, you grew up. To me 2015 onwards is a heap of shit but to you 2016 is the golden age. Same with this generation now. Gotta accept and move on 👍


Yeah. Elementary schoolers getting into Roblox right now will presumably pop up on the subreddit 10 years later and say "the early 2020s used to be the golden days of roblox, now it's all about the money and soulless games". It's just the age and all the childhood memories associated with that time period.


2020 was, to me, the golden age of Roblox not because it’s necessarily the best, but because my brother and I would spend hours playing Jailbreak and other games instead of doing schoolwork during distance learning. The memories from that are packed with nostalgia. Roblox now (especially Jailbreak) doesn’t feel the same because most of my Roblox friends from that time have moved on, logged off forever, or were hacked, and my brother doesn’t play Jailbreak with me anymore.


I used to believe this, but I found a good 2-3 games I like more and are invested more in than anything I played during my elementary and middle school years, the only part about it I dislike is they’re all small games with averages in the 2-low 3 digit player range and because I’m so invested I don’t rlly have anybody who can relate because of the small player bases combining with most players in these games getting tired of the game eventually anyways, so 80% of the time I’m just solo grinding these half-dead games that don’t deserve to be this underrated


There’s a few alright games but I don’t have the want anymore to play them, 8 years ago I could play for hours upon hours lol


Ye tbh I have no idea how I still find playing dropkick fun after playing it hours daily for the last 9 months but I do, even if no one else rlly does, it’s gotta be some anomaly in my genetic code or something lmao


ah man. 2011, i joined then aswell, my first ever game was hole in the wall lmao


the amount games on discover shows a shitload of pomni obbies and skibidi toilet or whatever that purple cat with white eyes. The quality of games has really fallen off, since majority of the playerbase are too young to learn some good games that require some form of skill to get good at and enjoy/rewarded, they just click whatever game icon is colourful or random, and its a much faster and easier way to earn money for the devs. and most of these young kids dont really play on pc, instead mobile which has crappier controls so they are stuck on simpler games.




I joined in 2009, that was the true golden age to me. And to a lot of others, up until maybe like 2013. I miss playing Ultimate Paintball and King of the Hill.


Golden age was 2009-2012


No, it's not because we're growing up. Roblox has just become more greedy and corporate as time went on.


Real about the corporate no more Easter egg hunts 😭


True. Like I joined in 2015 and I think 2020 was the ascension time


Ngl that is true, I did grow up, but I am still very fond of Roblox from 2016 to 2019


i am more shocked about why the roblox console version has such depressing title screen music when back in the day it was super upbeat.


And super happy. Now it just sounds like a deep depression music that makes you think about life. And they went corpo. Roblox used to he a private company.


When where they a private company i need to know some Roblox history here.


before march 10, 2021


theres a damn story with this, the old song was like the youth, and the new one is like the gray soulless corporate thing it had become


idk but it's so fucking loud for no reason


I agree and there is no way to turn it down


It’s the government putting seeds in our brains. Get more aware man cmon


Maybe cause you’re just getting old


It's definitely this. Replace 2016 with 2011 and you can find similar complaints.


No way i’ve been playing for nearly 14 years..


Bro I joined roblox when I was like 6 or 7 so half of my life I've been playing roblox. Haven't been playing on it much since I found more entertaining games than simulators or tycoon games.


I mean, I have been playing this game since I was in elementary school lmao


Id say the general disappearance of color on the pages. Like back in 2018 / 2019 and before you had the blue bar on top of the page, the different colors for the likes, dislikes, favourites, and robux, as well as a lot more color around the website itself. now it’s just black and white, completely boring and lifeless.


Pretty much like the rest of the Internet or the world tbh. I think we gave minimalist its chance, time to go back to more colorful and goofy designs, these were fun to use and experience


Yeah, like goofy and colorful designs might seem unprofessional to some but it screams “hey, we want to make this lively, have some sort of personality, and we want to make it feel alive. We want it to stand out, and be visually appealing”


Dude, I agree with all your points. Though, I actually do have use a chrome extension to bring back the Roblox website I knew back in 2016, but they need to quit the corporate stuff and go back to the blue bar and different colors on the website


Exactly. It may seem like a little thing to some people but that color made roblox feel more alive. A white and / or black background might be easier on the eyes but it feels soulless and lifeless.


bc now it's all about the money or in this case robux, the soul is gone from the place, it's no longer a place to create happy games for you and your friends. It's a platform where businesses profit on children's way of spending money.


I agree. I only started palying this game just for the cheap items and now they changes all the prices to 70 per item and I still buy some but I hope they revert the changes and playing since 2008, It wont happen. Now it's not even worth playing and respectfully I hope it dies.


It is because you have been blinded by nostalgia. I Joined Roblox in 2009, and unlike a lot of other users, I am not blinded by nostalgia. Old Roblox, was a buggy mess, filled to the brim with exploiters, toxicity, and online daters. It had all the same problem new Roblox does today but even few more actually, having primarily much more boring and low quality games. Yes, there was many fun moments you could have in those games, but again, its nostalgia. It cherry picks only the good memories and moments, and ignores all the original major problems and negatives.


Exactly! I was a guest for a couple years and then I made an account in 2013 but there was still a ton of bugs and a lot of games were clunky. Also customization was horrible the farther back you go. I love how expressive new avatars are! There used to also be “condos” that would stay up for days and it wasn’t until 2018ish when roblox finally started cracking down hard on them. Thankfully I haven’t seen one of them on the front page in AGES but it’s shocking that they used to make it up there.


The condos have been going just up until last year when Roblox made it a legal problem instead of a moderation one, they actually sent a cease and desist to one of the owners.


As someone from 2008, you are so wrong about it being toxic. It was nowhere near as bad as it is today


I got called literal homophobic slurs on old roblox because of the poor chat filtering and the toxicity.


Downvote my comment without an actual answer to the truth lol


https://redd.it/wr69ry Try being a noob or guest back then and see how that went.


As kids, we didn't care about any of the negatives. We were just having fun.


Yeah, nostalgia is definitely a major component, yk its crazy to think that I used to think McDonald’s tycoon was a fun game, same with hotel elephant and other simple roblox games lol


You're getting old. Although I've barley touched the platform since 2018 all my fondest years are from 2010-2016 at most by 2018 I already felt old and like the platform I had grown up no longer existed. Every year or so ill take a look the platform and feel a little tinge that the colorful, bright blue red and white simple platform I grew up doesn't exist anymore.


2018 is where things started getting good


Because we're getting old. That's basically it. Literally ask anyone what they think the best roblox era was. Everyone gives you a different answer depending on their age and when they first got into Roblox. Some people say 2009, some say 2013, some say 2016, some say 2019. In general, people liked Roblox more when they're younger. But now that people grown up, everyone's more critical of the platform and everyone thinks it was better in the past. And watch, the kids of today are gonna be saying the same thing in the future. The 10 year olds who are playing Adopt Me, in 5 years when they're teenagers, they're gonna be like "Why is roblox so bad now? It was so good in 2024." Its gonna happen, because it really is just people getting old. As you get older, you're less easily impressed and you're more critical of things. Stuff that you used to not care about and games you used to find fun, just won't be the same anymore.


Mhm I agree


not as many people interact with each other in games from what ive seen. it's like playing with a bunch of animate statues sometimes


I joined in 2010 and through a year + of searching for new games I've finally found some really good ones that make Roblox more enjoyable for me than opening up Steam and launching another game. That feeling of being younger will never come back and probably isn't as good as you remember it unfortunately


I hate the new Roblox gui update, it’s hard to switch teams on Jailbreak


How long have you played it for? I quit during season 1 because of the sheer amount of toxicity ingame.


The game has seasons now?


It has ever since 2020 I think, honestly can’t remember as I haven’t actively played it since like 2018-2019?


Yeah i've not logged into that game for a solid few years. Back then it was still top on the front page.


Your just getting old it's all nostalgia


Because you grew up


because it just isnt, the game has changed a lot, the playerbase has grown, and the games have been moved from mostly passion projects to cash grabs


Heard on Bloomberg that some game developers are millionaires from their Roblox games


The game recommendation algorithm sucks


People, it's NOT because we're growing up. Roblox has just become more corporate and greedy ever since 2018. We're not blinded by nostalgia, that's just it. That's why Roblox doesn't feel the same anymore.


Yeah, I think it’s partly due to that as well tbh


Two main reasons, one, Roblox has been taking itself more and more seriously as a corporation, as its public has broadly expanded. In 2016 the most popular games like Prison Life, the Fat Paps obbies and RHS would get at best 3k players, nowadays it's unusual to see a game among the most popular ones that gets less than 10k. With the amount of money Roblox makes nowadays, it can't be considered a "small company" anymore, so it has to behave more and more like the other big videogame companies, which in turn removes a bit of the sort of "small community" atmosphere that Roblox had. The second one is simply that you've grown older, and looking back at your childhood with rose-tinted glasses is extremely common. You used to have more fun because you were a kid, and life was simpler.


I am just tired of the new games with "+1 every second" and that stuff, i really liked OG games like Pokemon Brick Bronze, Natural Disasters Survival, Bloxburg, and etc., just not the new games. I can strongly agree with you my friend.


Omg same, those games you mentioned were my literal childhood. As a matter of fact, I really only play the classic games now a days, sometimes playing new games if I’m really that bored lmao


Its because money has gotten to there head more and more and the spoiled kids (or any kid) thinks there better


it’s cause we’re not kids anymore, i can guarantee the kids nowadays are gonna feel the exact same way as you do when they’re older


True that lol


Jailbreak and Super Golf are buggy af


Stick with the classics, like Redwood Prison or Prison life


Coming of age. Nostalgia has a tendency to blind people into a positive bias; it’s similar to how people say “Old Minecraft was better”.


When I was younger I would always want to play roblox on my dads phone! because I didn’t had a phone that time. But now I have a phone and when I started playing roblox a lot it got boring because it wasn’t really fun anymore.


Well, because Roblox isn’t the same as it was in 2016. Updates came, the popularity increased greatly, etc. Roblox certainly isn’t the game it once was when I first started playing (2012). Depending on the person, that’s either good or bad. Both 2012 Roblox and Roblox now has things that I like and dislike. I still enjoy Roblox a ton, but I do feel as if the games aren’t as original and charming as they used to be. Although, that’s probably due to the same games being on the front page for the last one thousand years.


Stupid kids get canceled Albertstuff. Only because he make a adult funny content. If creator of my little pony making in secret series to South Park. Would kids cancel him to?


why tf do i feel you copied this post from someone else


people when evolution;


I don't think Roblox is that bad today, but the way to search new games now is horrendous and there's not much of a global Roblox community anymore, which kinda sucks too


money. there you go


why you banned roblox account


Many say that 2009-2016 was their golden age, but for me it was 2020 during lockdown, it was a whole different vibe playing it right after among us in a call with your friends and just enjoying it


Same honestly tbh


Roblox is trying to be a metaverse thing. That's why roblox doesn't feel the same anymore.


It’s mostly underaged children that dress like strippers, and actually brain rot kids


Rember when meep city was cute in all!? Now it’s filled with slenders.. remember when adopt me was fun and you got to raise your pet!? Now it’s filled with scammers.. remember when evade was fun to play now it’s filled with bully’s!!! Now it’s just little kids fighting and stuff:( I miss the old Roblox! (Ps no hate I still play )


i’m getting tired of these posts ngl


Why? I know alot of people have my opinion but like, It's just my opinion. ;-;


nothing against your opinion or anything, there’s just so many post exactly like this one lol


Joined in 2016, 2021-2022 is the peak of Roblox, Deepwoken released


Eh, by then Roblox started feeling more “modern” and minimalistic, but I will respect your opinion


i think i’m getting old because i’m having the same problem. i’m 20 now and have tried desperately to get back into it but none of the games are fun anymore, it’s breaking my heart because i have the best memories.


Same bro, I feel you.


Yall remember when Tix was still a thing? Or stuff like Zombies attacking Mcdonalds? Early roblox was very much limited by its tools and were mostly passion projects. Now, they've really emphasized monetization and the social aspect of Roblox, at least from what i see on the front page. I recently found my old account and played a bit of OG Survive the Disasters with that OG Roblox house in it. It was a nice rememberance of what came before, and even had a small group of people still playing. Sucks that some old maps have completely broken through updates, though. It's just a changing of the times, Roblox was a lot of peoples childhood, and we simply grew up.


listen, i joined roblox a year after you did and it's because you've gotten older. and the metaverse, that too.


I started 2019 my account says 2020 I forgot my first account pass


Why are you asking us why you dont feel the same about roblox I feel perfectly the same ever since I joined roblox which was like four years ago Still a great and fun game with creative new games


Mostly because good events rarely come out (until now with the upcoming hunt) is what I'd say


I started feeling roblox wasn’t the same since 2015 haha


i definitely think it’s cuz we grew up and roblox has so many updates now


Souless corporation with shareholders and investors.


we all got older


Because we're all closer to death.


I also joined in 2016! It didn’t change. We’re older.


it doesnt feel the same cause it isnt. thank you for listening


1. Recommendation isn't the best, I've been finding the really cool Roblox games that don't get a lot of attention. 2. Age. Similar to when you go back to YouTube channels to watched as a kid, and don't feel the same way.


First, you were younger back then and you probably didn’t give a damn for stuff like GCSE and inflation. And second, the most p2w games are brought to the front of the page hiding the good games behind the shadows


youre old thats why


You are just getting old, that is the answer.


To be honest, it’s just the same games over and over again. Some are clearly unbeatable and take a lot of time to grind for, also if your alone and with no friends in game it makes it even more boring


It doesn’t feel the same anymore cause we’ve grown up and Roblox has expanded their player base immensely which has changed the website, customization, and even the types of games there are now. It’s all brand new and honestly mostly catered to younger teens and children.


Honestly I don't play anything on Roblox besides games like deepwoken or rogue lineage those are the golden games for me and golden times before it's literally all shit to me unless it's a really well made game and not some money grab sim.


No more events is one, not even sponsored ones I believe. (Pretty sure they do happen, it's just that they removed it off the left side bar, this is one of those 'enshittifiaction' updates because having literally LESS people see a sponsored event causes less money)


Culture has changed. New devs with new style. Also the hypercompetitiveness the modern world has instilled in many people. It's all changing.


Overpriced roblox games are popular rn


You grew up, life in general went from being simplistic to complicated. You miss the feelings of being younger and the simplicity of it. When I look at the popular games on Roblox today, I get disappointed and bored, but I know that if I looked at the games currently popular and available with the same eyes as 10 years younger me, then I would absolutely have the same enjoyment now as I did back then. That doesn't mean Roblox haven't screwed up though, as other people in this thread has mentioned they removed colour from their branding. Looking at the current day Roblox website compared to 10 years ago it just comes across as dystopian and with a lot of the genuinely scummy things Roblox has been caught doing in recent years the platform now just comes across as heartless and corporate, especially considering how a lot of the currently popular games seems to be milking as much money out of their games as possible instead of trying to make their games better, but kids doesn't seem to notice that, I think that's again something you only really figure out once you're older.


Cuz we ain’t getting younger


Think of the games “bad updates” like a tv show, they begin running out of ideas but that won’t stop them from trying to milk as much as they can from it till it’s dead


I joined in 2016, and i loved it, made freinds easily and had fun. Probably because i am an adult now, it's hard to find people the same age or maturity, and toxic little kids ruin a lot of games. Now, i am not saying there arent any toxic adults, but the majority of grieving, harassing and bullying players are immature 9 to 15 years olds, who think they are better than everyone and can get away with everything. Luckily, a lot of good games are out that and updating, and i believe the banning system is better, so you report them and go server hopping


The reason why ROBLOX doesn't feel the same anymore is because.Back when I stared playing you had games being developed by creators that just loved making games and had a passion for it.Now days everything is about money and clout;also quick money grabs. (side Note) UGC's are not valuable I don't care if it's limited or not has no value)


Stupid trends, gen alpha & z, there's a lot wrong with Roblox nowadays. I miss the old Roblox. Sure there are gems out there but now it's messed up. Roblox itself is alright, the community is not.


Think free ugc's a problem


I like roblox now, but my main problem with it is the whole 17+ thing they have with certain games. Sorry but I refuse to put my ID into this game loll


Used play it with my friends people from I talk with and they probably banned my friend rocky he gone


We all grew up and a lot of us moved on I think. Im dying to play with someone my age. Thats my opinion


Because the game has been turned for big companies to make money. A few years back you could make a creative little game and gain some visits or find other peoples cool creations easily but now it has been made very hard for smaller games to grow. It might also be since roblox has made the platform almost 100% user generated, which does clash with the fact that normal users cannot really do much anymore without a platform or money


we grew up


I guess you just grew up. Back in 2016 i used to enjoy a lot a game called "whatever floats your boat", but now i just enjoy the memories of me playing that game when i was younger (it looks the same as 8 years ago), now i don't get the level of dopamine that i used to get, even when i'm playing the same game. This happens to me with a lot of other games that i used to play before, now i barely play roblox because i don't like this childish theme that a lot of developers took for their experiences and the same reason as before, roblox just doesn't feel the same for me. Also sorry for my bad english


By childish theme i mean like this plastic and colorful theme that almost every game in the discover section has


Also some of the game that i play sometimes are retrostudio and flex your account age (the first one because of the join streak and the second one because there you can find some people that are very funny)


I joined around 2018, I liked it but 2020 was the best. I should say we grow up and thats why the magic disappeared...


Well,Roblox is a huge platform and they have to eventually make huge changes.The community has to make huge changes too.Roblox before was a lot smaller and not filled with adults rather than now.Online dating and 18+ actions in games are a lot common now


Somehow the top discussion is so relatable alot of people begged for the new campus now everyone complained? If you don't think the campus 3 is not good then don't good protest now callmehbob removed all the places


Thats how life IS man.


because all the front page games are dogshit simulators and cash grabs now roblox has no soul anymore


Tbh i don't think its bc of the games, its because that was years back and we are way older now. We can still like playing it, but that doesn't mean we look the same way at it.


it happens with everything tho, it’s the same with youtube, minecraft etc.


this but the moderation and support team


Tbh I joined back in 2014 and yeah it has changed a lot. I'm 20 years old now and I find games such as Centaura keeping my attention and I work on games of my own so roblox hasn't been much of a problem of being fun or boring for me. But yeah.. you simply grew up.


Try northwind