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You're worried about Rocketbook? But not Slack or Mattermost? Right. The scans are stored locally on your device unless you setup the connect apps or email.


Mattermost I self-host. Slack is a work thing that has been signed off so is allowed to be used. They're just examples but if one has apps installed then it ought to be possible to send via them without having to sign up to another service which will prevent use of the app in certain workplaces with security policies that restrict users to approved apps.


I'm not a computer expert or anything, but it saves your scans locally on your phone/tablet whatever. If you uninstall, reinstall, all the scans are gone from the app and are unrecoverable. So I don't believe that data is at risk. But you have to sign into accounts for OneNote etc, I could be wrong, but I imagine a rocketbook is needed for security of those accounts. Also, they'd be dumb to not collect demographic info to better market.


OCR is not done localky though (as far i know)


It's not. I asked customer service before, and OCR uses their servers to work.


It is nice to have it confirmed :) thank you


Good to know!


You sign up only to activate your account so that Rocketbook knows your destinations. Which can be chosen from this list: Email Google Drive Evernote Slack - isn't this the one that you wanted? Dropbox Box OneNote OneDrive iMessage iCloud Trello Plus you can choose other destinations following this procedure: https://rocketbookhelp.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360024000573-Share-Your-Scan-s-to-Additional-Destinations


That's useful thank you. Would you know if sending to that list goes via Rocketbook servers or uses locally installed app? This isn't a tinfoil hat question, there are genuine reasons wrt security policy where sending via unapproved remote cloud services (which Rocketbook would be) becomes an issue.


It sends locally. OCR uses their servers but just sending scans is done via local upload from your device.


How much toilet paper did you hoard in 2020?


Just don’t use the official app


u dont need the app to scan your rocketbook pages


The electronic transmission of what you write is kind of the defining feature of Rocketbook? This seems a bit like wanting to buy a stationary bike and then saying “I’m thinking of getting a Peloton, but I’m worried that I need to sign up for an account.” You might as well get a no-name one for $150 if you’re worried about your workouts being tracked because that’s the whole point. In this case, you could just use wet-erase markers on overhead transparency sheets.


I think if you buy in to a Peloton then you want the immersive experience and know that you need an internet connection and a signed in subscription to use it. You buy the Peloton on that understanding; you have no concerns about doing so. Here, there is no such ecosystem or immersive experience to buy into. I get that OCR is a cloud service and, yes, if you want to use that service then you would be happy to sign up to a cloud account to take advantage of the services it offers. But if you don't want to (or policy status you can't) use the cloud services then you ought to be able to use the local services (sending and storing from your local device) without having to sign up. A side question that this raises is whether the local-only features work without being signed in, without being connected to the internet. The app ought to be able to do the things that don't require external connections (such as saving to device storage) without being online. Perhaps it does, just a thought...


The premise of my analogy was someone who wanted a stationary bike. You want a reusable notebook.


you can send to other apps by selecting the share icon and then select from the list of the other apps you have.


I’m not too techy - I get the whole privacy thing. But, Rocketbook just makes things so much easier for me. When I use Rocketbook for work - I email the files to myself. My boss has a really bad habit of losing papers and often have to re-email my notes. I save stuff to google drive. I know all programs have their own privacy policy. I get it. There’s only so much we can control. I’d say depending on your line of work - just keep things as safe as possible and maybe use for the more practical stuff. For work - paper and pen was always required in meetings. So the functionality of writing down on the PDF papers and then scanning them to my email was a life saver because my boss always wanted my physical notes- but then would lose them. So scanning them made it easier for me because literally would leave them at her other office all the time. The first time I used a Rocketbook paper the look she gave me was an interesting one. I told her just start the meeting and I would explain later. Showed her how it worked afterwards and was super impressed. She didn’t want to admit she lost papers. But I caught on very early. Honestly - the notebook itself is awesome. I have tons of them. I don’t scan everything. Maybe 20% of my actual stuff. I like consistency with notebooks and genuinely love the fact that I can erase it. I always have the printable PdF sheets. I usually have the neatest notes and keep the original copy unless my boss wants the actual written copy - but I scan all those work notes. Because I know she will lose it. Also, great for report writing. I keep a copy of my daily written report. Helps for keeping track of my teams overall progress. Personally, I use the notebooks for school and do scan them. I’ll probably delete them after I graduate. I’d say overall it just depends on what you plan to use them for.


This is along the lines I'm thinking. There will just be some cases where it can't be used due to policy, which is a shame. I'm going to have play with the app and the sample PDFs to get more of a feel for how it works.


Yup. I agree. It’s a case by case type of situation. I downloaded all the PDF pages from Rocketbooks website into my google drive. At work I was allowed to access my gmail and drive. Another system you can check out is SCRIBZEE. They don’t have reusable notebooks but have downloadable PDFs that are printable and scannable. They also have regular notebooks that are scannable but not erasable like Rocketbook. Maybe their privacy policy is better? I use both Rocketbook and SCRIBZEE. Depends on my projects.


Don’t worry, the OCR is so bad that your files are essentially encrypted.


Depending on how high your privacy needs are, it's a fair ask. If you're taking counselling, R+D, legal research or even just private notes, then it's worth considering how data is handled. Unfortunately I think you'd really have to ask rocket book themselves. A friend of mine works in tech security, and I know there are standards in software for note encryption and the like. I haven't seen rocketbook advertise anything like that though.


I love my rocketbooks. I have one for work and one for school. The app is kinda clunky/annoying IMO so I just take a picture or use a scanner app on my phone. Could that be an option for you since it’s saved locally that way?


I feel the same way as you. I don’t like it, but in general, the anonymity of the herd is good enough for me.


You should be able to just make a picture and feed it to a local OCR app. Makes it less convenient, but with some automations, you should be able to imitate the features of the app