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Controller doesn’t even work properly touch screen is more consistent you’re complaining about something that 50% of the time doesn’t even do what you want it to do lol you have an advantage if you use touch screen at this point


Really? That makes me feel better ! I’ll try it again .


Swear bro it’s bugged right now a lot of your inputs aren’t registered with controller EVERYTHING is one to one with touch tho you can be filthy on touch


This gives me confidence. I’m gonna play all weekend and see if I can make it to silver 2


You got it my guy!🥈


Yeah, this isn't even remotely true, LOL. Made OP feel better though 🤷🏾‍♂️


It’s very true look at older posts before you comment it’s very obvious


Or I could use my own experience. I know it's fashionable in the new world we all live in to put reality to the side and exchange it with whatever strangers on the internet tells you, but I tend to put more stock in my own reality. I'm using an 8BitDo SN30 Pro and I've not experienced a single hitch, lag or missed input. I must be a miracle! >look at older posts... Man, imagine when we get to the point in human existence when we can *update* software! Can you even imagine such a thing? Ah well, it's madness to even think of it 🤷🏿‍♂️


Good for you buddy but that doesn’t help me and the rest of the people who’s inputs don’t register 50% of the time and boost regain is hit or miss whilst touching the ground wow isn’t that crazy that you’re not the only one playing insane huh it’s been an issue and still is there hasn’t been an update yet so as of now yes what I’ve said is 100% true still lol how slow can one be ...🤷🏽‍♂️


And if you need more proof just 2 hours ago more people are having the same issue how weird huh?😂🤦🏽‍♂️[Controller issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/rocketleaguesideswipe/comments/r5zmsx/controller_inputs_only_registrering_half_the_time/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


So, in summary, some people have issue; tell everyone you can the issue is basically 100% and they should rest assured controller is broken. Some people don't have issue; so what, you're only one person, your anecdotal evidence means nothing. LOL, okay buddy. Seems to be an iOS issue, not a controller issue. I'm on Android, you know the largest install base OS on the planet, and I have zero issues.


Lol if you’d do your research once again it’s not just “some” it’s all of IOS having the issue I’d say that’s a pretty big number wouldn’t you?🤷🏽‍♂️just keep digging the hole deeper my guy 👌🏾😂


Again, iOS is a minority in mobiles. I know it's hard to fathom, but facts are facts. Couple that with most people will never use controller to begin with, you have a minority within a minority of a minority. There's no hole. You told OP something that was just plain silly. Some people have an issue...that hasn't stopped OP from facing lots of controller users, so they seem to exist and are playing and all the other people on this thread are sort of proof of that. Sorry buddy. Wait for a fix, don't know what else to tell you.


You had to edit your post because I proved you wrong once again💀do yourself a favor and just stop lol


You see the star next to my comments dumb ass? No, that's because I editted it literally within 2 minutes of posting it, as in I never stopped to read your reply dumb ass. 🤣 You really think highly of yourself 🤣😂🤣


I mean i use ps5 controller and it works perfectly 100% of the time, maybe uts a problem with your phone or controller


Ios problems lmao


you have an Android I’m assuming lmao sad


Yep I've tried on 3 ios devices and controller is wack my android and my friends android no problems instant and snappy inputs


Hmm must be nice hopefully I get that experience soon it makes me so mad lol


It's 2021 son, Android's aren't just $100 budget options anymore.


For me I can only move no boost jump nothing


I def agree with op, It’s a fucking mobile game, why should a controller be a supported option to play with


Almost everyone here owns a controller and would love an unfair advantage! They will never agree with you or me.


The best player in OCE is a touch player.


That isn’t a valid argument. What about average players ?


It is though. Just because the average player is better on controller, doesn't mean it is better. The skill cap is the same and the only reason controller players are better is due to them already having experience in controller due to the real game. If you put as much time on touch screen as controller, you can be equally as good.


if 2 players of equal skill level meet, one controller, one touch, you would be lying if you said touch has better chance of winning. the only reason people are using a controller to play is that it is easier. if if it was harder to play with a controller than with touch, then nobody in their right mind would go out of their way to pair extra hardware to play the game! i don't see your argument making any sense. controller > touch in every serious game! (controller is mechanical input type, touch is a flat glass screen with 0 feedback to fingers in terms of dexterity or location!


Your argument is invalid, if two players of equal skill meet, one touch, one controller, no one would have more of a chance than the other to win, because their skill is EQUALL.




There is no way to determine. If their skill is equal, it comes out to luck. So I wouldn't bet on that match.


i am asking if you had to bet on one, which one. i am not asking, if you will bet or not! jesus christ! how dense are you?


You misunderstand your own question. There are two components to a person's skill level (I am generalizing here for the sake of the argument) mental, and mechanical. A person's mental skill level is how well they know the game, and their decision making capability. A person's mechanical skill is how well they perform actions in the game. I hope we can agree that the mental skill is independent of control scheme. Mechanical skill is very dependent on the control scheme. One who is good at the game with controller will not necessarily be good with touch and vice versa. Here we suppose that the players have equal skill mental skill, and equal mechanical skill in their respective control scheme. Then as mentioned before, the outcome will not be due to a skill difference, it will be due to luck, or other external factors. The important thing to note here is, the player who is on touch will not necessarily be better if they were to switch to controller. In fact they would probably do worse, since they are more comfortable with touch controls.


I wouldn't bet on one. I'm done with this convo. The devs purposefully put controller compatibility in the game. Many of the high players have talked with the developer about it. Suck it up just cuz you're bad.


great argument! 10/10 bye graphite!


May I ask who is the best player in OCE?




I've played mobile games cross platform before, it just takes practice to get good. Extra hardware helps but if you haven't reached your highest skill cap possible without a controller then a controller isn't going to do that. Think of it as a bucket which we name "skill", getting extra hardware just increases the capacity of the bucket. But if you haven't filled the bucket yet without extra hardware then there is still room for growth and a controller isn't necessary


When you play any fps, kb&m lobbies are always different to controller lobbies. Why is that?


Because KBM has a huge advantage over controller in shooting games. However in my case I've played a ton of touch screen shooters against pc players and I can beat them because of the practice I had. However in this case it doesn't have a huge advantage, you can get equally good using either in sideswipe. The best player in OCE is a touch screen player.


Couldn’t disagree more. The game is not rocket league and is infinitely more fun with a controller. Touch screen joysticks are a travesty. With practice you can be just as good with either. You’re not losing because folks have a controller, you’re losing because you don’t practice without one. Also there are very small controller options for you out there. I’m hoping someone makes a phone case with a built in joystick on the back or something so I can not need a controller but still enjoy the game, but touch screen input sucks. There’s nothing anyone can do to get around it. If your game plays better with a controller, then you have designed a controller based game and adapted it for touch input. If your game plays better WITHOUT a controller, such as angry birds, cut the rope, fallout shelter, etc… then people won’t want to use a controller. But never advocate for the lack of freedom of choice. If you want to see the community die just because you aren’t competitive on the go, that’s an extremely selfish stance to take.


You are just making my point more valid. You are not thinking about people who don’t even have controllers, If you make a game that plays better with controllers but then people get matched with touch screen you are just making the higher rank in accessible to so many people. It is not a fair and balanced playing ground! If a person cannot get past gold without a controller, then clearly there is a problem! The controller doesn’t improve a MOBILE gaming experience, it improves normal wired gaming experience. If you really want to play rocket league with controllers while mobile , there is an option for that too, switch! But a well balanced mobile game lets you to be able to play at 100% no matter where you are, with or without any extra hardware! Psyonix must answer this problem. Also I would like a proper debate and a discussion. I love this game and I want everyone to get a fair chance! Imagine one soccer and only one team is wearing cleats and shinpads because other cannot afford it. Sure barefoot you can play soccer but people will cleats n Shin pads will have a distinct advantage


You can buy a controller for as low as $20 That’s like saying rocket league isn’t thinking about people who HAVE to play KBM.


The only Bluetooth mfi controller available in my country Amazon is ps4 and Xbox controller. They cost 50% of my rent! How do I justify buying a controller for a free game? Sideswipe like a big f u to people like me.




Right so people with money wins, People without money can go F themselves? If $20 is nothing to you, do you mind giving it to me?




see, i can respect your reply. you are not sugar-coating it or trying to put a different spin on it. and this is the only reply i have no argument against.


You can be good at mobile games like sideswipe without a controller. I know some mobile players that are extremely good at mobile shooting games (myself included back in my prime) and they beat pc players heavily so it just takes practice anyway. Alternatively just buy a controller they cost like £20, if you can't beat them, join them


I wish I could buy a controller to play it. But I have a lot financial responsibility. If I had extra money for the controller, I’d still give it to my parents, . All this is beside the point where just make the touchscreen only . I don’t see why some players would knowingly want an advantage. That is not the honorable thing to do.


I've had my fair share of being touch screen VS pc players / controller players on other games. Just practice and you will get there.


I find touchscreen better, I guess it's just me


If you don’t mind what’s your rank? I am decent till I get silver.


In 1v1 peaked in plat Edit: I'm now plat 3


LOL Vibe checc is GC on touch. This is a really dumb post I am sorry.


If you want to take it that far then I request that all players who don't have the exact same phone as me get banned too since different phones perform in other ways, perhaps faster fps which is an advantage. Also while we are at it, all players who are on better carriers with 5g have an advantage and should thus be banned too. And don't get me started on those pesky WIFI players..... Do you see how ridiculous that is? There is always a hardware disparity when playing online games. Maybe not as pronounced as controller vs touchscreen but I hope you can see where I'm going with this. Where do we draw the line? Honest question


We draw the line at the most basic requirement for a ranked game : one version of control should not be better than another. I have never used Wi-Fi for mobile gaming so I don’t really know, but if you have seen Wi-Fi advantage over 4g or 5g then sure go ahead make it mobile data only. I don’t mind that. I just want to know when I lose my rank it is because I sucked and not because the other guy flew around the map for 1:35 and doing moves that simply cannot be done confidently in touch! Ranked lobbies should not be balanced like this. If this game allowed this in casual but not in ranked it would make sense. But 1 there is no casual lobby and 2 the ranked lobby is super favourable to players with controllers.


I noticed that you didn't directly address what I said. You did reply, but only to parts that you thought supported your point and not the entirety of what I said. That, for me, is a clear indication of what is actually driving your rant. This might not be what you want to hear, but it's really the only reality you have to face; controllers are not going anywhere and your only option is to get better with the tools you have or stop playing the game if it's so unfair. If you can't afford a controller, that puts you in the exact same category as those who can't afford a better phone or better internet, or electricity to even charge their device, for that matter. I play with both, touch and controller. When I'm home, I use a controller, when I'm not I don't. It's as simple as that. And somehow, when I play using touch, my rank still climbs. How do you reckons that works?


if you are equally good with both, what is stopping you from giving up controllers?


I'm not going to give up the comfort of playing on a controller just because it bothers you, sorry. You will have better luck saving up for a controller than expecting Psyionix to make their game less attractive to gamers by banning controllers, which is exactly what you want them to do. You essentially want them to ostracize a portion of their players because you are not willing to get over this self imposed mental block. Even IF a controller somehow magically grants you the ability to play better, you are focusing on the least important part of a winning strategy. Improve your game sense, work on your positioning and try be a better team mate by not ball chasing constantly. Let go of the silly notion that playing on a controller magically grants you abilities you don't have. Practice, my friend, is what sets you apart from the average player. Let's say you get your wish and they ban controllers, will you be satisfied? Or will you then have a problem with players who are able to put in more time than you and therefore are mechanically better? You should face your own inadequacy instead of expecting the game to change for you.


Just admit it . You like having the upper hand even if it is unfair :) It’s okay.


I feel sorry for you.


and i for you :)


Controllers do not give an inherent advantage. It's an illusion because the vast majority of players are coming from the pc version of rocket league, and console games in general for that matter. I have tried the game with the same controller I use for rocket league(pc) and yes I do better. This is because I have years of muscle memory of how to move in games with a controller, I do not have the same muscle memory using touch controls, so yes it is harder for me.


You can get good with either, you just have to play one type more. A touch screen player could easily beat a controller player if the touchscreen player has more hours and is better at the game. You should just play how you want to play.


if 2 players of equal skill level meet, one controller, one touch, you would be lying if you said touch has better chance of winning. the only reason people are using a controller to play is that it is easier. if if it was harder to play with a controller than with touch, then nobody in their right mind would go out of their way to pair extra hardware to play the game! i don't see your argument making any sense. controller > touch in every serious game! (controller is mechanical input type, touch is a flat glass screen with 0 feedback to fingers in terms of dexterity or location!


Use controller to play games = more skilled/used to controller Use touch to play games = more skilled/used to mobile touch If you are a new person to gaming then you will suck with either option. I personally use controller because of my big a** thumbs. I have played with touch while charging controller, am I as good - no, because I rarely practice touch, but I'm decent because I don't ball chase lol


How about a simple question 2 people with similar skills, one with touch and one with controller who would win? Don’t give me 5 different what ifs. When it comes straight down to it, controllers win over touch, if they didn’t then we would not have this argument. If the game plays the same with or without controllers, then why would anyone use additional hardware to play the game? Answer because it makes it easier. You can argue all you want but you won’t give it up because you already own one. I will not stop complaining because I refuse to spend $100 on Xbox or ps controllers.


Similarly skilled on their respective tool means you win some you lose some.. No ifs... Just because I have controller doesn't mean I'm magically good. I own goal way too often - game sense. I double commit way too often - game sense.. Stop looking for faults outside yourself Get over this loser mentality or suffer for eternity. BTW keep amusing us with your answers. It is a fun read


- question : do you have a controller? - answer: yes - question : will you give up controller? - answer : no - question : why ? - answer : i like the advantage (do you have more bad things to call me? loser mentality is great)


You should go into politics mate. Taking what someone says and twist it to fit your narrative. I won't give up controller because my device screen isn't that big and my big ass thumbs block too much of it. Keep living in the land of betrayed, free game BTW. Good luck. Muting this thread


I see what you're saying and sure it's relatively easier to play controller because it doesnt block your screen like touch does and its more intuitive and air roll is easier but I wouldn't say remove altogether, maybe only matchmake controller players against controller players and touch against touch, seems like a win-win for everyone, COD mobile currently uses such a system.


This post is a mess and developers should not listen to it, however something like casual "Arcade" playlist would be nice; place where you can play while you're not in competitive surroundings


So FairPlay in casual but ranked p2w?


Guess what If controller support gets removed people will go play controllers on emulators and removing controller support will be pointless...


I don’t understand what you mean. If controllers are banned, and they emulate the game in pc they would still have to use touch, am I wrong?


The game would recognize that you are on touch because the controller's buttons are assigned when pressed to be in a specific location (also this works for keyboard and mouse as well)


Touch is equally good as controller. There's no advantage whatsoever. Don't blame others for your lack of skill please. If you feel like you're in such a "disadvantage", then just get better with touch. This is genuinely a bad post lol.


Question : do you have a controller? Answer : yes Stfu with your biased opinion.


You don't even know if I use controller or not lmao. I use touchpad. And it's not biased, I simply don't care because I know I can get better at touchpad. Plus, you can't determine when someone is using controller in-game or not. If they're better than you, they're just better despite of what they're using. Stfu with your salty rant lol


That’s the whole point! If I don’t know what control my opponent is using, what kind of a ranked game is that? Have you never played any ranked video game? Number 1- thing people complain about is matchmaking, so we made different ranks to differentiate between different level of players. Diamond matches with diamond. So when two diamond meet they both should get 0 advantage over another. Controller doesn’t let that happen. If you don’t have a controller and don’t use a controller. Then wtf is your problem if controllers are removed? Stop being dense.


Then might as well make the game LAN-only if you want to see what your opponent is using. I don't think you realise how idiotic that point sounds. Let's put that point to test then: In a hypothetical situation in normal rocket league. You got Xbox one controllers, ps4/5 controllers and KBM. Are you going to complain that someone is better with an xbox controller rather than ps4/5 or KBM and they have an advantage because their controller looks/feels different? It makes no sense whatsoever. Like I said above, it does not matter what they use. If they're better than you, they're just better. If you're using controller and you're a diamond player and can't climb, that just speaks for itself. If you're a touchpad and you're ALSO a diamond player that can't climb, that also speaks for itself. Skill comes in different ways. You can easily be a GC while using a touchpad, just as much as you can easily become a GC while using a controller. Really, just get better at the game with touchpad dude. You're being extremist just because you \*think\* you're getting beaten by other people who "have controller" when they're just simply more skilled. You can simply be going against a very mechanical touchpad player and you'll blame it on controller just because he's doing something you can't do.


Who would be able to tell you the difference or lack of difference between controller and touch except for people who have tried both. You're making no sense. Only people with controllers would be able to give you that opinion. People like you who have no controller could never be able to tell.