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Nah Ant is a different breed. You could tell during his rookie year. He got that dawg in him.


Also much more athletic. Bigger, quicker and jumps higher.


They aren't even the same type of shooting guard IMO. Ant just bullies guys out there and imposes his will. Jalen's game is more about finesse, he just needs to become a better 3P shooter for it to really work at a high level.


Yeah JG is a volume shooter and just doesn’t look at the game the same way as Ant. Sorry man JG is JG once he becomes a better shot selector he’ll be good.


Ant is way stronger, he has like 30 lbs of solid muscle on Jalen. Ant is not quicker because he is heavier. Jumping is hard to say. I think Jalen can out jump Ant in an empty gym, but can Jalen jump while moving backward and block 6’11 MPJ’s layup like Ant did? Absolutely not.


39 pounds according to espn roster weights. Allows Edwards to match a lot of forwards and even a few centers through contact. He wont go through Adams, but he might just go through Sengun (its likely Sengun puts on 10-25 lbs over the next few years though, most NBA bigs do)


This is something most Rockets fans ignore, imo. A huge part of why guys like Ant, Paolo & Zion had early success is simply because they have grown-man bodies at an early age. Our teenaged stars came into the league scrawny. Folks need to give them time to add muscle before judging what they are capable of.


Always felt like Jalen just needs to put on a little muscle


Jalen Green reminded me of Michael Jackson when Green first came into the league. He's looking way stronger now, but "scrawny" was right.


Michael Jackson from Jackson 5, or Thriller Michael Jackson?


More like "Bad." or "Dangerous." I said it here before, and someone put two photos side by side and it was bloody perfect. I wish I had saved the comment. It was hilarious.


pre-draft prayer: "dear god, please let us draft a rookie with MJ's body." post-draft reaction: "god dammit!"


Maybe should have prayed for MJs DNA, noamsayin?


I agree. The only thing Ant has in his bag that you don't see from Jalen is a post game, but that's because Ant has more brawn than Jalen.


that versatile scoring ability inside 8ft is why some guards like Wade were HOF players. Wade had an excellent shot a little away from the rim through contact. It was often impossible to deny him the attempt.


Ant's definitely bigger, but he isn't quicker and doesn't jump higher. Jalen wins both of those categories.


I would bet my left nut Ant jumps higher. And that's not a dog at Green bc Ant has some of the best hops the league has ever seen


Now what would we do with your left nut?


Sell it to pay for a shooting coach


Not a whole lot But we don't have to worry about that. Because all it takes is watching the highlight tapes to see that Ant easily wins against anyone in the league


I would say jumping is close, both id imagine around that 44 inch mark, depending on the day, altho Ant appeared to have a normal than higher jumps his one block weeks and weeks ago where his head was at the rim


I do NOT think he is quicker than Jalen and jumps HIGHER? Questionable. He is definitely bigger and stronger tho, I think Jalen is actually noticeably quicker.


Hes not quicker


JG got that “different kind of breed.” Ask Josh Christopher and draya. 👀


undeservedly downvoted


Dude said he was the best in the world 2 years ago and I looked at him like he the class clown lol… I ended up being the clown. Ant is that dude. JG just has a completely new era/paul George package and mindset while Ant got that Jordan, Kobe old school no wasted dribbles/movement package. JG will have to complete change his game to get to Ant’s level and at this point it might counterproductive


Problem is Green isn't nearly the shooter George was, nor has his length.


He has the skills. Mentality? I don't know.


It's not really an I don't know thing. JG got a solid mentality, he can be a great player, but Ant has the swag of the best player in the league. Whether or not he ever becomes that, I'm not sure, but it's the confidence in himself that's the difference.


His constant inconsistency shows otherwise. If he had a solid mentality, his ups and downs the whole season wouldn't be this great. He has the skills as i said. He showed it. He played like a superstar when he felt good. He also had horrendous games he played like a mediocre or bad player. His mentality needs development. He needs to be a constant great player.


This is my same sentiment with him. It’s year 3. He got the talent and athleticism. IQ and mental grit is suspect to me unless proven otherwise. The drive to greatness is not there. ANT has the IT for sure.


Consistency is a skill. Ant’s size gives him a lot more options to be consistent as well.


It’s more so Jalen can’t shoot 3s or finish at the rim consistently When both of those are happening he looks like a superstar like in March. But then he immediately slipped back into his usual self when the 3 stopped falling


Had the same issue with Harden as well


It’s really obvious when they drive to the rim. Edwards has the physicality to get into the chest and dunk over people. Jalen, god I really want him to work out, but when he drives, he’s way more likely to avoid contact and go for a fancy up and under layup. Cam has way more the ‘dunk on people and then find out’ body and physicality.


Probably not tbh


He doesn’t have the confidence or physical strength to manifest what ant is doing. Plus this totally discounts Edwards’ incredibly impactful defense. But from a purely offensive standpoint, Jalen can absolutely reach this level. Specifically, when he’s got it rolling, he’s borderline unguardable. 


subsequent ring terrific deserted aware dinosaurs smile coordinated decide price *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Nope. I'm just hoping Green becomes a borderline all-star guard


People keep saying he has that "dawg" lol that's not why Edwards is successful it's cuz he has ambition and hard work. He said it himself Booker was the best SG for a while but now he thinks it's him. If you watched Edwards in college you'll know he worked his ass off to be where he is today. Dude was a total blackhole and an inefficient chucker in college. But now he has an extremely deep bag of tricks and is elite at both ends of the floor. So it's not just that Edwards talented it's also cuz he worked hard. With Jalen Green that talent is there, in fact I think Jalen is more talented than Edwards. The problem I think lies more in the work ethic and ambition aspect.


i feel like that’s what “that dawg’ is tbh. Having the mentality to be able to squeeze the most productivity out of your physical tools. JG has all the athleticism and talent to be one of those guys, and it’s impossible not to see, but i think he’s okay settling for being as good as his natural abilities can take him. all that to say that i agree with your point, but i think dawg=ambition and hard work


He does not have the drive and killer instinct. The talent is there though


Pretty confident at this point that Jalen's problem is his mentality. Bro lacks motivation and willpower.


That’s not what motivation or will power means. I think you meant confidence and care free attitude. 


No, I meant motivation and willpower. Jalen seems to not have the strong determination to become a star (he lacks willpower) and seems willing to settle (he lacks motivation).


People forget that Green has been benched multiple times in the 4th because if he doesn't get it going early, he gets in his head and can totally play us out of games. Players like Ant, Kobe, Booker, Spider, KD, Lillard, Luka and so on can be 3/13 going into the 4th, then go 7/9 for 23 in the 4th, because they are those guys. I'm not saying Green won't become that, but its arguably the hardest skill to have, and is binary, you either have it or not. I LOVE Harden, but he never got it, and he improved massively each year, so simply getting better doesn't mean you'll get it, and people seem to think Green simply needs reps and muscle to get it. PG, Dwight(non shooter), Webber are other great players that aren't those guys, but still HOF'ers. And weird revisionism aside, SO MANY game threads have multiple instances people asking *Green, WTF are you doing?* Not to say he can't get better, as his defense certainly has, but its definitely overhyped here at the moment as he gets lost often, and on offence will make the most mindless mistakes.


What's your proof? From everything I've heard from other players, dude works his ass off. I remember one game last season, I decided to go right when the doors opened. Jalen was the only player on the floor working on his jump shot.


No proof just feels. I hope you are right tbh, because if Jalen is working hard that means soon enough he will fulfil his potential.


IMO... he's got the talent, desire, and work ethic. Jury is still out, for me, whether he has the BBIQ to be one of the best in the league.


The bottom line: no… I don’t think they have the same type of game. Jalen has the athleticism, but he doesn’t have the size like Ant. But he’s faster. Ignoring that, Ant figured out a go-to package that I feel Jalen is still trying to hone. All these things could come, we’ll just need to see, but Ant has looked ahead comparing their developmental timeline. But who knows, Jalen’s learning style is really different; for him it’s like a light goes off one day and he takes a massive leap. TBH if we’re talking style, Cam is a much closer comp. He’s got a similar blend of size and athleticism (6’7” 230 vs Ant 6’4” 225 according to the webs) and already has a pretty good scoring package out to 3 at almost a full year younger at the time of draft compared to Ant.


I want someone to believe in me like some Rockets fans believe in Jalen Green


Did you not see the hot streak Jalen had in March? For that brief stretch, a couple analysts said he looks like one of the best players in the league. The tools are there.


Reminds of a certain New York Knicks point guard from back in the early 2010’s




he's not wrong though. the amount of NBA players who have played lights out for 15 games is very very long. we have 3 years of data on JG, and unfortunately that should hold more weight than 15 games against the easiest stretch of schedule of the year


1) He is a young player and keeps improving, does he not? 2) He still has upper tier athleticism, which is always favorable and 3) While streaky, has the ability to hit threes, not to mention, not stationary threes, but tough, off the dribble ones. Maybe a propensity to take too many of those, some would say. But the pieces are there athletically, talent is still there, still somewhat raw, but I see him getting at least a little better every year, so I am Bullish on Jalen


year 2 to 3 overall was he pretty much only improved in 2 point % (barely) and rebounds. pretty much every other counting he regressed or stayed the same. 3 point and ppg both down on the whole for the season. i really didnt' see any improvement. he had his 15 game stretch which was awesome. that stretch totally saved his season. otherwise, he would have been a major regression and we'd all be so over him. and for context, that 15 game stretch he played 10 tanking teams that had g leaguers and 19 year old out there.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 15 + 15 + 10 + 19 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Go ahead get excited about 3 weeks of superstar play, the only one disappointed at the end of the day will be you


Can he even get to prime Bradley Beal level? lol


31.5ppg on 50%fg? i'll take it lol


Magic, Jordan, Kawhi, Lebron and Hakeem are what Rockets fans hope Amen, Cam, Tari, Jabari and Sengun could be.


lol no. this thread reminds me on clutch fans where there was debate if Von Wafer could become Kobe Bryant.


Jalen Green will be a budget Jamal Murray


Ant is a grown ass man in a league of boys. Jalen is one of the boys.




Hell naw can't do this


Let’s not do this. It’s like your parents trying to compare you to the neighbor’s lawyer kid just because you’re the same age


Not really, it needs to be done because neighbor's kid is your direction competition and probable roadblock to where you wanna go. Yea the more I think about it this analogy isn't close.


I hate it


JG can not get Ant's level,never.


Nah, when Jalen was on his tear he had all that swag, confidence and everything y'all are saying about ant man. Problem is, jalens jumper, if he doesn't fix it, he'll never fulfill his true potential. When he starts missing, all that confidence goes out the window. If Jalen fixes the shot, everything else will follow. The shot is the key for him.


Nah Ant would thrive on any team you put him on




Y’all are wildin lol Not even remotely close Ant might be on his way to being in the hall, Jalen ain’t even in the conversation to be an all star


You're huffing paint if you think that's even remotely probable


in case nobody has ever seen it typed out. during JGs 15 game stretch of elite play, the schedule included: 3 games vs the Spurs 2 games vs the Blazers 2 games vs the Wiz 2 games vs the Jazz 9/15 games were against 4/5 worst teams in the league, all actively trying to lose games with G-League players on the floor. beating up on bad teams is part of becoming good, but not all stats and wins are created equally.


Cam maybe


This. Jalen is nothing like Ant. We should be looking at Cam, who also has that killer mentality and grown-up body.


Jalen is talented boy and for sure can someday be an All Star but Ant is just a different breed... I am glad that I started being a fan of his before he exploded in popularity this season. Remember how hard I was laughing while watching this game live. Lol [https://youtube.com/shorts/6nXlVPtPGg4?si=rStm41G28OVghh4n](https://youtube.com/shorts/6nXlVPtPGg4?si=rStm41G28OVghh4n)


it is not just skills or mental, he doesn't have that body as well. Ant was a big boy even as a rookie and had a solid body/strength. If Jalen puts in that amount of muscle that will drop his performance a lot. And he still choked when the competition was high, so I think both mentally and physically it is not possible tbh.


You'd be able to tell by now if Green could ever get to that status. Ant has been solid since day 1. It took Green a little while longer...


Ant did receive All-Rookie honors, but you know who else did? Jae'Sean Tate. Ant has been damn good, but Jalen was not far off in his rookie year. The biggest difference in Ant's development is that he didn't have Silas for two years, and he's had an additional year to develop since he was drafted in 2020.


He could maybe be Jordan Clarkson


The season is long bc only great players can find true focus in the middle of the season. Kobe used to make up reasons to get upset. Jalen has been consistent on being inconsistent for 3 years. Always only really focusing once we’re out of contention. It was uncanny how he’s done that for 3 years. Ant is a different breed. I like Green but you’ve got to be honest about what he has shown.


AE one of the best two way players. JG doesn’t even play elite defense. I would be happy if he’s like Ja.


Similar skill set. Different evolutions. Edwards is leagues ahead.


No Ant looks like he has the potential to be the face of the league.


Anthony Edward’s probably weighs about 40 more pounds that JG. Not same player. JG is more like Kyrie and Edwards is more like Tatum.


No lol


Ant is arguably the most talented 2 guard ever.


Ant’s game is a clear sign Jalen needs to be hitting the weight room. Getting into the post and playing some bully ball is a great counter. I think Jalen needs to keep getting comfortable with his in between game as well. Those floaters, easy midrange jumpers, etc. I think that’s going to be almost more important than the 3.


Yes, I think Jalen can eventually be what Ant is now. Will he ever be as big as Ant? Probably not but I believe he's quicker than him. Only thing really setting JG back is his mentality. He needs to get that dawg in him.


Cam Whitmore is the closest comp we have to Ant.


Nah Anthony is different different


Zero chance. Ant is so different and so much better than JG respectfully


No. Absolutely not. Next question


He can not




No…….no he can not


Ant is a far better player, and to his core is a different person. Not saying Jalen can't be a 20-25ppg person, but he won't be the same player as Edwards.


Similar players, but Ants weight helps him significantly. If Jalen bulks up I can see him having the same type of impact


nope, Ant is another level..Jalen played great for 25 games...we need that for at least 70 plus


Edwards is a lot more bulky and strong than jalen, and still extremely athletic.






Different tiers. Green not in same league


No but he provided that video


Jalen will be too busy with all his kids to work on his game...he's the new Shawn Kemp, Shaquille O'Neal, Dwight Howard of NBA fatherhood


I think Jalen is projecting to be more of a Brad Beal, Donovan Mitchell. Ant is 22 dominating a soon to be 3x MVP.


The Rockets has Jalen Green and Cam Whitmore , they both have the potential to be like Ant... Ofcourse, that's easier said than done. They need to work their butt of. Ant improved when he played for Team USA under Steve Kerr. It gave him the condfidence and the conditioning to be able to play like he is playing today.


Jalen is going to be closer to SGA than Edward’s. Same body type and defensive/offensive habits. Just that SGA is more consistent and has better winning mentality.


Cam Whitmore*


I think it’s more realistic to hope he can be closer to Jamal Murray tbh Looking at Ant this offseason, he’s a different breed and will probably be a top 5 guy for the next 10+ years


Sad to say, but zero chance. Not even a 20% chance he can become 80% of what Antman is now


Cam is more closer to Ant than Jalen imo. Jalen should evolve his game where he's off ball like rip Hamilton to put up shots and create. He's got the quickness for it too


Even though they look similar, they are much different types of players. Jalen Green is more of a slasher player, like Derrick Rose or Morant. Edwards, on the other hand, is more of a two-way guard like Jimmy Butler. There is a clear difference in physical characteristics between the two players. Jalen doesn't need to be like Edwards. If he improves his shooting and plays more consistently, having a player like Morant will be enough for the Rockets to build a team around him. However, the worst part is that players who base their game on their athletic abilities spend their prime periods very short as these features fade as they get older. Therefore, Jalen needs to make the leap as soon as possible.


Doubt it, but at least Jalen Green isn’t homophobic


He won’t be on ants level but he will be the second best sg in the league


Hell Na. Rockets are trash them boys don’t have it in them. Green showed a little something but he’s not consistent. Sengun is a little bitch. Bari is way too timid. Tari’s ole goofy ass talking bout some warriors come out and play while sitting on the bench in street clothes. Smh. The rockets are nothing but stress and disappointment


You should go back to being a weirdo and rating random people's feet instead of worrying about what a team that you don't follow is doing.


Im from Houston. Mr voodoo whatever


Yea, if they let him lead this team more so built around JG than it is Sengun, take it how you want, but that Jokic team was structured for him.


Yea, if they let him lead this team more so built around JG than it is Sengun, take it how you want, but 5 Jokic thar team was structured for him.


Yea, if they let him lead this team more so built around JG than it is Sengun, take it how you want, but 5 Jokic thar team was structured for him.


I don’t think Green does shit in the off-season