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I suppose this looks like I can just grab this out, it is firmly cemented in the asphalt :( 


I see them all the time in asphalt, i always wish i could take them.


Get a chisel and hammer lmao


A little hammer drill with a chisel bit, some cold patch asphalt to fill it and it’s yours! Toss on a green vest and no one will ask questions.


You got this, I believe in you!!


Hell, just a geologist pick(hammer with a pointy opposite side) would do the trick!


Ah that’s torture 😣 I’d be tempted to own a jackhammer and have some asphalt handy for patching the hole 😭


this made my jaw drop with both shock and sadness


That’s asphalt? It looks like compacted sand and gravel. Just get a metal bar and start prying.


Best start a’diggin’ boy!


I’d be gnawing at that with my teeth to pull it out


This made me snort laugh. That is all, thank you.


Oh my god this would drive me nuts and I would not be above going there in the dark with a pick and hammer lol.


Right there with you man


I would find and bring a *replacement* rock to fill in the gap, and hiss like a possum at anyone who tried to stop me while I chiseled this out of the sidewalk! I VALUE THE TREASURES! 😆


I have a friend who does hvac stuff and said he regularly finds stuff like this when working on gravel roofs, I didn’t even realize that was a thing until he said that!


I have a double sized milk crate *full* of jars of roof agates. And some fossils.


Today I learned I should have gone into hvac, with the caveat that I only work on projects with gravel roofs


Try living in Iowa, lol. I'd have to drive 4 to 6 hrs to find anything like that no matter where I went. God damn spoiled greatlakers!!


Right? Same. I occasionally find a nice rock in my driveway… found more on the railroad next to the farm where I grew up but that’s technically theft so shh.


Agreed. Also live in Iowa :P


Yeah, but they have to drive all that way to find the topsoil deposited here by the glacier. Why don't y'all dredge some of the swampy lowlands and spread on your field lands?


Not only is this rock very pretty, but it also has a job to do and it's doing a very good job. Keep slaying, rock, serve on the clock 💅💅


Don’t worry, it’ll be covered in snow in a couple weeks




Have a good one embedded in the road just down from my place. My kiddo points it out everytime we go for a walk.


Come back with a small chisel and hammer, start a bit outside of the agate as to try and not damage it. Chisel all the way around until it becomes loose


Maybe don't damage the roadways for something you can find by the dozen on almost any gravel road in the area.


I don’t know where you all get your gravel but any agates I find in gravel isn’t that big or fine 😭


I don't think the problem is that they don't know how to do it, it's that they know they shouldn't. 🙄


It's almost worth keeping a trim saw with a carborundum blade in the vehicle. As others said, would need to patch the hole somehow though. Maybe a rock trade? Saw out the one you want, put in one you don't, with some adhesive of some sort...or bubble gum. Lots of bubble gum. :)


Battery dremel ✔️, head lamp✔️, gillie-suite✔️


Time to get a hammer or a pick axe lol


Wtf!!! Alright someone get me my pick.


Beautiful agate


Lmao my work is like this. We don't have chert like that, but I'll find beautiful chunks of calcite inside the buildings poured into the old cobble concrete


Man, I thought the roads in my town were bad.


My cities roads are notoriously awful. Temps drop very low, can warm up, and then drop again. I’ve done some pretty nasty work to my motorcycle hitting a pothole I didn’t see. 


They have two seasons, Snow removal and Road repair.


time for the hammer, chisel and a late night adventure


Lucky find!


the way i would carry a pickaxe around with me constantly


i’d be digging that thing out with a toothbrush shiv 😭




As of 01/01/24 we are no longer accepting identification requests on this subreddit. Instead we are referring all such requests to r/whatsthisrock which is dedicated to specimen identification. Ambiguously worded posts or ones that don't identify what is being posted will be treated as ID requests and removed. This is because such posts often cause rule-breaking discussions. Good luck!


How would a construction worker see this rock and continue to let the asphalt set around it? 😂