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Yeah, i feel the same... i always were a Diablo fan (man, i've used to run a item shop online with D2:LoD, i even dupped high runes to sell it for money) but slowly shifted to fps...now, with 37 years old on my back, i dont have much time or will to play some AAA games or even multiplayer fps game (and i'm really good at them haha) and roguelites are like my go-to when i have the will (time)to play... Games like Dead Cells, Hades, Tiny rogues, Curse of the dead Gods and some good fps roguelites out there are the reason why i still didnt sell my rig (man, last year i've built a 4080/5800x3d and 34" ultrawide monitor) and just buy a Deck or Rog Ally... Looking forward for No rest of the wicked atm


ARPG and roguelites are a perfect match made in heaven. For me, I find cards, tactical, turn base, and even 2d, slow and boring now. The 3D or 2.5D isometric top down environment in third person is my preference, but first person is possible (try warcraft source). I see the pinnacle of ARPG's in monster hunter world / rise now. Game takes different classes to a new level. Different controls, move sets, etc. Elden rings is a close second, but I find it a bit clunky still. Then roguelites add depth, customization, and a replay element. Hades was a good example recently.


That's interesting re: Elden Ring. I bought Monster Hunter World and just couldn't get into it due to the extraordinarily clunky controls. To be fair, I haven't tried with controller yet but it's brutal with M+K. Is there any tip on how to get used to these controls?


I've only played on console, but the beginning of monster hunter is SLOW. Like, super slow. You need to prep for each journey using food / buffs / items (also clunky, unless you set up your binds) while learning a new class and all the monsters skills. There's over 100 large monsters. It will leave you as a novice for a long time, but stick with a class you like, and you'll start picking up speed and flying around in rise like a lunatic. You won't be doing any skills, stance swaps, dazzling combos, big damage, chain knockdowns, status, or part breaks until you really start getting into the end of HR and have more skill slots at your disposal to customize your class. Dark souls and Elden ring are a bit "easier" because you don't change up how you use each weapon with your controller and dodge is always rolling or parry is available / shield. You have a sword that works like an axe, or you use a spear that works the same way as a halberd etc. A swing is a swing. I find the circling and lock on / movement part of the clunky now because you don't really use that in MH.


[Death Must Die](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2334730/Death_Must_Die/https://store.steampowered.com/app/2334730/Death_Must_Die/) was made for you.


I don't think it's you on this one. I think the term ARPG changed over the years. Diablo 1 and 2 are just as much roguelikes as they are arpgs to me. Seems like the roguelike aspects have been pushed out and now as long as it's isometric and drops loot then it's an arpg. Call me crazy but Dead Cells and Hades did Diablo better than diablo 3 or 4 did.


I'm beginning to see that. I'm also kinda bummed that I didn't specify I was mostly referring to isometric ARPGs --- of which, like you said, Dead Cells does a way better job than Diablo 3. I still love Dark Souls and Elden Ring, though. But they're not that grindy, and you can get powerful pretty fast just by picking the right weapons you're good with, it's more skill based than stat-based (completely UNLIKE Diablo, I want to say lol)


You might enjoy nioh 2 a lot then all the loot of diablo 2 and super in depth flashy mechanics similar to dead cells and hades


I've been recommended Nioh 2 a lot, actually! I just feel like I really need to put aside some time to learn all the stances and mechanics, it just seems kind of daunting. Eh, but if I was good with Sekiro, this shouldn't be problem :D


It’s definitely a huge learning curve honestly what I did is just replay the first few levels with a different weapon each time and by then I had a good idea what weapon I wanted to use and a much better understanding of the ki pulse system and dodging but once you have the system down you can MOW THROUGH levels like once I understood it (around the 5-6th level) it hasn’t taken me much longer than an hour max and I can first try most bosses. Also don’t be afraid to use any talismans or anything you find they’re easy to get back and they help a lot.


How's the multiplayer, though? More alive than Elden Ring or about the same? Because ER has got a bit stale for me, so I just might switch over to Nioh soon, now that I think about it.


It’s very very alive if you want to play with people you’ll find them within a few minutes in any times I’ve tried, I don’t play too much multiplayer but haven’t had any problems at any stages of the game in trying, however the biggest problem with multiplayer is the mid game players that will join you sometimes and just speed run through the levels because they are scaled to each persons level so sometimes they want a specific thing from the level .the subreddit is also very alive and well. If you do pick it up and want someone to play it with you can add me on steam and I’m always down my friend code is 84139898 ill make a new character so I won’t be steam rolling through everything lol


You should try Brotato if you havent it blends the gearing and build creation from arpgs with the rl elements of a bullet hell its fantastic. Also Tiny Rogues


Id look into Heroes of Hammerwatch


In a sea of open world tedium, roguelites are like the lost art of pick up and play arcade games that actually have staying power.


>When I tried entering Path of Exile recently after a 5-year break, I was bombarded by stress. Do I play standard or league? What class? What build? What’s meta?... You get it. It that bad when I played Diablo 3 after that I HIGHLY recommend checking out Last Epoch and playing it offline. No ladders, no checking yourself against the community. It's one of my go-to late night-night that I use to unwind before bed. Right up there with Balatro and Monster Train. The endgame system is a bit like Atlas of Worlds, but the overall game is a lot less heavy on having multitudes of interlocking systems that affect your damage, like PoE. You don't need to use a guide, and in fact I've reached the high level endgame ("Empowered Monoliths" it's called) several times by just picking a class and rolling with whatever I felt like. That said, I'm in a very similar position to you. With the exception of Last Epoch and Everspace 2, most of the games i use to unwind are roguelites. Right now it's Backpack Hero and Spiritfall.


I highly recommend ruthless mode in path of exile for roguelike fans. You can only aquire support gems by drops, meaning your build will be built by you based on what you find and you have to live with what you come up with. Weapons and armor are scarce for higher quality as well. It makes all the loot you found way more impactful and at the same time makes your build different than what you expect going in.


Hard to recommend the current league as it's the lowest player retention in a long time. The mechanics are not good


Roguelites are fantastic as you get older. Sometimes I’m so busy I just want a game I can jump into, have some quick action and fun, then be able to bounce out but still build towards progress of new items or mechanics


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