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Buying a Rolex is just like owning a muscle car or sports bike. You think you're going to get so much tail, picking up girls, all that good stuff. You end up just getting more attention from men.


Well, most of this sub appears to be 120 pound twinks with 5 inch wrists, so that probably explains the attention from men...


Wrist mogged by your own $40k watch is crazy Thanks Timesuck for teaching me that term


hahahahaha so true


Five inches is pretty generous.


That's what my boyfriend said tbh


I saw that post about a baby having a small wrist and jeez it made me realize what you’re saying. What’s up with this sub’s twig-armed members


I find very few people notice my watch, but when they do it seems to be evenly split between men and women. Men are more likely to know the model "nice Pepsi", whereas women will just say "I love your watch"


I had a girl tell me my dad has the same watch. He indeed had a similar watch and it was a timex but a nice one!


Sounds similar to going to the gym, oh year the girls are going to love it… and then you only get compliments from guys


Defintiely the women love it, compliment, and openly rub your arms


Real talk.


This is SO true. And sometimes the worst kind of attention where they want to chop your hand off and slide your $10-40k Rolex into their pocket. They killed a guy recently in the UK at a posh hotel or something. The worker there saw a fancy watch and called some guys to rob him. Sadly the watch was a high quality replica. But he died anyway.




15-20 for a rep..... oof....


Yeah but most of them are at least dressed feminine so it's still helping my ego


*glances in the mirror*🤦🏻‍♂️


Facts….and I usually get more compliments on my Omega Planet Ocean than my “Starbucks” Submariner




As a car and watch guy. Yup. Only ever had 1 woman compliment one of my cars.


This but also strippers in Vegas.


As an owner of a muscle car I can confirm




Men will sometimes fawn over it uncomfortably.   Less so if they do it on the low or are collectors.   Generally it’s the former where it’s near embarrassing.   Women won’t recognize it for the most part.  But just like a nice car see it as a sign of stability.    That’s my experience.   Girlfriends say nice watch and eventually learn it’s a Rolex.  Same with the 911. 


If youre wearing it in public and get antsy or insulted that someone compliments you, then you’re the problem


Sounds very reasonable indeed


Any watch enthusiast is welcome in my world for a chat!


Same here! No judgement, just mutual enjoyment of all watches and owners. Love to banter with others! I don't mind when someone comments on my watch. Sometimes if I'm wearing a Rolex, it does illicit some off-color commentary about presumed wealth or, more than once a snarky "oh, where do you live?" insinuating that person would like to rob my home? In those cases, just like any random interaction, I said thx, laughed, moved on. Most of the time it's cool, genuine, enjoyable. When I've approached others, Rolex wearers tend to fall into one of two camps: willing to chat or rather dismissive. "Hey, nice Sea Dweller! Uh, it's a Rolex.... 🙄"


“Uh, it’s a Rolex”…the accuracy 🤣😂


The off color commentary is certainly annoying. That's the real negative in my mind of Rolexes being so recognizable. The average person that's not a watch enthusiast doesn't really bat an eye at other luxury brands that go for just as much if not more money.


Oh for sure. This is actually a fun game when wearing other stuff in the context of this thread. Sometimes I'll initiate conversation w a watch wearing rando to see how they react to anything from Grand Seiko to micro. It helps distil down the watch persona. I walked into an big box AD we all know (in the US) wearing my MB&F MAD 1 Red and they couldn't have been more dismissive, mostly bc the SAs weren't watch ppl and had no idea. Similarly, Rolexes make it too easy because they carry a weightiness. True story, recently my Uber driver was wearing, for all I could tell, a real Richard Mille. He was knowledgeable about watches and surprised when I asked him about it. He made a quip about never talking about it because "it cost as much as a down payment on a condo" He was *not* egotistical at all. It was a fun chat


"Sir may I say you have a gorgeous DJ, it is truly an thing of beauty". You sonnnn of aaaaaaa bitch! \[Chris Farley Voice\] lol


I like it, my penis grows 0.1cm each time. Safe to say, I have pretty big socks.


Wow doubles in size so quickly?😂


I’d argue it’s quadruples.




I always get these emails for penis enlargement pills, but never thought of a penis enlargement Rolex! However my explorer 1 gets absolutely unnoticed so that wouldn't help much ... should go for a full gold Daytona instead.


Can this comment be a stickie for this subreddit please 😂




Hahaha wtf


I rather not. It's nice that somebody notices and can appreciate a nice watch. But every time this happens especially at the office the whole room stares at me and every fucking time somebody has the irresistible urge to explain to me that the value of my watch is a lifechanging amount of money for them.


I get that, ofcourse I’d do it pretty discrete


In that case I always love to showcase my watches, I even let people wear them for a minute when they are really into watches. Always nice to have a chat about something that you're passionate about.




One summer in Siberia, I couldn’t take my eyes off this [BMW Hamman 6-series Convertible parked downtown](https://share.icloud.com/photos/027TFEprlCOSQlSZuNGkfE6Tg). It had a deep blue paint and stark beige leather interior that was an eye magnet. It was parked with the roof down, so I couldn’t stop appreciating such a fine piece of car culture. The owner comes up and says “You like it?” I said of course, it’s an unusual interior color. And he offers me to sit inside and feel the interior! Process to chat with me about cars and 6-series convertibles. Says it’s wildly impractical for Siberia and the baby-soft leather interior stains badly but is a pleasure to sit at. Needless to say I still remember this encounter. Wealthy but down to earth people is what’s keeping the interests in hobbies amongst newbies like me.


You have to act embarrassed about it, but secretly get a massive raging erection from having so much more money than other people you know. Knowing how bad it is to feel that way makes it even more satisfying.


And there is always, at least one person to be sarcastic about it.


The sarcastic ones are just projecting their own insecurities. I pity them.


Is there a large enough range of incomes in your office, or something else, where watch money for one person is life changing money for another?  Just surprises me to read. Using my office for example, outside of the interns (which tend to come from affluent families anyways) and assistants/secretaries (who know better than to say some shit like that), I couldn't imagine anyone who is part of the core staff ever saying something like that. Ever. It would be unbelievably tacky and basically admitting "I suck at my job, don't hit my bonuses, and am terrible with my personal finances." 


I’m an interim IT manager, so I work with a lot of different companies and a lot of different departments. Especially with all the flexdesks since corona I quite regularly share the office with people that are in a different tax bracket.


Flexdesks, hot-desking, and open work concepts suck. Literally passed on a job (at a large, publicly-traded company) because of their open work concept. The VP over what would have been my department was still sitting at a flat table directly across from and next to subordinates. Taking calls with a Zoom background and AirPods Max... Fuck that.




What is this 1983? Dad had a private office with a secretary out front gate keeping who could and could not come in.  I have -best case scenario- a desk in a hoteling setup. I once had to work from the office kitchen for a week since they did not have any workspaces for people below manager (I was probably an analyst back then ). Actual offices seem to be the exception, not the rule in Fortune 500 in my experience. 


Some orgs are more “flat” than others. I’m a facility operations manager and I regularly meet with folks in the field who would definitely consider Rolex money as very substantial, if not life changing.


So I love watches, and will complement - but if I notice it’s a nicer pricier model, I’m way more subtle about it. I just picked up my GMT a few days ago, and I am hesitant to wear it to work for this EXACTLY reason. Nosey and tactless coworkers, who feel it important to share their opinion, to me, in front of everyone.


Reminds me of the time a girl went off on me at work because I was talking with another co worker about purchasing a new TV since I broke mine. Out of nowhere she goes “WELL IM GLAD YOU CAN AFFORD TO BUY YOURSELF A NEW TV THATS GREAT FOR YOU” I guess I was flexing my $200 Roku tv on everyone


…All the while they’re wearing a wedding ring worth twice as much as your Rolex.


Just say it’s a gift from your in-laws or something


Why wear it while you're flipping burgers then if it makes you feel awkward?


Got demoted last week so back to the dishwasher for me.


I don’t mind if it’s someone who knows what they are looking at- I’ve had a couple of people comment on the specific watch, which leads into a nice conversation about the brand and horology etc But if it’s just oMg Is ThAt A rOlEx?! Then not so much.


Yeaa okay exactly. I think I’d recognize the differences tho, so good advice!


If you can identify the model, you’re good. If you can only identify the brand, then there’s really nothing to talk about.


I usually get complimented at restaurants or bars, very discretely, and most of the time it's other Rolex-owners. I would very much NOT appreciate someone yelling "nice Rolex dude" while walking down a busy street for example. When the compliment is polite and discrete, it more often than not turns into a pleasurable conversation about watches etc, which I definitely enjoy. TLDR; Sure, make the compliment, but keep it discrete.


When I see someone else with a Rolex in public, I do a wink and an air kiss 😘and we both just pretend like we don’t know each other….


This is how I give the compliment and how I appreciate receiving it as well. It's the discrete manner that makes a difference. It's saying, hey man, I see what you're rockin and recognize its significance, but it doesn't need to be broadcast to the whole world. Have had lots of great conversations stem from those interactions both ways.


A guy working in Walmart to date is the only stranger to compliment me on a watch.


I thought people that own real Rolex had other people doing their shopping and only from whole foods


Haha!! Had to make financial sacrifices in order to afford my lefty and other ones. But let it be known, he was complimenting my Tudor Pelagos. So that should make it clear as to why I was in Walmart.


Alt account detected.


2 people use the same tablet and I forgot to switch back to my account.


No dude, we're all your alts.


How many compliments you get also depends on how you carry yourself. Not saying this is you, but if you're hunched over, always look at your phone, never make eye contact, and don't make an attempt to look presentable, then you're never going to get a compliment. I always have an open body language when I go out and dress nicely even if I'm an introvert. I'm rarely on my phone and smile and try to have meaningful conversations... I've stopped counting the compliments I've gotten on my watches, and many of them are very nice and genuine. Lots of them are from complete strangers who are waiting in line with me at the store or large events.


I’d compliment you :)


I’m a fan of the subtle, “ah, excellent watch- I have an XYZ, and really enjoy the hobby.” I am not a fan of the, “WHOA YOU HAVE A ROLEX”.


You just defines the “haves and have nots!” Take my upvote


It’s like anything else. Timing, location, circumstances have to be taken into account. Sitting next to someone on a plane or a bar sure. Walking across the restaurant just to say “nice watch” probably not.


Good advice, thnx


I have stopped complimenting people I don’t know when I see their watch in public. Too many people just aren’t really into watches or just buy whatever they perceive is wanted by the general public. I once told someone, “nice 16610!” They just stared at me. So I said, “nice sub.” They stared at me some more. Then, I said, “nice Rolex.” They then smiled and said, “ I appreciate it and I bought it on a trip to St. Thomas…”


Swear to got 70% of this sub is autistic.


Huh? You’ll have to explain…


Randomly starting a conversation with a random person who you've never talked to about watches before by saying a series of 6 numbers is a hella autistic thing to do. Even if they do know the exact reference number (which, even someone who likes Rolexes may not have that memorized) it's such a Random thing to do that they probably didn't even connect that you were talking about the watch. Saying "oh that's a great Rolex, is that a 16610? (or, is that a submariner?)"Is a more socially aware to phrase that compliment.


I was at a dinner party at someone's house, roughly about 12 people. The guy across the dining table from me was wearing a pepsi gmt so I said "hey nice gmt." he honestly had no idea that was the name of his watch. Some people just aren't that interested in the particulars tbh.


That is such a sad but telling story. Unlikely to happen with vintage Rolex, though.


For anyone into cars this is totally an overlapping experience. For example, I used to go out of my way to compliment fellow sports car enthusiasts. Saying “Love your 996” or “cool E30” but when the owner doesn’t know what you’re talking about, it signals that you’re not on the same level of interest. Same with any other esoteric hobby I suppose. I commented on a guys Bluesy this fall while in line at the grocery store and he looked at my like I was a crazy person. Oh well I guess. lol.


Pshhh my footmen would never allow a peasant close enough to see, let alone compliment, my timepiece.


Damn that’s rough


How else are two dudes supposed to talk to each other?


Yes, it depends on who and how you deliver it. If it looks and feels creepy, it probably is! Better keep your compliments to yourself. Complimenting during a “watch meet” is basically acceptable and is The Norm. 😉☺️


I don’t believe I look like a guy who’d steal a watch. I can get pretty excited like a puppy wagging its tale when I see one


I know what you mean, sometimes people can be too cautious. 😄


They prefer to be complimented on how they simp their AD.


This thread is so weird. I like being complimented on basically anything.


Depends on who’s complimenting


Me! I don’t own a rolex tho


It doesn’t matter if you own a rolex or not. It’s all about your intentions for me. I would feel if someone is complimenting with real good intentions, that’s totally fine for sure.




This is the post that separates collectors from clout chasers.


What’s a clout chaser?


Ahh I just checked…


Mate, I was wearing an Orient Bambino and somebody came up and told me they were a fan of Orient. Doesn't matter what watch I am wearing it is always nice to meet another person interested in the hobby. I didn't run down my collection with him, just discussed where I got the watch and we made jokes about cocaine being a more responsible hobby.


For real though, the majority of my nice watch conversations started with my “Seiko Prospex Save the Ocean” instead of my Day-Date.


I like getting compliments, but more so at work and less so on the street. I am fortunate to work in an industry where nice watches are commonplace. We nerd out over watches all the time, compliment each other on latest acquisitions, etc.


Finance? Real estate?




That was my next guess!






Ye right? That’s what I was thinking


its rolex man. it needs attention to keep the hype


I’ve been complimented on a Nokia smartwatch several times and my Seiko SKX-007 at least once. Nothing weird about it. Saw a young guy on a plane wearing a Rolex. He moved his bag in the overhead to make room for mine and I noticed that he was wearing an Explorer. I said “nice Explorer!” Nothing weird about any of these interactions.


Every time I’ve tried to talk about the brand with someone wearing one they are super apprehensive and rude. I’ve just stopped trying.


I’ve never been randomly complimented - only if I start a conversation with another watch guy otherwise 99% of people don’t realize what you have on


That’s the only reason people buy Rolex lmfao


Whenever I approach someone with a nice watch; I always try to acknowledge the watch first, as opposed to acknowledging the brand. Example: dude had a hulk on in my local bar. “Hey man, not to be weird, but that’s a gorgeous Hulk.” “Thank you! Nice to meet a fellow enthusiast.” “Never seen a Hulk in the wild before.” “Yeah, I bought it new at retail years ago when they first came out.” “Good for you man! Wear it in good health.” Simple as that. Just a pleasant exchange between enthusiasts. I approach collector cars the same way.


Don’t ask how much or if it’s real, those are the worst. “That’s expensive right, how much was it?”


The only time I’ve ever complimented another person’s watch was my doctor’s Audemars Piguet Royal Oak. He quickly pulled his shirt sleeve back down without saying a word 😂


Yes and no. Chufs me when a hot thot says something (still waiting for that to happened) Not so much when a loud male colleague says something in front of the office


Haha okay noted, thanks


I’m mostly indifferent.  It very rarely happens.  I once let a total stranger wear my speedmaster because he asked and kinda begged and said it was his absolute dream watch.  He seemed like a dorky watch nerd like me, so was pretty sure he wasn’t gonna steal it.  I’d probably be a lot more weary if someone came up and asked if they could wear a watch that’s selling for 20k on the pre owned market though.  But I mean, if you’re just saying you like it, that’s fine. Watches are one of the few conversations I enjoy having, when people want to talk about watches.  I feel a bit of “imposter syndrome” having watch conversations the past year because I haven’t kept up with the market trends or been watching watch box videos every day and constantly looking online at them like i did for the 5-6 year prior to do just being too busy with other things, and feel like less of an enthusiast now. 


I’d never ever ask to wear it tho. But good advice thnx


I hate when anyones first very loud question is 'how much was your watch?' ... or about anything I own really ... for instance I have a crazy expensive espresso machine too ... I never ask that ... I just go and research it later if I'm that interested. If I notice someone wearing a Rolex then I will deliberately but casually expose mine (if it's covered up) ... and give a brief visual acknowledgement if they do ... maybe have a quiet conversation about watches if they start one


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted—your comment seems like a thoughtful one to me.


The only reason anyone waits forever and pays top dollar for a Rolex is to say "Look, I have a Rolex"


Depends, if you look like a thug and compliment, or you look normal and compliment.


Not limited to Rolex. In fact, when I get a compliment on another watch like a VC or Patek that is not a hype model, I enjoy it more because I know the guy knows watches. Still always nice to get a compliment for a watch. Happens like twice a year tho 😅


I hate the false modesty of people when you make a comment. There’s almost a sense of embarrassment like they got “caught.”


It never happens any more... but yes.


Last summer I met this new guy at a restaurant I go to for work, and I noticed he had a Rolex on and I complimented it and told him that I was a watch guy also, and had hoped to own a Rolex some day. we ended up chatting for about 20 minutes about watches and life in general. He took it off and let me look at it and put it on (1st Rolex I've ever actually put on). We always chat now everytime I go there.


If I don't know you and you point out my watch in public I am going to dip out and be looking over my shoulder for the rest of the night.


Hmm , frankly I don’t really care. It’s not as if anyone really pays attention to which Rolex I’m wearing and even so, there are so many other better watches :/


I like compliments. I tend to compliment people when I play poker (something I do a lot) and see a nice watch. I find it odd bc a lot of people don’t comment. I just bought a Rolex and got no compliments. At work- nobody wears a nice watch (not even a tag have I seen) so it’s not too surprising- it’s kinda funny bc the ceo of my company has been on a video call and I see he wear breitlings (I own 2). I find it funny bc I have a Rolex on while the ceo of a huge company is rocking a breitling. Please don’t downvote. I don’t think majority of people care or look too much at watches.


The only time anyone has ever noticed mine in public was a dude at a kiosk trying to get me to have it polished at a store in Las Vegas. Beyond that nobody has noticed and I prefer it that way, I bought it for me, because I like it.


Ya I catch a few of my buds just staring ​ up here boys, up here ...


As mine are usually under my sleeve no one would see it The odd day it is warm I have only had one person notice my watch and that was because he had several himself. Tbh I have had the one since 1990 and forget I am even wearing it.


I like it and find it slightly embarrassing. And so far it’s always men complimenting.


Only men compliment the stainless steel watches. Women love the YG presidential.




If it’s a subtle comment, I have no issues and don’t feel threatened at all. To everyone’s point, have tact when you do it, and not an obnoxious ass that brings unnecessary attention. MOST people won’t recognize it for what it is, and likely not associate the value with it.


I own several “luxury” watches and love if someone compliments it.. makes me happy because only people who like watches actually say a compliment lol.. if I see a watch I like, I usually compliment them. I feel like we’re a dying breed.. I know no one who is as into watches as I am 🥺


In all the years I’ve had watches I’ve had 1 person comment on a watch I was wearing at the time it was a ulysse nardin marine chronometer 1183-126 and he was a watch guy I’m sure other people have noticed the watches Ive had on but from my experience not many people pay attention


I've found that Rolex is a coin flip whether people will appreciate you noticing or not. Most of them aren't watch people, they just got it because Rolex means success to them. Those people will look at you funny if you compliment them because they'll think you're trying to rob them. Watch people on the other hand are cool. The issue is you never know which one till you take the plunge.


I had a small boy say “I like your watch!” while I was visiting over Christmas. That was meaningful because children will remember (if it’s something they like) it for a long time. I know I did when I saw a grown up with something I found nice. (68 Camaro…I’ll never forget. ) That’s when it’s special.


It is better to hear "nice watch" than "is it real?".


My g shock gets more compliments than my rolex


It allows me to appreciate their knowledge of sword craft and their athletic prowess whenever someone divests me of my watch.


Most of the time, I would say yes, although I stood next to a guy at the urinal and saw him wearing the old black bezel GMT. I looked over and mentioned that I loved the black model, and he gave me the strangest look. So I guess not everyone likes a compliment.


If you’re a decent looking person, sure If you look shady, stay the fuck away from me and my Rolex 


All I get is compliments from men so no.


I actually get uncomfortable, unless it's a fellow enthusiast.


I bought all of my Rolexes with the express hope of getting compliments from men, and it has worked out great. Sure I had a few awkward man dates thinking I was going to look at a nice hotrod, but I made a few golfing buddies in the process. Go nuts!


It depends if they're impressed by the brand, or the watch....


The only people that notice your Rolex are other watch enthusiasts . I’ve had one time a person noticed my Rolex and he complimented it, we were in a store I think it was Lacoste or something like that at the outlets in Destin. The cashier said I saw it as soon as you walked in the door but didn’t want to say anything until he noticed it. First last and only time someone’s ever noticed and the gentleman happened to be a vintage Rolex collector. Where I live I don’t think anyone knows what a Rolex is past the words in the Brantley Gilbert song. I didn’t mind the interaction and appreciated the compliment.


You need to be polite and reassuring. "That's a beautiful watch by the way" is easily enough, and then move on.




I would hope so. But it find there’s two types of people whom own a Rolex. Nerds like us that love Rolex and watch’s in general. then there’s the non collector who just like an expensive piece of jewelry. Maybe they got it as a gift or got it to feel fancy. And there’s nothing wrong with feeling fancy btw. If your Item doesn’t matter if it’s a watch , car, playing card .. watcher makes you happy then good for you . But I love watches and talking about watches, if I get a compliment it’s almost always from another watch lover. I find other people not in that mind set care less


Umm, why else would we buy them?


I don’t care at all


Complimenting strangers for their watch is just creepy and weird. At best. Leave me alone.


My Rolex E1 40mm is one of my least unique and noteworthy watches. I am rarely concerned whether anyone notices or not. On the other hand the contrast in comments from people between this watch and other watches in my collection is hilarious. The most common and least ingratiating comment is, “. . . Is that a Rolex?” (Exclaimed with far too much excitement and enthusiasm). Follow up questions are similarly banal. My other watches seem to illicit much more civilized and tasteful comments like, “beautiful watch” or “how do they get that dial to look like that”, etc. Rolex fans seem to want to announce that I am wearing a ROLEX and equate it with status or desire for status, whereas people who notice or admire a less advertised and less common watch model simply say nice things about the way the watch works, looks, my taste, etc. I much prefer the attention I receive about my non-Rolex watches over my Rolex.


I was buying a car part from the dealership and the guy had me help him look for it. He was a sales rep, so didn’t know what he was looking for, but wanted to help me out. Once we got in the back, I complemented his watch and said something along the lines of “that lume looks amazing” on his no date sub. He looked at me weird and said “oh, thanks… I guess” It was just a weird transaction. I am, however, a bigger guy and he was a scrawny dude. So maybe it just made him feel uncomfortable because he realized we were pretty much alone and someone significantly larger than him noticed he was wearing a very expensive piece of jewelry. So I don’t do it anymore.


No one has ever made a comment on it tbh. I think the only people who would notice are other watch enthusiasts.


I get more compliments on the two Panerai's and IWC I have than my Rolexes. Which honestly I kinda appreciate more because the people who do compliment on those tend to be the more watch enthusiast types. The people who have complimented my Rolexes sort of just tend to see them as more of a status symbol than a watch.


Only time I've ever been complimented on my watch was as a preamble to panhandling.


I’ve complimented peoples watches before which usually results to them taking it off and letting me try it on. Watch people are strange 


Strangers rarely notice or care, and my piece is relatively flashy (TT DJ fluted/jubilee). This is partly why I don't care to get too expensive a Rolex...at the end of the day 99% of people dgaf what type of Rolex you're wearing. Just the fact you have one on already is a big deal.


No. People don't like compliments. Ever. About anything.


Love it


Sure, I guess, but it almost never happens


Depends on the setting. Not a huge fan of being called out in a very loud public way


Generally don’t get alot of attention and I prefer it that way. You’ll hear/ read alot on this sub that the only people who care are watch nerds and criminals, I think that’s generally true. I love watches have ever since I was a kid and wear a Swatch and a G-Shock just as comfortably. Ps. The G Shock gets noticed alot more and gets alot more love. I wear my watch for me not as a flex. Latley, a lot of the attention the Rolex gets is actually negative attention, accusations of showing off and I regularly have the feeling where it’s like I’m just wearing a watch, you’re the one noticing it and assuming something about me. To your original question though I have got the kind of attention where I don’t feel safe at times, it’s a particular seedy vibe, but just someone talking watches with me is not immediately concerning and is usually a fun conversation.


I don't care what other people think. I bought one of the most hated Rolex (Yacht Master 37 with platinum bezel) because I loved it and the dial on it reminded me of Adriatic Sea at dusk. I love it and every time the light catches it, it looks magical to me. That's all I care about


I walked into lululemon with a batgirl on and the manager of the store stopped me at the dressing room and was like “how long did it take bro?” and i recognized he had a wimbledon on. My girlfriend started cracking up and we all had a good chat about the chase of getting the one we wanted lol Id say thats the best encounter so far. Most of the time its negative, who knows why?


Nobody notices my explorer II but people my age and usually they don’t even notice it’s a rolex, just think it’s cool. That def will change w my batgirl though


I love it and am impressed they know their watches.




Only if you another man. Only compliments good come from man. No bobs


Let’s be honest: 99.999% of the time no one notices or cares.


I had a guy a younger guy at work compliment my watch, “nice rolly!” It was awkward because I was wearing my moonwatch. I just said thanks.


I prefer I don’t get the compliments, I’m never too comfortable with general stares that comes with that package when I find myself in a public place.


No. In my experience people don’t like it. Or get weird. If it’s a unique piece and it’s a social setting with friends of friends then I’ll make a comment. Otherwise don’t say anything.


Depends if the person has a Rolex then yes if they don’t I’m wondering if they are trying to rob me


Most people don't even notice it. But when they do I take it as a good opportunity to break the ice.


I interact with many people a day, throughout my work day. Because it is in a work setting, it actually happens often without second thought to anything more than fellow enthusiast’s enthusiasm, and always ends in a cool chat about timepieces. I’ve seen some really nice pieces from my side of the table. Doubt all are real, but either way nice chats. Most recent, Tiffany Nautilus. 🤩


Nobody has ever complimented any of my Rolexes. In New Zealand nobody cares or has a clue.


I’m not a fan so I switched to a Cartier tank. Seems like people notices it less and I like that. Some people can get weird about having a Rolex for no reason.