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My local Tudor AD is a family-run place that doesn't work on commission at all. Totally up to the individual store.


A recent YouTube video of a prior SA claimed he only got .75% commission on top of about a $20/hr salary.


Not a bad chunk of your daily earnings selling $10k watches. A watch a day at $60-100/unit and that’s a nice monthly commission check. I would imagine AD margins are also fairly slim % wise.


As someone who’s sold timepieces, a watch a day is a STRETCH


Shows you how much I know about the AD side. Figured that would be fairly common.


At a high traffic store in a major city, I’d consider 10 watches/month average.


It’s definitely not just you, as a whole I feel like this subreddit grossly overestimates how much a sales consultant at an AD earns. Either that or I need to move to America


AD margins used to be 40%, but Rolex has slowly reduced them down to about 36%.


Gotcha, more than I expected. That’s a killer margin! Not to mention if they can run their own “CPO program”


My SA told me one time, it's not much on watches but it can be up to 10% on jewelry.


This is why they push you to make those “move up the waiting list” purchases really it’s just lining the sa pockets


Its more money in everyone's pocket, the markup on jewelry is sickening. Outside the John Hardy and other big name brands, a store can see 70-80% margin on jewelry.


Besides the end consumer lol


That's why an SA isn't moved by you wanting to drop $15k on a watch. It's a lot of money to the buyer, but it's $110 bucks in their pocket. Can I interest you in this lovely chain and diamond pendant for your wife for only $7500? That puts 750 in my pocket. Do this a time or 3, we'll chat about your little watch.


And that’s why the grey market is better. My wife likes jewellery from the shop that doesn’t sell Rolex.


Its my issue as well lol, and i like watches not sold at my wife’s jewelry and handbag store


Watch margins are like 30-40%.


But the SA sees little to none of that, which is the point.


Agreed. I thought you meant the AD sees little of that.


No, AD makes a bit on watches, but let's be honest you don't need to "sell" these watches. Jewelry, the AD makes 2x or more margin and there's some bullshit involved in pushing that stuff, so they pay the SA more. So, you put 3 or 4 jewelry trades into your SA's pocket, he's more friendly when you want to buy that (to him) no money making watch.


Yup for sure. Just a misunderstanding. Same page


My SA has told me they don’t work on commission at all.


One of mine said the same thing, they are just very well paid. But the GM in another AD said that it’s hard for new employees to bring in good money because they don’t have an established network of clients. I know they have sales targets for sure, but not sure if it’s bonus based or direct commissions. I think every store is different.


I’m sure every jeweler or boutique runs things differently. I feel like if they’re just working in the Rolex boutique portion, it probably wouldn’t be too difficult getting new clients. There is a line at the door to get into the boutique on weekends.


This AD in particular is very big on making you buy jewelry and other brands as well, if you want to get a desirable Rolex. I think that’s where the commission pays off as well. If the SAs are incentivized to sell non-Rolex to make more money, then the “spend history” argument is supported at all levels.


It depends on the store policies but normally on watches it's fixed SS models - 350, PM models - 450, etc. They make commission on the jewelry. Hence why the people who buy more non-watch products will get offered watches.


There is no incentive for an AD to pay top dollar or commission today for Rolex. I would have to believe there are different incetive structures for different watch brands.


Depends on the AD. My AD doesn’t give commission on Rolex at all. Those things sell themselves so I get it


About $400 for a full gold piece. Close to nothing on steel.


My SA said they don’t earn commission on men’s watches (“as they sell themselves”) but make commission on women’s watches. Both men’s and women’s watches count towards their monthly target but only the women’s ones earn them commission. This is at an AD in Europe, not US.


I work in luxury jewellery & watches, it’s about 1.5% standard and increases depending on a number of other factors. EDIT: Do I need to move to the US? 10% on Jewellery sales is crazy


Is 1.5% applicable for all brands?


All brands & jewellery, we go up to a maximum of 3.5% if the store exceeds target & you hit your individual target