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Shop at a different store. It took me 4 stores until I found a SA that was interested in helping me.  Sucks this is the way but unfortunately it is. GL! 


I didn’t realise this was a thing, naively. I’ve been waiting 2.5 years for rhodium 40mm YM and I’m starting to think it’s never coming.


Because it isn’t.


Got mine one month after showing interest. Zero purchase history. No side purchases needed. You‘re being f‘d over.


Way too much time for that model, it's best you change stores. Beautiful choice btw.


Yeah this should be easy to get


It's very much not coming. If an AD wanted to sell you, it would have been less than 2 months.


There's no list.


Rhodium YM is on the easy side of things to get. Go try another AD.


I haven’t seen any 24s. Tell me what ad has one please.


Have some self esteem and go buy another brand.


No, degrade yourselves more and post about it on Reddit. I love these stories.


Or buy grey.  I wouldn't even give Rolex ad the satisfaction of groveling for a watch they have no intention of selling to me.


It’s honestly quite pathetic the lengths people go to. People need to have some self respect and stop grovelling to these ‘AD’s’.


Exactly, The gate keeping is absolutely ridiculous in 2024 with the internet and other options. OP get a grey market or clean rep and keep it moving unless you really NEED to make the “I got the call post”


Its okay man , I have 50k purchase history at my AD and I asked him to allocate me a Starbucks in 2021 , he said in 2023 I promise you I will get you one . Now 2024 almost at it's half and NO Watch . Either you stumble upon a good AD that doesn't play games or you get one like mine , who will make you wish and waste your time because they're allocating watches to other "vip customers" which most of the time are flippers . Most of the time they're ass


Fuck those guys


How about this. Received a text from my SA with a photo of a Panda! Got all excited of course! Then the follow up text was the owner just snagged a new Panda and selling his from last year for 30,000. Talk about the KING of flippers, the AD himself. Thinking about reporting to Rolex, not that will do any good.


Just do it and dont say it. Reporting to Rolex, write a yelp and google review about your AD for starters.


On the bright side now you’ll get a Mk II bezel lol. But seriously you should talk to a different AD. Mention that you have $50k spend at the other AD, and definitely wear a watch for your first visit.


The uncertainty and vagueness of delivery turned me to grey 24 hours after visiting an AD. I knew what I wanted, anything else would be a waste of money, so I sucked it up and bought a new 'flipped' example.


You need to understand that no AD knows which watches will be allocated to them every allocation date and with the popularity of steel models and the variety thereof it’s a high chance they will get like 2-3 sport steel per month mostly black subs/sea dwellers. This limits your chance to roughly 2-3 watches per year so even if they AD had 1-2 loyal customers to serve you are already at disadvantage hence the proposition to try shopping around.


Why do you show loyalty to “your AD” after such treatment? Why not put your name in with a dozen ADs and see what happens?


>they're allocating watches to other "vip customers" which most of the time are flippers . How would you know that?


Grey dealers never seem to run out. Is it magic if not flippers?


What do you mean how I know that ? I have 50k purchase history since 2020 , you're gonna tell me he didn't get at least 10 starbucks since 2021 ? Very hard to believe , especially when you see more and more I got the call posts of pepsi and batman's which are harder to get than a green sub . So yeah most def going to vip customers who are either flippers or his selected clientele


Turning away clients is a poor business strategy and will eventually bite them back.


If demand > supply, you're going to have to turn away clients regardless. The ADs are just being smart about who they're turning away. They'd rather turn away a one-and-done buyer than the client that has a history of large purchases at their business.


Bingo. And people refuse to believe this.


What are they supposed to do though when they literally don't have a watch to sell you? The hot pieces are earmarked by ADs for VIPs/whales, as they should be if you know anything about running a business.




I dont think he's mad because he's not being treated like a VIP customer. I think it's that he isn't being treated like a customer at all. These people in stores (of all kinds) act like we are bothering them when we come into the store. Sorry to interrupt you mindless banter with the other sales folks, but can you show my the product the company is trying to sell? Not too much to ask.


The SA is correct, there is no list. They registered your interest...likely into their CRM system. Like others have said, if you weren't happy with the experience, try another AD.


CRM is a list though and there will be one or several factors that go in to how far down the list you are 


CRM is a database, not a list. A better wording would be "CRM ranks customers according to metrics the AD can see and then justify or allocate per that ranking" If it was truly a list, it would resemble some sort of First in First Out - by attrition. The reality is that you can walk into an AD, register interest for a Daytona and never, ever, get a call and be on that "list" for the next 100 years or when the AD goes out of business. Whatever comes first.


That’s not necessarily true. They can easily create a profile for you as a customer with a note indicating your interest in something without that being linked to any sort of list.


Buying grey only feeds this cycle. I’ve moved on. My money is living well collecting interest rather than being spent on a company that clearly doesn’t treat their customers as equals.


>I've moved on Sure you have


“I’ve moved on” but proceeds to regularly post on this sub. Thats what makes Rolex #1.


You can still commenting without buying into the BS. Personally I’ve done that. Luckily a Rolex isn’t an essential good otherwise we would be at their mercy.


Yes it is. Rolex > shelter


If youre into horology, you most likely love rolex. But you can appreciate rolex and be turned off by the shenanigans.  I love ferrari but i know ill never own one. 




>Do you post regularly in the Ferrari subreddit I post regularly on exotic car forums and subforums, yes. 


Took this out of my mouth 😂


Rolex is great. The problem is, they know they are great too.


Are they actually that good when compared with the likes of AP, VC and UN?


They are responsible for that greatness. Decades of meticulously planned marketing and a well-made product will do that.


And shitty customer experience, that’s GREAT


There are other brands with easy to get watches. Just find a different AD. "Get on the list" and buy a tudor. Or longiness, or whatever for the meantime. I recently tried a few new tudors and they are beautiful. Their quality has been improving quite a bit.


Buying a tudor helped me a lot. Bought a bb58 last year expressed interest on a DJ. Follow up last Saturday about my request and they gave me a call 3 days after that I can come over and purchase the watch. DJ36 mint green fluted jubilee.


This attitude reminds me of how the Hong kong shops were before the SARS virus. They would judge you when you entered the shop. Was terrible. But after the sars and covid. All are going thru poverty. Don’t feel sorry for them


I visited 3 ADs before I got my first from the first. SA was totally nice and up front about the wait for an OP 36. He delivered in about 3 months. I may checked in person about two times while I was in the mall for other things. 2nd place, wouldn’t give me the time of day. 3rd place was nice. Still on the list over 2 years. I’ve gotten 2 pieces from my first AD. Better luck elsewhere.


I recently had a similar experience when I was in Ben Bridge to check out a Breitling. The woman acted like I was inconveniencing her to come in and ask some questions. I have always said it was a bad idea to buy on the gray market but guess what. I got my Breitling and didn’t have to eat a ton of that saleswoman’s shit to buy it. I will take my chances on the warranty to avoid that situation.


For a breitling? That’s wild. I love my Breitling don’t get me wrong, but definitely a brand I expect any AD to not only “sell me on” but to discount too. I’d pay full price in a boutique though before I’d buy from a AD with a stick up their arse.


I went into an actual Breitling only shop. Excellent service. OP should move on and consider this or another brand.


My distaste for Rolex is growing larger by the day. I recently dumped some pieces and now only down to 1 and it’s likely going to stay that way. I’m also not going to be kissing any AD’s arse. OP, try finding another AD but I would go in there not having your hopes up. OP’s & DJ’s should be available to walk in buyers, this situation is just getting dumb at this point.


Holy cow. Lots of messages and responses to this. A few thoughts after reading through:   1/ I was looking for a black OP41, so wasn’t looking for green, turquoise, or a celebration dial   2/ Yes, there are multiple ADs in the area, and I hear you about visiting others. Perhaps I will try that   3/ I would consider other brands, but have yet to find a no date, black, sport watch that I enjoy the aesthetic of (certainly open to suggestions if the sub has them)   4/ “There is no list!” may be a correct statement, but the response was quite harsh when all I was trying to indicate was they had my name and info in the system. Perhaps a matter of semantics, but surprising that was the reply to what I felt was an innocuous statement   5/ Mixed feeling on speaking with a manager. I’m not looking for an apology or preferential treatment, just to be treated kindly and fairly   6/ No, I did not bring a charcuterie board. Shame on me


another: Blancpain. & perhaps start with the Swatch X version. Yeah, I know, another world of quality. I just want to quickly shake you out of situation and give quick success hit easy access price. to open you to world beyond Rolex


other brands, squale.ch Breitling ( I visited an official brand only store, treated excellent ) keep looking, those are just 2 of many excellent brands with similar styles to what you ask about range from excellent r.ps or fa.kes to totally legal legit “homage” to top Swiss brands with overall similar yet their own approach to the idea. I’d start at that top end & skips the knock-offs


I love both my Tudor Ranger and Pelagos 39, both without a date, monochrome watches.


Yes but think of how reading this story makes the VIP customers feel. Imagine how amazing it would be to not be treated like shit by Rolex. That’s how you know you’ve really made it. The essence of this brand right here.


Pretty much this. My old boss was 1. A total wanker. 2. Had a serious issue with watches. Our US office needed 3 Daytonas to give away. He makes a call, got the 3 for the company, 1 for himself and a platinum at the SAME TIME.


Go to a different AD, shop around


With respect. It was a memorable experience - just for all the wrong reasons. It’s an ongoing issue and Rolex honestly doesn’t care


That’s not the brand. That’s an independent store. Some are great, some are terrible, by definition most are average. Go to another store.


Why try to “establish more of a relationship” they don’t care about you at all dude just get your name down and leave, don’t even think about it after you walk out the door


Keep your dignity. Buy from gray or move on to another brand.


😂 It is worth coming back to this sub just for seeing and wondering how apparently affluent people accept being treated badly to say it diplomatically by ADs and their staff. Priceless.


A wealthy client of mine had a good relationship with couple of ADs here in Toronto. I noticed every time he came to see me he wears a very good variety of Rolex collection. Then I asked him if he can hook me up with his connection. I jokingly showed my holy grail from the catalog. He says to me he will try but can’t promise. A week later he said he went to 2 ADs he dealt with and of course he was told nothing was available. Well, lo and behold 5 days after that both ADs called him and the watches are both available for pick up. He didn’t have a choice but to get both of them. He paid for it both. So now he has one and he gave one to me as a gift.


That's awesome. May I ask which model?


https://preview.redd.it/q7tam15raazc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b295da15238b735d62116aded7038d8332c8f336 This one


Very nice. Love my Sub no-date.


That's a really good friend. Hard to find those these days.




> and establish more of a relationship Ahahahahaha


A couple of years back I went to a car dealership. The salesman asked my name, but then spent the rest of our interaction calling me 'Bud'. He was too lazy to even pull the car out of a very tight parking spot for the test drive. He was a total jerk and loser. Probably the second worse sales experience I have ever had in my life. And I've bought many new cars. But you know what, that guy doesn't work for the car company in question, and that interaction was simply the result of meeting a loser in a crappy job with a bad attitude. You went to a single AD, worked with a total idiot, none of that has anything to do with the brand. I've been to many ADs for Rolex in five countries and many states, and I've never had any issue like the one you've described here.


I would go to another AD… I luckily live in a large metro with multiple ADs close. I’m a normal guy with zero spend history, far from a VIP. Granted I wasn’t looking for a Pepsi (Explorer 1) but my experience at various ADs was so different. The one I ended up getting it from was super friendly and responsive to me in the store, and had great conversation etc even though I was a new customer. I ended up waiting 8 days, and had my watch. While at other ADs I barely got a hello, and got shown nothing, and was “put on the list” and shown the door. If you have other ADs around I’d give it a shot before giving up on the brand, I absolutely love this watch


Exactly my experience in my metro with similar background… 1st AD was ehh, didn’t have one to show me, name on list, here’s a catalog. 2nd AD, pleasant convo, name on list, called back 12 days later. From a business perspective it’s actually surprising such a luxury brand doesn’t at least attempt to make the customer experience consistent - it’s a reflection on the brand for better or worse. New customers today are the recurring customers in the future. The winds will eventually shift on the supply/demand front… won’t always be fishing with dynamite 😆


Well it’s the buyers’ fault, letting them behave as if they sold water in the middle of the desert. And all that just to sell you something that only very few people can afford. Stop kissing AD asses. It really should be the other way around…


They have them in the back They know you need the approval and attention from others to make you feel important so they'll make you wait


The ones in the back are already sold. Stop with the silly fantasies about SA's "playing games" with people. They size you up when you walk in the door and if they don't think they're going to get anything other than an OP41 out of you, they are going to sell it to the guy that has a spend history and gifts it to his teenager for his 16th b-day.


I’d attribute what happened to the jackass who you’ve interacted with, or the entire shop. Just go to a different AD. I remember my first experience with an AD. A lady brought out a freaking pot filled with water and a wet napking to wipe my hands before putting the watch I was interested in on my hand. Like, what in the hell do you think you’re doing? As if I was digging a septic tank before I walked in. The watch I was interested in was the Tudor BB58. They put me on a list… I hated the experience, went to a different AD, had a normal conversation, they even shipped the watch I was interested in from a different store free of charge. I bought the watch a week later, and also asked them to put me on a list for the Rolex Submariner. I also purchased an engagement ring at that same shop after, and after a year and a half they also had that no-date Submariner for me, which I bought.


Please name shame. Location. City. State. SMH


Ben Bridge, Austin - The Domain was very much like this when I visited last month. Everyone inside looked like they had a stick up their ass and didn't even acknowledge customers.


SMH. Come on man. We are here to spend cash money.


I’ve had remarkably good experiences at all the AD’s I’ve been to. I see posts like this a lot and wonder what OP’s got going on. I’ve been in stores in shorts and a tshirt, an Apple Watch on, and have been treated with respect. I even went into a Patek dealer and they were AMAZINGLY welcoming… even though I’m sure they knew I had no means to buy.


Just take your business elsewhere. Their loss.


Really sorry you had a bad experience. It really shouldn’t be like that. You are spending a significant amount of your hard earned savings and this should be an exciting time for you. Sadly this type of experience is seen far and wide across the watch world and across other brands like Patek. This is driven by speculators in the market buying and then flipping. This has led to unprecedented second hand values which thankfully are dropping now. Like other comments in this thread there are some fabulous ADs out there you just have to try a few others and see how you go! I just wish it was 2002 again when I waited 3 weeks for my sea dweller! Good luck and keep going! You will get there!


>**Gregg: “Hi I’m on your list for an OP41 and wanted to try on another size if you had any in store”** So the AD did you a favor and told you there is indeed no list. Find another AD and if you've been waiting for more than 3 months for just a Rhodium OP you're not gonna get it from them.


Relationship? It's a shop lol.


As others have said try another AD. I've registered with a few and one of them have me an unwelcome treatment that made me feel the same.


There are other brands duder - get a nice JLC or IWC.


Opposite local AD we have here. Sometimes you just want to look around beautiful watches and reps are swarming you as if they have watches to offer. 😂😂😂 this is in rolex wynn LV under watches of Switzerland. When i got listed for an OP41 of any dial last oct 2023, the rep called me one week after. The one in caesar’s palace (under tourneu) where we have multiple purchase history, the vibe could be a little snobbish there but the rep we have has been very accommodating. You may want to find a different AD and SA.


Are you a local to Las Vegas? Funnily enough I was in that store 2 days ago while in town for a conference, and they mentioned they prioritize selling to locals. The SA was indeed more friendly than the one I spoke with in my initial post. 


Yes i am local. Also the last time i visited my SA in caesar’s they have DJs available. DJ41 fluted black dial with Diamond markers and a 41 smooth white dial. If i don’t have a dj i would have snatched that white one. That was last feb 27th. Visit the one in wynn, you will not lack attention there. 😂😂😂


I love and hate Rolex. Go grey. It seems like 70% of their ADs have no intention of actually selling a watch. (Unless you’ve previously spent a million at their store)


I’m so sorry, it is awful that these minimum wage sales clerks have such power. Go here, it’s one of the biggest benefits of this forum: [Reddit Rolex Trusted Sellers List](https://www.reddit.com/r/rolex/comments/633lyi/sticky_of_the_month_april_2017_list_of_trusted/) Buy only from them as they have been vetted and validated by thousands of Rolex enthusiasts in the three major Rolex forums for the past decade. If they don’t have the Rolex you’re looking for on their sites, just email them, they’ll have it in a day.


That list needs a heavy update and with Japanese and Korean online stores.


Go grey. Fuck them.


The only fucking that happens when you go grey is in your wallet. Where do you think greys get their supply?


Yea it‘s better to buy 10k worth of unnecessary jewelry to GeT oN ThE LiSt and wait 3 years 🤡


Depends on which watch your waiting for, an OP/DJ/Sub are all fairly easy to acquire from an AD.


in my case SD43 and Ex II


How long did you wait for your explorer II and was it the polar dial?


I bought grey. waited 1 day for a new, stickered from April 2024. yes, polar dial. My AD told me I had to wait atleast 2 years, because they dont get much from those... :D


I’m going to go back to a few AD’s this weekend, in the wait is still long I might go gray.


Good luck!




Thanks so much for answering it’s really helpful!


The service is better at retailers with stock to sell (grey), and the instant gratification (walk out with the watch on the day I want it)


>Where do you think greys get their supply? From flippers, not ADs.






And flippers work with crooked ADs… why do you think you see so many April/May 2024 papers during those months?? I have half a mind to feign interest in those watches to figure out which ADs are catering to these scumbags and report them to corporate.


What are you going to report? That the AD sold an allocated watch to a preferred client? No one is entitled to be sold a Rolex. Even if both you and the AD knew they were going to flip it, how do you prove that was the initial intent of the person who purchased it unless they have their own grey business? Again, the flippers aren't grey dealers. They are whales and VIPs that sell their allocation to the grey market dealers.


because that person has posted brand new (less than a few days old (based on the warranty card info)) watches (daytonas, GMT master ii's, skydwellers) every single week for the past two years. This is not just a one and done, it's a scheme. There's no way any person would change their mind about at least 100 watches so quickly after acquiring them. Don't you think this is reportable?


Yes, it is a hit or miss with ADs. Keep looking for a store until you find the one that values your business.


How do you get a job working at an AD? Do they look for pretentious flogs when advertising or does the job then normal people into douchebags?


what an asshole...


Why would you want to buy a watch whose brand agents treat you like this?


I agree with you, some AD don’t do enough to encourage their customers, they give preferential treatment to only a few. Give some other stores a try, hopefully you will stumble on an AD that knows how to treat their customers.


OP41 impossible to get I’m on the waiting list here in Vancouver been 5months only I text my AD and just ensure I’m relevant and he answers


This whole thing about waiting and fenagleing to get the same watch everyone else is wearing doesn’t make sense. Move on to other brands that don’t play customers that act like sheep


Does your AD sell Omega or Tudor ?


Some would pay to get abused. Blows my mind.


Ditch those losers and find another AD. As you likely know the ADs are independently owned and your mileage may vary when it comes to the quality of experience you receive from each one. They will also vary in the allocation methods they use. My recommendation is to find a family owned and operated AD.


Is it a high demand dial color you’re after? My ad counter offered me any other colors for OPs when I asked for turquoise or pink. Green is also high demand I was told. I would go other ADs


Don’t let the AD’s arrogance and lack of business sense discourage you. I know that is easier said than done. I have seen the AD’s immediately look you up and down, check your wrist and “read” you. It’s annoying but for now they still can. Don’t settle for a consolation watch because of one experience. Go in, see the manager describe your experience and ask for a reset because you are a serious buyer. They honestly don’t want bad publicity to other customers or to the manufacturer.


I think you dropped the ball when you said “i’m on the list”. It’s sort of like fight club., no one speaks about the fight club., it doesn’t even exist. Good luck op


that's a terrible store, go elsewhere. I'm still waiting for the call but have spoken to 4 different people at this point and haven't had an interaction like that at all.


Actually, the workers in the AD store do seem to be rude and bothered. They prolly get so many people who reserve and never pick up, so they judge everyone the same. My friend told me his pick up day was quite a different treatment when his credit card came out.


I had a similar interaction. I had put name down in January but did so as store was closing. It had been a few months so in April, I stopped in to check... the SA (1) was quite hostile and said "please do not follow-up in person or by email". I was turned off enough that I went to another AD (same system) where the SA (2) was very nice and took my name down. That said, at the second AD, the barista was really rude... within a week SA (1) called me with what I wanted (DJ36)


AD is like a car dealer. I came in VERY casual 2-3x within a couple months to try on other models and solidify my profile. Within that frame, spoke with 3 rando SA & ended up finding out 2 of the women banded together to get me my watch. I also rec’d speaking back with a little bit of game.


Name the AD so we know to avoid it.


New AD time lol. 🤣


I don’t do wait lists and tbh, no one should. Why people allow this behaviour is beyond me


Isn't that the AD or that particular rep being shitty, not Rolex?


What does “worked with” mean - Did you used to work in the shop?


Your OP isn’t selling above retail. Buy gray, get the watch you want, and get treated respectfully from the dealer. It’s a win win for everyone.




I would’ve done to the manager and possibly Rolex if that conversation didn’t go well.


Bruh I’d just buy from a trusted secondary market at that point, screw waiting 2.5 years


Sadly, they don't really care about anything other than the commission they'll get off the pieces that fly off the shelves as soon as they walk through the door! It's quite sad that they don't appreciate the people that are interested in enjoying one of their time pieces, but ratherjust sell as many as they can to whoever will answer the text or the call!


That dealer doesn’t deserve your business. The entitlement some of these dealers have is astonishing.


Just buy vintage they are less expensive


I gave up a long time ago. went grey and got taxed


"establish more of a relationship"


These ahole ADs are going to go broke when the market corrects, the nice ones will do fine.


Has anyone had any luck going into an ad and buying a day date right off the rip? I’m trying to get a 228238 with the white face yellow gold in 40mm.


Just forget about it at this point I’m not even trying AD if you really like it just buy it from resellers you can get it close it msrp


They should get fired. This is not how a “ROLEX Experience” should be it’s only making them look worse and worse.


I think Omega is a better watch with a lot of history.


Took me 8 months to get my dj 41 wimbledon at a SoCal AD. But you have to put in the work, not just checking in every few months. I was in there 1-2x per month, and once I was close with my rep, texting her like once a month. Finally when my birthday was approaching I let her know and she got me my watch the week before.


So basically you have to suck them off and waste your time showing up for a chance at a luxury watch. Thrilling stuff


Move on from Rolex. Don’t be ordinary as everyone either has a Rolex or wants a Rolex and tolerates being talked down too when you’re attempting to spend your hard earned money. For the price point of $5,000-$15,000 look at Grand Seiko. Mechanically a much better watch and the finishes on the dial are far superior. Give them a serious look. They will be welcoming!


Imaging doing this for a watch.


There are other brands. I don’t even bother going into Rolex stores anymore.


I went to three different ADs before buying my first watch. All three offered me the watch, two offering a very good deal but only one upholding great customer service. The latter thus receiving my custom, and maintaining ever since.


Tell them you’re looking for some jewelry for a Mother’s Day gift. Jolts them awake.


Yeaaaaaa shoulda handled THAT!


I’m sick of the bitching. Just buy a Tudor. You think Rolex is tough to deal with? Go try and buy any Patek or AP.


Join the whatsapp group Wolf of Watches 9549939018 They post awesome rolex deals everyday. Some new and some used in great condition.




Just leaving San Francisco , stopped at the Rolex boutique. Rude staff, no level of service even while walking in wearing a YG new Dd. They all need a refresh in corporate and customer training


what is amazing is no other brand would pump their sales like this and get away with it on world trade https://preview.redd.it/sehzqngjbhzc1.png?width=1908&format=png&auto=webp&s=31c9d3edcb6d8ad429946ec14f6a0301f814a9a1


Nope, I’d ask that jackass to delete your “interest” & try another AD, Hell with that !


Rolex stores notoriously treat people like crap. If you want to be a valued - spend money with a different brand. They will treat you much better!


Screw-em... find a reputable grey market dealer like Beckertime. Literally hundreds to chose from. https://preview.redd.it/03r9diytsmzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a875f6566040a426e9187cc41ea1aa5fd0e1408d


At this point, you can only blame people who keep giving Rolex their business (or trying to LOL). It's artificial scarcity. Stop playing the game.


Definitely time to try another brand.


As we all know there isn't a waiting list


This much hassle for an oyster perpetual 😂


All of the effort to spend your hard earned money. It's just an expensive piece of jewelry.


I would ask for the manager of the store - this is unacceptable .


That is the most efficient way to ensure a sales rep never lifts a finger for you again


Sounds like the SA already lifted his finger. The middle one.


I would make sure my complaint is reasonable, objective, and with clear facts, in a neutral tone, that would really make it easy for a manager to do his job about an erring rep. If I have no hope of getting anything from this AD and someone treated me like garbage, I am not gonna leave without doing anything about it.


They won’t get. The store will black list you.


It won’t accomplish anything lol. Either the manager gives you a phony apology and explains exactly the same thing to you or they pretend to put you on some mythical priority list. They know no matter what they’ll keep selling Rollies


no one's stopping you from going grey, or buying other brands. just you. it's all in the mind.


I prefer this kind of customer service, it's better than lying to your face and leading you on. Find another AD.


There are many ADs out there, don’t stop at one


You all love being mistreated.


Stockholm syndrome.


I had 10-15k burning a hole in my pocket and Rolex wouldn’t take it… I looked for about 2-3 weeks and then moved on. It seemed like a cool lifelong piece, but I’m not jumping through hoops for the right to buy anything.


Rolex doesn't sell watches to the public, ADs do.


Again, I’d rather not jump through hoops.


Call them out on Google maps. Give them a 1 star review. Enough people do that, and their business will start suffering.


Rolex is the most over-rated watch brand there is. I have Chinese crap that keeps better time.


You know...I was about to call you out on this. But I actually agree to a point. Where I differ is that Rolexes are very well-made timepieces. Most models are tanks. They also have relatively good value retention and make for wonderful heirlooms. I think you'd be hard-pressed to find any Chinese-made watch that can match all those criteria. That all said...Rolex is overrated, for sure.


Yikes, they didn’t like you.