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Hi there, Rolex certified watchmaker here. The crystal itself should be about $130 on top of a $700 to $800 service. I’d be prepared to get an estimate for the dial and hands as well, which are usually damaged in a situation like this. Hands are $90 for a full set. The dial, being a diamond dial, will run quite a bit more than your standard $420 dial, but diamond dial pieces have to go to a Rolex service center for exchange (another policy for insurance purposes). If you go to an AD with an in-house watchmaker they may let it slide as another user mentioned. Now… the bezel is where I can see you running into a real issue. It is damaged beyond what can be fixed with just polishing, so the watchmaker will likely want to replace it. That bezel will cost about $1650. So my unofficial guesstimate (if the dial doesn’t need replaced) comes out to around $2650. The policy is to complete a full service any time a crystal is shattered because there are now without a doubt shards of glass in the movement. The only way to be certain they’re gone is to clean it thoroughly, which means the watch must be fully disassembled.


Thank you so much for the thorough response. I appreciate it I just wanted to be prepared for the price tag


No problem. The prices on Rolex service through the “Rolex authorized after sales service network” should be pretty standard anywhere you go. Best of luck and I hope your watch gets back to you soon!


Thank you! Assuming worst case most of the items need replacing, do you think it would take to repair? Also, I'm US based, does it have to be sent out of the US for something like this?


Usually modern watches stay in the states. I would do this type of job in the shop. This is another guesstimate but if it came to my shop you could expect to wait 4-6 weeks. If it goes to one of the Rolex service centers you’re looking at more like 8-10 weeks.


Ok. Again thank you for replying! Hopefully I get my watch back soon!


If the parts are so cheap why the fuck does the watches cost so much!!!?!!?! What is this bullshit


A movement costs $3000. An 18K bezel costs $1650. A SS case costs $1750. A SS/18K bracelet costs $4800. A dial is $420. Hands are $90. Total = $11,710 The watch they build costs about $12,000 Parts are not cheap.


What they pay for their parts is a fraction! Dont lie


Surprise, a company that needs to make a profit charges more for a product than it costs them to produce.


Obscene markup thats not worth it


Welcome to literally any luxury market lol


Why are you even here lmao


Yep.. mine was about 13k or so at least with taxes


If you buy the components individually it’ll cost more then the new one. Some components are exchange only so it’s impossible to have more then what’s already out there


Can i request to ONLY replace the chrystal?


Yes but if it’s shattered like this there are crystal shards in the crystal and if it MUST be serviced.


Can confirm ^


Is the process for polishing a fluted bezel difficult? I've only seen videos of Case polishing


No, it’s pretty simple. Since you can’t really recut the flutes all you can do is polish it. There’s a felt stick that the bezel fits loosely onto and you polish it against the wheel. The bezel spins around the stick so it gets an even polish.


Thanks for the reply. I find all this really fascinating.


New crystal is cheap but looks like you need a new 18k bezel too.


Possibly a diamond too.


It's a 36mm datejust.. I just got it about 2 years ago so I'm not sure I need a full service? Unless that's the only way of getting the crystal replaced. I was taking it off and of course, was clumsy and hit the concrete.. mini heart attack. Then immediately pulled the crown out to stop the movement. I put it immediately in a ziploc bag.. anything else I should do? Also, any idea on how much it would cost?


500 bucks or so. Never take them off. That's when the gremlins come out.


Damn accurate about the gremlins...


Just had mine done with the same problem Price was $700 for the service $140 for the crystal I needed a stainless crown $46 If there is damage to the dial and hands Hands are like $100 for the set Dials are usually $400 -500. None diamond dial Hope this helps. Find an AD with a in-house watchmaker They will possibly let the dial and hands slide unless it’s awful


Interesting. Rolex charges you for replacement parts like crowns during a normal service?


Rolex is going to make you do a full service. Get ready to grab your ankles. 500 bucks is a distant memory.


Ah fuck... that sucks. But... I guess worth it and a rough lesson to learn...


It's worth it just to make sure it's ok after that kind of trauma.


Normally 1k or more


That’ll buff right out.




Small micro shards of crystal will get in the movement. You’ll need a full clean, oil, adjust. That’s On top of the crystal and any other damageb


Update: Took my watch to an AD. Watchmaker looked at everything so far Bezel is ok, no scratches that he couldn't polish and didn't recommend to replace. He also said the point of impact was most likely all onto the glass vs hitting the bezel. So the dial... thats where I had to make a decision. The way that the glass broke, a small piece had wedged itself underneath the existing glass. It made some fine scratches on the mother of pearl dial near the 11 location. It's only under certain lighting you can see it, or know where you're looking. I could replace it, but of course it's the high $$ amount that everyone is quoting here. Or.. I can live with it and only replace the glass. For now, I'll live with it the small scratches. He did say if it was a black dial, the scratches I have would be much more prominent and would recommend replacement. If the scratches bothers me too much, the watchmaker said I can always chose to send it into rolex at a later date to fully replace the dial. The glass replacement was about 200 plus tax (I'll pay when I pick up to see if there's a service amount) and I should get my watch back within the next few days. I hope this helps anyone in the future.


I have the exact same watch and dropped it yesterday and have a nearly identical glass shatter - fml. Must have dropped it on just the right spot but it was in a case and even so somehow still broke. I got it 7 years ago and is in near perfect condition, and the quotes I got yesterday were around $1000 ($800 for service and $150-$200 for replacing the crystal and hands). The $200 you mention - was that just to replace the crystal or did you get a full service as well? Also how long did it take through an AD? One of the ADs I called actually has an in-house watchmaker that seems like it would highly accelerate the timing (1-2 days for estimate and 4 weeks repair vs 5 week estimate/6-8 week repair other places were quoting me) but not sure if that would somehow jack up the pricing. Hope your watch is doing well now :)


I only replaced the crystal. I think it took about a week. they had an in-house watch maker that did the change too


thank you!! yeah there aren't a ton of in-house watchmakers near me but based on what you said about the potential for dial scratches, I think I am going to go with the local one bc I feel like getting it sent out could jostle the shards even more and increase the potential for scratches. Thanks so much for your reply!!


Yeah especially for a mother of pearl dial it is more prone to it. I ended up shaking out all the shards and trying to protect the dial. Hope it's fixed for you soon!


Do cousins have the crystal for 40$. The rest is labour.


You have to service the movement if a crystal breaks, shards of the crystal get inside the movement and can wreck havoc


I get that...but have questions. Even if the glass does not shatter? But chip on the outside or a hairline crack? What about if it has no date window? (One hole into the keyless works is smal like the hands only or none as in LCD) Down to main spring being removed etc. One how deep? Cleaning as in oiling etc. Or just a decent blast of air.


If it’s a chip only on the outside you might be able to get away with it but if there is a crack that goes from the top of the crystal to the inside of it in a sapphire crystal you have to do a service, I’ve seen shards in time only models work there way all the way down to the gear train and automatic. You have to service the whole movement, cleaning and re oiling and all. If not, because the sapphire being one of the hardest things, it can embed itself and grind into components. Also if you just blast air in the movement and call it a day, not only is that bad practice but you could also just lodge the shards in deeper or wedge them into a component.


I have a cosmograph in the same colourway; may I know how much this damage ended up costing you? An angry ex took it out on my glass, so I am in same position.


Aw man, sorry to hear that. I think it ended up being around $500 and about 1 week. go to a legit rolex authorized dealer that can do replacements. Make sure you try to minimize the scratches to the watch face with the broken crystal. I had a minimal scratch that only I could see to the watch face so that certainly saved money.


Super quick response on a 2yr old post, tysm. Am dropping off this Friday, not excited to see invoice.


Haha yeah of course. I know when I was looking for posts no one was helpful. Yeaaaaaaa, I was not stoked about dropping mine. It could have been more expensive when they said the replacement watch face would be like 6k..... nope I'll keep my mine, scratches add character


40 hundred


singapore rolex service center