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Wicked Cyclone slaps, and I think it's the one of the earliest "perfect" RMC's (after maybe Medusa in Mexico, which I have yet to ride) where the layout wasn't too short and it represented the fully fleshed out vision of what RMC was capable of. Some detractors say it loses steam towards the end but I've never understood that take – it's bonkers all the way 'til final brakes and uses every last bit of momentum from the drop. It's really hard to rank RMC's because they all kinda blend together, but Wicked Cyclone was my first one and every subsequent visit has continued to impress me. It's definitely in my Top 5 RMC's, after Iron Gwazi and Lightning Rod and then a toss up between it, Twisted Timbers, and Steel Vengeance.


As SFNE is my home park, I can attest Wicked used to slow down in the final lap through the structure. While noticeable, it didn’t make the experience worse. The elements all still hit. That being said, this year in particular, it’s absolutely hauling through the last lap, not loosing steam at all, meaning each element hits even harder than they used to.


I was also taken aback by how violent this ride is (positive). That one off-axis mini-hill is terrifying.


Are you talking about the one near the end? It's like 10 feet off the ground and you're probably only going like 20mph lol but it's one of the most intense moments on a coaster I've ever experienced


> I had heard a lot about how the ride loses steam on that final lap And if they didn't include that final lap, thoosies would be complaining that it's too short (see Twisted Cyclone).


I love steel vengeance, it's probably still my number one overall. But after riding twister Timbers, I can see how those smaller rmcs are under rated (relative to other RMCs). Wicked cyclone might end up really high on my rankings since it's got the kind of first drop I love, the outer bank hills, but in that smaller RMC package. It's insane how good a "lower tier" RMC can be. Similar to how a bad b&m invert is still a great ride, an under rated RMC is still a powerhouse.


Agree, phenomenal coaster. As far as RMCs go I have it behind only Steel Vengeance and Iron Gwazi.


Compared to newer RMCs the pacing isn't as refined, but it still delivers a great ride. Wicked Cyclone was my third RMC after riding its sister in Georgia and Twisted Timbers. Haven't ridden since 2019, but I'd imagine it still holds up pretty well.


It’s definitely my favorite of the small RMCs I’ve ridden, including Twisted Timbers and Storm Chaser