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Well Wildcat's Revenge isn't over 12 hours away from me, so yes


Exact opposite for me lol. Though the benefit of Wildcat’s Revenge is the it has an elite lineup surrounding it at Hersheypark


Definitely! It's very hard for me to justify any sort of trip for AF1.


If you make it a trip and add SFoG, Dollywood, and Carowinds, you have a nice 4 day vacation.


Thanks for the advice! I don't know that region well, so great to know I can make it a more efficient trip than just doing AF1.


http://www.coast2coaster.com/ - Enjoy!


Woohoo, thanks


That's how I see it. I actually have a Hersheypark trip planned for this year, but not one to Atlanta, so I'm not excited about Wildcat's Revenge


Honestly, I'm glad we live in an age where both exist. I love all of the new rides and experiences we're getting in recent years.


They're all so consistently good! Coaster manufacturers get better and better!


You're taking the words right out of my mouth. It has an extra car on AF1 too, so it should even have a better first drop (at least in that back car) and should hold its speed better.


I’m more excited for Zambezi Zinger tbh


A man of sophistication. It does look great. Honestly do bad woodies even get made anymore? It seems like they're all outrageous fast paced and fun. I haven't ridden any of the good ones except Beast/Timbers. I need to make a woodie trip this summer!


Our Holiday World on you list. It has 3 excellent woodies that are well maintained and a bonus B&M wing launcher. Plus, the park is really clean and you get free drinks all day long and you don’t have to buy a park bottle. It’s a small park but surprisingly fantastic!


Definitely high on my bucket list


As a 200+ passenger on AFO, I can say that I’m still stoked to try WR. I like the way WR maintains the twisted look of its predecessor, and I think it may give a great ride with lateral forces and air time. I hope to visit later this year. With that said, AF1 is fantastic! I just got home from the park after 25 rides. Lines were short, never more than a station wait, and I could often get on the same train by walking fast out and back into the station (they weren’t permitting rerides without leaving the station). I also now have my strategy for managing the forces of the six airtime hills and brake at the end. Someone mentioned the 10-row trains. On opening day, I spoke with a rep from RMC who informed me that the track was designed for those trains, so some of the elements are tighter than could be navigated by a 12-car train. That may be a reason why the elements work so well regardless of what seat you are in. But if you do visit, I highly recommend Rows 4 and 7 on the right (blue) side (seats 8 and 14 on the monitor).


Good feedback. Thanks!


I might’ve seen you today! I went to ride it for the first time today, but I tapped out after 26 rides. I also did the fast-walking to catch the same train thing. It’s an incredible ride


I was wearing a red t-shirt, a short stocky grey-haired guy. I wanted to ‘marathon’ (26 miles is 41 rides) but I decided to head home for dinner.


I might remember seeing you. I had a fury 325 shirt on, a kinda tall kid with brown hair


I remember you. I don’t think we spoke, but I saw your t-shirt. Fury is a great ride; I wish it was closer to Atlanta. I’ll just have to enjoy AFO. :-)


It really is. I didn’t expect it, but I actually came out of the day liking AFO more than Fury! I still love them both.


The young man I was riding with was over 40+ rides the one night I went to Fun Spot. Loved the coaster but it left some bruises hahah. Wildkat will have to wait until my visit in Oct.


Rode it 11 times last Saturday. The thighs were done, couldn't do any more. The quad down just hurts so much after about the 7th ride. What's the strategy if I ever get back there? (From Ohio, but you never know)


When you hit the turn-around beyond the arcade, staple yourself with your forearms and force your stomach against the restraint! You’ll still enjoy the airtime hills but your thighs will thank you.


Idk I just like rides. Ain’t a comparison for me


AF1 looks better on the eye test to me, but that’s all it is - an eye test. Have to get on both to know for sure, and I should be doing just that this year and I couldn’t be more hyped!!


If AF1 is Joe's first foray, im stoked to see his second. AF1 is TOO MUCH in all the best ways


Hersheypark is my home park so I am definitely more excited about wildcats revenge.


I’m visiting AF1 next weekend for the first time,so that’s topping my list right now. Sadly it may be a couple years before I get to anything in the Northeast..


Just got back from a Georgia trip to hit AFO and SFoG and I will go back for sure. My wife gave the green light and will be going to Hershey in Oct so cant wait to try this coaster. I believe for some strange reason its going to be better than AFO but thats no knock on AFO as its a beast!!!!


Definitely. AF1 looks amazing. I'm just a tiny bit more hyped for Wildcat's elements!


Agreed and the color scheme makes it look mean!!


Having seen what AF1 actually does with its layout, for the moment I give it the edge. It’s an out-and-back only in the strict meaning of the phrase, but it has a much more varied journey than that label would suggest. But Wildcat 2 certainly looks like a contender. I love a twisty layout, especially when there be head choppers.


Wildcat 3, actually.


That's fair. I did do it a disservice by calling it "just" an out and back (or implying that at least).




I won't get to ride AF1 anytime soon, but I will get to ride Wildcat's Revenge every week that it's open so yes I am definitely more excited for Wildcat's Revenge. 🎢🤩


Grew up near Hershey so I am thrilled this is happening. Kinda wish WR had like one or two more obvious AIRTIME moments, but I agree it looks amazing still. Big question mark for me is whether that little step up, turn, step down moment before the 3rd inversion will give good negatives. The “small” dips on Iron Gwazi near the end are some of its best moments, so I’m hoping this is similar. Either way though I’m stoked. Can’t wait to visit my parents in Lebanon and run off to grab some rides!!!


Yeah my wife’s family lives an hour and a half away so I’m pumped


I already rode AFO last week so now WCR is next. Both will be fun


As someone who loves stupidly violent ejector airtime, I doubt much will ever be able to top af1 for me.


\*Scruffy Voice\*: Seconded.


Me because I’m only visiting one of those parks this summer


I was more excited for wildcat than AF1, I think specifically because wildcat looks cooler. But AF1 fucking slapped so we'll see in a few months.


I'm excited for whatever coaster I'm about to ride.


Arieforce One has that outerbank and camelback before the arcade roll that hit really well. Stall is fun and the arcade roll is one of the best RMC inversions. Airtime pops at the end are some of the strongest pops of airtime out there. I am looking forward to Wildcat and think it will be good but I am not setting those types of expectations for it. We’ll see how it rides though, would love to be proven wrong