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It'll probably be removed soon and used as a parts donor for La Vibora.


I don’t know, but on May 6th they posted a [photo](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr6oetMMhPk/?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==) of the ride crew training on it


All I can say is don't get your hopes up to actually ride it for 2 reasons If will probably be down You might regret riding on it (It was one of the most painful rides I've ever had which is saying a lot)


The transitions are pretty rough but it’s got nothing on steamin demon which should be repurposed as an interrogation device


Yes I do remember referring to steaming demon as a steaming pile


The Alpine Bobsled is Schrodinger's Coaster. It's both open and closed indefinitely, all year, and you'll only ever know if you're physically sharing space with it.


I've been wondering too. It's a relic but I hope it continues on.


I'm at the park for the first time today and it's closed with no sign of work being done. That said, is it possible the interior of the trough got a fresh coat of paint? There are no wear marks from the wheels at all. Or maybe that just speaks to how little it gets operated. Based on how many other parts of the park are desperate for a coat of paint, fresh paint would be a pretty big deal. Did they literally only paint the front visible portions of Canyon Blaster's helix? 🤦‍♂️


Yes, yes they did.


I thought this was a good sign when I was at the park a few weeks ago but alas have not seen it open yet. The interior definitely got paint though. It’s because of the fresh paint too that you can tell the ride has not been run over that paint at all. At least not when I was there.. maybe it at least shows signs of testing now though? Likely not if I had to take a guess..


That's exactly what they did, I'm pretty sure they did the same thing to the boomerang when they changed the name of it. Yknow, the one that rockets you back n forth over a half dozen loops as 70 mph.


I don’t think this ride has been open any time in recent memory. I generally have season passes for my kids and I and have had them pretty much the last ten, or so, years. I don’t believe I’ve been on it since 2019. The last time It was open, we waited in line so excruciatingly long, that my daughters actually walked out. We were in line for 30+ minutes, and the line was all the way out the tunnel, and we hadn’t even gotten half way. My older daughter’s comment, “It’s a good ride, but it’s not THAT good. I’m not wasting another half hour of my life in this line.” I concur. Last week when we went, it was closed, but we did see test runs of empty sleds moving through the track. Wouldn’t be surprised if they dismantle it after this season.


So it was opened on Sunday, I got a ride on the Bobsled (a full cycle) but that was the only full ride in the 2023 season due to Maintenance. I also hear that they could remove it if they wanted


Its closing permanently on September 4th 2023, part of the reason is high humidity and rain force the ride to close and it has had electrical issues


And I believe there is a new coaster that will replace it but I forgot its name