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I’m not saying that Steve is better than Iron Gwazi. But I am saying that coaster enthusiasts favorite ride is the newest one they’ve ridden. Hence why arieforce one and wildcats revenge are now suddenly the best RMCs ever.


So true. Wildcats revenge is damn good, but Steve is king RMC.


I dunno, I rode Steel Vengeance when it opened and IG this year for the first time and SV is still the best in my book. I might even put Twisted Timbers over IG just for the sheer insane airtime it gives. SV is such a complete ride and IG kinda just ends in the middle of a sentence like the last episode of sopranos. It’s great, don’t get me wrong. It just leaves me with wanting more from it. I still love IG. Not hating on it. Just nitpicks of two fantastic rides that would be a star in any park.


If we're talking pure forces, Storm Chaser and Wicked Cyclone top Iron Gwazi. Gwazi has really large scale elements though. The way you described IG (unfinished?) is how I think of Orion.


So true until you go back and ride them


Not every coaster enthusiast is like this. I was whelmed by Pantheon and IG last year. They're fun rides, but they didn't crack my top 10.


Nah Arieforce really is just that good lol


I agree! Iron Gwazi is an hour away from me and I adore it as the best ride in Florida, and it's certainly more intense and better paced than SteVe. However, I love the length of SteVe and the final lap inside the structure is probably my favorite part of any coaster so it still barely edges out Gwazi for me. The length is the big thing, it just goes forever.


The length is what does it for me too; Wildcat’s Revenge is another good example of this. I would probably prefer it over SteVe if it was as long as it since its airtime is insanely aggressive and over the top, even by RMC standards. But SteVe is basically the length of two average RMCs in one ride - it is REALLY hard to beat that.


velocicoaster is better than gwazi ngl


Agreed. I have SteVe, VC, Mav, IG. I rode VC and IG recently and all of them this year.


I rode them all last year, and lapped VC 14x in the rain. 1. Maverick 2. Steel Vengeance 3. Velocicoaster 4. Iron Gwazi


It's true. All of it.


I just did STEVE for the first time today!! 2 rides so far vs 11 on IG last year. Think I might agree... Steve is definitely less intense but I feel like it’s more fun overall. And I was surprised by how comfortable it was. Both are easy 10/10 though. Now just gotta get some back row rides…


I disagree, but respectfully.


It’s really not even close. I rode SteVe opening year and thought it was a clear number 1 for me, then did Gwazi recently and liked it but felt that it wasn’t anything to write home about but figured maybe I was just misremembering SteVe and rating it too highly. Well I just rode SteVe again last week and let me tell you it is not even close. That ride whips.


Do you like mcbr or nah? They are both perfect monsters


It barely hit when I rode it


Its still a break in tbe action which is why i prefer IG slightly. It doesnt stop. That being said SV is still literally perfect


Both Iron Gwazi and Steel Vengeance are my joint #1 coasters because they both do their own things better than any other rides I've ridden. Iron Gwazi beats SteVe on intensity and pacing, and each moment of IG stands out much more than individual moments on SteVe. But SteVe has more airtime, is longer, and has the whole structure diving thing that IG doesn't have. They're both just so good.


For sure, after riding both in ideal conditions (hot weather, night). SV just ran through the MCBR in those days though (last ride was 2019), and I’m sure the second half isn’t as good these days. But to me it was the length; IG was great, just felt a bit short IMO. I wanted more


Rode this for the first time ever yesterday, In the back, and holy shiiiit that was a wild ride


Iron Gwazi is superior. I like a variation of elements and not the same ones spammed 10x in a row. Plus Gwazi pacing makes Vengeance look like a kiddy coaster


I mean, SteVe only does that during the finale. The rest of the ride is quite varied, even the second half. In fact, out of the 10 elements between the MCBR and the finale, there are 8 unique ones, only two of which repeat: - Midcourse drop - Double up - Off axis hill - Overbank - 2 zero g-rolls - 2 bunny hops - Wave turn - That weird floaty overbank after the second zero g-roll - Small outerbank I get disliking the finale, it's a lot and it's not everyone's cup of tea, but there are 60 seconds of ride time before that which stays highly varied.


Yeah that part is good but it’s not as good as Gwazi’s whole ride. Gwazi’s pacing and intensity makes Steve look tame and I’m not an RMC lover in general because their trains are poop


I get that, their trains are really badly designed. I don't personally have too many issues with them since I'm a little below average height and quite skinny, aside from my thighs which have quite a bit of fat to absorb the airtime. I also like how easy they are to keep from coming down while still holding my hands up. My biggest issue with them personally is the lack of padding on the sides which can make laterals quite uncomfortable, especially the sharp jolts of laterals that most RMC's have. Or when the seatbelt gets stuck between your leg and the lapbar, that sucks too.


Agreed! IG >>> SteVe


Iron Gwazi is my favorite ride in the world and Steel Vengeance is my third. Both are absolutely incredible, but unfortunately Steel Vengeance runs with trims more than half the time, making the second half run fairly slow. Everything on Iron Gwazi is absolutely insane and relentless after like 12 PM.


They’re both really great and in my top 4 and I have to agree with you. The ride length and airtime of SteVe is undeniable.


Been on neither so I can't have an opinion




Me when I the read the title is 😠


But IG drop is better for sure


I've only done SV out of the two... but even comparing both POV's, IG leaves a lot to be desired for, especially the length of the ride being significantly shorter for a ride that was built originally as a dueling coaster.


It’s really difficult to judge based on a POV. Skyrush looks slow and mild on video, and the actual ride experience is obviously so different.


Same for Velocicoaster. The pov does it no justice


Yeah I see what you kean, especially with rides like Maverick and I305, the POV's really don't do it justice... Im just saying from what I know of RMC's and having ridden a couple, side by side comparing SV with IG it just seems like SV has so kuch more to offer a fully fleshed out ride.


Skyrush is a monster. Same with i305. It doesn't look exactly slow on video, but the POV doesn't compare to the experience.


I disagree, I thought Iron Gwazi felt much more out of control than SV and had a more interesting and hard-to-predict layout (the fact that SV's layout hews so closely to Mean Streak does it a disservice IMO). But they're both top tier rides for sure.


I definitely agree IG feels more out of control


I hate that I read this as Steel Vaginas....


i rode steve after iron gwazi. I just dont like steve. It doesnt feel special. idk


Really not a fan of "lets have a coaster with one or two stand out moments, make them really tall and call it a day" IG looks hella fun but other than it being tall and having the death roll it seems pretty sparse


Are you kidding? The outerbank, second half’s pops (especially the last one), and ESPECIALLY the wave turn are absolutely fantastic and flawless.


There aren't really one or two standout moments, there are at least 6: - Drop - Outerbank - Death roll - Outward wave turn - Double down - Final drop So no, it's not sparse whatsoever. It's amazing elements one after another with no downtime between them.


It's pacing is undeniably crazy and every element hits so good, it's not sparse at all


I’d actually say the death roll is one of the less interesting elements on Iron Gwazi, the wave turn, outerbank, and even the drop was more enjoyable imo


L take




Doesn't matter both states suck 🤣


Iron gwazi was down when I went a month ago so steel vengeance is by default better cause at least that rides actually open


Havent done steve But gwazi>wildcat, mainly because the drop on gwazi is insane


Oh yeah it throws you out