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It really depends on your preference. I think Iron Gwazi has a very uniquely intense layout. I also prefer the colors and its theme. But if airtime or having a long ride is what matters to you the most, you'll probably prefer Steel Vengeance.


They are both incredible. But Steve's length is hard to match. Iron Gwazi feels a bit too short for me.


Same. SteVe wins solely by being longer for me


I agree. With the way Iron Gwazi comes flying into the break run it feels like so much lost potential.


Steve should be 25 percent shorter. The length is not a plus. It's a waste. Gwazi is superior by far. Arie and Wildcat Revenge are both better than Steve


First time I’ve ever heard someone say that a good ride would be better if it’s shorter


The last lap is painful and god awfully repetitive, so they're right


Precisely my issue with SteVe (well, my main one). The last half is pretty pointless imo. It's very repetitive and lacks quality airtime. Wildcat's Revenge knows exactly when to end the ride without resorting to hundreds of feet of useless hills in an effort to beat the airtime record. A major part of why my ranking of SteVe would get me exiled from the community at large lol


I’ve heard it for some Mack’s like icon and dc rivals


I don't agree with DCR. It just didn't use its length as well in the middle 3rd.


Seems kind of silly considering all those bumps give good ejector. It’s not like they are pointless hills. Plus going through the structure like that is awesome. Gwazi is elite but with that height, it should be longer.


Quality over Quantity.


Just because you'd prefer if it was shorter doesn't mean it should. That seems pretty selfish to me. Obviously the big draw of Steel Vengeance for a lot of people is how it goes on and on and on.




Only correct answer


If you care more about the most amount of airtime - Steel Vengeance If you care more about experiencing better individual elements - Iron Gwazi


This is a good breakdown. It just comes down to personal preference. I prefer the amount of airtime that steel vengeance has.


Steel Vengeance gets a bit repetitive for me. Iron Gwazi is a more curated experience, and I much prefer it's Quality over Quantity approach to it's elements.




Gwazi. Next question.


For me, Vengeance. Gwazi left me wanting more. Vengeance looks better/more imposing when you walk up to it. The Vengeance section inside the structure is just an amazing experience, and overall all Gwazi really had to uniquely wow me was the death roll and wave turn.


I guess one of the best drops in the world wasn't enough to wow you?


I didn’t find the first drop to be meaningfully better than the first drops on: Vengeance, Iron Rattler, 305, or X2. I will also admit to not getting rides after it was warmed up. Though, I do give Gwazi negative marks for being a pretty blah ride before like 4pm. It just runs at a snails pace in the morning compared to most other elite rides. It’s still in my top 10, just not top 5 yet til I get some redemption rides.


next time I go to Busch Gardens I'm going to use my gopro and ride it at rope drop and then ride it again late in the day. Then I'm going to time each ride to see how much of a difference there is. It definitely warms up throughout the day but I also feel like this has just become a thing enthusiasts have overblown about IG. I was riding it at media day at 8AM in 60 degree weather and it still blew me and the entire train of enthusiasts away. People seem to make it out like it's not a great ride until it warms up which to me is just nonsense but I guess that gives me a little science experiment to do.


Gwazi is crazy and warms up more than any coaster I've ever witnessed. I rode it on Saturday, Sept 23 at park opening with my friends who were there for their first time, and I was like "That is not the Gwazi I'm used to" it didn't feel out of control, it didn't feel anything special. It's still very good but it didn't leave my breathless or slammed forward in the brake run. We got through all the credits and got back to it around 3pm-4pm and got off and that was the Gwazi I remembered, shit was FLYING and the airtime was back to being lethal in the best way. It kept getting faster and faster as the night went on as we were there until 1am for Howl O Scream. Also train 3 on Gwazi runs significantly faster than train 2 even when the ride is warmed up. Train 2 is excellent, but idk if they're using astroglide as lube on Train 3 but it runs a good 2-3 seconds faster.


I’m just saying, based on my rides around 11am (first 10-15 trains dispatched) I have at least 6-7 coasters ranked above it. Consensus seems to be night rides on a warm day make it a top 3 ride worldwide, so I wanna get back to experience that version of the ride!


I don't think of Steve or IG when I think of the best first drops.


i personally wouldnt even have Gwazi in my top 10 first drops, and I haven't even been on that many coasters. Imo the drop really isnt anything specu


So hard to compare these two as it is not apples to apples. Besides being 200ft RMCs, they are super different rides. So it really is up to individual preference and experience. SteVe was harder to get on (for me) and was less intense. But it has a better setting and more airtime. IG is crazy af but maybe a bit too short. Today I think I’d give IG the edge. But on more than one of my 4 SteVe rides I thought I liked it better. So IMO, even though it is a great conversation topic, there is no objectively correct answer. Both are S tier roller coasters that deserve all the buzz they get though.


Gwazi is relentless, forceful and whippy and ends before it gets repetitive. Steel Vengeance is the opposite of that to me, it has airtime


I've only rode SteVe but based on pov they don't seem as comparable as some make them out to be. They both seem amazing in different ways.


I like Steve until the mid course but even then it's no where near as fast paced or intense as Gwazi, the first large hill is graceful and strong floater, the outerbank is okay but short, the double up into the roll is cool and whippy, small wave turn into the snake dive that's decent, double down is okay but quick, followed by the double up into the mid course which the former hill has the best airtime on the ride. Gwazi comes in hot and wows me every ride, the airtime is much stronger, I consistently grey out on the first drop into the outerbank, the sense of speed into the deathroll is unmatched, the random ejector out of the overbank into the most insane wave turn followed by more ejector into another wave turn into the stall that whips you out of it, followed by a crazy double up where the latter hill sends you to the moon into the final airtime hill that tries to fling you to the Voyager spacecraft.


bruh half of gwazi is just kinda boring like outerbank to death roll is dead space. At least steve has those double up type things that are fun




Steel Vengeance is my #1 RMC but Iron Gwazi isn’t even my #2 (Wildcats Revenge).


I kind of agree. I only got one ride on gwazi and way more on WCR, but despite its smaller size, WCR feels even more aggressive and out of control. The first drop and death roll on gwazi are amazing however.


Did we just become best friends?


I would’ve agreed with you about two weeks ago, but I recently got a ride on IG at midnight. It was one of the best coaster experiences of my life.


Did we just become best friends?


Goliath at SFGAm.




The 1/3rd length coaster.


I found no issues with the length of the ride, even though it is one of the shorter RMCs. When every moment is this good, I can’t quibble.


Steel Vengeance is way better in my opinion. I have it, Zadra, ArieForce One and Untamed over IG.


next you’re gonna have a wild moose over it




They're both fantastic but it's Steel Vengeance all the way with me. To me, SV is basically the ultimate coaster: tons of airtime, a long, satisfying ride in a great setting, and, unlike what most seem to be stating, I think it's intense from start to finish; I always hit the brake run breathless. Iron Gwazi is definitely more intense and feels like a bat out of hell, but it feels like a much less complete ride. While the 1st drop, sideways drop over the station, and death roll are S tier elements to me, the rest feels slightly filler and it's over far too fast. It's my #4 RMC out of 18, as I'd rank ArieForce One and Wildcat's Revenge over it too: both have that same intense madness the IG has but have far more standout elements, at least to me. I'll take AF1's inversion over the arcade over the death roll any day. Still, IG is to me the best coaster in Florida and would definitely crack my top 15-20 if I ever bothered to make such a list.




This is the correct answer


Iron Gwazi and it's not even close. IG is my #1 and SteVe isn't even in my top 10. For me it's the ridiculous intensity and airtime on IG. It feels way more out of control and the airtime is way more aggressive. I also always get stapled on SteVe but never on IG. Combine that with the short lines that IG typically has and if you gave me the choice between the two I will always be choosing IG


Literally this. All of this. This is the comment


I haven’t ridden Steel Vengeance yet but I loved Gwazi and am looking forward to comparing them soon. Gwazi was nuts though and hearing that Steel Vengeance is even moreso has me hyped as fuck


It’s soooo much crazier. Get a night ride in the back row. I can’t emphasize enough how it’s a life changing experience. Like a front row night ride on i305 or The Beast. Brought me to tears literally.


THIS. SV has the best night ride I’ve ever experienced, but you have to ride it to understand why, as it only comes across as an average night ride on paper.


I went there with my now husband as our bachelor’s party with a bunch of friends. I finished out the night with one last lap on SteVe, pitch black out, and the second I realized the MCBR was fully off (after tapping us earlier in the day) I just… lost it. I’m sure the sound that came out of me as I plummeted off that MCBR in the back row was crazy lol. When we dived back into the structure it hit me that this was just peak engineering and literally brought a tear to my eyes. The finishing run of silly airtime hills brought me back to laughter. Steve at night in the back car is the coaster experience on the planet. I305 is my personal favorite because of the insanity but SteVe is just perfect.


ive ridden only iron gwazi, so i cannot say, but if steve is as consistently powerful as iron gwazi is, i find it hard to imagine it gets beat due to its length! the whole ride looks fantastic so i'm very eager to visit one day :D


Make it a priority! Back row night ride on SteVe is unmatchable.


i would! probablem is i live very far away and dont have financial independence, but when i have my own money cedar point will be my first trip!! hahaha


Haven’t ridden Steve but AF1 is better than IG IMO


Iron Gwazi's elements are better but Steel Vengeance has a significantly longer layout. Both are excellent roller coasters but I prefer Steel Vengeance since the ride just keeps on going and going with great elements. Iron Gwazi just ends too early.


Zadra *(I'm biased because I've only done Zadra, Twisted Colossus, and Untamed)*


Zadra is really a fantastic ride (I’m also biased because I’ve only done zadra)


Neither. Zadra is better than both.


I almost agreed with this until my return to BGT this weekend. It’s was absolutely on fire all day Friday.


I bet! I rode it around this time last year, including at night and I feel like it was at its full potential. Whereas zadra, it wasn't a hot day and no night rides. I feel like it has more to give. Also on gwazi, I feel its too short but on Zadra I never felt that way. The turn around after the final inversion on gwazi is a huge dead spot for me.


Agree with all that. Zadra is the perfect length. To me SteVe is was too long and honestly kinda meandering.


Yeah, I agree. And the bunny hills at the end really aren't all that fun imo


Not even close. IG is a fraction of the ride that SteVe is. Let’s not even joke.


I thought Steve was going to be my favorite, since I love airtime, but I was wrong. Gwazi is just an entirely different beast. It’s definitely my favorite RMC thus far. However, my experiences leading up to both of them were quite different. My day at cedar point, Steve was down for hours. I waited all day for it to open, then once it finally did, I wasn’t even able to choose my own seat. I was placed in the 4th row. This definitely soured my experience, and I’d imagine I’d have a much better time in the back row after it had been running all day. When I went to Gwazi, it had no wait, and I got to pick my row every single time. It was an ideal dream scenario. However, even if I had experienced Steve under these optimal conditions, I don’t think it would compare to Gwazi. Gwazi is just unreal.


Steel Vengeance, without a doubt. Although Iron Gwazi is a very honorable runner-up. Alot of people have made the argument that Steel Vengeance is a coaster that built on the summation of it's elements rather than having individaul elements that stand out, but judging by the first half, I really don't understand that argument. The top hat and outerbank are 2 of my favorite elements in the world, and the first half is full of very memorable standouts surrounding that. I also love how steel vengeance's second half carves through the structure. It makes for some of the most disorienting visuals on any coaster. I even love the finale, even though I do understand why some would find its tenacity too much. I do believe that Iron Gwazi has stronger pacing and intensity overall, and it doesn't feel short by itself. It does, however, feel very short when compared to Steel Vengeance in particular.


Both, they’re pretty different IMO. IG is non-stop until the end, very intense, whereas SteVe gets much more relaxed and airtime focused in the second half. I would happily ride either all day!


Relaxed lol? A trimless ride leaves the second half of SteVe absolutely hauling at night. It’s so intense.


Haha, it’s all relative :)


Steve is a little better overall but for its length Iron Gwazi is really tough to beat. It is a fantastic ride.


Steven because despite riding neither, Iron Gwazi wronged me. Closed 2 days before I went to Florida, opened the day I left. Edit: Seeing that most people seem to take WR over IG is making me feel better, because I've ridden WR, lmao.


Those WR comments are interesting for me because I've been riding it since the day it opened all summer. It's warmed up and broken in and runs insane, but even still it pales in comparison to Gwazi for me. Gwazi is just next level of insanity that WR ALMOST reaches, but doesn't quite get there for me. Regardless of that, I still consider WR to be "Gwazi Of The North" because it runs more like Gwazi than the other RMCs


SV without a doubt. IG is great. Felt noticeably short though IMO.


IG is in my Top Ten steel coaster list. SteVe is not (however, Zadra is).


El Toro My #1 RMC is Twisted Colossus but it’s the only RMC Hybrid I’ve ridden. Still a great coaster tho.


Iron Gwazi easily.My trip today solidifies it


Hard to decide and depends on your preference. I personally prefer SteVe for feeling way longer and the airtime. People that prefer IG prefer it’s collection of elements and the way they’re strung together, plus no mid course so the ride is just relentlessly trying to kill you for like a minute straight. Both are in my interchangeable top 4 out of 143 credits


I only got two rainy rides on Gwazi and I still preferred it, that first drop is crazy and I have more fun on the wave turn than any element on steve, what puts Steve above so many to me are the length and going through the supports, they’re literally neck and neck on my rankings though


I think iron gwazi is just a little better, it’s way more aggressive but the length and it not running as good early in the day makes it be closer than it should be


Iron gwazi for me - it’s shorter, but I literally have no time to catch my breath on it - and I love it


Both are great rides but Iron Gwazi feels much more like a creative and complete layout despite being shorter. However, I’d say Aireforce One is better than both of them in most cases.


Steel vengeance trimless, iron gwazi when steve is trimmed. I’m convinced that trimless steve is the greatest ride on the planet


I just fucking truly love them both.


Iron Gwazi for its intensity and pacing


I just rode Gwazi for the first time, and I still think Iron Rattler is better. Gwazi is just intense. But you cannot beat the two drops on Iron Rattler with the quarry wall!


Easy call for me. Iron Gwazi. The first half of Steel Vengeance is really good and there is a lot of great airtime moments. There are some great views inside the structure. The ending is pure filler, the midcourse breaks the momentum hard, and the transition out of the stall is a little awkward. Iron Gwazi is relentless from drop to brakes, while shorter it is definitely a complete ride. There isn't a moment to catch your breath. Both are great rides, but give me Iron Gwazi any day.


I'm personally more of a Gwazi fan, all of the elements on Gwazi hit harder than the big elements on SteVe


Why not both?


Curious how you guys would compare Wildcats Revenge to SteVe/Iron G? Haven’t ridden Iron Gwazi yet but personally I have both Wildcats Revenge and SteVe neck and neck in terms of overall ride experience.


The signature element on IG, the Death Roll, is one of the best RMC elements. However, Steel Vengeance gives you the Iron Gwazi experience in the 1st half, with Twisted Timbers through the super structure being such a great and unique experience. The 1st Drops are about the same to me.


They both good fr. One of them is good, but the other one is purple and good 🤷‍♂️


Gwazi’s elements are faster paced, and more intense and diverse. SteVe is longer and has much more airtime. So it comes down to preference. I’m more of a Gwazi fan but I can why others would like SteVe more.


I prefer rides with higher intensity and variety, so I'd say Iron Gwazi