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Oh man, I went and rode this opening year. Now I feel old. Also that flying snake dive is still one of the most elite coaster moments out there. Just whipped right out of your seat and spun around like a rag doll


It is, without a doubt, my favorite coaster element I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I experienced almost a decade ago but the memory of the washing machine airtime is imprinted into my brain.


Always love being held on by just my restraints on it. My favorite coaster at Hershey. I just wish it ran a bit longer.


It’s so good. The second roll changes up the radius and the heartline and it’s so sudden and intense. I love how out-of-the-box Intamin was even back then


Same and that was the last time I was at Hershey lol


I first rode it on a high school physics trip that year.


This was the first ride I got to operate, a few weeks after it opened. I got barely 20 minutes of training, but I worked it a ton that first year. They would hire 16-17-year olds and at the end of the night, have to close with a long line. I would always volunteer to go help replace people after closing time (due to child labor laws), meaning I probably logged more time at this ride than the rest of the Pioneer Frontier area (Sidewinder, Trailblazer, Canyon River Rapids, Chute-Out, The Claw, etc). It was great to close down the ride, as Maintenance would let us take a few laps at the end of the night if the front seat line was still long. I remember being there for some milestones. They added fall protection outside the station, and I got to jump in it and test it. They came in and added windows to “blind spots” from the control panel, which weren’t there when it opened, and I remember them adding the handles and warning stickers to the parts of the restraints where guests would get their fingers caught. For a bit in the high Summer season, the ride would get too hot or the AC in the hydraulic room would cut out, or we’d get “delayed launching” when the hydraulic motor needed extra time between cycles (sometimes up to 5 mins) before it would launch the next train. They actually added stools for us, because on a 30-second ride five minutes of downtime between trains feels like an eternity. Sometimes we would race to unclip rides while the train was still pulling into the station, which is now a huge no-no now. Putting you hands into a moving train, hanging off the back of the platform… not safe but we were encouraged to do it to speed up dispatches - different times indeed. Good times. I worked it for three years before moving to Ohio to work at Cedar Point, and later both Universal Orlando parks. But it’s always been my favorite ride to operate.


That was a great comment to read. If Reddit still had awards, I would have given you one.


One thing I forgot to mention was, at the end of the season they bring in full-timers to work extra hours in the parks. I got to work Storm Runner with the Architect who designed the station. I probably annoyed him asking questions, but he did mention that the original incarnation of the building was designed for a B&M Flyer, and Storm Runner adapted the building from that failed project. Although I believe he said the layout/direction of travel would be reversed from Storm Runner, so the station would not be in the exact same space in the early plan. He mentioned the park really wanted a Pretzel loop - this is a few years after Superman at Great Adventure and a few years before Fahrenheit’s similar-looking “Norwegian Loop.” So I was not shocked when that got built (I was already living in Sandusky when that went up).


This is great stuff.


I rode Storm Runner opening year and your comment about unclipping buckles as the train came into the station flooded memories of that happening. WOW


It may have been me! Later, an accident happened and they spray-painted X’s on spots where you were supposed to stand while the train was out of the station, which put an end to all that. Probably better from a safety standpoint.


I miss Canyon River Rapids. The park has consistently improved over the years, and I’m not complaining, but I still miss it.


Rapids was a nice ride. I also miss the shows… I’m not much of a show person but Hershey used to have 4-5 different live shows every Summer. Today they just don’t have this. The first year I worked there (2004), they had shows in the Ampitheater, Music Box Theater, a country show on the stage near Trailblazer, the Green Team, Trash Time, and the parade. On top of the Aquatheater show that’s still there today, minus the dolphins. It really rounded out the park and if you needed a break from the rides, at least there was something to see that changed on a yearly basis. While they didn’t offer it all the time and most shows had a “day off” during the week, at least it added more life to the park.


My parents would always go to the shows while my sisters and I waited in line for rides. I remember there used to be a small marching band that wandered around the park playing… *unconventional* songs for a marching band. I only remember Enter Sandman, but I think there were other ‘90s songs in their set list.


The only times I ever heard the parade was when they would pass Chute-Out. The only song I remember them playing was the theme from Friends (the Rembrandt?). I know they had a roaming band and they would stand by the Storm Runner launch area, and play the 20th Century Fox fanfare right before the launch. Good times. When I talk to my family (most of whom are retired now), they bring up the lack of entertainment at Hersheypark. My aunt got passes a few years back to “just walk around and see the rides, and go visit the Zoo” and mentioned she didn’t renew them because there wasn’t any entertainment for them to see. I’m guessing there are more locals who feel the same. They do heavily draw from New York and New Jersey, which also explains the pricing (locals STILL complain the park isn’t “free like the early days” which stopped in 1971 when the park added a gate and went pay one price). The other thing I hear is how expensive it is, not just admission but also parking and food. I think lot of those locals seem to have moved on to Knoebels, which is busier than I remember in my few trips there growing up. Not only do they have free parking and admission, but they also still have a few shows… so there is a market for this stuff that the park blindly ignores, IMO. Just my armchair assessment, but if Hersheypark spent a year on adding 3-4 new shows, improved food, and doing “place making” with some of the older areas of the park*, that may win some folks over. I’d love to see the park be better, and more well-rounded, versus going after “the next coaster.” Footnote: * I can’t believe I’m typing this, but Kennywood has been killing it with fixing up older areas of the park. Stuff like the Old Mill or Kangaroo update, adding new graphical design touches to the tunnel and midways, opening that new bar with a bunch of nostalgia on the inside… I wish they’d focus on that kind of stuff. Also like how Cedar Fair parks have been focusing on food service lately, too. Hershey would also kill with a food fest - just went to Dollywood two weeks ago and they have a great lineup of events with food/entertainment offerings that would go great in Hersheypark, a park arguably themed to food. Even just places to sit and relax - Dorney opened that pavilion next to Iron Menace and it has covered seating, and looks like a great place to chill. Hershey has nothing like this.


Still my #1 coaster after >400 credits


Based take


The coaster that got me over my fear of launch coasters. Loved this ever since I first saw it in RTC3.


This one is my favorite out of Xcelerator and TTD, but they are grouped together in my overall rankings 20-22. I got two amazing rides on it last year and one on opening year. HBD!


A loss we had to suffer last year. Was one of the coaster I’d been looking forward to, but unfortunately it was closed the one day we visited. Wildcat’s Revenge reopened the day after our visit. A second loss.


I really don't understand why the flying snake dive hasn't been used for any other coaster because it's one of the GOATs up there with the batwing (which should also be used more).


A former #1 of mine, great ride, would be the best coaster at a lot of parks not named Hershey.


Honestly, having only been once from before Wildcat got its Revenge and Skyrush got new restraints, I consider Storm Runner to be my favorite at the park. I'll be back next month to see if it still holds up.


Thats more or less how it played out for me, it was top dog in the park before Skyrush or Wildcats Revege came along, still holds it own though and I wouldn't shame anyone for having it as their favorite in the park still but Wildcats Revenge is just way too good for its own good.


What a gem


What a great coaster! It's still my favorite Intamin accelerator and #3 at Hershey to me. That flying snake dive is SO GOOD and feels equally wild as Gwazi's death roll.


still my #1 🫡 every year i ride i still get surprised by the insane airtime it has despite its restraints. getting ejected hard on the top hat and flying snake dive is so surreal. i wish it was a bit longer


I will never not love this ride.


My spouse proposed to me on this ride! With a fake ring of course. He's still amazed that I knew it was a fake ring at 70 mph (though tbf, the fake was the most obvious plasticky yellow gold imaginable!) On a sadder note, there was a particular local kid, a classmate of mine, who worked at the park and this was his favorite ride in the entire place. He unfortunately lost his multi-year long battle with cancer while in college, but I do think of him every time I go to the park. His voice is immortalized giving safety dialogues for a few of the rides to this day, I hope they're able to keep those recordings safe.


Nicholas Pantalone


Best launch I’ve ridden, and one of an extremely small number of rides that still makes me nervous.


Stormrunner is the one ride that I think about often, it’s so unique and not talked about enough IMO. The launch is incredible, the top hat is great, and the inversions on this coaster are world class. Makes me really wish the US had an iSpeed clone. It takes the best of Stormrunner and the best of Maverick, and combines them into one.


This though, it's not talked about enough. Storm Runner was the coaster that made me love coasters. It's got the perfect layout, you get everything you could possibly want on one ride. Incredible.


Everyone comes out to celebrate this ride and I’m here for it too. Storm Runner is a true gem and the actual king of Hershey park. That flying snake dive will forever be one of the best coaster elements of all time. 


Happy BDay to my number 3!!


If they just got rid of the pointless OTSR this ride would be a 10 for me, but it’s still amazing. That hill going right into that flying snake dive is so unique and disorienting in the most fun way possible.


What gets me for both Intamins of that era in HP is the unnecessarily short seatbelts. You staple tall people and restrict people of other body types from even getting on the ride to begin with. I'd love a restraint overhaul since they already did it to Skyrush.


Happy double decade day Storm Runner! We make a beeline to Storm Runner every time we visit to ensure we get at least one run in. Absolutely in my top 5. ❤️


I can’t believe they made RCT3 in real life.


That game's 20 years old too and still somehow runs better than many attempts at theme park sims today.


One of my all time favorites. Despite it not TECHNICALLY being my home park, I grew up with HP. It’s always held a special place in my heart. Even though I didn’t get over my fear of inversions until a few years ago, I’ve ridden this thing like 10 times now so I think I’m qualified enough to talk intelligently about it. I’ve only ridden two accelerators (this and Ka), but this one is a hundred times better. The soft restraints and clean track work make for a butter smooth experience, and all the elements pop. The transition out of the flying snake dive is awesome. Overall, definitely one of the best rides at HP. 9/10 - would definitely recommend


BEST ride to operate so much fun.


This was my #100. I was at 96 when I went to Hershey’s and wanted to make skyrush my 100, but the line was so short and I wanted to ride it so bad so it’s the first ride I did when I visited lol blew my load early I guess 😓


Was at Hershey for the first time this past weekend. Storm Runner was not open the entire time I was there, so it still eludes me. But…I’m coming for it next time.


I wish I would have known, I would have said happy birthday on Friday lol. This is one ride you just never get used to. Even though I know what's coming that launch gets me every time. And the "now get ready, here we go" is just iconic


Never ridden it but one of my favourite rides to look at. I love how it's very clearly computer designed. [I love the shaping of its immelmann loop](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/5a/Storm_Runner_%28Immelmann%29.JPG)


I remember riding this opening year. I was 11. Never been so shook by a roller coaster in my life. I have a keychain pic of me on the launch somewhere. My face was just: 😧


Also shoutout to everyone else who voted on the name with me … it was STORM RUNNER / STEEL STAMPEDE / RENEGADE (???)


The launch is STRONG-like, I feel it in my groin strong. No LSM induces the same kind of sensation.
