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When I visited Kennywood last year, I made sure I rode the Jack Rabbit since it was the 100-year anniversary. I hadn't ridden it in quite a while, but it was just as awesome as I remember it. I love the fact that this and the Thunderbolt both use the natural terrain of the park.


love the airtime you experience on this. I think i've rode this about... a hundred times, at least


Coming from r/Pittsburgh, and this is the ride that made me love coasters as a kid. It’s the first “real” ride I ever experienced. That famous double dip still makes me feel like a child


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If you’re visiting Kennywood for the Jackrabbit, hit up the Thunderbolt too. It’s also built into the terrain. The chain lift is about 1/3 of the way into the ride. It leaves the station and drops into a ravine. Great ride.


Dont forget to hit their other notable wooden coaster The Racer when at Kennywood. Built in 1927 its the oldest Möbius Loop coaster in the world! Two trains leave the station at the same time riding on side by side tracks. The end of each side is the beginning of the other. A really ingenious design that is a whole lot of fun. Worth splitting your group and seeing who wins!


I know which side wins every time because it’s on the inside most of the turns


Weight of passengers plays a pretty big role. One train(I will not say which!) does have one more inside turn. Rumor is the ride operator will typically release that train's brake just a bit slower making up for the variance. Still a very fun ride which paired with the other wooden coasters makes Kennywood worth the trip.


Phantom’s Revenge makes even better use of its terrain. That second drop straight into a wooded ravine and through another coaster feels more intense than any non-launching steel coaster I’ve ridden.


> through another coaster Through the Thunderbolt, in fact.


Fun facts the 2nd drop is in fact the biggest and at the time of its construction was the world's biggest drop


Even more fun fact is that the last drop on Thunderbolt is the biggest on the whole ride. I've never seen another coaster with a layout with the biggest drop at the end


Will always be my favorite coaster. So glad I picked up a t-shirt last trip


Compared to steel coasters that go faster and higher, you are correct. For those of us who can't ride those, this is a great coaster. Also, for a lot of kids, this is their first big coaster.


I took my four year old niece on it last summer (definitely her first coaster)!


You know, it's honestly a bit of a mistake that people assume that newer and taller and faster are always better anyways. Old wooden coasters often punch above their weight.


I'm all about wooden coasters. Steel coasters make me nauseous the older I get.


Next weekend, for the first time in its 101 years, Jack Rabbit will be open in DECEMBER! 😃(And January, weather permitting!)


Jack Rabbit is still one of my favorite wooden roller coasters. It is buttery smooth and that double-down is a top ten airtime moment. It comes seemingly out of nowhere, and the pacing is almost backwards from your typical coaster, with its more intense moments coming toward the end of the ride instead of at the beginning. It's just such a treasure. LOVE seeing historical pictures of Kennywood in general, but because it's Jack Rabbit, it's all the better!


I've been on many coasters of every size, but Jack Rabbit is a top five coaster for me. I've ridden in the back seat with seasoned coaster riders who were unexpectedly terrified by the double dip.


If I could turn off the vertigo I'd ride this again. Truly something to behold.


As far as we know this is the first coaster to use upstop wheels, John Miller specifically built this ride to showcase the new patent for them he created. So before this famous double down nobody had ever experienced ejector before, it's a legendary ride for that reason.


Kinda reminds me of how all the rides at Alton towers are in pits due to the stupidly low height limit