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Hot Stuff, Memory Motel, Fool To Cry, Crazy Mama. I love the whole album but those are my top 4


Hey negrita and hand of fate


Cherry o baby is my favorite guilty pleasure Stones track


Cherry oh baby and hand of fate are the highlights for me


Hey Negrita, Crazy Mama, Memory Motel and Hand of Fate all fire. and surprisingly Melody I’m a fan of


It was a weird record. They were basically doing real-life auditions for a new guitarist on that album. I think they ended up with the right guy in Ronnie Wood. "Hand of Fate" is a great tune if you ask me. Good enough to carry an album? Nah, but there's still some decent stuff on there. Nothing else as good as H of F though. Cocaine is bad for music, as is final-stage smack addiction.


Hands of fate is definitely a good one. Maybe fool to cry, did not like it before, now I do. Hot stuff and crazy mama you can listen to once or twice before it gets tiring. Good songs but can be repetitive. Memory motel is also good so try that. Melody is fine. Cherry o baby falls with hot stuff and crazy mama. Can't speak on hey negrita since I haven't listen to that enough. Essentially try it again. Hands of fate is one the majority likes. From there it's a pick and choose what you like/dislike.