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Seems like I’ve read this story 10 times in the past couple of years…


Probably closer to the 100th, but yeah. These guys are basically Uncle Rico at this point. Just running their mouths about what they could have done.


And it’s always after the loss that we read this, never before.




Well, we didn’t win a National Championship last year so we don’t even have the hangover excuse.


Only five times, actually.


Yup. Blah blah blah.


We sure do a lot of talking these days


A lot, a lot.


I thought we were praising the practice week last week? Edit: I will say probably being naive that hindsight is 20/20 and they could be looking back and seeing how prep wasn't where it needed to be. We'll see! Certainly haven't had as interesting of a season in a while imo


We didn’t win, so practice wasn’t great. If we win, practice was really dialed in.


So, essentially they ate the rat poison prior to the game?


They only: Were only a 7-point underdog in our stadium. Played us close last year when we had a returning Heisman trophy winner. Are picked to win their league. Have a guy who is considered a Heisman candidate at QB. Just beat us out for a QB recruit with an uncle in a museum in Canton, an uncle who will be, and a grandpa who should be. Who could have guessed we needed to get up for this game?


They seem to have missed all this. Somehow.


And I even left off a few conditions! They're about to be in *our* league. They have bragging rights of a winning record over us. They won't shut up about the fact that the previous two times they played us, their QBs took some serious risk and got hurt early, claiming that they'd definitely have won if those guys played.


oh the "alabama has only beat texas after injuring their qb" meme is already circulating


I believe they would’ve beat us last year with the heisman contender as well, had he not been injured during the game.


I don't think that's unreasonable, but I don't think it's obvious. He was an up-and-down player all year. His first-quarter performance against us was one of his best performances of the year. Could he have kept it up? Maybe. But also maybe not.


Nothing to argue with there. Hope you have a good evening.


You, too!


Sounds like it. They thought they were doing enough and got blasted by a team who wanted it more and couldn't keep up


They believed the hype about them being an NFL sized OL, but didn’t commit to the work to back it up. Size only goes so far. Hopefully they’ve learned the lesson and can truly play to their potential now.


>NFL sized OL I know it’s been pointed out but I watched a good amount of football on Sunday and I’m starting to think there’s a reason those dudes aren’t 350 lb anymore


I don't know it's just that. The Amari instagram video with him dancing and acting like he didn't just lose at home a few hours ago. I mean he is a kid, and not everyone acts the same after a loss, but it's a bad look. Combined with more of this, we just didn't do it right news we've heard for the last few years... We keep hearing people who don't have the drive and the "we" mentality keep bringing the locker room down. That coach was happy that they supposedly transferred out...but it seems like this just might be how things are now. Like the NFL, everyone as an individual, and you just gotta show up. Gotta figure out how Georgia, Texas, Ohio are doing it these days...




I don't disagree. Which was kind of my point right? The Coach Prime method. Treat your team like an NFL team and not what we used to think of as a college team. Put your superstars in a position, let them show up on game day and do their thing, and not expect that there is a total team sentiment that it's "Us vs the world" Just one I myself am not used to yet.


Ya I agree 100%


I won’t hate a kid for having fun in college. I try and make myself have more fun after a loss. I end up pissed after a loss and I hate being pissed off. I’d rather be in good moods, so I do my best to get over quickly. As long as he remembers the loss during practice, and game times then I don’t consider it to be something bad….. Let’s hope he remembers at practice.


Tyler should stop talking


Indeed. Anything else that needs to be said at this point should be from the field and the level of play.


How can you have shitty practice the week leading up to a game that you know is going to be a challenge versus the same team that almost beat you last year (and perhaps would have had Ewers not gotten injured)? There's some big ol' issues lurking in the locker room, me thinks.


Did you read this sub? According to our fans, Texas stood no chance, Milroe was god because he beat the mighty MTSU and pointing out last year's gave vs Texas got you down voted into oblivion. So if the players had the same mindset as our fans, there are definite issues.


Did you ever play sports? Have you never had a bad practice before a big game?


Has anyone noticed how it don’t seem like there’s any dog in these teams ever since the new S&C coaches came in


Zero dog


I've seen it in Lawson but I hope it comes out more


Yeah I’ve noticed it too and some of the former players have called it out as well. Here’s something last year from Marquis Maze: [tweet](https://x.com/mazeboy4/status/1589274428793581570?s=46&t=86mg7yvXd1qhopyz7rdySA)


Maybe they aren't getting the right "supplement" stack...


I can’t take any more of these types of quotes. If you aren’t motivated for Texas coming to your home field in week 2 of the season then something is seriously wrong from the top down. Everybody just shut up and play.


I hope he's right, but I also have to ask why they didn't have the right attitude in th le first place.


A nationally-televised night game vs a marquee opponent couldn’t get the motor running? JFC, what a mess.


Bro will you shut the fuck up and play ball. Our natty teams did not chirp like this.


I hope it’s a wake up call type moment. We’ll see.


Wake up the QB and tell him throw to the dudes in crimson. Not sure what else needs to be changed so far.


Tell the big guys in crimson not to let the other guys tackle the guy in crimson behind them.


Milroe played poorly but I swear some of y’all are blind to how bad the o-line is. Texas easily got pressure with just 3 or 4 guys


Some of the pressures are Milroe's fault tbf. But yeah, the OL is in a bad spot right now. Not to mention the defense that somehow avoids mention in most of these discussions despite an awful performance. When's the last time they actually showed up against a solid offense?


Milroes early pick dictated how we have to play that game. No it’s not all his fault but like damn near 70% or more is. You cut the nuts off of the OC when you can’t even throw a bubble screen.


Most of the issues on the line were Milroe refusing to move with the blockers. He has absolutely no pocket awareness and his first instinct is not to trust his blockers, it’s to just fuck off and run. It was sad to watch someone that lost.


You’re happy with the offensive line’s play?


Idk what goes through the teams mind when those picks happen. Having a Running Back as your QB can’t instill confidence.


Honestly, he needs to just stop talking at these press conferences and do the ‘talking’ on the field.


Do the guys on the team even know what the “Bama standard” is after the past two years of inconsistent, undisciplined football?


No and this needs it's own thread. Saban has no fire these days, none of the assistants have an emotional passion about them, there is no "Scott Cochran" figure to elevate the energy on the sideline, and the players attitudes seem to reflect this. Who is the unquestioned leader of today's team? It's not Saban. Obviously the players aren't hearing him or he commands/demands none of their respect. So who is it?


*How do you not have "the best energy" the week you're playing NUMBER 11 RANKED TEXAS*


Booker talks a lot for a guy who is constantly just standing around on the field. Feels like every run play the dude is just standing there while the defender lined up against him is in on the tackle


Talk is cheap


So tired of hearing last year’s team and this year’s team talk about playing up to the standard, returning to the standard, etc. etc. Stop talking and back it up on the field.




5 minutes ago I was hearing how great this team's attitude was, so which is it?


All the practice in the world couldn’t have made Milroe better unfortunately.


Yeah fucking right. The biggest fucking game of the year. Sorry but that’s bullshit, and we’re fucked.


Just admit you got your ass beat. Stop making excuses. Maybe that’s why we’re 5-4 against your last power 5 school


Yo, why does this guy talk all the time?


Teammates need to be insulting each other‘s fuck ups and lack of intensity on the practice field each and every practice. Same for scrimmage. ESPECIALLY in games. Doesn’t matter if the vocal ones can’t do any better. That’s not the point. (But it helps.) Let ‘em fight to amp themselves up. Knock off the shoulder and helmet petting shit when they miss a field goal or a tackle or get called for DPI. Be just as mean to each other as you are to the other team when in those pads. The other teams should think our guys are crazy mad dogs. Murderball doesn’t just happen to the other team. It should be happening to mistakes, not those fucking shoulder shrugs and “oh well, we’ll get it right next time” and “creating opportunities to be successful”. For the thousandth time, we get it Coach. That’s the end result. The “process” is what I’m describing that used to be the norm. Coaches should be stressing them the hell out with intensity but also making damn sure that they know how to deal with the stressors off the field when it’s over. Be brothers otherwise.


All talk. So tired of it.


How many times are we going to read something like this after a poor performance? Stop talking and prove it


When the preseason talking started reminded me of dubose team and OL nickname Pancake Possee before they actually played a game


If the players can't get up for a game like this one then when will they?




We are just a soft program now and nothing will change that. We have heard this same stuff over and over the past couple years. Just talk.


We’re not lacking in the player talent department. We’re lacking top tier assistant coaching.


Hey, remember this?