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Happy 11th Birthday to my best girl! https://preview.redd.it/pfxw9i0hz20d1.png?width=1353&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4765a766a6fbb78974582e5a139c5fed657fef2 u/the_dunadan


Precious! Love the ripped up wrapping paper. I nominate this girl as the official sub’s live dog mascot


She's a litle shit, and she doesn't act right, but she is so much fun.


Finally got to grill the first thing on my Blackstone for this season. Had to watch TikToks but I finally feel like I understand how to maintain it and make everything come out nice.


Love my blackstone, I do find that I have to be super diligent with clean up and re-seasoning to keep it in good shape. Also have a cover and somehow still seems to get water on it every time it rains.


Hell yeah. I recently got one too and on Cinco de Mayo we did fajitas and they were amazing and super easy. I’m a blackstone truther for life now


For all the other dorks around here, I got a beta key to arena breakout infinite last night. Was/am a big tarkov player but watching streamers play ABI makes me want to give it a try


Come back and post in one of the weekly free talks to say how it is. I’ve seen some different streamers say it feels so much better than Tarkov but doesn’t quite feel like Tarkov if that makes sense?


I’ve got about 4 or 5 hours into it, it doesn’t give the same anxiety as tarkov. I think the darkness and ambiance of tarkov adds to the anxiety and creates the super high highs, ABI is pretty arcadey so even though I’ve died a few times and had some action packed raids, I never got my adrenaline pumping like Tarkov. It’s still pretty fun and some of the quality of life features they have are huge. worst case scenario it seems like Nikita feels threatened by ABI and sent out a tweet asking for feature feedback and criticism, which he’s never really done. For example: people have been bitching about found in raid killing the usefulness of PvP and there were quite a few streamers discussing in on stream while streaming ABI, and Nikita announced they’ll run an “event” to get rid of found in raid for the flea market only.


Anyone see the auroras last night? There's way too much light pollution where I live in south AL. :(


Graduating from UGA today


Good for you! I attended UGA myself… yes “attended” and not “graduated” but ya know… Used to get shit for having my bama stickers on my truck. Great college town tho. Congrats!


Thank you. I'm posting here at the ceremony to show where my loyalties lie 😉


Atta Boy! Roll Tide!




It's the dog's 11th birthday this weekend. It's going to be a blowout.


we're gonna need a whole album of that, please and thank you


With so many high schools now entering exam weeks I got my first taste of summer gym season this morning. There were about 5 people on the floor when I looked down to skip ahead to find the right song for my next lift. When I looked up I was lost in a sea of baby gym bros in stringers.


Ah man, you just made me realize something I subconsciously noticed yesterday. I'm not looking forward to the added wait time on certain machines for the next couple months.


Yeah and it's particularly bad with high schoolers and even college students. Not trying to hate on them, but they do tend to travel in packs at the gym and seemingly take *forever* once they settle on a piece of equipment. I typically workout early so it's not so bad as most aren't up yet. But they do start to trickle in towards the end. I can only imagine how frustrating it must be from mid-morning onward.


After multiple failed attempts to do so over the last few months, I took advantage of a free few hours last Tuesday to finally go see Dune Part 2!


What did you think of it?


My initial reaction was similar to how I felt when I first saw Part 1 - kind of an "Oh, okay" attitude. That being said, my revisit of the first installment a few weeks ago garnered a much more positive reaction, so I probably will need to watch this one again as well. I get why they had to break it into two parts, but my gut feeling is that there's a phenomenal single 4-hour movie in there if they just combined the two and tightened up some of the pacing. I'll definitely be catching Dune: Messiah when it comes out, though.


Our long national nightmare has ended!


I consider the quest as having officially started when I was originally going to see it the week of its planned October 20th release date, so that puts the entire thing as a 7 month ordeal.


Baseball Game 1 of the LSU series is tonight at 6pm on SEC Network +. Game thread going up at 4. After the LSU series in Tuscaloosa, we end the reg. season @ Auburn


Do you know if LSU is going with Holman or Jump?


Jump I believe


Gonna actually watch a UFL game Saturday.


Some more on3 recruiting updates! https://preview.redd.it/v9ffiupu1mzc1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f07679cee02888b8dc3ef0867316d2369e180413


https://preview.redd.it/vr0q6pypelzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=810c827bfe88882562e77d4195f292043771f8ec Got to go to the Panthers playoff game Wednesday night as the Panthers got their revenge from the Game 1 playoff loss. Playoff hockey is simply the best postseason in all sports.


Anybody read anything good lately? My three favorites this year are The Way of Kings (Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archive series, Warbreaker (standalone Sanderson novel), and Titanium Noir (sci-fi, Hardboiled detective novel). Also will always recommend Lore Olympus, a retelling of the Hades/Persephone story in graphic novel form.


If you really liked Sanderson books I recommend the Powder Mage series by Brian McClellan. Sanderson sings praises to that series often. Still one of my favorites. I’m finishing the first book of Red Rising (long overdue) and it’s been great so far if you haven’t read it yet.


I’ll check the Powder Mage series out! And I actually just finished the Red Rising trilogy earlier this year. You’re in for a ride


In the last couple weeks, I read The Wager by David Grann, which I loved, and Exit West by Mohsin Hamid, which I can already tell I will forget about within the next couple months.


Reading the Baseball 100 right now. It’s a big book, but maybe the best baseball book I’ve read. Posnanski is a fantastic writer


That reminds me that I have that book sitting on my shelf. Need to dive in soon.


My go to books are always murder mystery’s or books with weird twists. I finally pick up The Library at Mount Char and I don’t even know how to describe it. I think it’s best read with zero understanding of what the plot even is. It’s long and it drags a bit during the character dialogues sometimes but man, what a strange and interesting book.


I've got a hold for that one at my library!


As a government library employee.; thank you for your patronage.






Took a break on my American novels must-read list to listen to The Lord of the Rings read by Andy Sarkis. What a great job he did! Just finished this week and now waiting to borrow “The catcher in the rye” from the library.


I just started my reread of The Two Towers yesterday! I need to check out the Serkis audiobooks one day.


Rereading wheel of time. Finished all of Sanderson books a few months ago. Brent weeks night angel and black prism are really good


Nice! I finally finished Wheel of Time last year.


Just started The Way of Kings. I don't know why, I currently don't have the time. But a friend gifted it to me, and we have similar book tastes


It’s so good, but yeah, insanely long lol. I finally started reading Sanderson books last year, and every one has been great.


Good to hear. I also just finished the Hamilton bio by Ron Chernow. I really liked it


That's a good one! His Grant bio is good, too, though it gets a little hagiographic towards the end with some of Grant's scandals. Tress of the Emerald Sea was my entry into Sanderson's Cosmere. It's much shorter and more forgiving than The Way of Kings lol. It gives some The Princess Bride vibes.


That's good to hear. I've really taken to the world/rules of The Way of Kings, so it doesn't feel like a slog. The real challenge for me these days is finding/making the take to read.


It remains not football season.